Chapter 12 New Place

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Katherine's POV At some point, who knows when, I fell asleep in complete utter sorrow. I couldn't stop the tears from my awful day and I guess they consumed me into the darkness that is sleep, before I even realized it. I slowly open my eyes and I'm laying down in Otto's back seat. We are still in the car driving, but there is no light it's all dark which obviously means I slept through the rest of the day and it's now night time. How late? Who knows..I don't have a watch and I got rid of my phone earlier. I slowly sit up and cringe in pain, groaning as I grab my sore abs and ribs sitting up. Now that I have had time to sit and get some rest, my wounds are now really sore. I fought through all that pain earlier because of the adrenaline in my system and the motivation of the mafia on my tail of course. But now the pain is hitting me tenfold. "Hey KitKat how are you feeling?" Otto asks gaining my attention. I shake my head then respond, "I'm really really sore in so many ways. I don't even know when I fell asleep but thank you for your help once again." "Yea I bet.. you got messed up yesterday. But you don't have to thank me I would do it again in a split second." he says so sweetly as he glances at me through the rearview mirror and then back to the highway. Then I realize what he said, "Wait.. yesterday? What time is it? Where are we and where are we going?" I question looking out the window but I can't see anything because it's pitch dark out of course. "Um.. so my grandmother was a very well off woman. Her and I were very close and when she passed she gave me her inheritance and a couple of her vacation homes in her will. So I figured for right now we can head to one of the vacation homes to tide us over until we have to get going again. We are actually pretty close now but you slept for a long time which is probably what's best for your injured body, so it can try to heal as fast as possible. It's 4am right now and we should be there in about 20 minutes or so." he explains informing me of the current situation. I nod at him and think about what he just said until confusion hits me so I decide to ask, "So if you don't mind me asking, if your rich.. why do you work? It's not like you have to by any means." He chuckles at my question and answers, "I know I don't have to work but I like to make my own way for my life. I also really love my job it has been very rewarding and I was mostly just saving this money for emergencies or anything else I might need.. I figured I would just eventually use it for my family in the future. I bet that's what my grandmother would have wanted it to be used for anyways." he says this so honestly with such love it makes me happy and sad at the same time.. "Well that's really cool that you make your own way, working and taking care of yourself.. most people probably wouldn't do that if they didn't have to.. but I'm really sorry you had to leave your job and you're using your money on me.. I'm so sorry to have brought you into this.. you shouldn't have to waste any of your money on should use it for your family.. Here I'll give you my stash I have saved up for anytime I have to make a run for it. This is my emergency cash. you can have it! I know you don't need it but I would feel better if you didn't have to use your money on me. You were innocent and got dragged into this that isn't fair for you or your future family."I explain as I open my backpack grabbing the plastic bag that was taped to the top of my cupboards at my old apartment. I try to hand it to him but he doesn't take it from me. So I lean over the seat, unzip the bag and put it in his duffle bag that's in the passenger seat, whether he wants it or not. He has done more for me in the last couple weeks of knowing him than anyone has since my mom passed away. I owe him so much already. "Well honestly, my family wasn't happy when I told them I wanted to work they thought I needed to just stay home and go out to find a wife because that's all that mattered to them was continuing our family line. But I needed more purpose in life so I went out and found it no matter how much my family hated it. My grandma was the only one who understood me and she supported me with everything I did because she knew how much it meant to me. She let me do it all on my own paying for college, food and places by myself, working 2 jobs at a time while doing my schooling. She insisted she would give me her inheritance, I told her I didn't want her money. She said that because I didn't want the money was the reason to give it to me because she knew I would only use it if I needed it for something more important and worth it then just throwing it away like my family does. My family never supported my decisions in working and so they stopped talking to me all together.. as if my choice to work made them look bad or something.. So I was the only one who got the inheritance when Grams passed and my family hated me for it.. so I don't have a family to use it on and don't feel bad I was thinking about transferring to another hospital before I even met you so this solves that problem..Also don't worry about me using anything on you because your the only person who has given me more to live for. Your such a good person and you need help now more than ever and I want to be that person to help you. Don't feel bad for me.. because I chose to do this. I know eventually I will have a family and I will be fine with my family in the future whether I use this money on you or not.. your worth it I swear. I was feeling lonely and a little depressed not having anyone in my life who gave me any interest. Like I said no girls interested me, just my work and that could only make me feel a little better. I needed someone who wants to be with me and be around me and have the same interests as me and you have done all that for me. You honestly gave me something to fight for and I know my grandma would have adored you and completely approved after my decision to be with you and help you." Otto explains all this to me and completely blows my mind. He is so humbled who would have known all that about him if he wouldn't have said it. The more shocking point was that he was happy where he was at with me right now just as long as he was with me.. and the only person's opinion he cared about, his grandma, he thinks she would have completely approved of his life decisions right now. That's crazy to think for me that she would be fine with him helping me, a runaway, and getting himself into trouble in the process. "I'm sorry your family disowned you for being an independent strong individual, that just seems so wrong.. that's really ass backwards if you ask me.. You would think most families would completely approve of your success and admire you for it, like I do.. But..Why would your grandma ever approve of you helping a run away who is dealing with the mafia and not only that, but running away with me and now being involved with the mafia as well?" I ask with so much confusion in my explanation. He chuckles again as he glances up at me in the mirror again before he answers. "I don't know how happy she would be about the whole mafia thing.. but she knows how I was feeling being lonely and all.. She knew none of the girls interested me as well because I use to talk to my Grams about everything, she was my best friend and really started to worry about my happiness. She would completely approve that I found a woman that not only interests me but completely amazes me on so many levels, is an amazing person inside and out, and makes me feel happy to the point that I would run away with her to help her and be with her.. As for my family they have never approved of anything that I liked or loved so I really don't care how they feel about any of this because like you said their feelings are ass backwards when it comes to their priorities." I take in everything he has said mulling it over in my head as I humm in response, nodding. But there is one thing that keeps running through my mind over and over again that I just can't seem to get past. So I decide to just ask, "So what if you find out all about me and you don't like it anymore? I'm honestly afraid you're just going to get tired or bored of me and get rid of me. I mean we only just started dating you could just leave and not have to deal with any of this before you get too involved." Otto scoffs at me still staring at the road until he decided to retort back, "Everything I have found out about you is what made me like you even more Kat. I don't think I could ever get tired of you and anyone who has got tired of you before didn't deserve you because you deserve better than that. I'm already involved and I'm not going anywhere.. unless you want that. Do you want me to leave you? I will never force anything on you and if you don't want me anymore I'll leave the moment you tell me to." I vigorously shake my head before I decide to answer but he saw my head shake and smiles at me through the rearview mirror. But I still decide to answer. "No of course not.. your the only person I would want here with me. I meant it when I said I would run away with you anywhere. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you because if me that's my biggest fear. You heard what they did to Gus. I just don't know why me.. Even the guy, who you attacked at my apartment, said something to me before he attacked me that got my mind reeling. He told me he didn't understand why me because they have brought him plenty of girls that look like me and he doesn't want any of them only me.. I don't understand why he can't just get over it and get past it and give up. This has been going on for too long I just don't understand it." I confess to no one in particular just thinking it all over in my mind. "Well good I'm glad to hear you don't want me to go either that makes me feel better.. But your amazing.. what do you mean, why? I would fight for you too. It just sounds like he is to the point of obsessed about you if it has been this long and he still won't give up.. think about all the money he has lost just by doing this search and he still doesn't care." Otto says this as he slows down and pulls onto a random side dirt road driving us into the forest with thousands of trees around and nothing else in sight, at least that I can see with the headlights as our guide. "So you do like me right Otto? You're not taking me out to the deep dark woods to kill me right?" I say with so much humor as I continue to try to see where we are going. Otto Laughs at this comment then responds. "No I had not planned on that.. but that's an idea to mull over for later. Don't get any ideas for me either." He says still laughing as I join him giggling. We drive for about another 5 minutes until I see it. There is a gorgeous Log Cabin that looks 2 stories high with a patio to the side and it looks like there might be a lake but I can't tell yet. My mouth literally drops staring at it as I look at Otto who is smiling at me from the rearview mirror again. This place is gorgeous and I haven't even got to see it in the light I bet it is even more beautiful in the sunlight. This is better than any place I have ever stayed Otto's POV I stare at Kat through the rearview mirror and her face just glows in awe, as her mouth drops open at the sight of my Grams vacation cabin. I don't know if she has stayed in a place like this but by her reaction I'm going to say no she hasn't. I just want to give her everything she deserves and if it's a vacation home for a little while then so be it. I think she realizes her mouth is wide open now as she closes it smiling shyly. She locks eyes with me and blushes almost instantaneously. I love the way she smiles at me. She looks happy with me, maybe I'm just telling myself that because I hope and pray she is that happy with me.. But I'm so happy to hear she wants me to stay with her and that she cares so much about my safety but for her I need to make sure she never regrets letting me in. I really don't think she will with how comfortable she says she feels with me but you never know. It's crazy how I feel like I can talk to her about anything as well, I have never felt this comfortable with anyone except my Grams and that's because she was my Grandma and best friend of course. I pull into the driveway parking the car. I open the door and step out. I hear the door trying to be opened from the back seat. But I forgot I put on the child lock so she couldn't get out before. But before I can open the backseat door for her, she climbs over the front seat and gets out of the car herself. I laugh at this seeing how excited she really is about this cabin. That makes me so happy to know that. Kat's face is filled with excitement as she just stares in awe at the cabin. I walk to her grabbing her hand in mine as I lead her up the porch steps to the front door. I take the keys out opening the door, turning on the lights, as I hold the door open for Kat. She slowly walks around taking in the beautiful woodsy look of the cabin. She stares at the pictures on the wall that have my family in them as she continues to explore. I walk around and uncover all the furniture, pulling off the sheets and bundling them up in my arms, to put them away for later. I go around checking out how the place looks making sure there are no obvious problems from it being out here unattended for a year or so now. "Are you sure it's ok that we use this Otto? It's so beautiful I would feel so bad if anything bad happened here because of me." Kat asks from behind me. I turn around and she is right behind me at this point as I look down at her. "Baby this is my place now, my Grams gave it to me and no one else. It's ok. What's mine is yours just enjoy it. You deserve good things too you know." I say to her as I rub the sides of her arms. She smiles at me and nods, as she continues to look around. "Ok since we will be staying here for a little while, you need a tour so, obviously this is the front room, we already passed by the kitchen over there. In the back down this hallway is an extra closet and bathroom. and the hallway leads to the back patio where the hot tub is. Let me show you the upstairs." I say as I grab her hand leading her up the stairs. "that first room is biggest bedroom and has a bathroom inside of it and a little patio. The second and 3rd rooms are bedrooms and there is extra closets and bathrooms as well over there. You can go wherever and stay wherever baby like I said what's mine is yours." "Ok thank you Otto.. um.. where would you like me to um..sleep..stay?" She says nervously stuttering through the question. I wasn't thinking about that just yet but good question.. what do I say.. I don't want to make her feel like she has to stay with me in the same room because what if she doesn't want to? I clear my throat just as nervously looking at her responding, "You can stay wherever you want to stay no pressure at all. Like I said I will never make you do anything you don't want to do." I try to be as empathetic as possible so she won't feel uncomfortable. "Well.. um.. would it be ok if I stayed with you? I.. um.. am a little freaked out to be alone right now.. you just make me feel so safe.. comfortable. I'm sorry I don't want to overstep my boundaries." She says to me looking away like she said something dumb but that's of course exactly what I wanted her to say. That makes me feel so good that I make her feel safe and comfortable being with me. That's exactly what I was looking to try to do. "No KitKat I swear your not overstepping boundaries. I would love it if you would stay with me I just didn't want you to feel like you had to. I was trying to make sure you felt no pressure to stay with me." I try to explain this to her before she changes her mind. But she doesn't look like she fully believes me. She looks a little reluctant then says, "Are you sure you're ok with me staying with you. I don't want to pressure you." She says a little dramatically to me making me smile even bigger. I shake my head as I smile at her, I gently squeeze her hand that's still in mine. I pull her behind me to the master bedroom that has the patio and bathroom attached. I open the doors turning on the lights. I uncover the king sized bed and open the patio doors for her as I look in the closet and bathroom making sure everything works fine and looks good. I see her coast across the room as she glides her hand across everything in the room taking in all the details. Her innocence and curiosity are beautiful features and it all stems back to her being humble which I love so much, she really appriciates everything. "The closet is in here, bathroom over there obviously and the patio is right next to you just be careful out there of course. I have actually fallen off of that patio as a child and I can tell you it's not fun." I say with humor in my voice as she smiles and giggles to me, as a huge yawn escapes her lips. I match her yawn as I look down at her saying, "I'll go grab our bags from the car and we will go to bed I'm exhausted. We can get the house set up tomorrow when we wake up ok?" She smiles and nods at me. I go out of the room and down the stairs to the front door opening it and running to the car. I can't believe she wants to stay with me. I got to keep it cool because if I jump the gun she might stay in another room. So don't push things with her. She has already started trusting me so much, in this short period of time. I don't want to mess this up at all. I can't f*#k this up. I grab the bags from the car to head back inside the cabin and up the stairs to our new room. I can't wait. I walk in and freeze almost instantly. Her shirt is off but bralet still on and she is pulling down her pants slowly because of her leg injury. She is bending over and my gaze is glued to her ass because she is wearing a thong and bent over. She grunts in frustration as she flops on the bed. She turns her head to the side, locking eyes with me as she says, "It hurts to bend over and take my pants off because of my leg, ribs and abs being injured. I think that asshole might have broken or at least bruised one of my ribs, they are so sore especially when I bend over.. I can't do this!" I chuckle at her frustration and little bit as I set the bags down on the bed next to her. I walk over to her around the bed and stop in front of her. My breathe hitches as I stare at her gorgeous body, even with the bruises and scratches it's even stunning. They add personality to the beautiful masterpiece in front of me. Her eyes lock with mine as she looks just as nervous as I am right now. I kneel down in front of her as she sits slightly up on her elbows looking down at me. I reach across grabbing her waist band on her pants as I slowly pull them down trying to not stare since I'm in such close proximity to her almost naked body. I Take the least injured leg as I push her barbie shaped little arched feet up and pull it out of the pant leg first. I take the second pant leg and try to stretch it out all around by pulling on each side before I attempt to pull it down so hopefully I don't hurt her either. I don't think she cares too much since these pants are already ripped it's not like she will keep these anyways, I'll just get her new ones. I try to pull them down and it rubs against her wound making her groan and bite her lip as she tries to stay still. I look at her saying, "Sorry baby.. I'll just rip them and I'll get you new ones. They are already f*#ked up anyways." She is still biting her lip as she nods at me still staring. I take each side of the pant leg where it's already ripped and I pull so hard in the opposite direction as the pants rip all the way up so I can pull the off now, with no problem at all. I take the pants tossing them across the room and into the wastebasket. I stand up and she is still laying there as smiles at me saying so softly, "Thanks Otto." "No problem you need only ask baby. Your bag is right here if you want to get something else on." She groans and shakes her head saying, "No! Goodness it took me forever to get those clothes off I don't want to put more on with my legs hurt like this.. unless you will let me borrow a shirt for tonight?" Without hesitation I nod and say, "Of course have your pick, my bag is right there next to you. She rolls on her side grabbing my duffle bag. She slightly sits up opening the bag. I stare at her exposed ass once again because of the thong she is currently wearing. She grabs a shirt of mine as she sits up pulling it over her head. She groans a little grabbing her ribs again. Once the shirt is on she scoots back to the wooden headboard on the bed I grab a pair of shorts out trying to be as casual as possible with her. Even though my heart is racing at how sexy she looks in my shirt right now almost naked. I try to not stare as I take my bloodied shirt off throwing it away in the wastebasket across the room as well. I can see from my peripherals that she is staring which makes me feel good. But I try to not notice. I take my pants off throwing those across the room as well to the wastebasket, of course making it in and filling it up with all of our clothes in there. We will have to do a little shopping but not too much. I walk to the bed grabbing the shorts and putting them on as I have the feeling of being stared at making me excited. This is a little nerve-racking the idea of her wanting to be in the same room and bed with me because I really don't want to push limits but she looks so f*#king good in my shirt.. damn. I grab our bags setting them down on the floor as I pull the comforter back and sit in the bed. I can see she is still sitting up a little stiff probably just nervous like me so I scoot down into the bed laying on my back with my arms behind my head as I close my eyes taking a deep breathe in then letting it out. I feel her arm snake over my exposed stomach as her hand gently plays with the hair on my chest. I stiffen up a little not because I don't like it but because of it being unexpected. So I soften instantly under her touch as I feel her most of her body laying over mine. Her soft exposed skin touching mine felt almost tantalizing. I open my eyes locking gazes with her instantly. She is looking at me as she sends a small smile my way until she decides to explain, "I know it sounds stupid because I didn't get much sleep that night.. but the first night I slept with you like this was the best sleep I had gotten in a long time.. maybe ever.. so I figured I would give it another shot. If you don't mind of course." "No I don't mind at all. I slept great that night too. I honestly think it has to do with your natural scent it calms me... Sorry if that sounds weird." I say a little nervously because that comment just slipped out before I could even process it. "No I get it, your's does the same for me too. You smell amazing." She says squeezing me tighter as she snuggles into my side more. She takes a deep breathe in then letting it out as she continues to play with with hair on my exposed chest. I chuckle at her compliment as I wrap my arm around her back down to her hip holding her tigher into my side if that was even possible.We fit perfectly together as if we were just made for each other. This feels so right being with her like this. I gently rub her back going with the same rhythm she is rubbing my chest with. After a little while we both fall asleep in each others comfortable embrace.
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