Planning an Attack

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Ryan's POV I'm looking at my men. My generals have all our attack plans on the Silver River pack. We know that we can do this. We know that we can attack them right now. We have enough manpower to do it right now, and I know that I can, at last, avenge my parent's death. I cannot wait for this day to come. Well, it will be night. We will attack them at night. We know that they have a mighty witch with them. But that is why we have the gypsies fighting on our side. I'm sure that she cannot counter the magic of the gypsies. All I know is that we are ready for them. It has been a month since I last saw my mate. I do not know what she's up to, and I do not know what she is planning. I do hope that she does not intervene in this war. Will I be ready to face her if she tries to protect them? I know that wolves are loyal to their Packs, although the Pack has kicked them out. She better not take the side of my enemy. I love my mate. However, I also loved my parents. I need my revenge. She cannot stop me. I do not want her to come between me and my revenge. I have seen what happened. I saw her mate pushing her off the cliff. Will she take their side? Will she try to predict somebody in that bag? Because I'm going to destroy the whole bag. I do not want any one of them to live. All I can do is hope she does not want to protect them. I do not know how I will handle it if she tries. Will my mate disappoint me? I do not know. I do not know how she relates to everyone in her old Pack. I am not going to worry about it now. I am going to concentrate on what I have to do. I love my mate, but I have to avenge my parents. All we need to do now is move in and start killing that Pack. I want to start moving my men in before the sun sets. The gypsies' powers are more potent at night when the Moon Goddess is in the sky. We will need the whole strength of the gypsies to protect our Pack against the magic of their witch. "We will start moving into our positions soon, Alpha. However, since we want this to be a surprise attack, I do not think we should move in too quickly. Let's wait until the moon is almost in the sky and the sun has started to set. Alpha Wilson is a lazy alpha. He is not worried about his Pack at night. I think it is because he believes he has the strongest Pack. Nobody will try to attack him. He is slightly arrogant, but I don't think he is the evil one in the back. I think it is his Luna," Oliver says. I snort. "I do not care if he is a weakling. I do not care if he lets his Luna rule him. He had a strong Luna. Alyssa always appreciated everyone around her and never allowed him to chase anyone out of his Pack. I add respect for Alyssa. She was my mother's best friend. She was murdered like my parents were. I will prove it to anybody that is fighting against me. I do not care what they say or do. Nothing they can do will stop us from killing all of them," I say. I have no respect for Michael Wilson. Who will take a Luna like Maryna after having someone like Alyssa? "I still think Maryna had something to do with all the deaths within their Pack and ours. I do not believe that we should judge too harshly before we find out what happened, and if we can get Alpha Wilson out from under the witch's spell, we may still save him. I want you to remember Alpha that he was always your father's ally. He was never your father's enemy until he got involved with Maryna. Deep down, I believe he is a good man but under a magical spell. I do not care if he is under a magic spell. If he is responsible for my parents' deaths, I will hold him accountable. He should have known better than to look for trouble with me. I will not take anybody standing between me and getting my revenge. My parents were good. They cared for their Pack, and they were a great couple. They tried to help the outcast, and I tried to help the rogues. They didn't want a wolf to be alone in the wilderness. They did not want the wolves to be alone in the snowy mountains. They had good hearts. They were some of the best people I ever known. "I do not care. Whoever has the blood of my parents on their hands will die tonight! I did not get under what spell it was. I do not care who is mated to. If he as much as touched a hair on my parents' body, he will die. If he as much as touched a hair on Alyssa's body, he will die. A strong wolf would not let magic intervene in his mate bond. I will listen to his explanation but not let him escape. Everybody who had anything to do with my parents will pay tonight," I say. "You must remember, Alpha, that you are not the only one hurt. Their Pack has hurt ever since they lost Alyssa. You know that wolves will follow their Alpha no matter what. So why would we kill all the innocent? Do you think that is what your parents would want? They were good people. They will never have gotten revenge on innocent people. I want you to remember that before you take any drastic steps against the innocent," Oliver says. Deep down, I know he's right. Not every one of them deserves to die. "I will never kill the innocent, you know that! However, I will kill those who have the blood of my parents on their hands. You do not know how it feels to lose your parents. You still have yours! You do not know how to mourn. You have your mate. You have everything. I am so fighting for my mate's heart. I haven't seen her in a month, and it bothers my wolf and myself. I want her to be on my side in everything I do. I know she is an outcast. I know that her Pack has abandoned her. But what if she still has friends in there and wants to take their side? What will I do? I know you are right. I cannot judge everybody. I cannot kill the innocent. But who is the innocent? I will have to have trials. I will have to find out who was there the day my parents died. I also must find out who was under the witches' influence. But at this moment, I want my revenge. The way I feel, I want to kill off the whole Pack! I do not think they deserve to live. We can take over their grounds, and our territory will be much bigger. You know how it works in our world—the strongest rule. I have loved my mother and father, but I think they have trusted the wrong back to ally with. I do not believe that I should have chosen Wilson's Pack, especially not after Alyssa died. I regret today that my father became allies with them. I can't understand that he was allied with them while Alyssa was alive. He should have broken the alliance when Alyssa died, and Maryna became their Luna. They should have known that Maryna was not like Alyssa. Alyssa was a good Luna. Maryna will never be her," I said. I know that there is bitterness in my voice, but I cannot help. I can see that Oliver knows that I am so hurting over my parents' death. "I know, Alpha. I'm sorry. I do not know what you went through. I never lost somebody that close to me. We will do whatever you command because you are the best Alpha we ever had. You know, father was a perfect alpha but was not like you. He did not want to build the pack as big as you did. I know you only have your best interest at heart for us. I am glad we have become strong warriors and can take on the Silver River Pack. I know that after Alyssa's death, they have become arrogant. I also know that there are so many innocent wolves in there and that we cannot judge all of them like we will judge their Alpha and Luna. I'm asking you to be true, Alpha, and not judge the innocent with the same judgment you judge the guilty. I want you to do what your parents would have done in this situation," Oliver says. "What do you know that I do not know? You know you can tell me anything, Oliver. Why are you so persistent on the innocent? Please don't lie to me. Tell me the truth," I say. I know there is something that Oliver is hiding from me, and I want to know what it is. Oliver shakes his head. " It is not my place to talk. You are the one who will have to decide everything that happens from your here, Alpha. It is your destiny, not mine. I am not allowed to tell you anything. You know, I can only advise you. I am not the Moon Goddess. I cannot make your choices. I'm asking you to forgive the innocent and let them live. Do not take your anger out on innocent people. Some of them do not deserve it, as I had hell themselves. It would be best to remember that some of them have lost family members because of Alpha Wilson," Oliver says. And I still feel that there is something that is not telling me. All I can do is nod. And now I cannot promise him anything, as I do not know what he means. I do not know who he wants me to forgive. Maybe he has friends in that pack that are old friends of my father's. I do not know. "I will try to keep a clear heat, but at this moment, I do not know what to do. I do not know how I will react when I face the murderers of my parents. All I can promise you is that I will try to keep a clear mind," I say as I walk away towards my generals. I look at their game plan, and I am pleased. Tonight, the Silver Moon Pack is going down. Right now, I cannot think of anything else. I cannot believe that somebody is begging me to forgive my parents' murderers. Oliver always had a soft heart. And I knew he was always my father's advisor, as he is now mine. I will consider his advice, but I will have to know who I will have to forgive and who not. Perhaps I should go to the waterfall and pray to the Moon Goddess to guide me. However, I do not have the time right now. It is almost sunset, and we are planning on attacking sunset. We are just waiting for the Moon Goddess to show her face. We will need all the power of the gypsies to help us overcome the powerful witch that is the Luna of the Silver River Pack. I can only pray that I will make the right decisions when I have to make decisions. I know my whole future and everything else is in my own hands. If we lose this battle tonight, I will lose my pack, and we will lose all our grounds. I cannot afford it to happen. I cannot think of anything else, and I cannot think of my mate at this moment. I will sort out my mate when we are done with this war. I know I cannot be without her. My wolf longs for her, so I need to get this over and done with. I want us to be together. I do not want any complications. Once I am with my mate, I want to be happy knowing that my parents' murderers have been executed.
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