Chapter 8 What A Saint

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Otto's POV I'm in my car driving to my work to get a little bit of paperwork done. This is the part I hate about my job I don't have to do the paperwork often since my job is mostly hands on but the paperwork has to get done at some point, and I'm the one who has to take care of it, sadly enough. I'm driving to then parking in the hospital parking lot. I sit in my car for a moment thinking about how much fun Kat and I had in here yesterday. I wish she was here with me right now but as much as I want to be with her I do have to get things done as well. Then I can happily spend the rest of the day with her if she would let me. I take a deep breathe in letting it out as my eyes are closed still thinking of Kat. I run my hands over my face and through my hair still thinking of her gorgeous features that are already engraved in my brain. I groan as I open my eyes and look at the front doors.. I do a double take because.. it's Kat. Did wishing that hard really work or something? That's weird. Wonder what she is doing here..she is currently laughing at something the nurse said with her gorgeous pairing of laugh and smile gracing her face. I get a little jealous at the men I see ogling her as they walk past. Kat doesn't even notice them which makes me happy inside. Kat really doesn't know the impression she leaves and how gorgeous she really is, being humble is a turn on for me for sure.. I get completely annoyed and hate it when the girl knows she beautiful and overly flaunts it to everyone rubbing anything they have like wealth in others faces making them feel bad. Sit down and be humble is all I have to say to that. I continue watching her from afar as she hands the nurse a coffee and then shaking hands with her.. she waves goodbye as she runs to her bike. She puts on her helmet, throwing her leg over the bike. I see so many men staring at her from afar as she turns on her bike engine then taking off. I get out of the car quickly walking up the front desk nurse who is now walking back into the building. I get her attention as we both get inside, by tapping on her shoulder softly, "Hey sorry to bother you I was wondering, what was Kat doing here?" "Oh Perfect timing! Wait her name is Kat? OK that's makes more sense.. but she left you this and made a donation like she does ever week." The nice nurse answers casually as she hands me a coffee. "Did you say donation? And what makes sense? If you don't mind me asking." I ask her with even more curiosity. "Oh That young lady comes in every week same day and almost same time for about what? 6 months now donating money for the recovery center. She never puts a donation under her name even though I have insisted on a name so she decided to always put it under KitKat so I'll stop harassing her. So it would make sense that her name is Kat. How do you know her?"she states all of this a casual matter of fact. "Um she is my lady.. now.. we just started dating.." I answer a little confidently. "Awe hence the coffee.. lucky guy she is gorgeous! The ladies here will be so disappointed to hear your off the market now." the nurse says this wiggling her eye brows at me making me smile and answer. "She is isn't she. I know I'm lucky but somehow she thinks she is the lucky one." I say as I day dream for a moment about my lady. "Well it sounds to me like your both lucky and both deserve each other." "Yea thanks...oh and thanks for giving me my coffee have a good rest of your day." I say to her as I lift the coffee cup in the air as thanks before I turn to walk to my office. I open my office door and sit down at my desk as I take my phone out to send Kat a message. 'Hey thanks for the coffee! what were you doing here anyways?! Did you just miss me that much already?' I try to pretend like I don't know because I'm curious how honest she will be with me. My phone vibrates in my hand as I look down to read her response. 'Hey, I do miss you already if you have to insist on knowing and I was thinking about you hence the coffee. I saw you only put a couple sugars and no cream in your coffee this morning, so that's what I asked for. hope it tastes fine for you.. but I go to your work every week actually, without knowing it of course. I donate my checks to them every week when I get paid. I try to not use my account at all just in case they figure out it's me so they can't track me with that. I just give my checks away since most of my money comes from tips and not my checks anyway. I make enough with my tips to pay for everything else just fine.' This makes me smile that she just willing told me about this, and even admitted to missing me like I miss her. 'Well I was already missing you too until I got the coffee then it made me miss you more. I'm sure the coffee is perfect thanks for the thought at least.You're a Saint did you know that? Most people get mad about donating change to organizations and here you are giving them your whole check. That's amazing. You're Amazing! What are you doing now?' I stare at my phone anxiously waiting for her response like some high schooler. This is ridiculous that a girl can make me feel like this in such a short span of time. Yet here I wait. My phone vibrates again as I open up my message almost instantly. 'Nice to know you feel the same as me about missing you.. I'm at the women's shelter right now. I put together packages to hand out because I know all to well what you need when you're out on your own with no help. So I make kits to hand out to the women with clothes, feminine products and even pepper spray anything they might need out there on their own. I do food donations and pass it out as well to them while I'm here. so I'll be here for a little bit taking care of that. I'm not a Saint though just in a better place for the moment, then these ladies right now but I was here once and have no problem helping.' My mind is just blown away, she is so humbled. I'm in complete awe at her big generous heart. I bet she has done this the whole time she has been out on her own too. So many people won't even donate or help out with tons of money in their accounts but here she is barely surviving and still donating her time and money. It's hard to appriciate what you have when you have it all the time but go without it and see how much you appriciate it next time. I respond back to her instead of working like I'm suppose to be doing but she is more important to me right now. 'Seriously are you real? You're absolutely amazing whether you want the credit for it or not Kat..You're going to be getting credit from me. You're too good for this awful world.' I send her this in hopes she will remember how amazing she is. I know she is humbled and she probably won't believe me but I want her to know someone notices her generosity and appriciates it. 'I am real but not as good as the people that work here everyday.. I can't though because that's how I have be found by the mafia is being here to help before. So I can only come here a little bit a month which is hard for me honestly. But I come as much as I can without getting caught.' I bet that is hard for her to not be able to do this as much as she wants but she needs to take care of herself as well whether she likes that or not. I don't want her to have to run for it again, but I'm not going to tell her to stop helping people either. Especially when it's obviously something she is passionate about. 'well call me when you're done and we will hang out the rest of the night if you want to.' I hope she wants to hang out that long again because I loved it before. Even with her having that nightmare and I woke up earlier than normal it was still the best sleep I had got in a while as crazy as that may sound. 'I would honestly love that. If you don't mind having me around that long that is. I would hate to overstay my welcome.' This text from her makes me smile because if she only knew that I wanted her there all the time she wouldn't be saying this at all. 'you could never overstay your welcome I promise. I would have you there all the time if you wanted to. Come over whenever and I'll be happy with that.' I text this so honestly to her. I don't want to freak her out I just want her to know how much she is not bugging me at all contrary to what she might think. She is not a burden and I want to make sure she knows it. 'I bet you wouldn't be saying that if I really was there all the time.. be careful what you wish for.' Oh honey if you only knew.. is all I think to myself smiling ear to ear. I know I will have to tell her how I feel about her at some point since it was practically love at first sight or should I say love at first fight, for me but I really don't want to scare her away. I'll just keep my stronger feelings to myself until I don't think I will freak her out at all. 'I swear you could NEVER overstay your welcome. stay with me all day everyday and I would be so happy I promise. I know what I wish for and I won't be mad if I get it.' I text this probably too honestly, I'm hitting the borders of what might be too much for her right now but I don't think I have crossed any lines yet for freaking her out.. well let's hope not. 'We will see.. have a good afternoon and I'll see you later. get some work done, you have avoided it long enough.' She messages me this and burst out laughing, she already knows I'm avoiding work to be around her and she won't let me.. dammit. If she only knew about the big inheritance I got after my grandmother passed and how, if I didn't want to work, I wouldn't have to. But I do enjoy my job, just not this part of it... But the money obviously means nothing to her just the work that goes into it. 'of course I was avoiding my paperwork. I would rather talk to you.. but fine I'll stop avoiding it so I can get back to you sooner. Have a good afternoon you amazingly beautiful saint.' I send this and groan as I put my phone down to get to the stack of papers on my desk that I have been avoiding. Unknown POV I'm staring at the old crumpled up picture in my hand comparing it to her face. The face is almost the same. But lots of small differences.. too many. I'm sitting in the farthest corner of the women's shelter to try to stay hidden so I can observe. Her hair is completely different. In the picture she has dyed red and purple short short hair that's cut by her ears. Her face is chubbier and her eyes are different colors. But she looks similar to the picture for sure as if she is a long lost sister or something. This woman has long long almost black colored hair with the same porcelain skin color as the picture. But her eyes are the same color and her face is skinnier than the girls face in the picture. There are too many small differences to be able to say confidently that this is the same girl especially since this picture was given to us by her dad 5 years ago. They told me to look at the womens or homeless shelters for her but they told me this as if she would be the one asking for help not the one helping. This is curious I just don't know if that is her because of the differences between her and the picture. I am the best at what I do, which is finding what people want.. I'm a bounty hunter so mostly it comes to finding people.. but this girl has been almost impossible to find. As if she is a ghost.. she has been ahead of me and my guys at every turn. Once she gets a hint of us she runs and hides again and then it's takes us months to find her again and then she runs again! Which is why I need to take this situation into my own hands to get her. I keep leaving it to my men and after years of failed attempts I guess I have to do it myself. She has broken so many bones on my men and really put them all into their places..Like the old saying goes, if you want something done right you just have to do it for yourself. If I brought the wrong girl back again after so many failed attempts I just know he will have my head for it. Our boss has been searching for her for a long time and he seems like he is getting desperate for her for whatever reason. He could go out and buy a girl who looks just like her but no he doesn't want those girls he wants her. What is so special about her? Yeah she is gorgeous but so are plenty of other girls I just don't get it. He has even killed every single one of the girls that looked so much like the picture. I brought them in thinking I got the right girls, but that's not the one he wanted.. no matter how much they look like her, he kills them anyways.. what I waste.. So I need to be 100% sure this is the girl I need this time so he doesn't kill me instead of the girl. I stare at her for a little longer from afar.. This woman has been talking to the women in the shelter and passing out little handmade kits.. she did that for about an hour or 2 and now she is passing out meals since it's lunch time. This girl seems like a saint so why would the boss want her this bad.. this is normally not the type of girls he asks us for.. Well I don't even know if this is the same girl yet so I'll just have to keep watching her to find out. She has been looking my way a couple times so I better go before she gets suspicious of me. If it is her I don't want to give her a reason to spook and run before I even know if it is her. I reluctantly get up and leave out the side door. I take a look around the parking lot and see a bike that's similar to the one they said she would have.. it's the same year and model but different color and license plate which is easily fixed for someone like her.. so this might be her.. only time will tell. I'll go get a hotel around this area and wait for her to come back and keep watching her from afar until I can confirm if she is or isn't the girl I'm looking for. Katherine's POV I hate, and I mean hate with a fiery passion that consumes my soul, the feeling of being stared at. You know the feeling, it just gives me the heebee jeebees and I cannot seem to shake the feeling today no matter where I go. I'm currently at the women's shelter feeding the ladies here for a little longer until I get to go meet back up with Otto. I'm so afraid I'm going to annoy him or he is going to get to know me better and not like what he sees. I don't think I'm a bad person or anything but I'm sure I'm not everyone's cup of tea if you know what I mean. He keeps telling me he wants me around all the time and man I want to be around him all the time, but I'm afraid I'm going to be found again soon and I'm going to have to make a run for it. I hope not because I'm starting to love where my life is headed as of right now. But I'm freaking out a little because I normally start to get the feeling of being watched when I'm being followed and it is time for me to run. My gaze glides across the room as I casually give food to the women acting like I don't notice anyone in particular.. just to see if it looks like anyone is staring too long at me. I can kind of see a guy in the corner of the shelter which is weird. Normally they don't let a whole lot of men at all in the women's shelters so strange to see a man here. He is not eating, not homeless by the clothes he is wearing and not helping anyone women at all and he is staring a little too long at me. Dammit.. I knew I was being watched. This means I will have to stay away from here for a little while if he knows I'm here.. but he probabaly doesn't know about any other places I visit yet. So I'll wait him out until he leaves first and make sure he doesn't follow me anywhere. But first place I will go to is my place so if he is one of the mafia guys he won't link me to Otto. Mostly because I can sneak out of my place and go to Otto's But I'll grab my packed things and see if I can get into another apartment on the other end of town and stay away from my normal places as hard as that may be.. but hopefully if this works they will think I saw them and left town and leave to get me again, leaving to the next place.. but I don't want to go from this town yet so I will do anything to stay here right now. I would love to see where this is going with Otto and I.. maybe I am meant to be happy.. hopefully. I will probably have to change the color of my bike and everything else too.. like maybe my eyes too. I see the guy makes his way through the side door looking suspicious as ever. When will they learn how to be sneaky. I can tell it's them from a mile away..they think they are so good at their job. Well I don't know, maybe they are good at their jobs and I'm just better but I won't let them get me. Not when for once I finally have someone to live for that cares for me. I notice him get up still staring at me as I watch him go out the door.. I follow him slowly and secretly peaking around the corner so he doesn't notice or see me. I watch him walk up to my bike and circle it staring it down.. knew it.. dammit.. I need to go ASAP and tell Otto so I can try to figure something out. I notice him write down my license plate so that means I'll have to change my name again and job as well for now until this all passes over.. I'll have to figure out a different way of making money to be able to stay here. I'll talk to Gus maybe he can help me out with a job. I use to be a mechanics assistant so I could help him out for sure. I'm just not good with all the ins and outs of machinery. The mafia guy gets into his vehicle as I mentally take in the look of his vehicle to remember it for later and take a picture to show Otto and Gus.. Those are the only people that are ties to me and the people I worry about the most now. I need to get to them ASAP. I will also have to change my number again because they will be able to track my number and phone.. f*#k time to go through this bullshit again. First I need to get to my bike without him seeing then get to my stuff and Otto as fast as possible. I see him pull away, but I think he knows he got my attention. He is going slow and even parked to the side I bet he is seeing if I make a run for it on my bike but I won't give into his game. I sit to the side of the building still hidden. I watch him for about 30 minutes before he takes his leave. I let out a sigh of relief for right now.. Oh it's on now I only have a little time until they run my plates and get my information going to figure out my account and where I'm working, living and everything. I have to go now. I grab my stuff and say my goodbyes telling them I won't be by for a while because of a trip I'm going on. I run out to my bike jumping on and revving the engine as I bolt out of the place like a bat out of hell. I make sure to look around me as I pass that he is not waiting farther away and I don't see anyone.. good.
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