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*Declan’s POV* I personally think my dad is being too extra. It's understandable because I've been away for way too long but do we need to draw so much attention? The same man who sent me away because of some prophecy is suddenly no longer scared of that prophecy. I've had to stay for years without a mate, and poor Swift was just super lonely. We did meet girls while we were away despite how hard my dad tried to keep me away from them but none was my mate. I had liked a girl once, and in fact I considered bringing her home as my chosen Luna but Swift would not hear of it. He wanted none other than his mate and it was funny that he even still believed that he had a chance of finding her. I'm all clad in a royal attire, my sister's hands linked with mine as we make our way out of our house to the venue of the party. From where we are, I can already perceive a mixture of wolves in the air. I don't think I've ever been in a crowd with so many wolves in all my life, hence I can understand why Swift is becoming agitated. Some of the warriors were escorting me and my sister to the venue. I don't really think that's necessary but, oh well, what can I say. My beta joins me and my sister as we make our way through the crowd. His name is Stanley. I remember Stanley from when we were much younger. He had joined me in Riverdale for about three years before he left after he had successfully completed his training. He was also very loyal and I never doubt for once that he would make the perfect beta for me and my pack.  I missed him a lot, and we have a lot to catch up with. Stan is the same age as myself. He came to Riverdale when he was eighteen, he had just found his mate then and couldn't wait to go back to her. We exchange greetings and he complimented on my sister's look.  Lisa lets go of my hands as soon as we were close to the venue and she rushed into the arms of a brown-haired tall man who I immediately knew was her mate. It sucks that I did not know much about what was going on here even after Lisa has tried to fill me in on a lot of the recent happenings around. We are now in front of the venue and Lisa drags her mate over for an introduction.  “Declan, this is Drake, my mate and future alpha of the Creek wood pack, and Drake this is Declan, my beloved brother and future alpha of this pack,” She makes a quick introduction. “Your sister says a lot about you. I'm glad to finally meet you,” he tells me as we shook hands. I take an instant liking to Drake. He seems like a pretty nice guy and he looked good standing next to Lisa. “Likewise,” I tell him with a smile. My wolf sense can tell that he likes me too. There’s a hush from the crowd now. Previously, I'd been picking bits of talks here and there. As a werewolf, and also future alpha of this pack, my hearing was quite good. I pick sounds easily, especially if I was interested in the conversation and if I'm listening attentively. Maybe it was one of my gifts because not many werewolves could do the same. Then I hear my dad's voice, loud and clear, telling the crowd to welcome the person behind the reason for the gathering. Which is me of course. My dad just has to make a show of everything. I roll my eyes. He gives a short speech about how proud he is of me and how much of a great alpha I would become. His speech is followed by a round of applause and next thing, Lisa is pushing me to go in. Drake and Stan are also cheering me up. So I walk in. The applause increases as I enter and I can pick up a number of murmurings from the crowd. Mostly from ladies you know. This isn't new to me by the way. Now don't call me proud, but I know I'm cute. I can tell because of the attention I draw from the female gender and not just the females if I may add, but that's a story for later. A small  entourage is behind me as I make my way amongst the crowd. Damn, I feel like a star. Like an actual celebrity, because I'm waving at the crowd and a whole lot of people are gushing over me. I can get used to this you know. Were these the perks that came with being the alpha of a pack? Boy, I have missed a lot all these years. A special table had been prepared for us, with me being at the head. Swift was acting up now and he was beginning to piss me off. I haven't had this much fun in years and he was trying to ruin it for me. I put up a wall to block him out, ignoring his complaints. I intend enjoying today as much as I can. The table was reserved for me, Lisa and her mate, Stanley and his mate, and the future gamma Andrew. I and Andrew are still without mates but I learned he got himself a girlfriend and she would be sitting next to him of course. Which left me as the only person on the table that would not be paired. Great. I walk over to my seat at the table and the others supposed to be on the table join me. I shake hands with them and take my seat. I can see the eyes of many of the females winking at me. Andrew is the last to join the table. He came with his female companion who I learned was Drake's sister and also the daughter of the alpha of Creek wood pack.  Drew takes his seat but to my surprise and also to the surprise of others, his companion decides not to seat next to him. Instead, she releases her hands from his and takes the seat to my right which was vacant of course. I look at her, then over to Drake who was seated at my left besides Lisa for some kind of explanation but he just shrugged and cast his eyes away from mine. I can see Andrew trying to mouth some words to his companion but she ignores him and turns to me with a smile plastered on her face. It was at this point that Swift succeeds in breaking the wall I had successfully put between us. I was never good at blocking him out anyway but if it were to be the other way round, he did a pretty awesome job each time he blocked me. “Hey I'm Alex, I’m sister to Drake and also the alphas daughter of the Creek wood pack,” She introduces herself to me. Now I can clearly see why Lisa doesn't like her. The attitude she just displayed now was worrisome and embarrassing. Drew was still staring at us. If I wasn't the future alpha, he would have come after me for a fight now. I hear Lisa smirk and hiss at the girl but Alex just had her eyes fixed on me. “Hey, I'm-“ She didn't even let me finish. “Declan, oh I know who you are,” She said and giggled like a child “You're the future alpha of Midnight pack of course, you look better in person you know. Those eyes…” She trailed off dreamily. Okay. I'm beginning to get disgusted. A loud music booms in the air now and I'm grateful for the distraction. There's lots of food and drink that even I am impressed. I glance over to where my dad was seated with other alpha’s and their Luna and my mum winks at me, I return her wink. “Alex,” I turn back to the girl besides me “Don't you think you should be seated next to your boyfriend ?” I ask her. She laughed then “Oh no, Drew is not my boyfriend,” “Alex!” Drake shouted her name and she eyed him. Apparently he had heard what she just said and so had Lisa. Swift is getting on my nerves again. He is hyperventilating and unusually agitated now. I understand he's probably not used to the crowd, and if he wasn't comfortable why then did he have to break out of the wall I had successfully thrown between us? Why did he always have to prove his stubbornness at every opportunity he got?  It was weird because Swift always behaved himself in public. He may be stubborn at times, and proud, but I could easily control him in public, but I guess he is not having it today. I am sweating now and trying so hard to control my breathing. Hopefully, nobody notices this. “Don't mind my sister,” Drake tries to apologize on her behalf “She can be like that sometimes,” “Don't speak for me,” his sister retorted. “Stay away from my brother you moron,” This was Lisa now “Blood sucking gold digger, I don't know what your game is but don't even think of coming close to my brother because I swear you will know no peace. I'll personally make sure of that,” “Enough!” I slam my fists on the table without meaning to and I can see that I let out some of my alpha aura sip out because they all flinched. Even Drake. It even affects some of the people in the table closest to us. This is not me, you can blame it on Swift. “Lisa, don't use such words on a lady,” I scold my sister and this causes Alex to smile broadly. Then I turn to Alex, I know exactly why she is seated here. She likes me, and I know how girls like her think. Why would she seat with a gamma when there was an alpha without a mate on the table?  “let's just have fun alright,” I say instead. I wasn't going to embarrass a lady in public. No, I'm too much of a gentleman to do that. I have a sister remember? And I know just how to treat ladies. Stanley is looking at me in a rather odd way now, and I know he can feel my discomfort. “Are you alright ?” He asks me through mind link. You see why I say Stan would make a very good beta for me. He knows me all too well to detect when I'm not in my right moods. “It's Swift,” I mind link him back. “Wanna go outside for some air maybe?” he asks. “No, I'll handle him,” I assure him so he can go back to enjoying  his food. Well, I don't think I can handle Swift now because he wants full control of my body. I don't think I've ever seen Swift in this mood before. He was anxious about something, yet he was excited. It took me a few seconds before the reason behind Swift’s attitude hit me.  I inhaled the scent. Her scent. Why did I not suspect it all these while? I felt my body shake. Twenty one years and I can finally smell her. There was no controlling me now. I had everybody's attention with the amount of power eluding out of me. Swift was taking over. She was close.  I stand to my full six feet five inches when I laid my eyes on the most beautiful lady I have ever seen in all my life. The lady in red. I let out a loud growl, causing everyone to bear their necks to me. All except the alpha’s of course. I'm not an alpha yet, but still, I commanded as much respect as one.
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