The Engagement party

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Things didn't change when I returned home. It was quiet and solemn amongst my family, my aunt was carrying on as though preparing for my funeral and my father had retreated into his work, I was sick of the pitying looks from my siblings so I had focused on my school work not as though it would matter. I would be lucky if I was allowed to graduate so my dreams for college would have to be settled into just that as dreams. Life continued on settling into the awkwardness hanging over our heads until a week before Christmas when we were set to have our engagement party. In a few months, I would be eighteen and a week after that would be our wedding just before summer was set to hit personally I felt the cold of winter suited the situation much better when our engagement party was arranged. Despite the set up of the magical lights of Christmas everywhere, it felt much gloomier in reality. “You look beautiful” Belanci complimented as she spun one of my neatly done curls around her finger. My sister had looked more tired than usual lately I knew partly was her concerns on what was happening with me the other part most likely to do with her husband. “Thanks, Bel” I continued looking at my sister as I secured my thick fur jacket over my shoulders getting ready to brace the cold New York night air “are you okay?” “Don't you worry yourself about me now. Tonight is your night” it was an obvious deflection one that she did with a forced smile which meant I wasn't going to get anything out of her. Not that we were typically very close siblings especially with our ten year age gap but still we did share some things. “You don't have to pretend. I can see that pitying look in your eyes as with everyone else’s” I rolled my eyes at the thought “I know what you are all thinking ‘oh poor Catarina marrying that monster’” I mocked. “It isn't meant to be pity, Rin. we are just worried--” “That I will end up like Aunt Patrizia or worse” it wasn't a question it was more of a statement as I met my sisters gaze head-on. “Rin” Belanci sighed but that pity remained in her eyes. I understood it but I couldn't help challenge it. “It's possible isn't it though, Bel. We don't know him but we know what our men are capable of. It's the world we live in after all” my sister practically winced at the words as though I physically struck her instead of just shoving the rude reality in her face instead of dancing around it. I had never been one to pussyfoot though. “Or we could be overreacting and you could be all well and happy” Belanci suddenly forced a smile. The picture of perfection of facades my sister was like most in our lives the men did it well prepared to shoot one another but the woman always did it better they had to fake their whole lives playing perfect housewife it was actually an admirable act but definitely not one I think I was cut for. “Like you, Bel?” I forced a smile as well but it wasn't pleasant and neither were my words Belanci struggled to hold the false smile, the corners of her mouth ticking knowing my words struck a chord. Of course, they did barely anyone's marriage and relationships were happy around us after all I was certainly doomed to the same fate wasn't I. Just as my sister was about to come out of her tense, dumbstruck state a knock happened at the door. My aunt Patrizia opening the door only slightly and sticking her head it. It used to be my father gathering me for these things but he had been struggling a lot lately with all these events unfolding before him and it was out of his control. “It's time” was all she said you would think it was a funeral call with her tone. In a way, however, it did feel similar. ::: People flittered around me as though I was merely an object in the room till needing to be called upon. Santos had spent most of his time discussing business amongst the other men. Despite the brief conversations and the unfortunate moment of having to speak to my future sister in law I mostly remained seated at a tackily decorated table amongst a sea of decor I would have preferred to pluck my eyes from my skull than to actually see again. Nobody paid much attention to the wine glass I kept refilling throughout the evening. I caught the gaze of my family from occasionally and if my cousin Fia wasn't in Italy visiting some of her husbands family perhaps she could keep me entertained it was only when the night dwindled almost to its end did I finally leave my seat. The ridiculous dress they put me in would make it a struggle to use the restroom however I didn't even make it there when my arm was yanked and I was dragged into a room I barely released a gasp when the door closed behind me. Looking up I was faced with my fiance looming over me with his ever so daunting figure “If they see us in here alone, Santos...” I sighed in annoyance at the man. “They won't find us. I wanted to speak to you alone” he clarified those cool eyes remained focused on me. It was almost too intense to bear. “You could have spoken to me all night but I suppose it's nice to get used to what the future holds” I mocked. A sneer crossed his face before pushing off the door. “Could you not for once bust my balls” he groaned stepping back and rubbing at his face in frustration. “Fine what do you want, Santos?” folding my arms impatiently while he seemed to almost copy my posture. “In a few months we will be married, Catarina. You will be here living in New York” I could feel a frown forming on my face. “Are you trying to provoke me?” I had to ask he knew how much I wasn't looking forward to things. This night was the last thing I wanted to be a part of just to be dragged into a room and be brought into the reality of it some more. Shaking his head Santos chuckled “You are a hard woman, Catarina Rossi” he stepped closer once again but I remained rooted to my spot by the door even as he stood over me once again. His large hand reaching up to cup the side of my neck. Such a tender and gentle gesture from such a rough man “I have a gift” with his other hand he retrieved a small both from his pocket my heart was thundering out or nerves more than anything as he opened the box to reveal a ring to my relief it wasn't over the top not that I really wanted it, however “my brother got the ring my father gave to my mother but I got my grandmothers ring personally it's more tasteful at least I think” he explained his hand dropping from my face to take my hand in his and slip the ring onto my finger the fact it fits perfectly made he surprised as I looked at the dainty thing “now your engagement ring.” I didn't know what to say frankly I wanted to run away I was feeling a little overwhelmed with his gentleness it would have been easier if he was an ass and I could hate then “is this the gift” was all I could seem to say. He shook his head and retrieved an envelope from his inner chest pocket before holding it out between two fingers for me to take “what's this?” “Open it” he insisted. I took hold of the envelope and thoughts of the millions of things that could be inside run through my mind before I opened the envelope what was inside almost made my jaw drop to the floor. Inside were papers for schools in New York “I have ears in many places, Catarina I heard you wanted to attend college. There are options for you and we have connections to help you in whichever school you choose” five minutes ago I assumed my future was completely dusted and now the options in which I had hoped for were opened once again and now as I stood before my fiance it now threw me into a tailspin. What was I supposed to think of this man?
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