Chapter 10 They're Here

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Katherine's POV After that passionate and amazing kiss with Otto I just felt my heart soar and sink at the same time. My heart doesn't understand the confusing and complicated feelings it's experiencing but I honestly love being able to experience these. They are new, a little scary, but addicting. That kiss was almost the best kiss I have had ever, since there are only a couple to compare to. But the saddest kiss as well. I have never felt like this about anyone and as stupid as it may sound I don't know what these feelings mean. I have only known him for a small period of time but there is something so strong and amazing there I can't..or maybe don't want to ignore it. I want to fight for it. I just hope I can get everything figured out around here. The issue is I have never had anyone to be here to stick around for. I always just leave and make a run for it, hiding for a little bit making my way to a new area to get as far away from them as possible. Then I just start a whole new life.. This is how I have done things for 5 years now and it has worked the whole time. Now here comes out of no where this handsome bearded fighter and amazingly sweet man that had flipped my whole world upside down in the matter of a couple of weeks no more than that. But this is the first time I will be choosing to stay in the area they are in. As stupid as it may sound I'm going to try to stick around it's a little crazy for my taste honestly, if I do say so myself, but the things you do who knows what this is.. but I think love. I don't know what these feelings are honestly. All I know is I love them and don't want them to stop and I'll do anything to make sure they don't. So I have to take care of things here and lay low in hopes I can get away with tricking them. Walking away from Otto in his office when he begged me to stay with him was probably one of the hardest things I had to do..ever. But right now I have to take care of all of this so I can stay here with him. I also need to warn Gus and my work friends. They don't deserve anything that would come from these mafia guys and they need a chance to prepare themselves. The problem is I don't know how long I was knocked out for so I need to get this taken care of now before they beat me to the punch. First things first I need to get my emergency stash of money and weapons just in case. I run out of the hospital in a great haste, I'm not trying to bring too much attention to myself but need to go quickly. I get to the bush and pull my bike out from behind it. I pull it down to the concrete and flip my injured leg over it.This sends a tinge of pain through my leg but I just cringe then ignore it as I sit down on my bike. I start my bike then take off as quickly as possible to head to my apartment. Zipping through the streets not caring about the speeding limit. I take a tight turn, just like before but not too close to hurt my other leg. I turn so low that I'm afraid I might crash but I don't as I continue on my travels to the apartment. I zip in between cars then turning to go down my street with so much haste. I finally make it to my apartment in almost no time at all as I hide my bike in the back. I get into the apartment building from the back so I can sneak in just in case. You can never be too careful when it comes to the mafia. I run up the stairs, taking them 2 at a time to get up to my place in no time at all. I get to my floor and run down my hallway to my door. I take my keys out opening my door up, looking around and inspecting the area before I go in. Luckily it doesn't look like anyone has been in here. I shut my door behind me and start by running to my room to collect my things. I have practically everything packed anyways so I just have to grab all the little bags I have scattered around. I first grab my utility backpack that has a million pockets on it and in it. I go to my room throwing my clothing into the bag. I run to the bathroom collecting the necessities I might need when I leave this apartment because I don't exactly know where I'm going just yet. I get the main essential things I need in each of those rooms. But before I leave I grab my stashed knife in the bathroom putting it in my backpack to make sure it's secure. Since I always keep a knife in my boot at all times anyways I don't need that one out right now I make sure my knife is stashed securely in my boot next to my wound. It hurts but I still secure it just in case. I leave the bathroom to collect the rest of my items I need from my place, when I look up to see two huge figures in my main room. They are two very large men for sure but I think I could take them, even with my injured leg. They see me and instantly stiffen up and puffing out their chests trying to look bigger and tougher. One of them, the one closest to me, smirks at me then says, "Nice to see you again Kat.. you won't be getting away so easily this time. I don't know how you have been able to escape all of us for this long but not any longer sorry to burst your bubble. You might as well just give up now and come with us. That is before you get even more injuries than just that leg." The guy says smirking at me as he points to my injured leg. I do remember this guy from a while ago. His name is Kyle and he is the main guy who is always coming after me. But in situations like this I like to get under their skin first because they then act out of anger and make plenty of mistakes that I can succeed off of. With being smaller that's one of the reasons I succeed is from making them mess up and being faster than them. I need to use whatever I can to my advantage when it comes to these guys. "Oh my gosh that's so sweet of you to remember me but I have kicked so many of your guys asses, even while injured that I can't remember who you are. Are you the guy who's nose I broke? Or the guy with the black eye that I hit in the face with a bat? or.. no wait your the guy who's arm I broke aren't you? Is that why you're holding a grudge because a tiny girl like myself whooped your ass?" He has a sadistic grin on his face as his evil sounding laugh fills the room. "You didn't whoop my ass, you got lucky and somehow broke my arm in the chaos. But you didn't whoop my ass!" he yells back at me making me laugh because I knew that comment would get under his skin. Guys like this are easy because they are full of themselves and think the world of themselves. So if I talk s**t about them making them feel like nothing and knocking them down a peg, then that will always get under their skin, always. Buckle up buttercup. Things are about to get interesting after this comment. I just know it. I feel my muscles flex slightly in preparation of what's to come. "Sure I didn't whoop your ass, you keep telling yourself that. Is that why you brought backup then huh? because 'I didn't whoop your ass' and you didn't need the extra help in bringing this tiny woman?" I say again so sarcastically shooting him with finger guns making him feel worse because I know that will be the cherry on top to piss him off. "I didn't need help! I told them I didn't but they told me I had to bring him because somehow you keep getting away from us and they want to make sure we get you like you're something special.. I don't know what the f*#k is so special about you that the boss won't give up on you. They keep bringing him girls that look like you.. some even better than you but he doesn't want them he wants you. Why you? Your hot but not that f*#king hot to chase for 5 years. I would just f*#k you, torture you then kill you for the s**t you put us through in these last 5 years.. Maybe the boss will let me do that anyways.. Maybe what he doesn't know won't hurt him, but I promise it would hurt you.. I heard through the grapevine your still a virgin. Is that still true? You haven't whored yourself out yet? Still nice and tight? I guess I'll just have to find out...get her." The guy says this with a mischievous smirk on his face as the other guy runs to me and without missing a beat, I use my not injured leg to kick him in the chest. He falls back but comes back at me quickly. I hit him over and over in the chest, stomach then take his face and hitting his nose with my knee cap breaking it. He falls to the ground as blood goes everywhere. I look down kicking him in the face and knocking him out so I won't have to worry about him for now. I look at the other guy as he still has his grin on his face as he comes at me saying, "Ooh even feistier than before. I like it. This should be fun.. I like a little fight before I f*#k. It makes it well worth the prize." My breathe hitches at his words.. there is no way in hell I would let him rape me. I'll die before that happens. He walks quickly to me throwing punches and I block everyone but don't have a chance yet to throw one. He has gotten better since last time I fought him. But he was right about one thing, I only broke his arm because of luck, it just happened to land like that with me on it breaking it, but I can't complain it was the escape I needed at the time. He is not as good as Otto but he is still pretty good. We hit, block and kick each other back and forth. But everytime I get close enough he tries to grab me and I have to spin to get out of his hold. This fight goes on for a hot minute until he decided he is tired of the fight and cheats as he kicks my injured leg making me scream in pain hunching over as he punches me in the stomach as I let out another groan of pain, grabbing hold of my stomach. He grabs me by my neck picking me up, holding me up against the wall and lifting me so my feet don't even touch the ground. I try to kick him but he grabs my leg squeezing my injury so tight I just whimper in pain as he laughs at me. I try to hit him but his arms are so long I can't reach his face to even try to hurt him so I try to scratch his arms anything to help me out of this awful situation. He leans in so close to me until he says in my ear as I struggle in his hold with his body weight against me holding me to wall even more. "Well that was fun baby now time to find out if it's true and your still a virgin or not." He says as lets go of my leg and starts to undo my pants button and zipper. I start to panic. No no no not like this no please no. I start to kick and try to scream but it comes out as a squeal. I try to scratch him more as he laughs at me tightening his hold on my neck as I start to feel lightheaded at this point, he says to me, "Ooh still some fight in you huh? This will be even more fun, and by the fight your putting in I'm guess you are still a virgin. This will be a memorable moment for the both of us I'll make sure of it." I squeal more in his hold as he pulls my pants most the way down still holding me up against the wall. Otto's POV After all the traffic and trying to remember exactly where she lived since I have only been there once I finally get to Kat's building. I park getting out of my car as quickly as possible slamming my door and running into the building. I climb the stairs so quickly by 3 and 4 stairs in stride in hopes that's fast enough. I have such a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that I need to get to Kat now. I get up to the 2nd floor and run so fast down the hallway. I get to her door and see it's slightly ajar, I don't think she would make that kind of small mistake leaving the door open, especially since she has been so paranoid the whole time. So I slowly open it so cautiously making sure I don't get attacked when I hear squealing and and whimpering across the room. I see a big guy holding Kat up by her neck laughing as she is trying to scratch him.. he is trying to undo her pants as he says to her. "Ooh still some fight in you huh? this will be even more fun, and by the fight your putting in I'm guess you are still a virgin. This will be a memorable moment for the both of us I'll make sure of it." F*#k that! No way in f*#cking hell will I ever let that happen to her. I run up punching him in the side as he lets go of her grunting so loudly. She drops to the ground with a loud thud so quickly, as she gasps for air on the ground hunched over grabbing her throat. "Kat baby you need to go now!" The guy stands up flipping around throwing a punch at me as I dodge it and punch him in the gut again as he groans hunching over again. I knee him in the face with the loudest cracking noise I have ever heard. I think it's safe to say I broke his nose with that kick. He looks up at me laughing as blood pours out of his nose he turns to the side staring at Kat as she us now pulling her pants up. "No one told me there was a guy around now. Kat are you stepping out on me girl? You didn't want me to take your virginity but what you want this tool to?" he laughs more then before as I kick him in the gut again trying to shut him up. He of course doesn't take that invitation to shut up as he looks up at me and says. "What you didn't want to see me destroying your girl? I would have let you have her after. But she would have been a little torn up. But I swear I would have made it so memorable for her." I'm livid beyond belief at his words as I kick him in the face so hard knocking him out after that. I turn to Kat she is still on the ground trying to get up. I run to her side grabbing her arms and helping her up. She stands and grabs me quickly hugging me so tight around my torso as she cries into my chest. I hold her with so much protectiveness. Look at what would have happened to her if I wouldn't have come to her aid. I'm so happy I trusted my gut and followed her here.. Just in time and believe me I'm never leaving her again. I will follow her wherever to make sure she is OK. I internally promise her this because she is an amazing person and she doesn't deserve any of this madness. I grab her face and lifting it up looking at her neck to make sure she is OK. It is starting bruise around it which pisses me off that something like this could happen to such a good person. "KitKat we need to go before these guys wake up or more guys come. Come on." I say to her as I grab her hand pulling her towards the door. She stops me for a second running to the kitchen area, I follow her over there because she is close to the other knocked out guy that she obviously knocked out herself before I got the the other asshole. Kat turns to me as says, "Otto can you please help me since my leg is hurt?" I nod answering and she continues, "Ok put your hands here and help me up on the counter please." I nod and she steps into my hands as I help pick her up so she can get up on the countertop. She stands on her tippy toes looking on top of the cupboards as she peels off a plastic bag that was duct taped to the top. putting it in her bag. She grabs another knife from up there as well that has a strapped sheath on it. She grabs it and turns to me as she jumps into my arms and of course I catch her, I stare into her eyes at their close vicinity to mine. I set her down gently on her feet. She quickly sets her backpack down and takes her shirt off right in front of me as I stare at her burgundy bralet thats almost see through with with lace and I think I can see some n****e rings..Holy F*#k.. my gaze goes down her exposed flat stomach. I see a bruise on her stomach I'm assuming from that asshole that I just knocked out. I find my gaze trailing down across her upper body even though I know I probably shouldn't but she obviously doesn't care at the moment so why do I. She grabs the little sheath putting it over and around her chest. I don't know how I never noticed this before but she has a huge tattoo taking up her whole side from her hips to her ribs. She has 2 skin diver piercings right by each hip. They are both a couple inches in, and right above where her pants hit on her hips. With a belly button ring that dangles down. Once she has the sheath strapped on tightly, she puts the hunting knife into it's sheath and looking up at me as she puts her shirt back on over it. She smiles at me winking as I blush that I got caught staring at her. She throws her backpack back on grabbing my hand and taking me out of her apartment. We run down the hallway as she leads us down the stairs so quickly and we go out the back door. She jumps on her bike right in front of me as I come up by her shaking my head at her. "Kat please just come with me please, we can run away to wherever you want just please come with me now." I beg again I can't believe she is still going out there after all that! She looks down as if she is considering it. She looks up at me and I already know my answer. "Otto I have to. If they are here at my apartment that means they are headed to my work and that means Gus next.. he is the closest I have to a real dad I can't let them hurt him. They have his number because of me I can't let this happen. I'm sorry but I can't. I would run away with you in a split second believe me, I would, that's all I want. but he is.. family. I'm going to my work and if Gus is not there I'm headed to his house." She grabs me again kissing me with even more passion than before. She let's go of me and says, "Thank you for everything Otto." She blows me a kiss then bends down almost hugging her motorcycle as she flies off out of the parking lot and to her work. "F*#k!" I yell as I stand there trying to figure out what my next step should be..But what did I just internally promise her?.. I promised I would never let her out of my sight again so I guess that's my answer.
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