Part 16

1393 Words

See the pain, feel the words, they are like swords. They are burning me, killing me with such intensity. Save me, no one can because you are all I want. He pulled me into his chest. This time I felt content, just to be in his arms, breathing in his scent, which became my favorite. Minty and masculine. His aftershave scent seemed to cling to his body and had never faded. My mouth watered. I could taste him all day. I found it irresistible. Smiling and feeling giddy, I nestled deeper into his chest after the vigorous activity we took part in. Funny, if all activities were like that, I would take part in it as long as it was always our activity together. Selfishness overload. He snuggled my head and inhaled my scent from the crook of my neck to my hair. Such a gesture always made my sto

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