Chapter 7 Nightmare Support

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Otto's POV I put on a movie to help her relax. We have been talking for a while now about alot of intense heavy stuff in her life. I'm just so relieved she felt comfortable enough to share this with me because I guess I'm the only person she has told and after discussing everything in details, she has finally agreed to give me a chance so I couldn't be happier right now. Kat hadn't mentioned going back to her place yet and there is no way I'm suggesting it because I want her to stay with me as long as she wants. I don't feel lonely when she is around and I love it. There are plenty of times I have people around me but I still feel as lonely as ever but with her I feel like the only guy in the world. So after we are finally done eating the feast I got us I put on a movie to at least just hang out with her until she wants to go, if she does. I sit down nervously because I don't know what I could do with her that wouldn't make her feel uncomfortable. She said I was her first kiss which makes me happy but that also means she hasn't has a boyfriend so I want to make sure I don't cross any boundaries for her since I'm really trying to gain her trust at the moment. When she agrees to give me a chance I was so excited that I jumped up kissing her without hesitation and I felt bad until I heard her moan as she kissed me back which sounded amazing and made me feel way better about our situation. As I sit on the couch stiff as a board trying to relax with Kat by me. I can tell from my peripherals that she is looking at me which makes me a little more nervous. That is until she grabs my hand and pulls my arm around her shoulders as she snuggles into my side. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in as I relax more with her in my hold. I can smell her intoxicating natural aroma filling my nostrils and I find myself playing with her hair unintentionally, it just came naturally to me. I guess I made the right decision as I start feel her relax even more under my touch. After a little while of our comfortable silence I hear her breathing evens out and that's when I notice she has fallen asleep. This feels like complete success to me because I was trying to do everything I can to make her feel comfortable with me and I guess it worked. I keep playing with her hair as I take in all of her features in close vicinity since she is still laying on me. I start to feel myself getting tired as well after our long day, but I don't want to get up or wake her up. So I slowly adjust my body to laying down across the couch as she unknowingly adjusts on top of my body as she is still sound asleep I just feel so.. at peace right now as I completely relax under her body as I let the sleep consume me in this comfortable embrace. I open my eyes slowly as I feel a little movement on top of me. I blink until my eyes adjust to the lighting in the room. I look down at Kat still asleep but her face is scrunched up and tears are running down from her eyes as I can hear her breathing hitch. I try to rub her back to try to help her wake up but her breathing becomes irratic and she is still completely upset in her dream. "KitKat wake up baby you're ok. You're ok." I try to coo her to calm her down. Her eyes pop open and she jumps up hyperventilating as she grabs her chest in panic. Her chest is moving up and down so quickly as she holds it. I sit up with her still rubbing her back trying to help out. "KitKat your ok I'm right here. Just me and no one else, you're ok." Tears are still streaming down her face as I gently wipe them off with my hands. Her eyes bolt around the room taking everything in as she takes a deep breathe in then letting it out. Her eyes soften when she realizes it's me here with her as she looks a little embarrassed. She runs her hands through her hair,.taking another deep breathe in then letting it out. "Hey KitKat what happened? Just a bad dream?" I ask her trying to figure out what happened. Her eyes lock with mine as she nods saying softly to me, "yes.. I have nightmares almost every night.. I'm so sorry I didnt realize I fell asleep on you. I'm sorry Otto." I shake my head at her responding, "No it's fine I swear, I just wanted to make sure you're ok. You have nightmares like that every night? What are they about? It's good to talk about these things. You can talk to me KitKat it's ok." She takes a deep breathe in then letting it out. She runs her hands through her hair again then begins. "Um.. it varies from night to night but it's always the same situation and same ending. I'm always running from those mafia goons, the place I'm at changes everytime. But instead of getting away I always get caught and brought back to the boss. The boss and my father are always there at the end with the same looks on their faces that I saw last before I ran. My father has his same sadistic satisfied look on his face and that mafia boss has that disgusting lustful look in his eyes as he stares at me licking his lips like before..then he walks up to me, but as he gets right in front of me, is when I wake up.. every night." She says this looking away as she plays with her hair nervously. I don't know what to say at this point because that just sounds awful and this has been happening for years now and that sounds even worse. I just grab Kat by the shoulders and pull her into my chest as I hug her tight rubbing her back. I can hear her silently crying into my chest as I pull her back from me to look at her. She looks up at me with the saddest eyes I have ever seen just welled up with tears like they will burst at any moment. "Hey baby you're ok, I'm here." I say to her again and she shakes her head before saying, "No Otto, I should probably just go. I'm not worth the time. I'm so broken at this point that I'm just going to be a burden to you with all of my issues. I swear I'm not worth the hassle." That breaks my heart that she would even think that because how I feel is the complete opposite. I know this will be a challenge for sure but that doesn't mean it's not worth it. I put my hand on her cheeks still wiping away her tears as they slowly roll down each cheek. "KitKat you're more than worth it. It's ok everyone has their own problems. The only way you can get through them is to work on getting through them, not just dealing with them. I know I can help you with that. I'm more than willing to help you.. I swear it's no trouble at all because you ARE worth it. The sooner you realize that the easier the process will be." I can see the wheels turning in her head as she stares at me thinking about what I just said. She nods at me as I pull her back into my strong but comforting embrace. Because of how we sat up instantly before, she is now in between my legs, with her knees bent up to her chest. I rub her back and play with her hair as we sit in a comfortable silence again. "Hey I bet you need some water or something to drink I'll be right back." I say to Kat trying to do anything to make her feel better. I start to stand up but before I can even get half way off the couch she grabs my forearm quickly and says, "Can you just stay here with me please Otto?" I nod vigorously at her and say, "Of course KitKat." I sit back down and she snuggles back into my chest and I wrap my arms around her in my protective cocoon as I continue to hold her tight and play with her hair because I know that does calm her down. I know this doesn't seem ideal for the start of any relationship, but this is what she needs right now and I like her..a lot. I want to help out anyway I can. "Otto can I ask you something?" Kat asks so softly. "Of course anything." I respond instantly. "Why do you even want to help me?" I hear her question and stiffen up before I answer. "Because your obviously a great person who got put into a bad situation not by your choice. You have been nothing but respectful to the people around you and have helped people in need without any regard for yourself. Like I told you before someone needs to look after your well being if you wont." I say to her, letting her take in my words before I continue. "Also there is something about you. I have known it since our first encounter in the alleyway that I wanted to be with you...We have a connection I have never felt before and I just can't shake it..which is odd for me because I haven't wanted to date a girl in a long time.. I have just been about my work and that's it but I just can't get past you. I just want to have this with you even if it is complicated.. to me it will be well worth it. I think you're well worth it. Besides good people need help too." She doesn't say anything back except a soft, "Thank you" as she wraps her arms around me hugging me now as she is still in my embrace. I hug her even tighter. We sit like that for a little while until she turns to me and says, "I'm really sorry for waking you up so early.. that's why I told you I only needed a couple hours of sleep because that's normally all I get. I got use to it but I'm sorry for you." "It's fine I swear I don't mind at all, just as long as your ok then I'm ok. How about I make you something to eat? Are you hungry?" She nods her head and leans back, to let me get up. I get up, but before I go into the kitchen I turn on some music for us to listen to. I honestly love anything Bazzi or Khalid music so I just put on that station for Pandora and let the music fill the place, calming our senses with music. I'm grabbing some food from the fridge when I feel a presence behind me. I turn around to see those beautiful colored eyes staring up at me and her gorgeous smile plastered across her face. "Can I help you with anything?" she asks. I smile at her answering, "yea sure. I got the meat if you want to do the eggs or fruit?" She smiles and nods grabbing the fruit and eggs. 'Myself' by Bazzi comes on echoing in the room and I just hear her melodic voice singing it behind me to herself of course, but I just love her voice. "I think I'm losing my mind Trying to stay inside the lines It's like I'm running in place How you keep staying the same? Baby, I, I guess I'm something different And I'm okay with that I can't fake no more smiles That s**t gon' drive me mad I'm focused on the future Don't care 'bout nothin' else" I find myself just staring in awe instead of cooking like I'm suppose to be doing. She looks at me and smiles saying, "Do I need to cook the meat?" I chuckle shaking my head saying, "No I just got distracted by your lovely voice that's all.. you know, that's what got my attention in the store the day we...met?" "Really? Is that why you followed me around the store like a crazy stalker?" she asks with so much humor in her voice as I nod and say, "yup I couldn't resist, you looked good, smelt good and sounded good so why not?! then you whooped my ass in the alley and I knew I had to get to know you." Kat laughs loud sounding melodic as she shakes her head at me as she continues to make her portion of the meal as I continue with mine. She sings one song after the next and I try to not distract myself with her. We finally finish making us some food, we sit down in the kitchen to eat. I watch her eat the honeydew she cut up for us. But she catches me watching her eat as she takes a peice of honeydew in her hand and tossing at me across the table. I catch it in my mouth as she laughs and I chew it up staring deep into her eyes. We go back and forth tossing food into each others mouths from afar.. some make it in and some don't but it was fun either way. Katherine's POV Once we are done we clean up our mess including the dishes because his house is very clean kept so I don't want to leave a mess. Once we are done I grab my bag and Otto insists on washing my wet clothing at his place and he will give it back so I wear his clothes to my place. He takes me to my apartment and I change into my burgundy lace bra and thong a pair of burgundy skinny jeans, my knee high boots and a black shirt that has burgundy flowers on it. I do an Elsa braid in my hair and do some light make up so I don't look bad. I walk out to Brandon who is sitting on my couch. When his eyes lock on my figure I see his gaze trail from my feet all the way up to my face staring. This is one if the first times that staring hasn't made me uncomfortable. I like it when he looks at me like that it makes me feel sexy. I grab my bag that's besides him and take my contact out of the case. I put the one green contact over my blue eye and look at Otto, "You ready to go see Gus? Oooh actually can we grab him a 24 pack of beer along the way?... he took care of my bike for free but I can't just take that without doing something for him!" I say as a matter of fact making Otto smile and stand up. "Um sure we can go but we have to address the fact that you look absolutely stunning right now.. even with 2 green eyes! I prefer the multiple colors but I won't complain. You look stunning either way." Otto says this to me as he grabs my hand and slowly spins me around checking out all of me making me blush to the point that I'm almost matching my pants. "Thank you Otto your too sweet." I say shyly as he smiles even bigger at me, winking at me as he is still holding onto my hand, leading me to his car again to head to Gus' place. Otto's POV She walked out of the bathroom after getting ready and literally took my breath away. I really don't think she knows how gorgeous she really is. I don't know how that's possible, but I don't think she gets told how beautiful she is very much because she always blushes and is in shock everytime I compliment her. But I love that I can make her blush like that. It makes me smile even bigger than normally. All of her jeans seem to fit her curves perfect and these burgundy jeans aren't any different. Her knee high boots are always the cherry on top but make her look a little shorter than she probably is. She doesn't wear too many girly things so seeing her in flowers is a nice change of pace. Her hair is so long already but having it in the braid like that somehow looks longer. And her make up is perfect she never puts too much on just enough to accent her features and that's it. I love it. I compliment her on how stunning she looks and as predicted she blushes and smiles that shy smile. I grab her hand and lead her out of her place back down to my car. Before we head to Gus' house we go to the liquor store and buy him some beer since he won't accept payment from her. She tells me Gus' address, so we drive about 10 minutes and we are there. He had his own mechanic shop on the same property as his house. Kat's bike is sitting out front as we pull up. Gus is close by so when we pull up he smiles and waves at us walking towards my car. We get out and Kat is the first to greet him with a hug. She hands him the 24 pack of beer and he laughs accepting it from her. He smiles at me and whispers something to her. She blushes instantly staring up at me as I wink at her making her blush more. Gus laughs as he wiggles his eye brows at her and she hits his chest playfully as he laughs louder. She gives him one more hug. Kat makes her way to me and says a little shyly, "So I have to run a couple errands, if you're not too busy today we should hang out again since I have to work tomorrow." I nod at this as another smile creeps on my face. She is asking me to hang out that's a big step in the right direction. "Ok cool, I'll let you know when I'm done and we will get together then. Thanks so much for everything you have done for me.. you don't know what this all means to me.. and I'm serious, it means a lot to me." She says this with so much seriousness as she plays with her braid glancing from me to the ground and back to me. "It's been my pleasure I can assure you. Anytime you want me or need me I'm there you need only ask KitKat." I step closer to her making her smile and nod. "Ok I'll see you later thanks Otto." She gets on her toes and gives me a kiss on my cheek. This catches me off guard but I love the gesture. I watch her walk past me grabbing her motorcycle helmet waving at Gus and I. She puts her helmet on and flips her leg over the bike sitting down in it. Her pants are so tight that her bubble butt looks almost bigger sitting on her bike. She starts the bike and takes off down the road. I watch her drive away as I hear Gus say from besides me, "Oh man I know that look anywhere... you already fell hard for her huh?" I look to the side at Gus thinking about it, then answering him honestly, "I did the moment I met her." I didn't realize it until he said it.. I did actually know I fell for her but I was just fighting it. But I don't want to fight it. "Have you told her?" Gus asks curiously. I shake my head and say, "God No! I just barely got her to agree to give me a chance last night there is no way I'm scaring her off before I even have a chance to try to get her feel the same." "Well it's probably better that way.. but you're the only one who can make her feel that way.. she hasn't wanted or tried with anyone else so take advantage of your chance and make sure you do everything you can because you will only have one chance when it comes to her."I nod agreeing with Gus' explanation because he knows her better than me and if he says this I'll take his word for it. "I'll do the best that I can and hopefully it's good enough for her but she deserves everything and I just hope I can give her that." I say smiling at Gus. "Me too, have a good day." I smile and reply back to Gus. "You too Gus." I shake his hand before turning back to my car. I get into my car and leave to take care of a little work before I get to go hang out with Kat again.
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