Chapter 18 Boat Ride Confession

3095 Words
Otto's POV We both dry off after our fun shower. I get dressed into my jeans, tight green thermal long sleeve that hugs ever single one of my muscles for Kat to see. It matches my eyes so I hope it makes them pop, I just want to look good for her. I look up to see Kat putting a matching white lacey bra and thong. She pulls her pants up slowly over her wound since it's healing very nicely so she doesn't want to do anything to irritate it. But I love how slowly she does that because she looks like she wants to put on a show for me as she is bent over pulling the clothes up. I know she is not but I can enjoy it either way. She bounces again pulling her pants up over her hips and ass. Once the pants finally get over she can button them comfortably. She grabs a plain white long sleeve that's a low cut V neck line letting a little cleavage show. She braids her hair to the side it almost looks like Elsa. She applies light make up to accent her beautiful features and she doesn't need it but man I love it. She sits down on the bed pulling on her leather knee high boots She grabs her, fuzzy on the inside, leather jacket along with a white beanie that looks adorable on her. She stands up ready to head outside I grab my jacket and beanie as well throwing them on as I lead her down the stairs and out the back door towards the lake. I grab her hand intertwining our fingers as I bring her to the wooden shed dock that has all the boats in it. I just want to relax with her so no motor boats because we will freeze. There is a row boat with a motor, rafts and kayaks. I choose the row boat because I can do all the rowing for us and if I need to, we have the motor. I observe Kat walking around looking at all the boating equipment and the different kinds of boats and rafts hanging up with all the items you need to work them. There are life jackets and all just in case. "Ok, to make sure we don't freeze baby I was thinking of taking this row boat out.. I'm not saying you have to wear the life jacket but I'm bringing some for us just in case ok?" I say to her as I pull life jackets down setting them into the boat. I grab Kat's hand and help her step down into the boat. I untie us grabbing the oars and pushing us out onto the lake. I put an oar on each side of me as I row us out onto the gorgeous lake. It's more of a big pond but either way it's beautiful. Kat looks so excited as she looks out the side of the boat. She dips her hand into the water and pulls it back instantly looking at me with shock on her face, "That water is freezing I don't know how it hasn't frozen over yet!" I chuckle at her explanation as I stop rowing letting us drift around towards the middle of the lake. I grab my phone and start to play us some music. Kat scoots across the boat because I think she is scared to stand up which is understandable. She scoots between my legs, and turning around with her head on my chest. I love this because of our close contact but also because we can help keep each other warm out here. She gets comfortable laying her head back and singing along with the music with her eyes closed. I just watch her with amusement taking in her gorgeous features as she nonchalantly sings softly to herself. But I would rather hear her singing it then the actual artist at this point. She looks so peaceful leaning on me with a cheeky smile on her face as she continues to sing. She slowly opens her eyes and it takes my breathe away everytime. I love the blue and the green in her eyes.. if you asked me to choose one I don't think I could they both look just as amazing. Up this close they look like geodes that were carved into marbles and plopped into her eyes. They sparkle with each line and speckle in each eye making me just get lost in those eyes. I would and could stare at them forever. "What are you staring at baby? Do I still have egg on me? I thought I got it all but you never know." She says staring up at me curiously. "No.. no egg.. I just I'm just so happy to be here with you right now. You just don't know how stunningly gorgeous you really are and... how strongly I care for you...already.. that's all." I say staring at her shyly since I almost said I love her without even thinking. I'm glad I caught myself because I really don't want to freak her out. I just want to be with her forever without any worries is that too much to ask? "You're too sweet you know that? I don't know how I got so lucky to be stalked by you but I'm happy you did." She says with a mischievous smile on her face. "I wasn't stalking you.. I just followed you through each isle of the store.. and alley.. ok that sounds bad..maybe I was stalking you just a little.. but it was obviously for good reason!" I say stating the obvious trying to explain myself, making her giggle. She stares up at me again as she retorts, "You're just lucky you're hot and smelt so good so I didn't kick your ass too bad and stab you in the neck the first time I met you." She smirks again after this statement. "I was only blocking not hitting back, maybe you were the lucky one that I was stunned by your good looks that I didn't kick your ass after suprise attacking me." I state winking at her as she laughs at my statement making my smile even bigger. She shakes her head at me closing her eyes as she says under her breathe so softly that I almost didn't hear it, "God I love you." I stare down at her not saying anything else. I don't know if she has realized what she just said as she snuggles back into me with a smile still on her face. I want to say it back but I don't know if she meant it like that or even realized she said it, or even realized I heard it. Katherine's POV I stare up at Otto taking in his very very handsome features. I love his green eyes they pop out in color so much that I almost get lost in them, staring into those almost lime green orbs. He stares at me with so much..I don't know maybe love, but either way it makes me feel amazing inside and I never want these feelings to go away. I'm not the best when it comes to feelings but I try and when I get scared of my feelings I just joke about my feelings helping myself adjust to the idea of how I'm really feeling about the situation. I joke with him about how we met and how happy I am that we are together but of course in joking form because I can't tell him straight out like I want to. That is until I'm not thinking about it and I unknowingly express my feelings for him saying, "God I love you." I stiffen in between his legs, but he doesn't say it back and I'm too afraid to look at him so I just pretend like I didn't say anything and hopefully he didn't hear me say that under my breathe. I don't want to freak him out with my crazy feelings that I don't even know really what they are let alone how to express them so I'll just keep them to myself for now.. I snuggle into his hold just trying to make sure this feeling and moment never has to end. The phone shuffles through random songs as I sing everyone of them of course. One of my favorites comes on that I haven't heard in a while. Christina Perry 'A thousand years'. I open my eyes staring up at Otto.. I'm singing this to him because it means more to me now that he is in my life but he doesn't need to know I'm singing it to him.. that's just for me to know and maybe him to find out. "Heart beats fast Colors and promises How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow One step closer I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything take away What's standing in front of me Every breath Every hour has come to this" He is staring down at me as well.. I see his eyes well up only slightly at me singing to him. I think he had figured it out that I'm singing to him... But no matter how scared I am of my feelings I need him to know it's not the song it's how I feel. ai decide it's now or never just rip it off like a bandaid getting this out in the open already. As the songs still plays I lock eyes with him saying, "I'm afraid, terrified actually but I will do anything to never let anything take away what's standing in front of me, no matter what I have to do." This song makes these feelings come to the surface again, I can't hide them anymore and I know in that moment of our locked intense gaze that I do 100% love him. Otto's POV I hear her start to sing this song I haven't heard in years but it really reminds me of our unique situation. I look down and instantly lock eyes with Kat who is now singing as if she is singing the lyrics to me. It's sweet because it talks about being afraid but doing what you want and need to do to be with the one you love. She doesn't even finish the song as our eyes are still locked in an intense gaze. She says to me, "I'm afraid, terrified actually, but I will do anything to never let anything take away what's standing in front of me, no matter what I have to do." My heart soars, beating so fast that it might pound out of my chest at her words, I lean in kissing her gently upside down. As we part I say back,"I would die for you to make sure your safe and happy." I say this to her as the words just roll off my tongue with more passion. I sit up still staring at her. "I would never be happy again if you died." She says without hesitation as we stare at each other for another moment getting lost in our intense gaze. She sits up out of my lap turning around still on her knees in front of me. She is fidgeting with her hands in her lap oit of nervousness and I can see the wheels turning in her head. She decides to speak up, touching her chest where her heart is before she spills her feelings.. "I'm absolutely terrified about how you make me feel.. I don't know how to deal or feel about all these new feelings you have given me or what they mean..but the one thing I do know is I never want this to end. I have never felt this good or been this happy in my life...ever and I know I sound crazy because we have only known each other for a short period of time.. but.. I think.. actually I won't even lie to protect myself.. I KNOW I love you." She swallows looking so nervous. I'm frozen at this statement I never knew if I would ever be able to hear this from her. I pause trying to figure out what thoughts to say back. I think my pausing might have scared her because she looks away turning her head to the side. I touch her chin gently turning it back locking her gaze with mine again making her breath hitch, I can see it. I just decide to let my feelings go like she just did for me, she deserves to know how I feel so I confess, "I have loved you since the first punch you threw and I blocked.. when I saw your eyes and you pinned me to that wall I knew it.. I didn't understand it, but I knew it.. that's why I had to talk with you at your work those times, seeing you everyday, hanging out once you gave me the chance and it's the reason I couldn't let you go running away without me, I had to be with you even if it was on the run.. I never wanted to say anything because I was afraid I would scare you away from me, when you were just starting to give me a chance. You make me feel feelings I thought were made up like a myth. Feelings I never thought I could feel in a lifetime. I love you too Kitkat." I lean in attacking her luscious lips with mine in such a hunger filled kiss. I get down on my knees in front of her as well in the middle of the row boat. My hands cup her cheeks as I deepen the kiss and the only reason I seperate even for a moment is because that kiss literally took my breathe away. It was either that or the rain that started to pour down just then inconveniently enough. I never even noticed the clouds because I was so lost in the moment with her, which I guess is a good thing. I kiss her again as she giggles into my lips kissing me back as the rain continues to pours down on us, but that's not stopping our intimate moment. We kiss for who knows how long until I feel her shiver under me. Then I remember, oh yeah it's almost winter and we are soaking wet outside right now. Dammit just because I'm a big guy and hot at the moment doesn't mean her tiny body isn't cold. I break our kiss taking off my jacket and putting it around her as I take the oars in my hands starting to row us back to shore. Kat groans at the breaking of our kiss I'm assuming and hoping. "Don't get mad at me little lady, you're the one who is shivering, and I'll be damned if I get you sick after probably the best moment of my life." I spat back at her groaning. She laughs at my comment as she shakes her head at me. She is looking across the lake as I continue to stare at her as I row. She closes her eyes as tilts her head back as if she is soaking in all the rain that hits her porcelain skin. She was already soaked and her doing this action drenched her tenfold. But she looks like she loves it. Her white shirt is now almost completely see through. Even with her bra on I can see her rock hard n*****s through both the shirt and bra. But she doesn't look remotely bothered by it as if this is the most relaxing moment of her life. She opens her eyes slowly and sits back up locking her gaze with mine instantaneously. She blushes and comments, "I love the rain. Besides you Otto, oh and music, it's the only thing that calms me down the most." She smiles as she looks away. I love that I calm her down the most.. I'm number one on that list and that's a huge win in my book. "Oh I wasn't objecting at all look stunning doing anything and I mean come on, your shirt is practically see through now, what wouldn't I like about this situation." I say with so much humor as I wiggle my eyebrows at her as I continue to row. This comment makes her scoff and roll her eyes trying to hold back the smirk that won't stop until it covers her face, to her dismay. "I would love to say how much I hate that you always do that to me.. but I would be lying." She says smiling at me. "Do what to you?" I ask curiously grinning at her. "Make me smile...everyday." She answers back without missing a beat as she continues, "I love it. Thats all I ever wanted. To have a reason to smile for everyday." You can't slap the smile that covers my face after that comment as we stare at each other smiling like idiots in our loving gaze. We sit in a comfortable silence and the only sound you can hear are the oars gliding through the water until we get back. I tie the boat to the covered shed docking area and hold it as steady as I can, helping Kat off the boat and onto the dock safely. I get up making sure everything is good and secure before I intertwine our fingers and run back to the back porch with her in tow. I take her up the stairs and into the back of the house. Once I shut the door behind us, I strip Kat's shirt off and over her head. I do the same with mine throwing them on the floor. I take off my pants as she does the same. I go to the extra closet grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around her. "Come on baby let's get changed into something warmer and I'll make us some food." I say to Kat as I lead her up I the stairs by the small of her back.
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