An Aunts Worries

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After my engagement and I returned home days turned into weeks counting down to graduation than my wedding. Going to school with an engagement ring on my finger had definitely caught some eyes but it wasn’t as though I had friends to gossip about it with. When you’re in the world I am the people around tend to know your relations and being involved with someone whose family is in the crime business wasn’t high on anyone’s list especially at a strict Catholic school. My high school days were numbered anyway and now my eyes were focused on the future the possibility of actually having a future granted it would come with a husband which wasn’t ideal but I had options now which at least gave me some hope I wouldn’t be cooped up in a gilded cage. Slipping the ring off my finger eyes lingering across the metal and delicately placed diamonds before sitting it in my jewellery box as I prepared for a shower but paused when the door began to open. Even if someone didn’t knock the old creaking intricately designed handle gave it away the door opened and my aunt Patrizia entered a grim expression on her face which she had more often than none lately “Getting ready for bed Bambina?” she questioned but I couldn’t help but notice her eyes drifting to the ring I had just removed. “I was just about to have a shower. I have exams tomorrow I want to be refreshed” I explained while continuing my routine and letting my hair down. I had debated cutting the long seemingly endless locks but I never found myself able to go through with it. “Did you send out all your applications for college?” Patrizia always wanted more for me. Well for all of us really she had been collateral damage in a dangerous world and now she viewed me the same but when I told her about the college plans she was curious. “I did. Santos told me to let him know what college I preferred but I want to get in on my own merit” which was true I didn’t want his influence on it. I had put in the hard work and I wanted that to pay itself off. If all my time and efforts only settled me in a second rate then I would take it, frankly, I would take whatever I could get. Patrizia nodded in approval she was so traditional sometimes but since all this mess started it had been the first time I saw a glint of pride in her eyes “good idea, Bambina don’t become too reliant on him.” A difficult rule that would be hard to follow since he was my future husband however I didn’t want to rely on him, I never had the intentions of relying on anyone once I had followed my original plans and got a scholarship to college though that didn’t pan out I could still hold the same premise “I’m sceptical too don’t worry” it was easy to read her worry was quick to return to her face as it always did of late. “Men of this world” Patrizia shook her head her tongue tutting at the thought “I always prayed...” Patrizia sighed as she sat at the edge of my bed dark eyes staring into mine. Her stare had always been mildly intimidating since it seemed they could almost look into your soul “prayed you and your sister would have a better life. Your brother there had never been another option but you girls always had a chance. Then your sister fell for that...” she scoffed “typical man but your sister is blinded but you are like me. Eyes open in this world despite the....” her eyes drifted for a moment she almost winced at the recollection of her marriage “disaster of my past I was all too aware of what it held for me before I was pushed into it much like you are” Patrizia scooted closer reaching out to take my hand in which I reciprocated. Her soft hand clutched mine “he may be doing you a favour now, Bambina. Seeming kind now but do not be fooled rarely do they do anything from the kindness of their hearts especially in these arrangements. I know it may hurt your pride but most of the time you are merely an accessory to be paraded around. Keep your eyes open and your wits about you because of the difference between you and me. Your father won’t be able to be there to rescue you as he did me” their words were harsher than expected however the truth it is how it’s mostly been in our world. I do have nightmares about the thought of living a life like my aunt if I would be subjected to such cruelty as her handheld mine I could still see the faint scars on her wrists, they were practically invisible now but still there a reminder along with everything else on her of all she had been through. Patrizia was one of the strongest women I knew and I greatly admired her and if she could push through in this life I would try also not as though I had much of a choice though. Swiftly she moved to embrace me her fingers clutching onto my back I didn’t realise how scared she was for my future frankly I didn’t realise myself of the fear of the encroaching days ahead. Holding onto my aunt before she let go and kissed my forehead like she did every night since I was a child and she came to live with us “I would suggest you running away but...” she whispered. “The repercussions wouldn’t be good” I agreed. It would be far too selfish a thing to do and I surely couldn’t do it to my loved ones. “No... I’m sorry for the heavy talk but it’s getting closer and after he agreed to college you seemed to soften to the idea of him” she explained and perhaps she was right the kind gesture wormed its way through my defences a definite chance for trouble since I didn’t know what would be ahead. “It’s okay” I whispered. “Goodnight Bambina. Sleep well and pray. You will be in my prayers as well” was the last thing she said before leaving my room. My mind was heavier with thoughts than before suppose it was lucky I was going to have a shower to help clear my mind even a little.
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