Chapter 11 On the Run

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Katherine's POV I fly out of that parking lot so quickly heading to my work as fast as I can. I wish I could have just been able to say yes and accept Otto's offer to run away together. He is so amazing and I feel so safe with him I would love to just run away with him but I don't want to endanger him with my drama for one thing but I need to take care of everything here in hopes I can help my friends out so they don't get hurt. I hate having to leave Otto and it already has happened multiple times today even after him helping me so many times which seems almost like a slap in the face to him and I'm not trying to do that. But this is stuff I have to take care of and I have to do it now because this is the only time or it will be too late. I drive so fast to my work and get there in no time at all again as is tradition at this point. I pull into the parking lot, parking and taking a look around outside trying to see if I can tell if they are here. I can't tell because there is no one suspicious outside at all but I have to go inside to find out what's inside there. I slowly open the bar door and luckily since it's dimmed lighting in there, I'm not noticed yet. I get to the bar and see my friend Betty who is bartending at the moment. She waves me down as she makes her way to me."There's Mrs.Popular how is your day off going?" Betty asks as she leans across the counter smiling at me. "What do you mean Mrs.Popular?" I ask completely confused about her weird nickname she just gave me. "Oh 4 guys have come in so far today looking for you and I told them how it was your day off and that you were probably at home. But since you're here you can just go talk to them yourself. They are over there talking with the other regulars right now about you. I have no idea why they are questioning us but it's all about you love."She says shrugging her shoulders as she points out two guys with their backs to us questioning the regulars. My eyes go wide at this realization that they are part of the mafia and looking for me right now. I quickly look all over the place and I don't see Gus anywhere. The other regulars should be safe because they know nothing about my personal life, they just come in to see me here. Same for Betty so I'm not too worried about them but I still have to warn her just in case. "F*#k OK thanks for that Betty, but I need to talk to you out back really quickly right now please." I say to her with so much urgency written all over my face. I think she can see this as her eyes go wide but she nods and nonchalantly walks with me out the back door before someone notices me. We walk out shutting the door behind us as I turn to Betty saying, "Ok so I can't, for your safety, go into details but I have been on the run from those guys for years. They just want to hurt me and take me to their boss who will rape me so I have been running forever. They will ask about me but please act like you don't know anything. I have to quit and leave town before they find me. Do you know where Gus is? He is the only person who has any connections to me that could get hurt.. no one else does."I say trying to inform her so she sees this is an urgent matter. "No I haven't seen Gus at all today yet, so he must still be home. But I'll cover for you here so you can get going before they figure out you're here hun. Good luck and be safe it was nice knowing you and thanks for everything you have done for me." Betty says this all with so much sincerity in her voice making my heart clench as my eyes well with tears. I nod and give her a hug, she hugs me back so tightly as she pats my back and seperates from me. She goes back inside quickly as I go to turn the corner and their are 3 guys around my bike checking it out.. I go back to being hidden in the back trying to figure out what to do now. F*#k! What do I do now? How am I suppose to get out of this place with those guys there by my bike? I guess my only option is to take them head on so I can get my bike and make a run for it as quickly as possible for Gus' house before anything happens to him. I take a deep breathe in then letting it out as I turn the corner and start to walk towards the 3 mafia goons with their back to me. That is until I feel a hand around my mouth and an arm around my waist pulling me back behind the building and holding me tight into their rock hard body. I can hear the strangers breathing next to my ear as my heart races and I try to fight to get out of his grip. I struggle in his hold for a moment but he just tightens the grip until I hear him whisper in my ear. "KitKat it's me.. you can't go out there and fight the 3 of them at once are you crazy? Ditch the bike and come with me in my car, it's just right here and we can go now." I have a wave of relief in my heart as I realize it's Otto. I shake my head as I flip around retorting back in a soft yell, "No Otto you need to leave before something bad happens to you. I couldn't handle something happening to you please don't get mixed up with me more than you have please." I beg but he just shakes his head responding, " I'm not going anywhere Kat I'm staying with you. I don't care what happens to anything else I just care what happens to you. Trust me please I would do anything for you now let me. I'm your only hope right now.. please KitKat." I stare deep into his eyes as think about this, but he is right as much as I might hate involving him but he is my only shot to get out.. So I nod at his suggestion because I really have no other choice. He lets go of my body grabbing my hand and sneaking around to the other side of the building where his car is parked and hidden at the moment. He opens the back seat for me pointing for me to get in. I do and he lays a blanket over me hiding me as I sit on the backseat car floor to hide more because I'm so small and can do that. Otto quietly shuts the door behind me and jumps into the drivers seat and casually takes us away from the bar area. I stay down there as long as Otto tells me to or at least until he tells me I can come out. He drives us for a little bit until I can feel the car come to a stop. He takes the blanket off of me and says, "Kat baby we are here let's talk to Gus quickly then go ok?" I get up off the floor nodding as we step out of the car. I skip the Garage and go straight to the house. I run so quickly to Gus' house. I knock and knock and no one answers so he is not in there. I turn around and I run back out to the garage to see if he is in there. We are luckily parked behind the garage so I secretly hope he is in the garage so we can just quickly get in then out but we will see. I knock on the door to the garage and Gus answers luckily. I jump into his arms hugging him as he returns the gesture to me. Once we seperate, he has confusion all over his face until he sees my neck and my leg then his eyes go wide. He pulls me into the garage behind him shutting the door behind us. He is glaring at Otto, I think he thinks he did this to me so I have to clarify now before there is a problem. He is the only other person who should know what's really going on with me and the mafia. So I just decide to rip off that bandaid and get this done with. "Ok Gus I don't have much time to explain.. but here we go. My dad was in alot of debt with the mafia.. to get out of his debt without money and without dying he sold me to them to use as they please. When I saw them signing the contract over my freedom, I ran away and I have been hiding ever since.. but they found me and attacked me and are chasing after me. They will be coming here to question you because besides Otto and my work your the only person I have called and had some kind of contact with, so they know we have a connection somehow. You have to go now to get away before anything happens to you. your like a dad to me and I don't want anything to happen to you please. I can give you some money right now to give you a chance to get away for a little bit then come back after things have calmed down. But I have to go and I needed to say goodbye and thank you for everything you have done for me. I love you like the dad I never got to have. You were better than my actual dad and I couldn't thank you enough. Now let me get you some money and you can go on a vacation for a little bit just like you deserve Ok?" I say taking my back pack off to get my stash money out to give to him. But before I can even unzip my bag he puts his hand on top of mine. "No Kat you have been nothing short of an amazing daughter to me and I love you just the same. I would do anything to help you out but I'm not running or hiding.. ever. Thank you for the offer though. But you need to go if they are headed here. They can't find you Kat, you deserve so much better than that life. Otto please take good care of her and get her out of here before they get her please." Gus leans down giving me a big fatherly hug making me cry and hug him back. "Please Gus take my money and save yourself please." I beg and plead with him but he just smiles a big genuine smile as he shakes his head at me. "Sorry Kat but no." Right as he says this we hear a car pulling up and we run to the window to see it's some of the mafia goons but they are walking up to the house not the garage so we have a chance to get out. I flip my backpack back on my back as I quickly turn to Gus. "That's them Gus, come with us please we have a chance to go now please." I beg again as he cups my cheek and shakes his head. "I love you Kat you're and amazing daughter, and friend, never forget that and never change, you're magnificent the way you are. Please trust Otto I can tell he is a good guy and cares about you but you need someone to help you through this right now and he is the only one.. now go Kat and live a good long life." he says kissing my forehead turning around as he grabs the door knob to head out there to them. I start to panic. No he can't do this! He is practically sacrificing himself going out there. My heart is racing as I reach to grab his shoulder and he smiles down at me as he looks at Otto saying, "Otto take good care of her but get her out of here now. She won't go willingly but you need to fight your urge to give her what she wants and do what's best for her.. You need to take her now and get her out before they get her please there is a back door behind that last shelf and down the little hallway." Otto nods at him as he says "I will protect her with my life I promise." He grabs my hand pulling me behind him. I start to struggle in his hold as he tightens his grip. My heart is racing as I stare at Gus smiling at me, "Gus please, don't do this please!" I start to panic more as I see him opening the door to go out and meet them. I struggle more to get out of his grip, as Otto wraps his arms around my waist pulling me now as I start to fight against his pull. I can't hear what's being said but as Otto pulls me out the back door I can hear arguing out front with Gus and the goons and my heart is beating out of my chest. The arguing has now turned to yelling but I still can't hear what they are saying, "No no no we have to help him please Otto please." I beg as I fight against his hold. But he just keeps pulling me away looking so sad. I try to get out of his hold again and he tightens his grip around me again pulling me towards the car once more. I push him back in frustration and I'm out of his hold but he puts his hands up to stop me. I throw punch after punch at him and try to get past him but he is not letting me. He won't fight back he is just blocking every punch I throw at him, trying to get past him and to get to Gus to help him before something bad happens. I hear 3 gunshots echo through the air one after the other as I scream, "No Gus No!! No!!" I throw more punches at Otto. He keeps just blocking not hitting me back. I see the 3 guys come through the building.They see us and start running towards us with guns in hand. Otto grabs me throwing me over his shoulder as I beat his back begging him to stop. "Please Otto he needs us please don't do this." He shakes his head in response as he throws me into the back seat putting the child locks on so I can't get out. I'm begging still in hopes he will change his mind before it's too late as I bang on the window. "I'm so sorry but No Kat I promised to protect you and Gus said he would do anything to protect you to as well. He has literally taken that bullet for you so don't make his choice in vain. We need to go now!" Otto says with such urgency and desperation in his voice as we hear another gun shot go off and there are the mafia goons running towards our car so Otto steps on the gas as we fly off of the property. I just break down crying into my hands in the back seat, at the loss of everything precious to me the past half year. I can't believe Gus took a bullet for me this isn't right this shouldn't have happened and this is all my fault. This is what happens when you meet me and help me. I stare forward with tears in my eyes as Otto stares back at me through the rear view mirror looking guilty and hurt. I know he was doing what he thought was right by me and Gus but this hurts so much. I can't even describe the hurt I'm feeling in my heart right now. I can't stop the tears and my heart just clenches at the thought of everything that just happened. After about 15 minutes of driving Otto stops the car at his apartment building and looks back at me for a moment saying, "I have to grab a couple things then we are taking off please stay here please I'm begging you KitKat please." I stare into his eyes for another silent moment as I nod and look away he bolts out of the front seat and into his place. He wasn't kidding when he said a minute because he is only in there for a little bit when he comes back out with a big duffle bag filled up. He climbs back into the car turning to me in the back saying, "Baby please give me your phone I'm sure they can track it so we have to get rid of them." I nod agreeing with his statement as I hand him my phone. He throws them out his window and running over them as he takes off driving. I don't know where we are headed but right now I don't care. Here we go again with throwing away one life to start another. I'm so tired of running but at least now I have some great company I can't complain about that. At least I'm not alone anymore. "Kit Kat please don't be mad at me I was doing what I thought was right. You don't know how hard it was for me to do that to you especially with you crying and begging please don't hate me. I did it for you and Gus." Otto says this to me as I look at the rear view mirror as he stares back at me. I shake my head and respond back, "I know Otto and I'm not mad at you I'm just upset he was like a father and I left him behind. I feel like a coward. I hate myself right now for even talking with him and involving him in my life.. see this is what happens when people want to be in my life. I don't want that to happen to you Otto. You're all I have left." is all I can get out before the water works start again. "I will take any of this head on as long as I can be with you now. We can run for the rest of our lives for all I care as long as I'm with you baby. We will be OK I won't let anything happen to you and actually I have a very big inheritance so we can just run and hide all around the world if you want to baby. But I'm not going anywhere." he says to me making me nod in happiness but I still can't stop the tears. It's like a waterfall. Today has been a rough day. I can only squeak out, "Thank you." before the water works start again.
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