Meeting My Mate Again

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Ryan's POV I have seen Ezell give them food and clothing. I am thankful for Ezell, and she's an excellent friend of mine. I see them running to the caves after they have put on some warm clothing. I know they are protecting their wolves. The wolves can keep them warm but only take that much. The wolves will also weaken from not eating and protecting their humans from cold and other elements. We all understand that we cannot misuse our wolves, and I must admit that I admire the outcasts for not misusing their wolves. I know my mate could feel me when I was watching her. I think she knows I am the one who sent the clothing and the food. I'll wait for Ezell to return. I wonder what Ezell thinks about my mate? "She is something else, and she is not weak. You need to come and talk to her. She belongs with you. She already figured out that you were the one who sent the food and clothing. She's not stupid. I like her. They went dip into the cave to cook the food, knowing nobody would come there, even if they could smell it because everybody feared the so-called wolf on ice. Do you know the wolf on ice is not the one that used to be there? The one that used to be there is inside your mate. She's powerful, and I feel she will go out running tonight. It would be best if you talked to her. I think you will love her. And I know that she will love you. Your mate is extraordinary, and you couldn't see the wolf on ice because she released it from the ice. I know that an evil witch must have put that wolf on ice to prevent her from getting her wolf at a very young age. Everybody knows about the young wolfless girl that was part of the Silver River Pack. Well, do you know how she ended up at the bottom of the cliff? It was her so-called first night that pushed her off that cliff. Now it's up to you to go and fix her. Nobody knows who she is, and nobody knows who her family is. Nobody wants to claim her. I have an idea, but I think it is not my place to tell you." Ezell says as we meet at her village. "I know how you are. Even if I ask you many times who she is, you will not tell me. I'm glad that you like her. I will watch the cave opening tonight, and if she comes out, I will talk to her. I will not push her to tell me a history, and I will not do anything. to chase her away from me. It is up to her to tell me who she is. I have one more reason to hate the Silver River Pack. They tried to kill my mate. They will regret this day forever. They will regret the day they killed my parents and almost killed my mate. Thank you for everything, Ezell. I will see you around, my friend." I say as I run to the cave opening. I sit on the cliff and wait for my mate to come out. I know the other wolves will be tired of eating a lot, but I suspect she will not sleep so soon. Ezell is a magical creature that can tell the future. She has never been wrong. If she says my mate will go for a run, I need to wait. I do not have to wait long before seeing the beautiful white wolf running out of the caves. I get up and shift into my wolf. A fire is not a black wolf like a typical alpha. My wolf is as red as fire. Therefore, his name is Fire. At first, nobody wanted to believe that I was an alpha because I did not have a black wolf. They soon realized their mistake. Sometimes, Fire can get black if he gets angry. He usually is red as a hot burning fire. It is rare to have a red wolf, like having a white wolf, as white as snow is scarce. I guess we are unique. I do not know why we are unique and do not care. I have finally found my mate—somebody as special as I am. I ran after her. She asked the bluest eyes I have ever seen. My eyes are also not yellow or black. They are red. I do not know what this means, but the Moon Goddess must have made us for each other. When I get angry, my eyes get fiery. I wonder what her eyes will look like if she gets angry. I've been following her, but my attention was not on what I was doing. I was thinking about my mate. "Why are you following me? I've never seen a wolf as red as yours. Alpha normally does have black wolves. Why is yours red?" I hear her voice from behind me. She must have backtracked on me as she learned I was following her. "Alpha's usually does not have white wolves as well. And I know you are an alpha. You might be female, but I know you have alpha blood. I do hope you are not the family of the Silver River Pack. Ezell told me your mate pushed you off the cliff. Why did you do that?" I ask "Ohh, come on, don't tell me you do not know. I was the one without a wolf for many years. And I found my wolf in the snow. You must have heard of me—the only human in the Silver River Pack. I do not have a family. I do not have friends. I do not have anybody. Well, I had one friend in the Silver River Pack." She says. "Let's not talk about our Packs, and let's not talk about anything else. We have a lot to discuss. We are mates, and I want you to become my mate tonight. My back will be happy to have a Luna. They have been waiting for a long time for me to get the right Luna." I say. "I know we are mates, but I'm not ready to accept you. You do not know many things about me and might regret if you take me as your mate right now. Why don't we have fun tonight and forget about anything else? I bet I can beat you to the waterfall." She says. "What is your name?" I ask. "What is in a name? Why do you want to know my name? Isn't it enough that we know we are mates and can enjoy the night together under the full moon? I know you hated the Silver River Pack. I once was part of them. But now I'm not anymore. I want a new name. I want to become one else. I do not want to be reminded of my past. I want to enjoy this night with my mate. Is that too much to ask?" She answers. "Well then, I will just call you my Queen, and you can call me King. How does that sound?" I ask. She starts running, and I know she's running for the waterfall and trying to get a head start on me. "That sounds great, but I will still beat you to the waterfall." Her wolf is fast. However, she's not as fast as Fire, and she does not have the strength of years of training in wolf form as Fire and I have. I feel sorry for slacking down. I want her to win me. I wanted to feel unique tonight. I wanted to feel like she had beaten one of the best wolves in the business. However, I underestimated her, turned around, and looked at me. "You're not even trying. You're not giving your best. You want me to win, don't you? I did not want you to feel sorry for me. I know I have not been in training for many years, but my wolf and I are one." She says. She's still in wolf form, and I realize she refers to herself as a human. Fire and I do that all the time. We do not see each other as two different entities. We see each other as one. I realize I do that a lot when I am in will form. And I think with my human brain. "Fine. I was not trying. I wanted you to win. You've already won my heart. So you might as well want this race. We are mates. We are not supposed to compete anyway. But I do like your spirit. I cannot wait for us to be together forever. However, I know you will not leave the outcasts until they can look after themselves. I cannot leave my Pack right now, and I cannot be with you with your outcasts to help them. I have plans for the future, plans that I cannot tell anybody, not even you. Well, not yet. I do not want to put your life in danger. Well, not more than it is already. Why don't the two of us forget all about our troubles? And we just enjoyed the night together. Why don't we go to the waterfall and stare at the starlight? And be with each other? Let us not talk about our lives and plans. But let's be together for one night." I say. Honestly, I am scared to fight to find out later that I plan on attacking her old Pack. What if she has friends and family in that Pack and wants to protect him? Will I be able to forgive her if she protects the murderers of my family? I do not know. I do not know how I will react. And that is making me nervous. I do not want to lose her because she is the one that can complete my life. She is the one that I have been waiting for since my parents died. She is the one that I can hopefully trust. I do not know how much the outcasts know about my plans to attack the Silver River Pack. I do not believe anybody knows about it, as everybody thinks my back is still not strong enough to attack the Silver River Pack. A big surprise is waiting for everybody because we are stronger than I think. We have been training for a very long time. Tonight, I do not want to think about it at all. Tonight, I want to be with my mate. We run up to the waterfall and lie underneath the full moon and the stars. We do not have to talk. We have to be in each other's presence. I look at it and take your hand as we look at the sky. I thanked the Moon Goddess for her and prayed to the Moon Goddess that we would not be separated because of a war or something that happened years ago. I know my temper, and I know the nature of Fire. We have been searching for revenge on the Silver River Pack for a long time. What if she intervenes and tries to save some of her friends? I do not even know who she is. I do not even know who her family is, but not now. I do not care. I want to hold her hand, look at the moon, and pray to the Moon Goddess to help us. We lay there without saying a word, just being with each other all night as the son was about to raise his head. I get up. It is time for us to separate again, hopefully not for long. I take her in my arms, and I kiss her. She kisses me back. And I know we belong together, and I pray to the Moon Goddess that we do not have to be separated by a war. She starts running back to the caves, and I look at her. She is so beautiful in human and wolf form. I can only pray that my heart does not get broken. I hope when I need her, she will be there for me.
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