Part 18

809 Words

“When you let go of someone, make sure not to chase them back.” ASHER’S POV This was right. I had to let her go. She was too innocent for me. She might not be able to accept who I am or who I was. She was frightened. The fear in her eyes wounded me. I could read her eyes and the emotions they displayed. The pain was evident, it was written all over her beautiful face. The pain was the sole reason. I almost lost all the control I had in me when I saw her tears. I knew I didn’t give a damn to women who use their waterworks to manipulate men, but hers...her tears shook me. I never cared about women who were very willing in bed. They were just booty calls, warming my nights when it got colder, an attempt to satisfy my needs that no woman had ever satisfied until I met this little vixen. In

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