Episode 3

1095 Words
Josh got to the address and secured a hidden and private booth for both of them. The restaurant was busy, filled with people, the waiters and waitresses taking orders, all dressed in maroon trousers and a white t-shirt. Josh picked up his phone and checked the time. It was 9 am on the dot. He got a bit excited about the idea of hearing from her again. Dialling Sparkle's number from the card, it rang twice and after the third dial, she picked “Hello. Good morning.” Her melodic voice answered. “Oh, you picked.” Happy and intrigued. “Excuse me? Who is this and how may I be of help?” She politely asked. “Oh, sorry. It is Josh. You are supposed to meet me at Wang Li, now known as Honeywell. Ring a bell?” “Okay. Josh, I'll be there shortly.” Sighing, "what a relief.”, Josh ended the call. Waving at a waiter, he approached Josh's booth almost immediately. “Good morning, Sir.” A skinny-high-school looking boy greeted him. “Good morning,” Josh flashed him a smile. “The menu, please.” He stretched out his hand for it. “Oh, here it is," handing him a thick blue and white folder. “Please check and place an order.” Josh started going through the menu. Sparkle walked in, wearing a chic black gown, red heels and a nude makeover. Sighting where Josh sat, she waved and joined him “Hello,” she greeted him, looking all glowing and pretty. “Welcome ma'am,” the waiter greeted. “Thank you, Kenneth.” She nodded at the waiter. “You look beautiful and different.” Leaning over, in a whisper, “why are you wearing black?” “Because it would have been my funeral since you almost ran me over. Since I survived it, I decided to wear it out for this instead of the unfortunate.” Tilting his head, “you have a wild imagination.” Taking up the menu again, “I was going through the menu before you walked in. Please check for what to order and...” Cutting him off,” Kenneth, let me have no.9 and 15.” “Yes ma'am,” Kenneth replied, jotting down the order in a small notepad. After he penned down the order and made sure to cross-check until he was satisfied, he turned to Josh, waiting to hear his order. Emotionless, "I can see you are regular.” “Yes. It is my favourite restaurant. Serves my favourite dish and ends it with good service.” “Hmm, oh well, I'll have no.9 and 15.” Handing the menu back to the waiter. Turning to Sparkle, “I didn't choose no.15 because I don't understand the language.” “It's Chinese for a chicken lap with salad.” The waiter was still there, waiting for the rest of the orders. “That will be all,” Josh said. “I'll be back with your orders.” The boy left. “Thank you.” Josh thanked him. “Have I commended your appearance?” He asked Sparkle. Twirling her hair, “yes, it was the first thing you did when I stepped in. I would have said the same thing about you, but,” looking at him from head to toe, “you look the same.” “So beautiful,” he mumbles. “How is work?” “It's work-ish.” “Can I ask you a question?” “Don't ask about my age. Other than that, I am fine with any question.” “Since you mentioned that, I mean the age thing, I feel it's improper to ask a woman about her age. But, I'll ask you later on. I want to ask you if someone can start dating someone they just met? I mean, meeting someone new and dating the person, now.” She gave rumbling laughter, “Are you on drugs? Are you high?” “No, I am not. Matter of fact, I don't do those things. They're unhealthy. It is something I am serious about.” Looking at him, “you are not serious? Or, are you?” “Yes, I am.” “Okay, yes it is possible. All you need is the beginning of my name, which is a spark of feelings to do anything.” “So, it's possible, right?” “Yes, it is, but it's weird.” “I guess we could try it. Maybe we will make a new story.” “You and I.” “Yes.” “Are you nuts?” “Maybe. A little. You are the one that suggested it. So it's possible.” Thinking about it briefly, “sure. Why not. I've nothing to lose. It's crazy and I like crazy.” “A bit of introduction would be nice for both of us” “The saying goes, men first.” “Who changed it? As long as I can remember, it's ladies first.” “I did change it. So, it's you first." “Okay. My name is Josh Jonathan Jerbrone. 27 years old, from Brooklyn, an only child, both parents dead. I like blue colours, yoghurts, Fridays, mangoes and beans. I am working. You? That's all I can remember. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask." Remorseful, "I am sorry about your parents.” Unbothered, " it's fine. I've gotten over it.” “What kind of work do you do? “ “I own things. Technically, everything.” Uncertain, “Is that an occupation? Like telling someone, I am a banker. I am an actor. So, you own things?” Laughing a bit, “you're not serious. I have a company and another company and another company. Now, those companies own things and they own things that own other things. “That's confusing. Anyways, my name is Sparkle Elton. I am 22 years old and the first child out of two. Both parents, equally dead. I am working and this very place, that is, this very restaurant, is mine. That's why the name was changed when I bought it. I named it after my dad.” The waiter returned with a silver cart containing their orders. He placed them on the table and took out a bottle of champagne. Opening the champagne, “this is on the house, ma'am.” “Thank you, Kenneth. Please leave it on the table. We will take care of the rest.”
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