Taking on the Rogues

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Elena's POV I know my outcast pack is ready to fight. They might have been hungry, and they might have suffered, but they are flexible. They can run for hours in the snow, and they have endurance. I'm proud of my outcasts. We have been getting food from a lot of people around here lately. I think it is because of me. And now it is my mate sending it to us, but he does not want the Pack to know because he doesn't think they will trust him. I cannot blame them. I would not have trusted somebody who was hunting me for years for stealing food and clothing. It is life's necessities. I can understand when somebody steals because they are hungry. I can understand why my Pack did what they did. And yes, they are my Pack. I am their leader now, and although we don't have a bond yet, we will figure out something soon. We will have to mind link to fight together. "Elena, we are ready to go wherever you want. We are prepared to fight by your side. You have shown us that we are stronger than we think we are. We have been used to being abused by our packs. Now that we are with you, we feel stronger and motivated to become someone." Edward says. "We are going to take on those rogues that I've been keeping you from the piece of land where we can get food and provide for ourselves. I believe we are more potent than rogues, but we will have to form a pack. You know, we will have to mind link when we fight. I think tonight, under the moon, we will create a pack and go tomorrow morning and take on those rooks that have been bugging you and keeping you from getting food. It is time to show them who are the true bosses around here. We will not allow them to keep us from having food and a place to stay. Either they will surrender to us and become one with us, or we will kill them all." I say. Melissa smiles. The rest look excited. I think that they believe that I have a purpose in life right now because I am with them, and I am the white wolf that I have been praying to for a long time. I brought them new hope. I believe that the Moon Goddes has saved me for a special mission. The mission is to save this group of wolves. I have to form a pack, and I have to save all of them. "Are we going to have our first fight? Damn, I cannot wait. I have been waiting for this moment my whole life. And I'm so glad that you have joined us. I am sure the Moon Goddess sent you to help us become something we never were before. We didn't realize how strong we were until you arrived. Elena, you are our savior. We will fight by your side, no matter what happens." Allison says, and I can see that she is ready to fight. I am glad I have one warrior, at least on my side. Eva is still afraid of everything, and I wonder why. I will have to get her to talk to me alone. I will have to get her aside to speak and tell me what happened to her and why she is so afraid. Was it her Pack that traumatized her? Or maybe, like in my case, a mate that I didn't want you and pushed you off a cliff. I do not know, but I know one thing. I am not going to allow it. I will not see her being weak. I know she has a lot of potential as she is swift. Her mate, Steven, is always looking after her. He is very protective of her. Perhaps he will know her story, but I will ask him if she does not want to tell me. However, I want my Pack to tell me everything, and I want them to trust me. I want her to feel she can tell me anything and that I will be there for her. But right now, I cannot think about it. Right now, we are going to the rogues, and we are going to take them on. I am sick and tired of everybody thinking that they can bully these outcasts! It is getting dark, and the moon is full. We have decided not to go in the daylight to fight. I look up at the full moon, and I pray to the Goddess. "Tonight, we formed this Pack. We will call it the Outcast Pack! We will need an alpha. Who do you want to be the alpha?" I ask. "We will follow you. You are our alpha you are. The wolf that has been on us for so long. Why would we choose anybody else?" Miriam, Edward's mate, says. The rest agree, and we do the blood bond. I cut my hand with the only silver knife we have, and each of them does the same, and we spill our blood into a cup. But first, they shake my hand so our blood can mix and we will be able to mind link. We are a pack now, and we have sworn our loyalty to each other underneath the full moon, and the Moon Goddess is our witness. I know she's looking down on us, and she is blessing us. "Is everybody ready?" I ask. I look at Eva, and I can see the insecurity in her eyes. I know she is not ready to fight, so I will let her stay as a lookout. You can stay in the bushes. She does not have to fight. "We will follow you wherever you go." Collin says. He is a warrior from his old pack, but I do not know what these stories I want to learn each of their stories. I already know some of these stories, but I know I have to talk to all of them. "Eva, I will need you to stay in the bushes and be a lookout if someone else tries to attack us from the back. Steven, you can help Eva." I say. I have seen that she is braver when Steven is around. It is like it is giving her more self-confidence. I can also see the relief in Eva's eyes that she does not have to find. I have enough men to take on a few rogues. "We will do that, stay in the bushes and pitted lookout." Eva says. I can see the relief in the risk of the wolves' eyes. I know that we'll worry about Eva and her self-confidence. Perhaps some of them feel that she is a coward, but I do not believe that she is a coward. I think somewhere deep down, she is a brave wolf who does not realize her potential yet. I wish I could show her how strong she is because it does not matter what they went through. They had to be vital to survive their packs and then the snow, cold, and hunger. I do not believe that I have one weak wolf in my Pack. We start running towards the only green piece of land in this icy, snowy world that is now my home. As we come close, we all shift to our wolves. He had brought the extra clothes we hang in the trees at the border of the green land. I can smell the rotten smell of rogues. It stinks like rotten flesh. I know they are around. I can smell and feel them. We surround the green area. We are not that many, but we have Melissa, the witch-wolf. I'm sure she can help us in more ways than she realizes. "Who is there?" Someone growls out of the bushes. "My name is Elena, and I'm here to talk to you. If you don't want to talk, we can fight." I growl. "Ha ha, a little wolf like you think you can take me on? Well, let's dance, Child! I do not have time for this, and we will not take the little outcasts seriously. Do you think you can fight us? I don't know you, and I do not know who you are, but I can't tell that you are not a match for me." A big, stinky rogue says as he walks out of the bushes. If I were only a human, I do not believe I would have taken him on. He looks strong, and he is—half wolf, half man, as he. is a rogue and is neither man nor wolf. I look up at him, and I smile. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. "Let's tango. We will see who's the child after I'm done with you." I say. I'm not afraid of him. He storms at me. His teeth and clothes are out, and he wants to bite me. But I am too fast and step out of his way. As he passes me, I jump on his back and bite into his ear, ripping it off. I can hear him roar in pain. That'll teach him. I hope he does not take me as lightly as he thought he could. His storm set me again this time. I trip him, and as he loses balance, I s***h his head into a tree. I refuse to let my back down. I will let them wound this battle! The other storm out of the wooded area. My Pack is on them quickly. One hell of a fight breaks out, and I know only the strongest will win, and I know that will be us. We will not give up until we have this land where we can have food and freedom from my mate, who has been giving us food for the last few days. And I know it is him because I know the Gypsies do not care about anybody else but themselves. I say our free spirits. I know the Queen of Gypsy, and I may become friends as I like her. It does not mean that I can always rely on them to be my allies, as gypsies are very unpredictable. They can be your friends one day and your enemies the next. "Are you going to give up, or will we fight? Do you want us to kill you?" I ask as my Pack and I are much stronger and are messing them up. There is a shout from the trees. And I wonder if they have found Eva and Steven. I ran to assist her, as the rogue leader I was fighting was lying bleeding on the ground. "Go back to your fight. We have this under control." Eva says, and to my surprise, I can see that she has been fighting as she is full of blood. Her fangs are out, and she looks vicious. I am proud of our little scared Eva, who showed us how strong she can be. However, I do not have the time. I have to go back, and I have to keep that leader down. As I get back, he's still lying on the ground, bleeding. I know I've hurt him badly. "We surrender to you, Queen of Rogues! We will become your servants, and we want to become part of your pack. I now realize who you are. You are the white wolf that was on ice. I beg your forgiveness, and I beg you to help us become what you are." Their leader says. "What is your name, rogue?" I ask their leader. "My name is Roger, Your Highness. You are our queen. We will follow you, and we will give our lives to you. I promise you that. Please accept us into your pack." Roger says. "Call me alpha, not queen. Why would you call me queen anyway?" I ask. "Because we have been waiting for you for a very long time. You are our queen. You are the wolf on ice." Roger says. I walk over to him, and I take his hand to help him up. We change into our human forms behind the bushes and get dressed. However, we keep looking over our shoulders as we do not trust the rogues. We do not know if they will sneak up on us and attack us from the back. Rogues are very deceiving. However, there is no attack coming. When we return, they are sitting in a circle, all in human form. And I think it is the first time in a long time that I have shifted into human form.
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