Episode 4

1040 Words
Kenneth took out the tab, handing it over to Josh. "Sir, here's the bill. Cash or ATM?" Josh took out his ATM, gave it over to the waiter who slotted it into a small machine, then inputted the necessary information before giving the card back to him. Josh, as benevolent as always, tipped the waiter $50, earning him a grin from the waiter. His eyes spoke gratitude. "Enjoy your meal," Kenneth happily said, leaving them to their food. Josh and Sparkle started drinking their champagne while getting back to their conversation. "1986 Moet, my favourite," she commented. "You have great taste," Josh complimented. "Thanks," dropping her glass," so, how did your parents die?" "Car accident. What about yours?" Josh asked. "Plane crash." "Aren't we unfortunate kids? It makes me so sad to know that I won't see them. Ever again," Josh sadly said. "Yeah," Sparkle concurred. Changing the topic, "would you date me?" Josh asked Sparkle. "Yes, I'll." "Really?" "Yes," Sparkle rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You just agreed to it without hesitation?" "Yes. Why is it so hard for you to believe? We've talked about it already. After all, I've nothing to lose. It's just a challenge. Right?" "Just a challenge. Right." Plates of rice, sauce, chicken laps, salad, sliced fruits and a bottle of Moet were on the table. They had already started drinking. Both of them went for the fruit salad. "Now that you're my girlfriend, when will you visit my house?" Laughing, "you make it sound easy. I think it will be when we eventually get married." "If that will make you happy, then, we should get married today." She glanced at him like he was saying something unreasonable, "you can't be serious?" Sipping a mouthful of Moet. Checking her time, she screamed. "What's the problem?" "My break time is over. I have to go," hurrying off. "Would you come to the house, later? Or, should I come to see you in your office?" Josh stood to hug her. Sparkle made for the door and left. Josh finished off with his food then walked to the door before entering his car and heading back to the office. ********** Back at the police headquarters, Sparkle was watching a recap of a robbery on the CCTV. The entire place was busy with numerous police officers, each attending to a matter at his or her duty post. Some were answering the phone lines, criminals and offenders, dragged in. Sparkle's attention was secured in a room with a television, casting a CCTV tape. 'A man's head is resting against a desk. He is tensed, sweaty, wide-eyed with concentration. He's in a purple hoodie and black jeans. His face is hidden under a mask that exposes only his eyes and nose. He raises his revolver in his right hand, locks it in his cylinder, twists and reloads.' "He is Nathan Starling, 23 and from Texas," a cop in his uniform briefed her. His hair is black and neatly trimmed, bristly eyebrows, hawkish but pointed at the tip of his nose, a defined cheekbone, concrete jaw, a goatee, a dark bristly moustache, a flicker of curiosity in his brown eyes and small well-aligned lips. He wasn't too muscled but fit and looked ready to go. He was dressed in his police uniform, which only made his shiny ebony skin pop. He looked very handsome and professional. For a cop, he did take his workouts seriously. "What is he doing, Charles?" Sparkle asked. "Robbing a pharmacy." From his accent, he is an African-British." "Why? What's his motive?" "Trying to get drugs for his cancerous sister because he can't afford them." "How heroic of him." She continued watching the CCTV. The young man walked to the pharmacy door, wired a small tin thread round the door, attached it to the knob and suddenly, the door exploded, bursting wide open. Entering the door, there was a nurse, a male patient and the cashier taking cover under the counter. He dropped into a combat crouch, extended his gun and shouted, "everyone, face on the floor. Except you," he pointed at the nurse. A middle-aged black woman. People scramble to the floor, even the ones who weren't originally visible. Harsh and loud voice, "I need a few cancer drugs and pain relief pills. For a boy of 13. Now!" He pulled the revolver and pointed it at the nurse's head, leading her to the counter with drugs. With trembling hands, she began packing different pills into a bag and handed them over to him. Slowly he backed away and exited the door. "Wow. Where is he now?" "He got away." "How?" "From the CCTV on the street, they captured him removing his mask, dumping both the mask and the revolver on a nearby bridge, speeding away on a bike." "What a dumb thief." "I don't think he intended to hurt anyone." "Yeah, right," Sparkle's phone began buzzing. She took it out of her pocket and answered, "This is she." "Hello, beautiful." A male voice echoed over the phone. "You got to be kidding me. Josh! I told you I was going to work." "I know. But, I miss you, that is why I had to call." "Can we have this conversation later? I am in the middle of something right now." "Sure. Be good. See you later." "Or not," she hung up the call. Turning to the cop from earlier, "why is this case transferred to the police headquarters? There's nothing that the local police station can't handle." "They want to recruit him into the agency." Amused. "They? Who?" "The department. He will serve his punishment but by working under the department." "That must be the biggest joke of all time. They can't possibly be serious. Wait, are they?" "Yes." "That has never been heard of." "Yep." "They do that and the force is a joke. I mean, recruiting a robber found guilty, as part of the department? What a joke." Gathering her files, "where's the chief?" "In his office." "Get the rest of the details and evidence against him. Let me look into this circus they are preparing to put up." "Yes, boss." Sparkle got her things and stormed off to the chief's office.
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