Training to Become Strong

2016 Words
Elena's POV It is early in the morning when I get back to the cave. The others are busy cooking breakfast, and I can see that some of them look grumpy. I know I must have been wondering where I have been. I've been out all night, and they must have worried about me. I know what I did was not right. I should have told him that I was going for a run. However, they were all asleep. So, how would I tell them? I look at their grumpy faces, and I smile. Edward mumbles something but does not say anything else. "Where have you been? We have been worried sick about you. You cannot just run off like that and leave us without telling us where you are going. You know, it is dangerous out there. There are all kinds of hunters and rocks and stuff out there. Especially when you are in wolf form, it is very dangerous for you to run around. Hunters will shoot you. That is also one of the reasons why we do not use our wolf form so often." Allison says. "I was perfectly safe, and I was always looking around me. I went for a run. I needed to exercise as my wolf needed it. She was on ice for a very long time. She needed the exercise as much as I did. Besides, it's time that you guys start trusting me. I can look after myself. I am not the weak human I used to be. I have a mighty wolf and am very proud of her. I am sure the Moon Goddess sent me to help you. We are going to stay in the cave for a few days. We will practice here as I want us to learn how to fight. Most of you know how to fight, as you have been trained in the packs you came from, but I was only trained in human form and not by my Pack but by my uncle." I say. I know I sound slightly bitter. I always wanted to be part of my Pack, but they pushed me away. I had no Pack since my mother died. I had no family. I had nothing. I was the princess in my father's eyes when I was young. But ever since my mother died, he and my brother pushed me away. And I had nobody except Maria, who sometimes helped me out. She was the only one who cared about me. She was the only one who wanted me to live. A cell feels sad when I think about my father and brother, who used to love me so much. But that pushed me out of their lives when my stepmother and stepsister walked into their lives. They pushed me away the day my mother died. They did not even allow me to go to a funeral or to mourn her. They blamed me for her death because she was the one protecting me against the wolves that were attacking us. I know all of this, and still, it hurts. What hurt me the most was that my father took another Luna a month later. Maryna and Sofia moved in with us, and I was kicked out of my room. My only photo of my mother and I is still at the Silver River Pack, and I have to get it back. They cannot take everything from me. I will not allow them to do that to me. I do not hate my brother and my father. I still loved them. And I do believe that my stepmother planned everything. I am sure she is not only responsible for keeping my wolf from me but also for the death of my mother. If I can prove it, perhaps my brother and father would accept me back into their lives. I am just worried because she is a hybrid and half-witch. Maybe she has them under her spell. And I wouldn't say I like to fight with her if I do not have any magical friends to help me fight her. However, that is my problem and has nothing to do with the outcasts. "Elena, there's something you need to understand. Just because you have a wolf does not mean that you are strong. We know you have never had a wolf before and feel stronger because of your wolf. It still doesn't mean that you are out of danger. We worry about you because you are an outcast like us. Nobody cares what happens to us. Everybody wants to kill us. Everybody sees us as a threat, and I do not know why. Maybe it is because we still need food and clothing, and I think we are not worthy of them. Perhaps it is because I believe we are not worthy of being werewolves. You cannot trust anybody. I know you trust Ezell, but who says that she and her gypsies will not return to hurt us?" Allison says. "Well, I think it is time we start training and fighting back. I do not believe that we are not good enough to fight back. I know you and your wolves are tough because you have toughened out in circumstances where none of these other packs survived. You must be strong from running in the snow all the time. You must have endured pain that no other wolf can take because you have suffered through coldness, hunger, and many other things. I think you are stronger than you think. I think you are more brutal than most of the wolves said. I know in the Silver River Pack. You will make great warriors as you are faster than any of the Silver River Pack's warriors. You have learned to run through snow, to run through mud, to run through rivers, to get away from your enemies. Have you ever thought of yourselves as being strong? Stronger than the average wolf? You have survived circumstances that most of those wolves will be unable to survive. We will start training today. We already have more than they have. We have speed, we have endurance. All we need now is power and a place to live, grow, and hunt our food. I will show you what you can do, and we will face the rogues in that land where there is enough food for us to build our Pack. It is time that we show everybody around here who is the best." I say. The outcasts look at me as if I am crazy. Some of them do not know if they have to cry or laugh. I know there have been the underdogs for a very long time. Nobody counted on them to become stronger. Nobody relied on them to become more powerful. Nobody expected them to get a leader like me. I am planning on showing them what they can do. I know once they have self-confidence, they will become more powerful than they think. I want them to realize they have been cast out of their Packs for a reason. Someone must have seen them as a threat. Why else would you throw a wolf off a cliff? I know now that it is because they feared me and not because they saw me as the weakest link. But I knew my mother was the most powerful Luna in this area. My stepmother and stepsister knew if I got my wolf. I would have defeated them at their own game. I can feel how strong Snow is. She is not an average wolf. We do not have magical powers, but we do have other things counting for us. We have people who love our mother and will stand by us no matter what because of my mother. I have to make friends with Ezell and her gypsies. I am sure they will help me with the wicked witch of a stepmother I have. "You guys, you know what? I think Elena is right. Why would our packs want us to leave and become outcasts? In my case, they saw me as a coward and thought that I was afraid of everything. They didn't want me to train with them, and they didn't want me to become a warrior. I know I look like a mouse, but I am not inside. I feel all this fury in me. I want to become somebody. I want to become a warrior." Eva, the Omega that is afraid of everything, says. I did not expect anything from her. I thought somebody like Edward or Alison would stand with me. I felt that even Colin, who was a warrior, although hopeless, would want to become the warrior he was supposed to be. "Elena is right. Our packs don't have a valid reason to throw us out of the Pack. It was like all of them were looking for an excuse to get rid of us. I was thrown out of my back because I had magical powers. Edward, you were thrown out of the Pack because you showed too much Beta power in you. Miriam, you were thrown out because the Luna saw you as a threat. Steven, you are a protector and consistently trying to protect Eva. What happened right after you were thrown out of your Pack? Your alpha was attacked. You tried to warn him, but he didn't want to listen. Alison, you were thrown out because they said you are too much of a tomboy. What reasons are giving us the throwers out of their backs? Is it because they think that we are a threat to the leadership? Morris, we all know you had a beautiful, and your Luna was in love with you. Perhaps it was the alpha. Who knows? If every one of you looks back to why you have been thrown out of your bags, does it make sense? Elena is right. They wanted to eliminate us because they saw us as a threat. Why didn't I just kill us? Why did they make us outcasts or rogues as we are?" Melissa asks. "I never thought about that. We are the only ones that can survive these harsh lands. Did the Moon Goddess send us to be together? Did she bring her strongest children together? Or do we just fit in with each other? Are we meant to be a Pack? We are focused so long on surviving. We needed a leader like Elena not to show us our potential." Edward says. "I crown you the Queen of Rogues! The Speck will not have a queen. We will not have a structure. We will be rogues, and you will become our Queen. Everybody in this pack will be treated equally, and nobody will ever have to doubt that we love them and do not respect them." Miriam says. All of the outcasts agree, and we start training. We have enough food for at least three weeks. Until our resources are finished, we will face the rogues and give them a chance to join us or to die, and we will take their land! Once we have built up that land, we will become strong. We will never sleep hungry again. We will never sleep cold again. We will never be called outcasts again. They can call us rogues but never outcasts again. I will instead be a rogue. Outcast sounds like somebody who does not deserve to be in a pack, while a rogue decides to leave a pack if he wants to. Everybody still fears a rogue, even if he's thrown out of a pack. I will show my back that I am not an outcast, and they might have thrown me off a cliff. But I have survived, and I will come back stronger. I will get my revenge on my mate, my stepmother, and my stepsister. I will win back my brother, father, and my Pack. I will show all of them that the Queen of Rogues will get her revenge.
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