Making plans

1221 Words
We sat across from one another inside the restaurant. It wasn't overly busy and I assumed it was in no doubt owned or under their thumb. The servers seemed nervous despite attempted to put on a casual front as Santos remained unfazed his eyes either looked at his food or at me perhaps other women would appreciate the attention but somehow from Santos it was unsettling perhaps because he was so intimidating “So?” I finally pushed after eating my small plate of pasta I certainly couldn't complain the food was delightful and made me take note of the place to visit more often when I moved to New York. “So...” he mocked my tone I rolled my eyes however and leaned back in the wooden chair “okay, I wanted to speak to you about when you move here” he began to explain adjusting his posture he straightened in his seat “I have been thinking since I found out the university you want to attend that when you move here you can have an apartment to live close by the school? You won't have much travel then and you won't have to live with me I'm sure that would be something you would prefer. You would really only have to see me at events or if you need something” his words somehow left me almost dumbfounded, I wasn't sure to be happy or offended. My eyes however narrowed in suspicion. It was his father's idea to marry not his even though he agreed but was he really in a position to deny his father let alone the head of New York? Was his idea for me to attend school just a way to keep me away so he can carry on living however he did “what is it?” he asked not understanding my silence. “What is this?” I was surprising myself cause I was somewhat angry “you and your family disrupt my life, want me to marry you, take me away from my family and the life I've only known--” “Lower your voice, Catarina” Santos growled out for the first time he glanced around us to take in the surroundings. “No! Was it a ploy to get your father off your back? You did all this to what feign that you are interested in helping me get what I want just to put me somewhere so you won't have to deal with me? Take me out of the attic like an old Christmas tree when you want me for something” I stood abruptly my hands firm on the table in front of us as I stared at him it was the first time Santos had to look up at me. I had to admit I enjoyed the more even battleground. When I was about to storm off Santos captured my wrist it was hard enough to hurt just to keep me from moving. “Are you done ranting and raving?” he inquired an amused looked on his raising the urge to smack it off “my, my Catarina, first you want nothing to do with me and now you are upset I am suggesting we live apart?” he almost laughed as he slowly rose to his feet standing directly in front of my his hand still around my wrist “I in no way wanted to offend you that wasn't my intention. I thought this is what you would prefer especially since you chose a school quite a while from my home. You didn't incline you wanted us to be close” I couldn't argue I thought it was what I wanted to but with my outburst, I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure if I was annoyed cause it felt like a disruption to my life or he was planning to disregard me “let me explain...” his eyes glanced around once more checking if anyone was watching. It was typical most of the men didn't like showing a softer side in public and no doubt it was more the case with someone that had a reputation such as. He closed the gap between us my face almost in his chest however I raised my chin defiantly eyes meeting his “I understand you are young, didn't have much interest in marriage and have plans of your own. Which is fine with me I didn't have plans to start a family any time soon. I do want you to be comfortable and provide you with what you want and need that is my duty anyway. I thought you would prefer a life where we only interacted during events and such at least till you adjust here but if you want us to live together and work on our marriage say so.” When the family that was the head of New York were spoken about it was rarely in kindness, it was respectful usually but it was always the same of their ruthlessness so seeing Santos actually inquiring on what I wanted definitely took me by surprise. He had been considerate despite his teasing it was shocking but a question still lingered of distrust was it false the men and women around us always could put on a good show. Was this a test somehow? If I wasn't willing to prioritize the marriage perhaps I would be deemed disloyal or a liability?. I looked him over curiously taking in his features but when Santos was serious there was nothing to read just a blank sheet of expression giving nothing away. “I think we should live together. I will just make the commute to school but we will be married we should make it work” it was a safe answer and not untrue. I was going to be married to Santos I may as well make it work if it was doomed then I suppose living apart would be fine. Tragic consequences we had to bear. Santos continued to take me in. His cold eyes examining me it only made me conclude it was a test. I wondered how often he would test me? Feel out my loyalty and if once he didn't like the answer I shudder to think of what he would do. “Catarina” he spoke it was soft and almost gentle so odd for his deep demanding tone but never the less it pulled me from my thoughts. His large hand reaching up just to brush his knuckles across my cheek before his fingers brushed through my dark hair. Perhaps in these small things, I should have recoiled in my inexperience should have made me shy, it didn't though it spurred my defiance and pride “perhaps you are finally coming around” the corner of one side of his lips turned to a smirk and I couldn't help rolling my eyes. “Don't get used to it, Santos” I pulled away dropping down once again in my seat “just because we agree on one subject doesn't mean there will be any others.” “Santos laughed and returned to his seat as well “I have no doubts about it. An interesting future ahead for the both of us I think.”
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