

friends to lovers
realistic earth

Josh witnessed the terrible death of his parents due to what they stood for. Affected by the past, he became carefree and decided to live a simple life filled with laughter, fun, and love. Notwithstanding what happened to his father, Josh still decided to continue with his father's work only with a heart of doubt and difficulty in trusting people.

One day he had a crazy conversation with his friend and decided to carry it out only to encounter the one person that made his heart feel alive again. The one person he was to fulfil his fantasy turned out to be the girl who had the one job of keeping him safe throughout his charity program. Josh not wanting her to find out his true identity pretended to be impersonating a personality called J3.

Josh is caught between keeping his already growing feeling for his guard, staying alive to complete his father's vision and filling his fantasy of marrying a girl he met in just one day.

Credit: The picture on the cover is not mine. The source is Pinterest.

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Episode 1
Josh was a man in his early twenties, light-skinned, tall, black-haired, blue eyes, a movie star with glam close-up face and beautiful full lips. Not so slender, but a bit muscled. From his neckline to his arms down to his torso ran veins indicating hours of work out. They were in the appropriate places. It was 5:30 am and Josh was sitting in his parlour, worth millions of dollars. Expensive chandeliers, leather sofas, hardwood flooring, a granite minibar to the side, a big flat-screen TV concealed in the ceiling, floor lights and a big guitar sculpture hanging in the middle of the parlour. The parlour smelled like wealth and authority. Josh was going through the documents of companies he was looking into buying or investing in, with his assistant who was also his best friend, Heritage. Heritage was a black, slender, good-looking young man, twenty-two years old, black-eyed, with brown hair and smooth skin. Josh was dressed in shorts, flip-flops, and bare-bodied, while Heritage wore jeans, a t-shirt and had bare feet. Exhausted from accessing the different documents, they broke into a conversation. “Heritage, I've been thinking for a while about something important,” he said in his thick Australian accent. “Seriously, I thought so too. It is time someone made a difference in Africa. Look at all the unnecessary bloodshed and violence taking place in different parts of it. Nigeria, Egypt, Kenya, Congo, and the list is endless. Menh! I am concerned about the world. I wish I had superpowers to save her… That's, of course, what you are talking about, right?” “Not really. I would have thought about it though, but, not at the moment. I was thinking that everyone in this life needed money. Money is eventually everything; if you have money, you'll have peace, love, and command. Those things you're talking about, it is only the poor masses that are suffering from that unnecessary stuff. Before that kind of thing gets to me, I'll look for an island or get myself, Mars if possible." “You are right, Josh. But, you do know that there's God. Those we hurt are crying and cursing.” “Why are you preaching to me? I am not the one killing or kidnapping people. Guy, go look for the bad ones and deal with them if you can. Anyway, changing the subject. How is your girlfriend?” “Which girlfriend?” Heritage asked, bewildered. “The fair, tall… Uhm, the city one. What's her name again? Bulb? Bakery? Natasha? Britney? I don't know, but her name starts with a B.” “Oh, you mean Bentley?” “Is that her real name? Isn't that a car brand? Is that what she told you was her name?” Heritage laughed hysterically, “you've not seen anything. That girl is full of lies and deception. One time she says her family is related to Jeff and another time her father is a Senator, her mom is Senior Adviser to the Governor and her only brother is an Army General. So many lies.” “So what happened?” “Well, I found out it was all a lie. She left her phone at my house one day. I tried getting her parent's contact because I wanted to propose, you know, the beautiful romantic stuff involving her family. But, when I called, her mom, a very humble and lovely woman, told me she was in her drugstore. I was shocked. I thought I had called the wrong number. Although I was still sceptical, thinking it was all these people who liked a private lifestyle. I got the address and…” Josh cut him off, laughing uncontrollably. “Josh, this is serious. It is not a laughing matter. I was angry, disappointed and hurt. She was so tricky. I went down to Ohio where the address her mom gave me pointed to, to visit. Getting there, truly, her mom had a small drugstore, her father, a kindergarten teacher in the state school and her brothers were more than one. Up to fourteen." “Sorry about that. No one deserves to be deceived like that.” “I know. It broke my heart. I wanted to marry her despite all that, but she was a cheat. Which I couldn't and still can't take.” “Does that mean your opinion about marriage has changed? " “Not at all. I will still get married and love. But, first, I've to take my time off from relationships and their drama. There's nothing like love at first sight. That's pure illusion.” “Like I always say, let's buy some girls and keep them in the house to do whatever we want. You own them and they worship you.” “Yeah. Right. Like some kind of franchise or property. Yeahhhhhh, let's do that. You do know that what you are saying is modern-day slavery.” “Right. Finally, you have brought some overwhelming s**t to the table…” “Be serious. Unless you want to go into some kind of slavery s**t, ain't no grown-ass woman willing to be owned by a dude.” “You think.” “I know. But, what if this kind of crazy s**t happens?” “What?” “You meet a girl, date her, engage and marry her. All in one freaking day,” he said, trying to pull Josh's leg. “Really? We should try it out. It would be crazy but fun. After all, theories started that way. It won't be bad to get my theory about love. People will die to try it out. Schools will teach it and the world will know my name." “I've never seen you serious about anything in life.” Packing up the documents, “let's get ready, there's a board meeting in an hour.” “No. I mean yes. I am serious about this. After all, there's nothing to lose, and it would be fun.” “You're crazy.” He shook vigorously, “wake up. Let's get back to the reality of making money and put these silly jokes aside.” “No. I am going to do this s**t. “ “What is wrong with you? Josh, be serious and get your ass dressed up for our meeting.” He packed up the document, stood up to leave, but Josh held him back. “I am going to do it.” Heritage was as confused as ever, “okay. Okay. Let's give you a day to clear this madness. Take the whole day off and do what you want. By tomorrow, be back in the office with your full senses.” Murmuring, “now I have to cancel all your appointments and meetings because of a stupid joke.” He jumped up in excitement, “thanks, pal. I need to cool off a bit.” Kissing Heritage's hands. “Get off me dude,” he slightly pushed him off his body and out of the way before walking away.

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