Chapter 5 Day Off

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Otto's POV I didn't sleep very well suprisingly enough, mostly because of nervousness. I haven't wanted to hang out with a girl in a very long time and I'm worried I'm going to make a fool of myself. But hopefully not. I finally give up on trying to sleep, so I get up taking a shower and taking my time to get ready for the day. It's almost 8am by the time I'm done, so I grab my phone opening it up and scrolling to the name 'KitKat' which just makes me smile. I bet she had a long night last night and might not be awake, so I decide to send her a text instead of calling. 'Hey Kat this is Otto, I couldn't sleep very well last night, so I'm up and ready to go whenever you are.' I flop down on my couch, setting my phone down next to me, as it starts to vibrate under my hand. I pick it up and look at the screen to see I have a message from Kat and instantly my heart rate goes up with that thought. I hope she doesn't cancel. After a moment of nervousness I decide to open up the message and read, 'Good morning Otto, sorry you didn't get much sleep..But I'm ready whenever. The only way I can join today is if I get a ride though.. if that's ok? My bike broke down last night so it's getting worked on all day today.' My heart races even more at this thought alone. But maybe this is good.. this will give me more of a chance to convince her to go out and eat with me since I'm the one driving us. A smirk is now spread across my face as I'm responding back, 'Yes of course that's fine, I just need your address and I'll leave now." She responds almost instantly which makes me smile so big because there was a part of me that was worried she would cancel last minute. I leave my apartment to head to hers. It only takes me about 15 minutes to get there because she is on the other end of town. I pull up and park, because I want to get out and go get her like a gentleman is supposed to do. I want to leave the perfect first impression. I walk in to a nice but pretty plain basic looking building. There is just beige everywhere so everything looks very neutral. I take the stairs up to the 2nd floor which she told me she lives on. I walk down the hallway looking at each room letter looking for 2H just as she instructed me. I finally located her room at the end of the hallway. I stand in front of it for a moment before I decide to knock. I hear moving on the other side of the door until it opens up wide and it's Kat in all of her early morning beauty. A smile breaks out on my face instantly seeing her. She has a workout leggings and light zip up sweater that matches with the black and teal coloring. She had black tennis shoes and light make up put on. It's not like she needs it at all but I won't judge it. My eyes make their way to her face and she is smiling up at me with one hand holding her hair up and the other hand on the door. "Morning Otto, sorry can you come in real quick so you're not waiting for me out there.. my hairtie decided to break last second, so I have to go throw my hair back up." She gestures with her open hand for me to follow in but you don't have to ask me twice. I nod at her still smiling as I follow her in shutting the door behind me. She walks off to throw her hair up so I take advantage and take a look around her place.. but curiously not much to look at. No decorations, No photos, Only a couch Shelf with books and TV out in the front room. I hear a snap and then Kat cussing, "F*#k that hurt!" I walk back to the room she is occupying, which ends up being the bathroom, as I look around locking on Kat's frame seeing she is shaking her hand. "You ok Kat?" I ask taking a look around to see everything is in bags as if she just moved in yesterday. "Yea thanks, just not my lucky day with hairties today I guess."She says this smiling at me as I nod at her and ask curiously, "Are you moving somewhere?" I notice Kat stiffen up at my question as she answers still looking at her reflection with a little bit of worry on her face, "Um.. I don't know..maybe..You never know when you might have to go." there is sadness laced in her voice at this comment and it didn't go unnoticed. I try to change up the mood so I make a joke with her, "What are you on the run from someone or something Kat?" Her eyes go wide with shock evident on her face. She is completely shocked at this point as she tries to answer but all that happens is her mouth opens and shuts with nervousness. "Don't tell me you're the gorgeous serial killer that leads single men back to her apartment with her good looks, just to kill them and leave to never be seen again?" I say this with so much humor in my voice so she knows I'm not trying to make her feel bad. Her melodic laugh fills the room as her beautiful smile lights it up. She shakes her head at me responding, "No I'm not a killer... well yet...But piss me off and we will see what happens... But have problems I have been trying to... deal with." She says as if she is ashamed as she looks down and away fidgeting with her hands. Before I even know what I'm doing my hand is moving on it's own, I gently grab the bottom of her chin turning her face up to look at me as I say, "Hey, it's ok, everyone has their own problems, no judgment here what so ever. You don't have to explain anything." I say this to comfort, but so much of me wants her to explain it to me so I can try to understand this mysterious woman. She stares at me for a moment before she nods and says a soft, "Thanks." She turns around grabbing another hairtie and flipping her hair up into a messy bun on the top of her head. Once she is done she turns to me saying, "You ready to go?" I nod and she leads the way out and of course I follow her, watching the way she moves so gracefully across the floor. I think about what she just said and now my mind has more questions than before. By the look on her face when I asked if she was on the run, showed that she probably is on the run.. but from who and why. I lead her to my car opening the passenger door for her as she climbs in. I circle around to the other side, climbing into the car myself. I turn on the engine as I start to back up. I turn and put the car into drive as I smile at Kat and she matches it as I start our drive to a hopefully fun afternoon. She is the first to break the silence saying as she stares out the window, "I never knew there was a gym in this town or I might have met you sooner over there." "Well kind of has a gym.. It's the gym that's connected to the hospital. I go there all the time because that's where I do 90% of my work. I'm a physical therapist, I just help people who got out of surgeries no matter how major of the surgery..or also bad injuries to get better with their strength, stuff like that. So I'm allowed there and they won't think twice about me bringing someone with me so they won't notice you." I say so honestly explaining to her so she doesn't get to nervous about going to a public place like that with me since I think she is hiding from someone. I continue to stare at the road, but I can see with my peripherals that she is still staring at me, this makes me smile as I look at her again, making her blush this time. I think she knew I saw her staring at me. We pull up to the side entrance by the hospital. We both get out as I lead her across the parking lot and into the building. I use my ID to get us into every single door. I have nurses and different co-workers all saying hi to me as we pass. But what annoys me the most are the lustful stares I'm getting from the nurses as they glare at Kat. I want to say something but I don't want to freak Kat out so I'll hold my tongue unless they give me a reason not to. I lead her down another hallway to a little gym. There is a private room I try to always use with my clients so they are not so self conscious with whatever they are dealing with. So I decide to take us to that private room and hopefully she doesn't mind. I don't want to freak her out shoving us in a small room together but if she is really on the run she might appreciate her being away from everyone else. I just don't want to mess up the first time we get to spend together to try to ensure there will be a second time. I carefully watch her from my peripherals as she takes off her shoes and taping her feet and wrists up. She starts to stretch and man I can't tear my eyes from her. I keep watching her as I take my jacket and shoes off as well. My sweat pants are over the top of shorts so I take my pants off to just be in shorts. I stretch a little as I watch her in my peripherals again. Once she is done stretching then so am I. "Ok so how do you want to start this Otto?" she ask so sweetly. "Just take your best shot at me Kat." I say confidently to her as she smirks, "Are you actually going to try to hit back this time instead of block? Because I need an actual challenge this time." she says so confidently to me with her hands on her hips. I chuckle and nod saying, "If you insist KitKat." I say that name to test the waters to see if she is OK with me saying that. I remember how she got mad at that guy calling her that name. Kat stares at me for a moment but doesn't say anything to object to the nick name and I know she heard it too, I made sure of it. She smirks at me and throws a punch at me and of course I block it, she throws another and I block it, but I take a swing back and she ducks avoiding it taking another swing at me as I dodge it. We dance around the room throwing punches, spinning, dodging and blocking each others moves at a nice comfortable pace. We move so perfectly together as if we are partners who have been training together all our lives. She suprisingly matches every hit and move I make and keeps up with me in everyway. We go for a long time just trying to land a hit on one another as she decides to start throwing kicks into the mix which is harder to predict. She does a low spin kick and I jump over her legs, I kick at her and she lays back avoiding my leg, jumping back up to start again. She is absolutely breathtaking watching her dance or fight around the room. I could watch her fight all day as long as I was doing it with her. I love the automatic connect we share while fighting. It's something I have never experience with anyone else and it's mesmerizingly intoxicating. I would do this all day if she would let me and it looks like she could go all day as well. She kicks at my head and I duck to avoid her kick, she gets a look of determination in her face as she unzips her sweater exposing that she is just wearing a black sports bra under the sweater. My heart races at this sight.. How am I suppose to concentrate on her moves when she looks like that.. She walks to the side and throws her sweater over by our bags as she grabs her water bottle. She throws her head back gulping the water as I just stare at the sweat droplets that are running down her exposed chest and stomach. She puts her water bottle down and turns looking at me. She runs at me and flips doing a double back hand spring landing right in front of me as she continues to throw punches. I'm almost completely stunned with how swiftly she did that as I continue to block in amazement. Here she goes again hypnotizing me with her movements since now I can see her muscles rippling with each movement as the sweat glistens on her body making her almost glow. We go for who knows how long, having the time of my life. I think I'm in love, this is amazing to do correctly with someone. We connect on a whole new level and I absolutely adore this. Kick Duck Hit Block We go back and forth over and over again until she let's out a huff, spinning, ducking and throwing her leg back but I remember this move as I put my hand up and I catch her foot in my hand right in front of my face, holding it almost straight up and down with her directly in front of me. She is panting as much as I am as we just stare into each others eyes as I still have hold of her food in front of my face. She smiles at me and says, "You remembered that move from before didn't you?" I smile back and nod since we are both still panting. I finally convinced myself to let her foot go reluctantly. I just like her close proximity and that position made it so much better. She turns around going back to her water bottle taking another chug before she walks back to me staring up into my eyes saying, "F*#k Otto your really good.. it's nice to have a challenge. I love the connection we have doing this together.. It's almost.. intoxicating." She says the last part a little shyly but just those words make my heart race a million miles a minute.. even worse then when we were just fighting together. "Yea I completely agree. We could do that anytime all day and I would love every second of it. Thank for doing this with me." I say so honestly to her making her smile and nod. "How long were we doing this for?" She asks as I look up at the clock in shock, "It's been almost 4 hours!" "What? really? I guess time really does fly by when your having fun huh?" She smiles at me walking to the pile of stuff and collecting her sweater, then her shoes and tape since everything else is in the car. I get a little sad that we are done but I shouldn't push my limits. We had such a great time today maybe she will come with me again. We walk through the hospital again with the same process of girls ogling at me and everyone else just being nice as we pass. We step foot outside and it's pouring rain out. We run to my car and I try to find the keys but can't seem to find them anywhere no matter how many times I pat my pickets.. that's when I see it.. I locked my keys in my car...F*#k! I think we both saw my keys on my car seat at the same time so no need for me to explain my stupidity to her. I look up with embaressment all over my face as she smiles a big smile at me. She walks to my side of my car and says," So do you have an extra key? Or am I going to have to break into it for you?" I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in then say, "It's at my place which isn't too far from here if you don't mind going on a walk with me?" What makes my heart skip is her reaction, "Yea of course Otto, I love walking in the rain. Lead the way!" I love it when she says my name it just rolls off of her tongue so easily. I nod and take her hand pulling her behind me. I turn around saying. "Hey Kat I'm really sorry I obviously didn't realize I would do that especially when it's pouring rain."I say this running my hand through my hair to get it out of my face. She is still letting me hold her hand as she says back, "It's ok Otto, I actually love this weather. The rain is the only thing that calms me down with it's sound and smell. Everyone makes mistakes, but that's why I have a motorcycle to make sure this never happens to me!" I chuckle at her reaction and nod saying. "While we are out did you want to grab some food?.. I'm starving after you gave me a run for my money!" She smiles and nods making my smile even bigger. We run across to the park and playing on the equipment as we pass by. She is so much fun I don't want this day to end. We go down the slides even faster than normal because of the water.. it's almost like a slip-n-slide. We switch to the swings.. We are swinging back and forth on the swings as thunder sounds, booming across the sky. A lightning strike lights up then hits in our area. I walk to her grabbing her hand and leading her off of the metal playing equipment for her safety saying, "We should probably stay off of that until the storm passes." She smiles and nods still letting me hold her hand as if it's so natural for us which makes me so excited. The roads are flooding at this point and we come to and intersection that's pretty deep with water so without saying anything to warn her. I grab Kat picking her up bridal style and carrying her across the road. She stares up at me and smirks shaking her head at me. "What? the water was pretty deep and your pretty short.. I can't have you drowning on me can I?" She playfully hits my chest but leaning into it, making me smile even bigger. She still smells amazing in my arms so it just must be her scent that I love. I set her down as we walk a little farther to my building. We are almost there when we hear the thunder booming then the lightning striking a stop light right by us. She screams and I instantly cover her body with mine against the brick wall protecting her from the lightning bolt that struck right by us. We stand there for a minute with our eyes closed tight. I don't hear anything so I move just my head to look around to see nothing around us damaged..then looking down to see that gorgeous beauty staring up at me. We stare for another moment before she says, "Thanks Otto." I of course smile and nod backing up from her reluctantly. I grab her hand and lead her the rest of the way to my building. We walk in and I see the door man Billy. He sees me and says, "What happened to you Otto?" I chuckle and say, "I was an i***t and locked my keys in my car, but don't worry I had wonderful company for my walk back." I'm still holding onto Kat's hand so I pull her around my broad stature and she smiles at Billy waving. He smiles back and says, "Do you need me to help you into your place?" "Yes please! Thank you Billy!" I respond without hesitation. We follow him up in the elevator to my room. Billy unlocks the door for us and of course we say thank you as I lead Kat into my place. I shut the door behind us as we walk into the frontroom. Kat looks around at the pictures on my wall curiously. I watch her slowly walk around the room letting her hand gently glide across the tops of my table and pictures taking in the decorations in my place. After still being soaking wet I see a shiver go through her body as she is shaking a little. I walk up behind her putting my arms on her biceps quickly rubbing them to help warm her up. I say softly behind her but by her ear, "Kat your shaking.. How about a change of plans? When I'm getting my car back you can take a hot shower and get into some dry clothes so you don't get sick? I can grab us some food on the way back because I'm starving still." She thinks about it for a second then nods at me as I take her hand leading her into the back room where the bathroom is at. It's of course in my bedroom, but I try to make her as comfortable as possible. I grab a shirt and pants of mine, out for her to wear laying them down on my bed. I grab her hand again leading her to the shower showing her the controls and where the towels are. "I'm sorry I don't have any women's products or clothing at all but you can use any of my stuff that you want it's not a problem. Make yourself at home and I'll be back with my car and food. Call me if you need anything. Is there any food you can't eat or don't like?" I ask her as we lock eyes again. "No Otto this is perfect, you have done too much for me already but I appriciate it all. I will eat anything and everything so don't worry about that but there is money in my wallet in your car.. you can pay with my money if you want so we are closer to even for this great time you have shown me today." I shake my head at her comment saying, "It's been a wonderful day..Don't worry about any of that though just get warm so you don't get sick.. I need you in tip top shape to give me more runs for my money in jujitsu." She giggles, nods and smiles at me. I rub my thumb on the top of her hand as we stare for a quiet comfortable minute at each other. I clear my throat and say, "I'll be right back." I quickly make my way through my apartment grabbing my extra key for my car and leaving my place to make sure to get back to my place as fast as I can.
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