College tour and a date?

1105 Words
The weather was pleasant when I returned to New York, the snow had melted the weather had begun to warm though as much as I enjoyed the frost nipping at my skin the beautiful green lush trees in full bloom was certainly a sight to see at the college campus. I had arranged to visit a college in New York it wasn't anything fancy but it was respectable, the professors had good reviews and all in all it seemed like a nice place to be. I was quite the fish out of water however all the students were so casual while I probably looked like I had just gotten out of Church which wasn't surprising from half my wardrobe. I had an appointment at one with the dean then a tour of the campus, I wasn't sure where I would be living with Santos in New York, no doubt some fancy area but hopefully not too far. I had been on the campus barely a few minutes before my phone began to ring I was tempted to let it ring out but second-guessed with it possibly being important. “Hello?” I answered once I pulled my phone from my small brown leather backpack. “So I hear you are in New York” I almost rolled my eyes at the sound of Santos’s voice. “Don't feign interest and how did you even know? Stalking is illegal you know” I made my way over to a small bench to sit down I already knew talking to Santos would take a lot of energy out of me. Santos however chuckled at the other end “The legal end doesn't exactly faze me. Your father did call so we knew you were in our territory.” “Right...” I sighed a silence reined for a moment before I finally asked “what do you want, Santos?” “I want to meet” it wasn't a question it was a demand which left her feeling irritated. “We've met before, Santos. There aren't any obligations here.” “I know there isn't an obligation, Catarina. Just meet me for lunch” he insisted yet again. I couldn't help my teeth grinding at his wording is this what my future would hold? Demands? “Are you asking or telling me?” I heard a sigh on the other end he was quite observant even over the phone picking up on my tone of voice something I had to at least give him credit for “you are such hard work woman... Catarina, will you meet me for lunch?” “Can I get a please?” Santos let out a loud laugh “Don't push it.” “Message me the address I will meet you there” I relented I didn't bother waiting to hear his smug retort so I simply hung up. Agreeing to meet Santos I wasn't sure it was a good idea or not none the less he was the man I would be married to and besides formal gatherings, I wouldn't get the chance I may as well seize the chance while I could but I pushed those thoughts away reminding myself where I was then preparing myself for my meeting. ::: The dean had been a kind older man though I suspected there had been some push on my behalf whether from my family or Santos it was unclear but around this world and how it worked long enough it was easy to pick up on things. I did enjoy my time however, the large libraries on the grounds were amazing a world in itself. When it was over I had forgotten about my arrangement with Santos till I got a message telling me a car was waiting out the front. I didn't even need further explanation or guide their cars stuck out like a sore thumb, sleek, well cared for and always something about them was almost overcompensating. “Miss Rossi” an older gentleman called outstanding by the passenger door. For a moment I contemplated saying no and walking off but then for the better of it. “Yes, that's me” he nodded in response and opened the door for me. Thankfully Santos wasn't another surprise waiting for me when I got into the car and I got a few moments more by myself watching the streets of New York pass me by the city lacked colour unlike my New Orleans it was no surprise at all it was called the concrete jungle, concrete was really so much of its existence. I didn't know what to expect, frankly, I didn't even expect a call from Santos in the first place let alone invited out. I couldn't help but imagine the worse but when the call stopped in front of a homely place I was pleasantly surprised. All my favourite places in New Orleans were hometown sort of places so seeing something so quaint was nice. When the driver came to open my door I realised my family would no doubt disapprove of my wardrobe choices. We were a formal family and always dressed for the occasion even with my irritation however there wasn't much I could do after all it was an impromptu meeting. I was a little unsettled meeting Santos at random, everything was always planned so the spontaneity of the situation was definitely a throw off. It was hard not to spot him even from the window of the car, it was a small place but Santos would be hard to miss even in a crowd and he made his way towards the car as the driver opened it. Getting out I thanked him graciously before giving Santos a sceptical look “What's that look for?” Santos questioned once he was closer those cold eyes already searching my features. “I'm wondering why you asked me here” I didn't see the need to step lightly around the subject with him. Santos gave a nod to the driver in dismissal before turning to me with a smirk “Times are tough if I can’t even ask my fiancé to lunch” his teasing left me unamused and it obviously showed as he struggled to hide how tickled he was. “Cut the crap” I scoffed. Laughing he placed his large hand against my lower back “okay, okay. I have something I want to talk about. Come on let's sit down first” he led me over to the restaurant but my mind was already wondering what he wants to talk about.
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