An Attack on My Old Pack

1988 Words
Elena's POV "Elena! I heard the Blue Mountain Pack is preparing to attack our old Pack! I still have friends and family in that Pack, and although they kicked me out, I can not let them die! We have to go and help the Silver River Pack. We all know that Ryan is your mate. Perhaps you can persuade him not to kill our loved ones." Allison says. She's out of breath from running. Me and the rest of the Pack were busy training. I stopped in my tracks. My heart beats fast. I cannot let my father and brother die, and I cannot let them kill Maria. She is my best friend, and I know the Blue Mountain Pack has become very strong over the last few months. Under the leadership of Rayn, his Pack has grown into a considerable Pack. "Let's go. They will most probably attack the sunsets. Everybody knows my stepmother is a mighty witch. They will need all the help that they can get against her. I do not care if they kill her and my stepsister, but I do not want them to kill my father and brother. We all know how mighty the Blue Mountain Pack has become. Under the leadership of Ryan, they have become powerful and are a force to be reckoned with. We have spied on them many times. We know how strong they are. I have to protect Maria and the rest of our friends. There are some that I do not care for, and I think those are the harmful elements that stand behind my stepmother. We all know that she brought all of her friends with her. She wanted a stronghold in that Pack, and she got it after she killed my mother. I am sure she is behind the killings of my mother and Ryan's parents, and I think Ryan wants revenge. I was angry when my father decided to betray the Blue Mountain Pack, take some of their lands, and kill their Alpha and Luna. My mother would have never allowed it to happen. She loved Ryan's parents. I know because I was there when my father betrayed them. I tried to talk to him, but he didn't want to listen to me as he was under the influence of my stepmother. We will have to come and defuse the situation. I have to talk to Ryan and tell him the truth that it was not my father or brother that had anything to do with the death of his parents. But my stepmother and stepsister had everything to do with it. I do not know if you will believe me, and I pray to the Moon Goddess that I am not making the biggest mistake of my life. I do not even know if he knows that I am the daughter of Alyssa. I hope he does not hold it against me that my father and brother were involved in the killings of his parents. All I can hope for is that he will not hold a grudge against me as well because I had nothing to do with their deaths. I know my father and brother pushed me away, but I cannot let them die. I still love them. And I know everything went wrong in that Pack because of my stepmother." I say. I am worried for my brother and father. "We are coming with you, Queen of Rogues. We will fight by your side. If we die, we die. We will die proudly by your side, as you are our only hope in this life." Roger says. "I do not want to put any of your lives in danger. I will not be able to protect all of you. You are good fighters, but we are not trained like the Blue Mountain Pack or the Silver River Pack. I cannot let him kill my uncle and everybody else who cared about me. This is not your fight. This is my fight. What if they turn on us? I cannot protect all of you." I beg with my Pack of outcasts and rogues. My Pack has grown significantly over the last few weeks. More and more rogues and outcasts joined us when they heard about me and that we took over the piece of green land where we could grow our food. Not all are trained well enough to enter a war zone. "If we die, we die by your side, our Queen. We will not allow you to go alone into the war zone. You have saved us and given us a home. We will follow you no matter where you go." Edward says. I know I cannot stop them, and I do not have time to argue with them as time runs out. The sun is setting, and we still have a long way to go. "Let's go. But if you are in danger, please retreat. Alison leads the way, you know, the shortest way to our old Pack." I say. We all started running, and one stayed behind. I am surprised that even those who just joined us are joining us in this attempt to stop a war. I cannot believe that everyone is so faithful to me. We might be unable to stop the war, but we can save those we love. The revenge is mine to take. I want to kill my stepmother, and I do not want anybody else to intervene in my fight with her. I do not even care about my ex-mate or my stepsister, but the one that I want to kill is my stepmother, who caused all these problems in my life and killed my mother. This would not be happening right now if it were not for her. I can only pray that my mate will understand that I cannot allow him to kill my father and brother, as I still love them. And if he loves me, I believe that he will not kill them for my sake. We run up the mountain, and I see the moon. I know the attack will happen at any moment, and I hope we are in time to save some lives. Please, Moon Goddess, let us be in time. I know it's a race against time. We run as fast as we can through the snow and mountains. It is not as easy as it looks. Although we are in wolf form, it still feels like we are running forever, and I know we will not be in time to stop the war, but we might, by the grace of the Moon Goddess, prevent Ryan from killing our loved ones. It feels like we are moving too slowly. I am panicking, and I know I should not panic in this situation. I should stay cool and calm. I cannot help it as my heart is beating faster by the minute. I do not want to see the bodies of my father and brother lying in a pool of blood like I saw the body of my mother. I cannot let my family down again. This time, I will have to fight to save them. I can not be the scared little girl I was when my mother died in front of me. She was protecting me. This time, I wanted to save my brother and father for my mother's sake. I know my brother and my father did not treat me well over these years, but it is because they were under the influence and the spells of my stepmother. I hate that witch. And tonight, she will die for what she is doing to my Pack and my family! I hope Ryan will forgive me for intervening in his fight and revenge. I also want my revenge. If I kill my stepmother tonight, it will always be known as the rogue Queen's revenge. I do not care if everybody sees me as a rogue. I do not care what happens to me when I fight her, but I want to face her one-on-one. This time, I'm not an innocent child, and she cannot send her minions to do her dirty job and kill somebody that I love. This time, she will have to fight herself. Melissa is running next to me. "When we get there, and I challenge my stepmother, please ensure she cannot use her magic. Your magic is more potent than hers, as you could have fooled her with the wolf still supposed to be on the ice." I beg Melissa. "I will do that for you, my queen. Don't worry. I will ensure that she cannot juice any of her magic." Melissa assures me. I've given up convincing the wolves to stop calling me queen, as I am not a queen. I let them call me whatever they want. I guess I will forever be known as the Queen of Rogues. I hear the war going on as we approach my old Pack. "Get up, Wilson, and fight like a man. You could lure my parents into a trap but can't face me head-on!" I hear Ryan growl. "Kill me if you want to, but please save my son. He did nothing wrong." I hear my father begging Ryan. "All of you that have the blood of my parents on their hands will die tonight." Ryan says. "So you're begging for your son, but what about my daughter and me? We cannot die tonight. We had nothing to do with the death of the Alpha and Luna of the Blue Mountain Pack." I hear my stepmother lies. I know she's trying her magic on Orion, but I make sure that Melissa has blocked her this time. I see the gypsies are also around. We can feel their magic. As I burst through the bushes, I saw my father and brother kneeling before Ryan. Are they not even going to attempt to fight? What the hell is wrong with them? "Please, Alpha Ryan, we had nothing to do with the death of your parents. We were under the influence of that witch's spell. Now that their magic is blocked, I know exactly what she has done. She has used us over these years. So please spear my life and that of my son. I would have never betrayed your parents if my real mate was still alive. I promise you, I did not know about the ambush. It was all her plan. She told me about it afterward, and I felt terrible, but she would not let me go to you to explain what happened. She kept me under her spell. I even mistreated my daughter, although she does not have a wolf. She was still my daughter. You might as well just kill me, but please spear my son." My father says, tears running down his cheeks. "If the two of you are not going to get up and fight me, then I guess I will just have to kill you. Cowards! Get up and fight. I cannot believe that two wolves would not take me on." Ryan growls. "I will not fight you out of respect for your parents, and I will not let you face two of us. We once were friends. I know we did not see each other much, but I still see you as my friend. I'm sorry about what happened. My sister just died. I'm still in shock. Please don't make me fight you." My brother begs. Ryan snorts. I can see that he has no respect for my father and brother. I know I must intervene, and I hope Ryan will forgive me. Brian walks closer to my brother, and I see him draw his claws to hit my brother. I know he will go for my brother's neck and decapitate him. I jump in between them. "Stop!" I shout.
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