Part 17

1113 Words

“When you say it, you mean it like your soul is part of it.” “Asher...” My voice quivered, feeling in a cold sweat at where this situation might lead to. He wouldn’t do it, would he? His eyes flew to mine. Unknown emotions crossed his blue orbs but were gone in seconds. Why did I feel like he wasn’t the man I had just made love with, the man I wholeheartedly surrendered myself to, whom I comfortably spent intimate moments with. “We can discuss whatever you came here for, tomorrow, or when I approve of it, and that you need to notify me a day before you show up uninvited, otherwise, you’ll see yourself waiting for no one in particular.” He said with so much coldness as he rounded his table and approached me with so assiduous cautions like he was afraid I’d break down. He ran his hands o

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