Chapter 9 Taking The Bait

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Unknown POV I'm sitting waiting in my car patiently, off to the side of the women's shelter building in hopes I'm blocked enough from view. If this is the woman I have been searching for for years now then she will hopefully fall for my baiting and leave right away to make sure she can get out of there making a run for it. I wait for about 30 minutes and she still hasn't tried to leave yet. I thought for sure she would take the bait and try to make a run for it by now. Maybe I was wrong and she didn't notice me. Maybe I'm even more wrong and it's not her. But I had such a good feeling about this one when I first saw her. So since she hasn't tried to leave yet, I decide to just go a little farther down and hide the car in the trees, just in case she suspected me and is waiting for me to leave. Which is a possibility, she has been pretty smart this whole time when it comes to me and my men, that's why she has been able to avoid us for years now. I wait for a little bit longer as I'm starting to get impatient, when I see the motorcycle I was checking out in the parking lot before. The motorcycle is flying by with the girl from inside that I think I'm after in complete haste. I knew I could bait her out if I acted like I left and was patient, waiting long enough. When I saw her in the woman's shelter I had a good feeling about her. Even with the large list of differences from the picture but there were lots of similarities as well. I noticed she had been watching me and especially with the way she was watching me from afar, I was starting to think it was her. Right after I left the women's shelter building I felt eyes staring at my back and I just knew they were her eyes. I don't know what it was about that feeling but I just knew it was her. That's why I planned to get into the car, pretend to leave and hiding it to try to bait her out. Luckily she fell for it but took long enough. She flies out of the property like a bat out of hell. This catches me offguard but I was prepared enough to get going on the drop of a dime. The problem is she is going really fast on her motorcycle, maybe too fast but I pull out behind her quickly slamming my foot on the gas to try to catch up and gain distance between us. I'm going to do everything I can to stay with her, even though it's not looking too good for me right now. The biggest problem at the moment is not keeping up with her but the fact that I don't know my way around the town like she does so hopefully I can keep up without getting stuck somewhere. She leans into her motorcycle more almost hugging it as she steps on the gas, speeding up noticing me in tow now. We are on a straight route highway, which is where I'm the strongest. I step on the gas pedal even harder, literally pedal to the metal at this point, as I start to catch up to her slowly. I see myself inching closer and closer as the excitement hits me that I might get her this time around. I can see her turn her head back looking at me for a second. I'm only a cars length away from her at this point. When She quickly turns to the right as her bike leans so low to the ground I thought she might crash. She is leaning out and up keeping the bike from hitting the ground. I can see some sparks coming out from around the tires as she is still turning. She is lucky she is so small and light or she probably would have crashed from that drastic turn of events. Once she turns the corner her and her bike continue moving forward, slowly lifting her and her bike back up, she is steadying it as she steps on the gas again flying onto the main street road.. I swerve in my car turning last second as squeals fill the air along with so much black smoke from my tires skidding across the road to try to get on the same street she just turned onto.. I almost hit the street sign barely missing it and making it to the right as I turn completely stepping on the gas pedal again to try to catch up. She is weaving in and out of traffic quickly and I'm having problems because I can't do that with my car. My car is way bigger than her motorcycle obviously so I can't go into the tight spaces she can. I'm forced to slow down and come to a complete stop unless I want to wreck. Which I don't. I lean to the side to try to see where she is going but before I know it she is gone like the wind. "Son Of A b***h!" I yell to no one in particular slamming my hands on my steering wheel over and over again. I hear my horn sound at me beating the steering wheel but I don't care I'm so pissed right now! I was so close! Dammit so f*#king close! The closest we have been to her in a half a year at least. At least I feel a little better because I have her license plate number now and I can go from there. It shouldn't take long of doing research to get a personal trail of hers going on showing me where she works, where she lives and so on. I'm just so pissed she was in my grasp! I was so close to having her! Katherine's POV My heart is racing so fast. It feels like it is going to pound out of my chest. I have started hyperventilating a little bit because of the shock at what just happened. I take deep breathes in then letting it out, trying to calm my heart but it won't, only one thing will help me right now..Otto.. I can't think about anything else but him. I need to get to him now to figure out what to do.. I'm so mad though. How could I fall for this guy's bait! I knew I didn't wait long enough. I was just getting so anxious to get to Otto and needed to get out of there right then and there! Luckily I had size and speed on my side against him as I flew so quickly with all my agility that I can muster up. I was so scared he was going to catch up to me on that flat strip as he inched closer and closer to me. So I had to make my move doing something different that he wasn't expecting before he caught up to me. It was my only option or I would have got caught. So I make a sudden turn to the right, on the only road available besides the strip we are already on. The first thing I see is the road inches away from my face as sparks fly out from under me. I can feel a burning sensation on my right knee and shin that is practically getting road burn from the tight turn right now. I'm so suprised I didn't crash on that tight low turn I made trying to ditch him last second. It almost worked perfectly but scared the s**t out of me either way. Made my heart literally stop. I don't know how I did it, because I had never done this before obviously, but I did and once I got steadied on the bike again I stepped on the gas getting out of there as fast as possible not looking back because this was my chance to get out while I could. There is lots of traffic so I weave in and out between cars so quickly scaring the hell out of myself and probably the other drivers. But I was paying close attention so I don't kill myself or wreck...Hopefully. I get through the cars and the light is red but I go through it anyways, flying across the cross roads down the street and out of sight. I step on the gas with my heart still pounding out of my chest. I have to get to Otto now that I lost that guy. I get to the hospital quickly hiding my motorcycle behind this bush and sneaking in through the front where I do donations. I see the front desk girl I just saw earlier today getting ready to leave for the day. She smiles at me and says, "He is in his office hun." I give her a nervous smile and wave, trying to act normal and not limp in hopes they won't notice my leg. Luckily my pants are burgundy so you can't see the red as well as you would think. I turn to go to where Otto took me to yesterday because his office is right by the gym work out area. As quickly as I can, I make my way through the halls limping but not trying to look suspicious. I just need to get to Otto as quickly as possible. I turn and go down the familure hallway trying to remember the rest of the way. I finally see the office with his name on the outside of it, by the gym. There is no one in the gym area right now so I run to his office across the gym training area. Once I get to his door, I grab his door knob twisting it so quickly opening the door stepping into his office and slamming shut the door quickly behind me. I'm panting so hard as my heart still feels like it is going to pound completely out of my chest. I put my hand over my heart as my chest moves up and down so quickly. I look forward and I see Otto in complete shock jumping up running to me. I can see his lips moving and I know he is talking to me but I can't hear him I can only hear my heart beating so quickly, pounding in my ears as an echo. I start to feel light headed as my breathing starts to hitch slowing down. I don't know when it happened because my eyes rolled back but I feel my body collapse as Otto wraps his strong arms around me still saying something to me as I go into complete darkness. Otto's POV This paperwork is taking forever! I hate doing all this paperwork, this is not what I'm meant to do. I could never have a desk job as a nine to five job.. that's why I'm a trainer I love to stay active.. but sitting here behind a desk, for eight hours non stop is straight torture to me. When I read all these papers over and over again, it starts to get to the point of it seeming like a Charlie Brown Special where the words turn into sounds more than words. They are just not making sense any more. I'm at the point of staring at the papers not retaining much at all and I'm about ready to give up for the day. I still hadn't heard back from Kat yet but I'm sure I will soon since she said she will only be there at the shelter for a little while longer. I don't know what's going on with me but I have been feeling so anxious for about an hour or so and I have no idea why..I keep just wanting to call Kat because I have a bad feeling right now. But I don't bother her so I can try to finish all this to be with her tonight. I'm brought out of my thoughts as I hear my office door opens quickly and slams shut making me mad by the rude entrance, with no knock at all. This slamming of my door gains my full attention because of the loud noise now echoing in my smaller office. I look up quickly in irritation after a long work day. I realize looking up and locking on the figure in front of me, seeing it's Kat and her face is pale. She is breathing so hard and her hand is on her chest. She looks like she is panicking maybe having a panic attack. I jump up from my seat quickly going around my desk to her. When I make it around my desk I see her pants are ripped and her leg is bleeding. It looks like roadrash. My eyes go wide with this realization. Kat's eyes lock with mine as she looks almost relieved as she reaches for me grabbing hold of my shirt. "KitKat baby what going on? Are you ok?" I ask her but no response. She has a shortness of breath as I hear her breathe hitch in her throat and I can tell right now she is going to pass out. Right as I think this to myself I see her eyes roll back and her legs give out. I reach forward grabbing her pulling her into my chest so she doesn't fall.."I got you KitKat you're ok." I say to her but mostly for me. I hold her against my chest until I can grab her bridal style. I carry her to my love seat in the corner of my office. Bending down slowly, laying her down on the love seat gently. I grab a rag and some water along with the first aid kit. She is beet red so I'm going to try to help her cool down since she feels like she is having a heat stroke. I also need to clean up her leg wound and hopefully wake her up so I can know what's going on. But by the looks of it, it's not good. I get a rag damp from my water bottle as I use the rag to dab all over her forehead getting it wet then I blow on her softly making her feel cooler. I keep the one damp rag on her forehead as I undo her top buttons exposing the top of her chest so I can put a cool rag on their as well. She is still so red and she needs to cool down now.. but while I'm waiting for that I take her boot off, then to her jeans and rip them the rest of the way off from her knee cap down exposing her roadrash wound. Man this looks like it hurts. I have to clean the wound first then dress it so it can heal properly and not get infected. I grab another rag dampening it as I use the extra water from that bottle to pour over the top of the wound to clean as much blood and debri off as I can. Then I use the rag to clean the excess of the blood and debri that didn't wash off. Kat squirms around under my touch from the wound. Once the wound is cleaned out I have to put alcohol on it to make sure it doesn't get infected. But I know this is going to hurt her.. and bad. I put my hand on her knee already applying pressure to hold it down because I'm sure she is going to wake up from the pain but this needs to happen. I take a deep breathe in then letting it out as I pour the bottle of alcohol over her wound as she quickly sits up groaning in pain as I hold her knee down to her dismay. She tries to get up but I don't let her as I hold her down. I continue to pour it as she moans even louder in pain as she tries to not scream. I see her biting her lip as tears run down from her eyes. I feel awful but I know it's for the best. Hopefully she doesn't hate me after this. I put neosporin on her gauze as I apply it to the wound. I grab the bandage wrap and slowly wrap it around her leg. Starting at the top of the wound by her kneecap and down the shin until the whole wound is covered. I make sure the wrap is secure so it won't come undone. Once I'm confident with my first aid skills I turn to Kat taking her face gently in my hands as I wipe away the tears saying, "I'm so sorry KitKat I had to do that to make sure I cleaned the wound so it won't get infected and will heal fine." She nods at me, with tears still streaming down her face and says, "Thank you." What? Thank you? Who thanks someone for torturing them even if it's in their best interest. "Baby tell me what happened." I beg and plead with my eyes as she sits up holding her head. She grabs the towels from her head and chest handing them to me and nodding then answering. "I was at the women's shelter, when I felt like I was being watched.. mind you the only time I feel like this is when the mafia guys are close by. I look up and see a guy staring at me from the corner. He sticks out like a sore thumb because he obviously doesn't belong there. He gets up to leave the building and as he gets outside, I watch him go to my bike checking it out and taking a picture of my license plate. I knew he was there to find me at that point. So I watch him get into his car, but he pulls it to the side thinking he is hiding it trying to bait me out. They use this move alot so I know that's what he was doing so I tried to wait it out. I waited about a half an hour and then he finally leaves. I get on my bike bolting out of there like a bat out of hell. I didn't realize he went to hide somewhere else waiting for me to leave. I see he is behind me now chasing me in his car. We both turn onto a flat strip and he starts to catch up with me since he had the advantage at this point..when I take the only option I had and take a very tight right hand turn on my bike.. I didn't crash my bike or anything and suprisingly make it but obviously too close for comfort by the looks of my leg. I speed down the street and see he is still behind me barely so I take this chance to lose him as I weave in and out of traffic and through a red light to make sure I lost him. Then I bolted here. But I got to go I have to take care of everything before they find me or worse find you!" I shake my head as I start to panic. No this can't be happening I just found her, the love of my life, from love at first sight. I just got her to agree to be with me, she can't leave me no please no. "KitKat you can't what if they find you while your out there and you're hurt you can't fight them like you normally would." I plead with her but she shakes her head at me saying. "No you don't understand they got my license plate number. They can now track me by my phone GPS, my number for who I have called which is just you and Gus, they will know where I work and where I live.. I have to go get my things and warn everyone before they get to them first. They will hurt them for me and there is no way I will let that happen. I have to warn them!" She says with so much desperation in her voice as she puts her boot back on and tries to stand up. She grabs her jacket and keys for her bike. I stand up with her. "Please don't go Kat I just found you, I can't lose you." I beg again. I'm not to proud to beg, but for her I would. Kat stares up at me as she puts her hand on my cheek playing with my beard gently. It feels so good and I lean into her touch as I put my hand on hers that's still on my cheek holding it there. "I'm so sorry Otto but I have to. But if I get out of this today I have a plan and I swear you're apart of it. I just had to make sure to see you.. even if it's one last time.Thank you for giving me something to live for." She says this to me as tears run down her cheeks and she kisses me with such passion and love in the kiss too. I kiss her back as I pull her into me taking in her scent as I just try to enjoy this moment. She seperates from me reluctantly as she takes off out of my office leaving me stunned and wondering what to do. I know what I need to do, I can't let her do this on her own. I have to go with her. I run out of my office with my keys in hand running down the hallways. Once I make it out of the building I see Kat pull her bike out from a hiding spot behind a big bush by my car. She hops on it and takes off in the direction of her place so that's where I'm going too.
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