The Moon Goddess.

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Elena's POV I run into the bushes crying. I do not know what else to do. I know that I am in a challenging situation. I do not know if I can resist my mate if I see him again. But what if I accept him and he does not accept my Pack? I cannot leave them again. They need me so much. The Moon Goddess has not left my wolf on ice for them to pray upon and for them to give hope for nothing. I need my mates, but I also need my Pack. Or rather, my Pack needs me. What am I going to do? I do not want to lose either of them. Do I pray to the Moon Goddess one more time and give her another chance? She has never listened to my prayers before. I do not know what to do. I ran to the waterfall. However, tonight, the waterfall is frozen. Blue lights are shining from the waterfall. I do not understand what that means. It looks like the moon is reflecting onto the waterfall, and I do not know why the waterfall is frozen suddenly. I look at it in amazement. What the hell is going on here? "I see you like the ice sculptures that I made you. Did you think I left you and didn't hear your prayers? It would be best if you remembered you didn't have a wolf, and I couldn't communicate without your wolf. You were always my child, and I always wished to talk to you because you are very special to me. It is impossible for the Moon Goddess to speak to a human. You should know that, and you should know that I would never leave you. I knew your stepmother cursed your wolf and could not reach you, but I talked to her all the time, promising her that I would get you to come to her one day. The only way I could do that was through another wolf. And that is why your mate rejected you and pushed you off that cliff. I am sure he is regretting it, but I'm also sure that he is not one for you. He does not reserve you as his heart is evil. If he came to you, he would have used you to take your brother's place as the alpha. It was best that he rejected you, and I made him do it through his wolf, although I know his wolf is regretting it. However, his wolf is not strong enough for you. I know you think your Pack needs you, but I promise you, you and your Pack will be fine. Rayn is a good person, and his wolf is made for Snow. I am sure you have realized it by now. However, you need to take revenge. You are the Queen of Rogues. It is not by coincidence that I sent you here. I want you to unite all the rogues and the outcasts from this area. Also, you and your mate will not have an easy way to walk," Someone says from behind me. I turn around slowly, ready to fight. But I am amazed at what I see. I see the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life. Her body shines like the moon. Her eyes look like moon rays. She is dressed in a dress that looks like diamonds glittering in the moonlight. Her hair is as white and bright as the stars. I cannot take my eyes off her. I know she can see the amazement in my eyes as a smile spreads around her face. "It is you. You have heard my prayers," I say in awe of her beauty. "Of course, I have heard you, my child. I just couldn't reach you. I have listened to your cries for help when your mother died, but your mother is also looking over you. And I promise you, she's very happy where she is. One day, you will see her again. Your father and brother have disappointed her as they have pushed you away. But it is not their fault. I want you to know that that evil stepmother of yours is behind all of this. Yeah, your stepsister is also not that innocent. And we will get to it all later, and I will help you to defeat them. For now, we have to concentrate on everything that is going on in your life right now," The Moon Goddess says. "I know I did not pray to you for a long time, but I believed you gave up on me. I am glad that I met you right now, and I'm so happy that I can talk to you face to face. Why are you talking to me and not other wolves like this? I need to know what will happen to Ryan, my Pack, and me. Will I ever find happiness? Or am I doomed to live in this misery forever?" I ask. "It all depends on you, my dear. It all depends on if you are ready to fight for your happiness. You know, I cannot intervene. You know that I am only here to guide you. There is a long, rugged path waiting for you. You will have to fight. You must fight for the love of your life and your Pack. All I can do is encourage you. Everything else is in your hands. If you believe you will find happiness in this world, you will fight for it. Perhaps you do not have to choose between your mate and your Pack. Maybe you can find joy in everything that you do - in every decision that you make. I cannot tell you your future because it's not in my hands. Your future is in your own hands. However, I can encourage you to never give up on your mate. You may go through terrible times. You may think that I have decided you and that your mate does not love you. But I promise you, he does. There may be times that you will not remember what I am telling you right now. There may be times that you will think that I am just a friction of your imagination. All I can say to you is the path that you are going to walk is going to be a difficult one. If you are ready to fight, you will be okay," The Moon Goddesses to me, and I wonder if she is trying to test me to see if I will be strong enough to go through whatever she will put in my path. "You are supposed to be the Moon Goddess. Can you do nothing to help me? Can you not guide me like you said you would? What am I supposed to do? If you guide me, tell me, what am I supposed to do?" I ask. "Follow your heart. Your heart will guide you more than I can. You have to remember that there are two kinds of wolves in this world—those who are willing to give up and those who are ready to fight for what belongs to them. Don't give up and fight for those you love. Always remember these words that I'm telling you now. I know you will doubt them sometimes, and you will think that this is a fraction of your imagination. Like I said before, I want you to know I am real, and I am here with you right now. And you can touch me if you wish. There are many wolves in this world that have forgotten about me and that do not even pray to me. You, as a human, prayed to me, and I cannot leave you. I had to come to you tonight. And I do not often reveal myself to anyone in this world. Now that you have your wolf, we all know that you can pray to me and that I can answer your prayers. If you are deeply in need of me, you can pray to me. I will come to you either in your dream or like this. But I promise you one thing, my child: I would never forsake you. Two have constantly prayed to me, asking me for a wolf. You prayed to me to save your mother that day. You prayed to me to make your life better when it was hell on Earth. One thing I can promise you is I will never forsake you. I couldn't help you back then because you were human and not a wolf. But your wolf also prayed. She made me promise that you will be united one day. I kept my promise to her, and I united you. It is up to you and her to win the heart of your mate. Now that you have your wolf, I can promise to intervene where I am allowed. However, I can not make the choices for you and your mate. I cannot intervene in real and honest love," The Moon Goddess says. I do not know what this means. I do not know what trials I have to go through. If it means I can have my Pack with me and ensure they are okay and have my mate, I will do anything to keep it that way. "I do not know through what trials I have to go, but if it means that I will find happiness at the end of it all, I will fight until I cannot fight anymore. I hope that through all of this, my father and my brother will be okay. I know that they are not a people, that they are right now, and that it is all the influence of my stepmother and sister that is making them who they are right now. I pray to you. Please do not let them fall victim to something I did not do. I do not want him to pay for the death of my mother. They have nothing to do with it. And I do not want them to become guilty of something they are not a part of. I do not care what I have to go through, and I do not care what trials I have to face. But I will also have to protect my father and my brother, as I do love me. And I know, deep down, they are sold the same brother and father I had had when my mother lived. Please do not punish them for something they did not do," I neg the Moon Goddess. "Honey, I cannot intervene in that case as it is between you and your father and your brother. All I can do is promise you that I will not punish them. I know they were under the influence of a very mighty witch. You will also have to get your revenge on her and your stepsister. That is all up to you on how you do it. I cannot tell you what to do in that case. Maybe your stepsister or under the influence of your stepmother. It is up to her. She has to make a choice. Darling, be strong. Assessing your path has been hard thus far. You are in for a surprise. It might get harder if you have to make choices you do not want to make. All I can promise you is that I will be there for you, and I will listen to every prayer that you sing to me. There are things I cannot tell you that you must find out later. It will not be an easy part of your life. Remember that those who love you the most may hurt you the most, not because they do not love you but because they carry hurt in their hearts as you are. They might want their revenge, and you must make some hard choices. I have believed now, my child, but make the right choices and note that I am not far away. I see your heart. And I will always be there if I can. I have to go, as it's almost day. Keep praying and keep fighting. I will hear your prayers, and I will intervene where I can," The Moon Goddess says. I still want to say something, but she's gone, and the waterfall is flowing again. I do not know what hardships I will go through, but I do know that I believe the Moon Goddess is real.
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