The outcast pack.

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Elena's POV The rogues are sitting there looking unsure of themselves. I still want to know why they called me their Queen. I do not understand why all of these creatures have prayed to my wolf that was on ice. I know that they thought that you were something special, but she was only my wolf. That was put on ice by my stepmother, a witch. I know my brother and father are under her control, and I pray to the moon goddess every day that they will see who she is. I know my brother and my father did not care about me for the last couple of years, but I think it is because of the influence of my stepmother. I believe that they know that I would not willingly just stand by looking at people killing my mother. Even in human form, I would have fought. Something prevented me that day, and I think it was the magic of my stepmother. I still feel guilty about my mother's death. Something tells me that it was planned. I knew I was stronger than the weakling that lay in the corner, crying while I looked on as the wolves killed my mother. I think that is why my brother also thought that I was a coward. We used to train together with my father and my mother. I felt so weak that day that I did not know I was terrified that my mother would die if something or someone else were at play. I do believe I can blame my stepmother and stepsister. My stepsister always wanted everything I had. Even before she became my stepsister and I was still the alpha's daughter, she was always jealous of me. Our rivalry came from our childhood. A mother was married to our beta. He all of a sudden died in battle as well. I believe that they had something to do with his data as well because he was a wealthy, strong Beta. I cannot believe he died in that battle because it was not even a brutal battle between two packs. It was one of the weakest packs in our area that fought us, but he still died. That my stepmother cursed her husband because she wanted my father. And did she take out my mother because she wanted to be with my father and became the Luna of our Pack? If that is the case, I am worried for my brother's life because I know my brother will be in line to become the alpha one day unless she wants her daughter to become my brother's mate. I do not trust her. I believe that she is a wicked witch. That does not belong in this world, but I cannot think about her right now. I have other things to deal with. I have to deal with these rogues, and I want them to become a part of our pack. The more members we have, the stronger we become. And I know they are good fighters, although they did not send a chance against us. I know that I can train them to become like us. At least they have shown their human sight tonight. "Queen Elena, please come and sit here next to me. I need to talk to you. We want to join your pack. We know that you have become a pack because we could fill your back bond, and we could not cross over into your territory. We knew you would detect us. Nobody thought that the outcasts would become a pack one day. We all thought of them as losers that do not deserve a pack. We, on the other hand, are different. You know how rogues work. You understand that some of us have lost our mates, and others have been banished because we killed an innocent. Our wolves took over, and we became even more violent, but we are ready to become wolves again because we see hope in you. You came here out of bravery, and you took us on. And I must admit that I am surprised. We never thought the outcasts would come here and take our grounds. But with you on their side, we know we stood no chance. We are willing to become use events, and we want to become one pack. We always knew that old wolves around here would not accept us. We were hunters. We tried to fight everything that was in our way. Our wolves took over and covered our emotions. I once was an alpha. My pack kicked me out for another alpha. They chose my brother over me. This is Monica. We were lovers, but I believe we are truly mates, and we didn't want to accept it because our wolves took over. And we had no human sight to us. Well, at least a little bit of human. We suppressed our human side because we were hurt by our packs before. I do not know how we survived all these years by living in half-human, half-wolf form. Then, a miracle happened. You came our way. We want to become part of your pack. We want to become outcasts. I beg of you to please let us become part of your pack. Please help us to find our human sight again." Roger says. "You are more than us. Why would you want to become part of us? Do you believe in me? And why do you keep calling me queen? I am not a queen. Until a few days ago, I was still only a human. I only found my wolf because my mate knocked me off a cliff." I say. "You are the white wolf that was on the ice. We always knew that you were exceptional, and we were afraid to attack the outcasts when they came near your wolf because every time we came near your wolf, her eyes would turn red as if she were angry with us. You were already warning us not to touch your friends. We always knew that the wolf belonged to somebody and was put on ice for a reason: because your enemies are afraid of you. We always suspected that someone was cursing the wolf. We did not know who, and we did not care. But we knew one thing we were afraid to do touched the outcasts. Somehow, we knew that one day, the wolf would return and take revenge. Tonight, you had your vindication, and now we give you our land. We are not even using it the way we are supposed to because we have left our human sites behind. All we ask is that you will take us as members of your Pack. We want to become one with you. We want to feel a part of a pack again. We want to become who we are supposed to be. Please do not show us away, and please do not kill us. We can still help you if you are willing to allow us to get our human side back again. It is not like we have lost our human side. It's just that we compressed it a lot. Hazaroki can even show weakness because as soon as you show weakness, you will die in the wilderness. There are a lot of predators that go after rogues. We fought vampires, other packs, and wolves, but our biggest enemy was the hunters. They see us as weaknesses, and they come after us alone. We have lost a lot of men to hunters. Please let us join hands, and we can develop this peace of warmth in the middle of the icy mountains into something great." Roger begs me. "Of course, we will accept you into our pack, but you must become a part of our pack. We know rogues are, and we cannot take any chances. We also know that once you have become a part of our pack, you will not leave us. You will also get your human part back if you are part of a pack again. Rogues are not very reliable. We will accept you into our pack. We will make you part of our pack. Let's do the blood ritual right now." I say. "Yes, my queen. We will do it right now. We will accept you as our alpha. But you must also know that you will forever be known as the Queen of rogues and outcasts. You must also realise that once you have become the queen of the rogues and the outcasts, you will be judged not only by the other packs but also by your mate. We know who your mate is. We saw you and him together the other night. Are you sure you will trade in your mate for a bunch of rogues and outcasts?" Roger asks. I have never thought about it before, but my mate Ryan is one of the most potent alphas here. He may despise me, but I cannot leave these people alone. I do not care what he thinks of me. If he does not accept me for who I am and accept my people into his pack, we cannot be mates. I know this is going to be very difficult for me to put him aside. It will be the second mate I will lose. I do not believe the Moon Goddess would give me a third chance at a mate. Somehow, I do not care. I think it is because of the last couple of years of my life. I do not believe that there can be anybody that loves me for who I am. Would he have loved me if I had no wolf? I don't know. Perhaps not. "I do not care if he does not want to accept me for who I am and for the people with me. I do not care. I will go without a mate for the rest of my life, but I will not leave my people behind. I already love all of you and I am willing to give my life for you, but let's do the blood ritual and let you become a part of our pack. I believe that you are a reasonable person and that you have just gone astray. Like the other rogues sitting here, I will never judge you. I will become your alpha, and I will lead you into a victorious life. Now, let's start this ritual. Get it over with while the moon is still full," I say. We bring out our silver knife and our cup, and the rogues and I cut out hands. We shake hands, and our blood flows together into the cup. We can now mind-link each other. Our pack has grown a lot. However, I need time alone as I know I probably messed up my whole relationship with my mate. I know I might regret this one day, but I do not care at this moment, as these people mean a lot to me. I need to help them! They are like me. All of them are outcasts. And the rogues, yeah, maybe some of them have done some bad things. But everybody deserves a second chance on life. I cannot leave them like this, even if I lose Ryan as my mate. "I'm going for a walk. I need to talk to the moon goddess by myself. Please do not worry about me. I need a moment alone. There are so many things I have to discuss with her. I've already made my choice, and I will never leave any of you behind. You need me more than any mate needs me. You are my priority, and I hope you all know it. I am proud to be your alpha, and please stop calling me Queen." I say as I walk into the bushes. There are tears in my eyes as I start running because I know I just lost the one other precious thing I had besides these people. That means so much to me. I am sure I just lost my second-chance mate by having my own pack of outcasts and rogues. However, I do not care as long as. they are looked after, and I can help them. I will have to swallow my tears and not show anybody weakness.
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