Chapter 21 So Many Suprises

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(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Otto's POV I slowly open my eyes to the sound of the song, 'blinding lights' by the Weekend. I blink looking around and notice Kat isn't laying on me anymore.. I didn't even notice her get up which is strange for me. I don't sleep very heavy in the first place so I must have slept real good last night. I know exactly why too. I smirk to myself thinking about last night and the great time we had. I slide to the edge of the bed and follow the music to the bathroom where I can hear the shower running and the door is partly open. I peak around the door and hear Kat singing in the shower. With the frosted look of the shower door I can't exactly see her I can only see her silhouette. Kat's silhouette is dancing. Her hips are swaying side to side as her hands run through her hair washing it as she rinses the soap out. I'm still naked from last night so I just open the glass door for the shower and hopping in behind her and I don't think she has noticed me yet. Her eyes are closed as she continues dancing swaying her hips to the beat. The song 'Candy paint' by Post Malone comes on and this must be her jam or something because her hips kick start into action and start to move a little more precise. She turns around still swaying and rotating her hips. I'm not a person to just watch when something amazing like that is happening, I have to join her. So I grab her hips and swaying my hips with hers. She leans back into me until her head on on my chest and we are both dancing together to the song. She turns back around smirking up at me. "Good morning Otto. Sorry if I woke you." She sweetly says to me as I shake my head, "Don't be sorry this is way better than sleeping in." I say matching her smirk as I keep my hands on her hips pulling her closer to me. She gets on her tippy toes kissing me, with her hands now roaming over my jawline playing with my beard. I love how much she plays with it. It makes me think she loves it which I hope for, because I love it. She breaks our kiss looking at me saying, "I love your beard, it's so soft and I love the way it looks on you.. sorry if I touch it too much." "No I was just thinking to myself, how I love how much you touch it. Everyone else I have been around thinks I should shave it off and it makes me so happy you like it." I say back to her as she gets a cheeky smile in her face responding back right away. "I really like kissing you with your beard too it tickles my face but it's soft." She says this as she pulls my face to hers as she cups my cheeks. She presses her lips to mine as she still stands on her tippy toes. So I give her legs a break as I grab her thighs and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist as we continue to kiss. The song changes to 'Mine' by Bazzi and we start to kiss a little more passionately. My arms tighten around her hips and ass as she moans into my lips. She breaks our kiss as she kisses my neck. Her hand is running through my hair as she sucks on my ear moaning my name, "Mmm Otto." I purr at this sound because I love the way she says my name. I turn us to the side pinning her against the wall still in my arms with her back against the cold condensation covered wall. She gasps at the cold wall behind her back now making me smile as I just kiss her more. We kiss with so much hunger as she breaks the kiss softly begging "Please Otto." is all she purrs to me in my ear as the song 'Stuck with you' by Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber fills the bathroom. I take my erect member and slide her on top leading it into her as she gasps with her head back as I attack her neck again. She moans into my ear as I pull out then push back in making her moan even louder. I press her into the wall more as I increase my pace of pulling it out and pushing it in. I'm attacking her chest with my mouth sucking and nibbling on her n*****s as she moans even louder. My grunts are getting almost as loud as her moans are as we get close to our climax. I pump harder and deeper into her until she yells my name in complete utter ecstasy. I feel her tighten around me as she climaxes. I keep pumping in and out as I say, "I got to pull out baby I'm going to cum." "No stay inside of me Otto. I told you I love you whatever happens happens I will be happy either way. c*m inside of me baby" She softly says into my ear as I nod and grunt even more, keeping me inside of her. I only pump my shaft further into her as I spray my juices inside of her, moaning so deeply. God that felt so f*#king good if she doesn't mind then I don't mind doing that everytime. I want to be with her forever anyways. I love her and I wouldn't mind at all starting a family with her.. I think she would be a wonderful mother and we could have a great family if we ever get out of this situation. I still hold her tight in my arms against the wall. "I love you baby sorry if I freaked you out at all about telling you to c*m in me, but I love you and I want to have a future with you because you have given me something to live for." She says a little shyly to me as I shake my head. "I love you so much and I will be the happiest man alive if we get to start a family together." I say this with so much love threaded through my words making her smile so big as she kisses me again with so much passion. I pull away reluctantly. "If you want to get cleaned at all then you better stop kissing me like that or I'll make sure you get pregnant." I say jokingly warning her and making her laugh louder. "I'm might have to hold you to that threat." She says poking me in the chest. I laugh at her as I respond "Actually in that case I would have to hold it in you, not to you." I say making us both laugh. I set her down and we finish cleaning ourselves up before we get out. Once we step out with towels around us. She walks towards the bed walking backwards saying, "So since I got clean are you still going to make sure I get pregnant?" she is smirking at me as she undoes her towel letting it fall to the ground, she turns around crawling on the bed. I nod vigorously as I run jumping on the bed and grabbing her hips. It doesn't take my long at all to be rock hard. I take my now hard shaft plunging it inside of her from behind. She screams in pleasure as I thrust into her over and over again, giving her exactly what she was just asking for. I just keep a good grip on her hips using it as a handle as I increase our pace. "Oh God Otto that feels so good..I'm going to c*m!" is all she yells as I thrust harder and faster into her making her moan even louder than before. "Mmm.. me too baby.. c*m for me." is all I have to say as she pushes her ass back into me. Making me go deeper than before as she moans cumming all over me as I spray again inside of her hitting my euphoria. I groan in ultimate body high as I say to her, "God baby your so f*#king sexy that was hot as hell." She flops down on the bed panting for air as she vigorously nods at me saying between breathes, "God Otto, you have created a monster that's all I want all the time now. You feel so f*#king good. I just love every last inch of you." She says smirking and winking at me. "If you don't stop being so sexy and teasing me, then we won't leave this room all day today.. and I had a fun hike planned." I say as I get down hovering over her as I say this into her ear and kissing her neck again. She moans into my ear as she says. "I am willing to do whatever with you my love. But if you planned a nice hike then I don't want your plans to go to waste. We can hike and then more of this afterwards!" She says with excitement in her voice making me smile at her as I lean in kissing her than pulling away from her reluctantly. I stand up grabbing my boxer breifs and dark blue jeans putting them on. I grab my black long sleeve thermal that's tight in all the right places showing off my muscles to her again because I love the way she looks at my body. The way she looks at me makes me feel so perfect when I never felt like that before. I put on my shoes and brush my hair letting it flow to the side like it always does. I watch her put on her bra and matching thong as I walk up behind her putting my hands on her hips saying in her ear, "I'll meet you down stairs baby I'll make us some brunch before we head out." "Sounds amazing like usual, see you down there baby." She says smiling up at me. I walk down stairs at almost a prance into the kitchen as I start pulling pans out setting them up as I grab some food so I can start cooking. I can hear her turn up the music a little louder and singing as she gets ready. I hear a sound from behind me which is weird because I didn't hear her come down yet since she just turned up the music so it can't be her. I turn around to get hit in the stomach with a cheap shot. I try to stand up using the pan as a shield, blocking another hit as I see a guy come behind me from my peripherals. I spin around hitting him with the pan as I throw a punch at the first guy punching him in the face. I'm quickly dodging punches from the two goons as a third joins and I have to start throwing kicks in there as well. I trip the second guy sending him to the ground as my foot ends in guy number three's chest. I recieve a punch to my chest from the first guy as I grab his arm breaking it by bending it the wrong way swiftly. A fourth guy comes up to me as I realize Kat is upstairs by herself, so I yell up to her with desperation, "Kat Run!" After a moment I hear her scream as I turn looking behind me. The fourth guy hits me with a cheap shot in the stomach then face as I drop to the ground. The 3rd and 5th guy holds my arms with all their strength as the 4th guy punches and kicks me again over and over on the face and stomach until he knocks the wind out of me. I pant trying to gain air as he kicks me more. I hear a guy come in and get the guys attention, "Alright that's enough guys I think he has got the idea." he bends down in front of me grabbing my face to make me look at him. "Otto don't fight them and they won't fight you, It's that simple. We just need you to get little Kat to come with us. You have done a wonderful job getting her to love you but I need to use that to my advantage now. This has been going on for far too long and this needed to end. She is not yours anymore. But relish in the fact that you are probably the only reason she was ever happy." he says to me making a tear run down my face at that sad thought. Which means I don't have a chance at keeping her unless a miracle happens. But I won't stop fighting for her ever. Kyle's POV I see Otto leave the room almost skipping down the stairs. I hear the music in the room turn up as I hear Kat is starting to sing. She has a great singing voice. I find my feet just moving towards the room cautiously. I sneak in then leaning up against the wall before someone notices me. She is bent over pulling up her pants and I can see her thong while she is bent over. I bite my lip as I slowly walk up to her. She bounces for a second pulling her pants up, Her boobs bounces with her of course almost hypnotizing me as she buttons her pants. I stare at her tattoo that's all over her side and it's stunning to say the least really accenting her curves. She grabs a black tank top slipping it on over her head along with her leather jacket. Still singing this song, She slips her leather knee high boots on bending over again as I quickly slip my hands around her waist not saying a word to her. She stands up and leans into my chest, smelling so good in my embrace I just love it. I take a deep breathe in, taking in her smell as I almost purr letting out the breathe as I grip her waist tighter. She humms almost moaning as she says, "Don't come in here teasing me and turning me on. Unless you plan to do something about it." She almost purrs to me, turning me on almost instantly. That's until I hear the guy yell from down stairs echoing through the whole house, "Kat Run!" I instantly look at Kat, who is confused as she quickly turns around in my hold as her eyes go big in shock. I have her by the wall already, so I push her into the wall pinning her there. She squeals as she tries to get out of my hold. I lean in to her putting more pressure on her saying, "What Kat? I got you excited I just wanted to do something about it.. you said that yourself." I say to her as my hands snake up her shirt. Katherine's POV I feel a tight grip on my waist making me smile as I stand up and leaning into his chest, as I hear his heart rate increase. That's so cute I make him nervous like that. I hear him taking in a deep breathe and purring as he lets it out. I feel his grip tighten on my waist as I moan under my breath saying to him, "Don't come in here teasing me and turning me on. Unless you plan to do something about it." I say so playfully but he doesn't say anything back as I hear from downstairs echoing through the house, "Kat Run!" Run? What does he mean if he is behind me.. s**t. I quickly turns around and lock eyes with Kyle. The smirk that plasters on his face as he pins me to the wall scares the s**t out of me. I squeal as I hit his chest trying to push him off of me, to try to get out of his hold. I see him leaning on me with that mischievous grin putting more pressure on my body saying to me,"What Kat? I got you excited I just wanted to do something about it.. you said that yourself." My eyes go wide after his comment as I shake my head kneeing him in the nuts making him drop to the ground. I jump over and out of his hold as he reaches to try to catch me. I run out of the room when I feel Kyle grab my arm pulling me back as a squeal throwing a punch at him as he ducks. I miss his head as gets a better hold onto my forearm trying to pull me back into the bedroom saying, "Come on Kat I just want to take care of you. You know you want it, don't deny it." he says to me as I try to get a hold onto the wall. I hear Otto yelling at the bottom of the stairs as three guys hold him down, "Leave her alone! Don't you f*#king touch her!" I can't grip the wall anymore as I slip back into the room. Kyle throws me on the bed and jumping on top of me pinning my legs down this time. His hands make their way up my shirt as I keep trying to get out of his hold. He uses his one ha ha to hold one of my arms down.. He grabs my breast aggressively as I snake my hand down and into my boot. I grab the butterfly knife out of it's pocket opening it by flipping it out and stabbing him in the arm. He screams letting go of me to grab his now injured arm. I get up running out of the room and down the stairs with Kyle right behind as his arms gushes blood. He jumps some of the stairs landing behind me as he grabs my arm again. But this time I spin and kick him in the face. As I spin the rest of the way around I grab my knife, pulling it out of his arm making him yell more in pain as he grabs his arm again. "Stop this s**t now Kat!" I hear this as I turn around quickly to see it's the same guy who chased me in the car, when I hurt my leg. This guy waves at his goons and they start to kick Otto over and over again. "Stop please stop! I'll come with you guys if you please stop hurting him!" I beg yelling at them as the guy from the car chase smirks up at me. "No Kat please." Otto moans with his head and body hanging down only being held up because of the two guys holding his arms. I run down to Otto quickly kneeling in front of him on the floor as I cup his face gently in my hands. "I'm so sorry Otto." I feel the tears running down my face instantly at this sight. I sniffle seeing him hurt and in so much pain because of me. The only person I can love and I'm the one getting him hurt. "KitKat baby don't cry for me. I told you I would die for you and I meant it. I love you Kat." Otto says softly to me spitting out some blood on the floor. I gasp at the sight of his blood. "I will never be happy if you die for me.. Please Otto stop fighting for me please." I beg as the tears fall down my face just opening the flood gates. Otto coughs again and spats out,"Never.. I'll never stop fighting for you." I gasp at his answer making me cry more as I hold his face to my chest and kiss his head. That is until my arm is grabbed and I'm pulled to my feet by Kyle. I pull my arm out of his grip as I punch him in the nose with the other arm. I hear the car chase guy from behind me yelling at Kyle. "Kyle stop, leave her alone we got her and it's time to take her in. She is not yours we will get paid for both so we need to bring both in. You try to take her up there again and I'll kill you. Now let's get on the road we have a long drive." I turn around and help Otto up putting my body under his arm to try to be the support, helping hold him up. They did a number on this poor guy, I feel so bad. One of the goons tries to grab my arm and I pull it away quickly and kick his knee cap out in the wrong direction making him fall to the ground screaming in pain as he grabs his now broken leg. I turn yelling at the car chase guy, "I'm not going without a fight, if you don't let me sit by him. Just let me be with Otto and I will go with no problems but fight me on this and I'll keep hurting your men." I say with so much threat and dominance in my voice as he waves his guys off and gestures for me to follow him as he leads us to the escalades. The car chase guy gets into our escalade with 2 more behind and gestures for us to follow him. I help Otto in first and climb in behind him, taking his body into mine letting him relax under my touch. I lay his head on my chest as I rub his back and softly sing to him. Kyle climbs into the passenger seat and turns around glaring at all three of us in the back. I continue trying to relax poor Otto. As the cars start and the trip begins to the one place I have avoided for years.

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