Brotherly Words

1251 Words
“Pop is going to kill you” Don warned as I continued packing my belongings its not like I had much to pack but it seemed to drag on with Don’s constant chatter. No sooner had I returned to the hotel had I been subjected to the relentless scolding of my older brother. “He won't kill me...” I glared marching into the ensuite bathroom. “Sorry, your right he will kill us both. First me from letting it happen and then you for doing it” Don shouted still standing in the doorway of the room. Even in a hotel, he was hesitant to enter like he would catch some sort of teenage girl germs. “Don't be so dramatic. He won't kill us because he won't find out” I explained carrying my bathroom travel bag into the bedroom before stopping by the bed and staring at my clearly frustrated brother. Having some internal battle with himself. “I have to tell him what?” I dared him. “That you...” he let out a long groan his head falling against the door frame dark curls falling around his face “f**k, Rin why did you do that for.” “Hmm I don't know let me think?” sarcasm dripped from my lips as I dramatically tapped at my chin pretending to think things over “I fell asleep on the way back and Santos took me to his apartment instead of what was I supposed to do, Don?” “Not fall asleep would have been one” he muttered. “It was late and I had been sitting at a damn table waiting for him for like three hours. I was tired you know how I get at social gatherings” I attempted to explain. I didn't even know why we were having this discussion after all we both knew neither of us was going to tell our father. “Why did he leave you?” Don suddenly upped into protective mode. “Business of course” I rolled my eyes it was always business related with all of them. They were all the same. “Don't roll your eyes, Rin... You look like a child” Don chastised folding his arms over his chest. He was five years my senior and the older he was seeming to get it was more the distance between our age grew. “I am a child” I laughed “if you all haven't forgotten I'm sixteen, Don. Maybe you just want to forget that fact huh?” I was challenging him and I knew it but his words had gotten to me. I was a teenager in high school what did they expect “easier to marry me off when you can neglect that fact.” “Rin, come on you know if it were up to us this wouldn't be the case but... It's New York” raking his fingers through his thick hair he sighed “we would all end up dumped in the Hudson River or chopped up and tossed out like trash you really want that?” I looked at my brother he was nervous and unsettled but I couldn't fault him for his words. They were the truth after all they didn't f**k with New York. I sighed closing the flap of my suitcase before walking over to my brother. My bare feet enjoying the fluffy texture of the carpeted floor it made me wonder if it was shampooed after every visit. “I don't blame you, Don. I know it's not your fault. It just is what it is” I put on my best smile to which he tried to reciprocate but it was clearly a struggle. “Pop wanted so much more for you than in all this... He didn't want you in all this now” he let out an almost bitter laugh at the irony “you're going to be higher on the food chain which just means a larger pool looking to take a bite” Don sighed brushing his hand over my head. “At least Santos had a reputation not to be f****d with right? Should buy me some time” I laughed and Don couldn't seem to help himself but laugh as well before shaking his head. “If he doesn't kill you from that flapping hole you call a mouth” he joked but there was a hint of seriousness in his tone. I knew Santos’s reputation and after getting to know him slightly better it was odd the rumours from the actual man himself. “Don't worry” I could say it in sincerity “I really don’t think he will kill me” Don’s demeanour suddenly changed he was more serious, tense. “When you say stuff like that it really does make me realise your age” Don looked down at me the very similar eyes as my own staring back at me “people like that would kill you in a blink of an eye.” “People like that? You mean people like you, people like Papa and most of the men we grew up with. I’m surrounded by killers either way” I stood opposite him in the doorway waiting for a rebuttal but a frown was set on his face. “These are the moments when it's easy to remember you're a kid, Rin. There is a difference between pop and I and... Santos Damiani, he has a reputation for a reason and you're best to remember that I know we keep things hush-hush from the family but the man would slit you in two no questions asked and your best to remember that--” “I know the role I have to play, Don--” “But you are still playing your games falling asleep in his car you let your guard down already and... opening your mouth when you shouldn't” Don sighed clearly disappointed but more worry than anything. “I can't change who I am” I countered. “Well, you have a year to learn to survive amongst these people. I don't want my little sister coming home in a body bag because she couldn't her trap shut” he practically shouted I could see it though it was getting closer only a year to go and I would be married to Santos and out of New Orleans, away from the protection of my family. My siblings and I had never been close but we were still siblings and I could understand his worry really. In our world who wouldn't worry when their loved one was supposed to marry a monster of their world “I just want you to be okay...” I stared at my brother most of the time his emotionless front was on in front of the crowds anyway but alone he let loose of his wide sorrowful eyes. I had honestly never felt so loved by my big brother till that moment however how could I reassure him when I wasn't certain myself. Santos had been kind so far but we weren't married yet and it could be a front. Looking up at my brother I put on a smile however I knew it showed no happiness with my true woeful expression behind it “that's something that can't be promised, Don.”
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