Chapter 6 Secrets Make Friends

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Otto's POV I leave my apartment with so much haste because now I have a reason to come back. I quickly run in the rain to my work parking lot opening my car and starting it up. I drive to the diner close by and order a couple different things; Chicken strips, Burger slammers, club sandwich and nachos, with sides of tater tots, fries and cheese curds to take with me. I drive the rest of the way to my apartment pulling into the parking lot before taking the elevator back up to my room. The closer I get to my room the more nervous I get at the situation. I unlock my front door and opening it taking a look around. I can smell my body wash in the air throughout the place, but I don't see her. I set her bag down on the couch so I keep walking to the back of my apartment where my room is. I walk in and see Kat in just a towel that's not leaving much to the imagination at all and I'm loving it. Her hair is so long and draped down her back still soaking wet. Her towel starts right at her bust with just a little cleavage showing and ends just below her butt. She bends over grabbing the clothes as the towel comes up just a little, enough to see a little bit of her buttcheek. She stands up turning around and looks up seeing me. My eyes go wide as I turn around saying, "I'm so sorry KitKat I didn't mean to intrude I just got back and wanted to get out of these wet clothes." "It's ok Otto I'm in YOUR place, so you do what you want." She says this so sweetly to me. But I shake my head saying, "No I'll go change in my bathroom and you can finish up in here while I'm taking a shower. The food is already out there in the kitchen, so your more than welcome to have at it. If you want more we could always order more too." I walk to the bathroom before I cross any lines with her, peeling my soaking wet clothes off of my body. I turn around to try to figure out where to put my wet clothes for the moment so they don't make a mess. I see that Kat put all of her wet clothes in the sink so I put mine on top of hers as well. The sink, that's smart. I jump into the shower scrubbing quickly because I want to be out there with her so bad. I rinse myself off with as much haste as I did with washing myself. I get out of my shower drying off and wrapping a towel around my waist. I open the door and I see her bare back faced to me and a tiny bit of side boob since I obviously don't have a bra for her to borrow. She slips the shirt I set out for her over her head. I watch the shirt cascade down her exposed back slowly covering her body up to my dismay. The shirt makes it's way to the pants I let her borrow that are riding insanely low on her hips because of how big they are on her.. She even rolled up the top to help but I don't think it did, I can see the top of her buttcrack. That's suprisingly cute to me. She turns around and sees me but I see her eyes trail all over my body and linger on it which makes me smile as I sneak past her to my closet. "You're the fastest person ever Otto.. you took no time at all to get your car, get food and take a shower.. am I the slow one, slowing you down..holy cow!" She says this with so much humor as I walk out of my closet in just shorts. She stares again at my muscles and I have to say I don't mind showing them off to her either. This is my way of peacocking to get her attention, besides the sparring of course, But I can tell it's working so I'll keep it going for another moment. I have a shirt in my hand laughing at her reaction. "No I was just having so much more fun wandering and hanging out with you that's why it took longer.. but when I didn't have you there to hang with, I just went straight there and straight back." I smile at her after I responded. "Well thanks for letting me use your shower and your clothes, I'll be sure to bring them back to you after I wash them of course." She says this to me as I walk past her putting my shirt on. I say behind me, to her as she follows me through my place. "No Don't feel pressure to, you look way better in them then I do anyways, but I swear it was no problem at all." I lead her into the kitchen grabbing us drinks and the bag of food taking her hand to turn around and leading us to the front room. I set the food on the coffee table along with the drinks. I pat the open spot on the couch by me for Kat and she takes my invitation sitting by me. I open the 4 boxes of food I got for us. She smiles at me but grabs her bag first then her contacts case taking her one contact out and putting it away. She nervously looks up at me and I feel my smile gets bigger. I stare at her for a moment until I decide to not make her any more nervous than she already is. We both take a little bit of food from each box snacking next to each other in a very comfortable silence. I turn on a channel that plays music for us because I'm taking advantage and trying to get to know her if she will let me. "I'm glad you took that green contact out. I mean the green looks amazing on you but I love both colors better honestly... um.. so do you cover up those gorgeous eyes because of the problems your dealing with?" I ask so honestly in hopes I haven't pushed too much with her. She nods and answers, "Yea when I ran away that was the number one thing they told the guys to look for in search of me." I watch her eyes get huge in realization of her confession. I guess she didn't mean to say that to me. She looks at me with worry evident all over her face. I reach over putting my hand on her leg gaining her attention as I try to reassure her, "KitKat don't worry I swear I won't say anything to anyone, your reasons for running away are your own and I'm sorry for asking I shouldn't have prayed. I was just curious but you're safe with me I promise." She stares at me curiously for a moment thinking about what I said. As if she is having an internal battle or something, before she says to me, "I suprisingly believe you.. But the last time I trusted people, some got killed for helping me and the others betrayed me by trying to set me up to give me back. So sorry I have a hard time trusting people. But it's been almost 5 years of me being on my own and I have been doing just fine because I know I can trust myself." She says this so confidently and honestly to me as she continues to eat. "5 years you have been alone? So you were what, 17? 18?" I curiously ask her as we continue to eat. "17" is all she answers as her and I lock gazes now. "Was there no one to help you? Family? Friends?" I ask her more intrigued. "My mom died when I was 6, I don't have any siblings and my father is the reason I ran away. I didn't have anyone except a couple friends and I told you what happened to them when I went to them for help." She says this so sadly to me still staring into my eyes as she continues, "Yea it's probably best if you just drop me off back at my place before you're guilty by association when it comes to me." I shake my head and respond, "I'm not scared." "You should be." she says to me without hesitation. I nervously gulp as I stare at her for a moment. "Can I ask why you ran? I already am involved at this point, so does it really matter if I know the details now?" I try to reason with her as she stares at me. She nervously stares at me playing with her hair for a moment, then fidgeting her hands again having another internal battle by the looks of it. She continues thinking but then groans saying to me with so much warning, "Ok Otto, You have to swear on your life you won't say anything to anyone or I WILL kill you." "I swear on my life KitKat you can trust me." I say reassuringly to her and she softly responds, "we will see." "Ok buckle up buttercup this is a long ride, here we go... Um so my father has hated me since the day I came home without my mother. I was 6 and with my mom when we got hit by a car full speed from the side.. we flipped so many times they thought we were both dead but by some miracle I survived. My father was never the same since. He would tell me how much he wished I was the one that died instead of my mom.. that's when the drinking and abuse started. The more I grew up, the more I started acting and looking like my mom so he beat me for it out of spite and just straight hatred. After years of drinking and abuse he decided to throw gambling into the mix but that's never a good combo. The gambling finally caught up to him because he was borrowing money from the mafia. They told him he would have to pay his tab with money or his life. So he offered the only thing he had left in exchange for his debts and life.. me.. he offered me as payment. The mafia boss didn't agree right away until my father told him I was a virgin and that they could do what they wanted with me so the mafia boss agreed. When I saw them signing the contract over my freedom I just ran and I have been hiding ever since." My mouth drops to the floor if that was actually possible. "Your father did that to his only daughter? What kind of a person does that?! If I ever see him I will murder him! It's been 5 years though and they are still after you?" I ask with so much shock and horror in my voice for her awful situation. "Yea my dad lost his love for me a long time ago so I'm sure he had no problem throwing me to the wolves. The last mafia goon I did run into was 6 months ago, before I came here, told me I had to go with him because I'm his bosses property and toy.. and he wants me back. He says I have no choice but to go with him to recieve my punishment for running away. But I told him I'm not property or a toy and he laughed at me so I knocked him out and came to this town. So even after 5 years and he still hasn't given up.. thats why most of my stuff is packed because it's past due for seeing those mafia goons.. I'm just trying to be prepared for when I have to run again." "'re probably the strongest person I have ever met." I say this to her causing confusion all over her face. So I continue, "You could have so easily given into the mafia or even death but here you are every day with a smile on your face fighting for your freedom and still helping others. No wonder you have no regard for yourself." She shrugs her shoulders and says, "Don't get me wrong Otto, killing myself has crossed my mind a time or two.. I would rather die than lose my freedom to be used and abused by that guy. If I died none of them would win.. my dad would lose and that mafia boss definitely would lose.." I finish her sentence for her, "you would lose too though." She shrugs her shoulders again so casually at me saying, "everyone eventually dies and it's not like I have much to live for anyways. Give me a real reason to live for and maybe I wouldn't think about the death alternative." She is so casually about death it just shocks me but I smile at her and answer softly, "me." She looks at me confused and says, "what?" I clear my throat explaining further with a little more confidence than before, "I could give you a reason to live for." "You don't even know me well and I have so much baggage that you could literally get killed for.. no way. Yes, I DON'T care about my life but I DO care about yours." She says to me still shaking her head. "See! You already care about me which means I'm already giving you a reason to live for. Come on KitKat how many people have you told about this?" I state this as a fact as we are still locked in our intense gaze. "No one.. your the first." she says so shyly to me. "See our lives are already intertwined, so you might as well give me a chance to prove myself. I'm not going to tell anyone, I'm not scared and I'm not going anywhere but at least now you have someone to talk to about this. Talking always helps." Katherine's POV I stare at Otto in complete and utter disbelief. I just told him my story so he knows the ugly truth and somehow he wants to be apart of it? What's wrong with this guy? "You're right..I'm sorry I did involve you and I shouldn't have told you... I just.. feel so confusingly comfortable around you..But I would do anything to make sure nothing bad happened to another person because of me. It's best if I just stay alone. That way I know no one will get hurt because of me." I say this with so much sadness threaded through my words. "But YOU would get hurt being alone.. doesn't that matter to you?" He asks me so honestly. "I would rather me get hurt than anyone else. You're such a sweet guy Otto, don't get involved in this s**t. I bet there are a million girls who would throw themselves at you." I say this to him but my heart just hurts at that idea. I guess the feelings I was trying to avoid happened anyways.. I knew my body and my heart was going to betray me. He just makes me feel so special and so comfortable in his presence. I'm just so.. drawn.. to him. It's not even his good looks, it's just something special about him. But the good looks really don't hurt a thing. I'm brought out of my thoughts of him by.. him. "That's the thing I have alot of girls throwing themselves at me.. sorry not trying to come off as cocky, but I do.. but I don't want them. None of those girls interest me but you know who does? You. Come on Kitkat you can't tell me you don't feel that spark between us, especially when we spar. We just fit perfectly, connecting so effortlessly but naturally. I have never felt that type of connection with anyone before and I don't want to give it up."He says this with so much passion and intensity in his voice as he scoots across the couch closer to me, making my heart do a million backflips. But I have to try and resist it's for his own good. "No Otto you would get hurt. I would do anything to make sure YOU don't get hurt, even if that means ME getting hurt. I'll be unhappy for THAT anytime of day. I won't deny that connection between us though.. because I do feel it to and it's amazing. I think that's the only reason why I told you about me, is because of how I feel when I'm with you. But I would never forgive myself if you got hurt because of me." I try to convince myself more than him. I think he can tell this though. "Who are you trying to convince me or you? I know that I would be hurt without you though." He says to me making my breath hitch. I knew he could see right through me dammit. "Mostly, trying to!.. I'm just so confused..But No!..I would rather you be sad than dead Otto!" My words turn to a yell at the end, with so much desperation in my voice making him swallow, as his hand raises up to my cheek, gently wiping away the silent tears I didn't know I was crying. My breathe hitches at his soft touch and I naturally lean into his hand. He scoots across the couch again to me, grabbing my hands in his as he thumbs rubs the tops of my hands. He leans down closer to my face saying so softly, "Come on KitKat please? I would rather go through life knowing I tried then leaving right now, giving up and being miserable wondering what if. Wouldn't you rather go out fighting for what you want in life over just giving up before it can even start? Come today could have easily been a bad day but spending today with you made it one of the most memorable best days of my life. I don't know if you will forget today but I wont." I swallow in nervousness as we continue staring deep into each others eyes. "But Otto.. what if.." I shake my head as my eyes start to well at all the bad things that could possibly happen to him. I look away not continuing my thoughts to him. "What if what? I have the time of my life? I finally find some happiness? You make my life worth living for? All those things sound pretty amazing to me. But you need to stop worrying about the 'what ifs' and start caring about 'what is.' I would rather have a wonderful short life with you then live a long sad life without you." he declares to me and before I even know what I'm doing, my body takes over as I cup his cheeks in my palms and crash his lips to mine in complete utter bliss. Otto leans into my kiss as one hand wraps around my waist and the other in my hair around my head. The kiss is filled with so much hunger and desperation that it's intoxicating. I will never forget this kiss.. my first kiss. We seperate from that kiss as I stare up at him breathlesly. My face betrays me and blushes redder than a tomato at my actions towards him. He leans down closer to my lips saying, "That was amazing." "Yea it was... it was my first kiss." I say a little too shyly with embaressment in my words at that thought. "There is nothing to be embaressed about Kitkat. You had a f*#ked up childhood that never gave you the chance to have moments like this. But I would love to be apart of your firsts. I'm glad you made me your first kiss. I'll wear that with pride. That was an amazing first kiss anyways, literally took my breath away." Otto says to me reassuringly making me smile and nod. There was a part of me that was worried he would care that I'm not experienced but obviously not. "So will you give me a chance KitKat please? I know I won't regret it and I'll make sure you don't regret it either." I stare into his gorgeous eyes as he stares back at me with anticipation for my answer. I know what I want to say and I know what I should say. I think for a moment, until I just decide to say f*#k it. I nod at him as he excitedly crashes his lips to mine again as I wrap my arms around his neck and smile into his kiss. His arms snake around my waist pulling me closer into his embrace. I moan into his kiss lightly as I suprise even myself with how my body reacts to him. We seperate to catch our breath after another breath taking moment. My hands trail to his cheek and through his beard playing with it gently. We sit in each others warm embrace staring into each others eyes, until my phone starts to ring in my bag. I turn over grabbing my phone and answering the call. "Hello?" "Hey Kat it's Gus I got your bike all fixed up. I had to take it away from all the rain today to work on it but you should be good now." he says explaining the situation to me. "Perfect thanks Gus I'll make sure to pick up my bike from you tomorrow. How much do I owe you for helping me out in my time of need?" "Nothing Kat just keep being you. You are special to me almost like a daughter. I have a better relationship with you then my actual daughter. Since I don't have much to give at least let me give you this." he says this so sweetly to me as I ask, "Are you sure Gus? You have to at least let me give you tip or beer or something?" I say trying to convince him from free service. "I'm sure Kat.. but if you happen to have beer with you when you show up to grab your bike, I won't object. You're coming tomorrow not tonight? Are you busy or something?" he asks this with a little humor in his voice as I roll my eyes. "Yes I am busy tonight so I'll see you tomorrow." I retort back to him. As I stare up at a grinning Otto. I can hear him chuckle on the other end of the line and say, "Ok tell Otto I say hi." I scoff, rolling my eyes and smirk at this comment instantly. "Sure I'll tell him. Bye Gus see you tomorrow!" I hear chuckling on the other end as I hang up. My face is redder than a beet at this point as I shake my head. I look up at Otto saying, "Gus says hi." Otto laughs at this as he nods saying, "He seems like a nice guy." I nod agreeing with him and respond, "Yes he is nice, he is the closest I have to a fatherly figure. He is the one who told me to give you a chance and take risks in life to make life worth it." Otto humms in response saying, "I'll have to thank him for telling you that the next time I see him...maybe tomorrow? I can give you that ride to pick up your bike if you want." I smile at him nodding, "That would be nice thank you Otto...for everything." "Anytime KitKat, you need only ask." He says staring down at me still hovering over me in very close proximity which I'm starting to love when it comes to him. I chuckle and he looks at me curiously so I clarify, "It's funny my mom was the only one who called me KitKat and I use to get so pissed at anyone else calling me that but with you I love it.. it's weird." He chuckles too saying, "You know I really wanted to call you that ever since you put your number in my phone under that name but I remembered how mad you got at that one guy at your bar that called you that name.. so I kinda pushed limits today when I called you that. I just wanted to see how you would react with me calling you that and since you let me without getting mad I just kept it going. I love it, it really fits you." "Thanks.. thanks for accepting me and being so nice to me still." I say so softly to him since we are still in close proximity. "What is there to accept? Yeah you have a hard situation going on but your a beautiful person inside and out I can already tell that. Are you talking about the way you look? Because I'm not kidding I love your eyes, they are stunning I bet you got compliments on them all the time before you had to cover them up." He states as a matter of fact. I shake my head though, "No I use to get called freak all the time I was the outsider for my eyes for sure. When all this happened and I finally had the same colored eyes from the contacts I suprisingly hated it when that's all I thought I wanted was to be normal." I say a little curiously at that thought. "Really? Because I remember the moment I saw them in that alley and they took my breath away, well all of your beauty did but your eyes were engraved in my brain and still are. Your eyes were all I thought about and even dreamt about." he confesses still staring deep into my eyes as my face blushes even redder than before. It's really an intoxicating feeling to be loved and adored. I never thought I would be able to experience anything like this ever. Our stomachs start to rumble again as we realize we only ate a tiny bit before our intense conversation. We both laugh and sit up grabbing the now almost cold food chowing down.The food is still good though so I won't object. We finish eating after a while and Otto throws on a movie for us. He nervously sits next to me probably wondering what he could do with me without making me feel uncomfortable. I smile at that as I grab his hand and pulling his arm around my shoulders as I lean into his body. I can feel him let out the breathe he was holding in as I snuggle more into his side and relaxing under his touch. We watch the movie for a while as he plays with my hair completely relaxing me, I have never felt so comfortable with anyone before. At this point in complete utter relaxation in his loving hold, I let the sleep consume me in his comforting warm embrace.
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