After the Parties over

1057 Words
The celebration had come to an end. Marco and his new bride had been seen off, the party had died down and only a few people lingered in the room while I was still seated now slumped in the same chair I had been sitting in for about two and a half hours. No longer wanting to wait I got up my heels in my hands. I didn't have to worry too much about what anyone would think the only people left were drunk but I didn't pay much attention marching out of the room and finally getting away from the distasteful decor. It probably wasn't the best idea considering I was still unfamiliar with the city however I knew where my hotel was at least even a little intoxicated. Out on the sidewalk a chill in the air I crossed my arms over my chest attempting to keep myself warm. Stepping closer to the curbside I attempted to wave down a cab despite never having done it before. I kept my shoes held to my chest watching the streets and ready to wave with the other, it was night yet the city was so blinding and busy it was almost overwhelming but I tried to ignore everyone and tried to not lose my nerve “Catarina!” Santos’s deep voice boomed as the large man marched towards her from the building. I rolled my eyes at the audacity of him being mad and turned back to face the street “Catarina, you shouldn't have left the reception” he began scolding “you didn't even say anything! Just left what if something happened--” “I couldn't say anything, Santos! You weren't there. I had been sitting alone for almost three hours” I turned to face him in annoyance “I’m tired, I'm sick of wearing this stupid dress and these ridiculous shoes” I threw the high heels onto the side work frankly glad to be rid of the things. “Have you been drinking?” he stepped closer slipping his suit jacket from his well-built shoulders. “So what” I shook my head turning back to face the road then felt fabric touch my bare skin. Glancing over I notice he had placed his jacket around me. The large jacket practically swallowing me whole. “How is it drinking makes you more argumentative” Santos sighed adjusting the jacket over my shoulders. I turned suddenly to face him looking up at the man that is supposed to be my future husband. “What took you so long anyway?” I had to ask crossing my arms over my chest dismissing his gesture of giving me his jacket. “I had... Business” the word business was stretched but I knew the obvious meaning of the words. My father had said it many times in my childhood now I was older I wasn't naive. He clearly sensed my knowing as he reached out and faintly touching my cheek clearly to just get my attention “come on, I will call the car to come to get us” the words were relieving ever since I had arrived all I wanted to do was go back to the hotel then pack and go home. Back to my New Orleans and away from the busy city streets. I nodded my head in agreement and let Santos lead me away. ::: My eyelids were heavy and refused to budge no matter how much I tried, I sighed wrapping my arms around the pillow and nestling my head into the soft surface, the blankets were practically engulfing my body, it was too comfortable to budge but finally, my eyes began to open, the world was a blur for a moment they began to adjust in the darkroom and I realised I wasn't in my hotel room. My eyes widened in surprise suddenly looking around the room. Clean and organized, a sparsely decorated modern room, clearly a guestroom however by how it was obviously barely used. Pushing the blankets from the bed despite the ends of it bunched up around my knees my dress was still on but a large hooded jacket was over it. Getting out of the bed and stepping on the cool wooden flooring with my still aching feet and carefully stepping across the floor to the large window covered with darkened blinds. Opening them it revealed a dull morning view of the busy buildings of New York. Making my way quickly to what I assumed was the bedroom door I opened it, leading into a walkway, railings lined it to a metal spiral staircase, I cautiously stepped out taking in my surroundings thinking about last night and how I needed to quickly go back to the hotel before my brother found out and called my father “your awake” the voice caught my attention and I turned to look over the railing seeing Santos, in the kitchen over the open floor planned living space. “What am I doing here? Why didn't you take me to the hotel? My brother is going to be furious” I snapped at him and hurried down the stairs towards the large man who was casually wandering around the kitchen island. “Coffee?” he asked dismissing all my questions. I huffed and stood at the edge of the counter watching his movements with a glare. “Why am I here, Santos” I ordered. It was probably a funny sight seeing a young girl ordering a big burly man like Santos who no doubt could snap me like a twig but I didn't care. “It was late last night and you fell asleep in the car so I brought you back here alright? I called the hotel and already told your brother so don't worry” I must have deflated slightly at his words because he quickly took the opportunity of the silence “now do you want coffee?” he offered once again. I started at him questioningly as he turned to the fancy looking coffee maker. It was odd seeing him so informal. Just standing in the kitchen in his sweat pants and t-shirt it was quite a daunting realisation that this... All of this would be my future.
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