The Blue Mountain Pack

2104 Words
Ryan's POV I hate this Silver River Pack. Not only have they killed my parents but they also made me lose my mate! I do not care if they say that she is only human. I do not care that she does not have a wolf. She's my mate. And even if I have to protect her for the rest of my life, I do not care. I had to run away and leave my mate with the outcasts. I know it's tough to trace them. However, their wolf are gone. The one we know that always protected them. Now that the wolf is gone, I hope to find them easier. I saw the woman falling down the cliff and knew I had to investigate. I knew the Silver River Pack had something to do with it. My wolf was going crazy in my head. Fire told me that our mate was about to die, and we needed to go and save her. That is why I went without my Pack and just ran. I did not wait for my warriors. The damn Silver River Pack had to show up. I know I've been looking for me and my back for a long time, but we have been hiding from them to build up after the war we had with them. We are much stronger now. The Siverr River Pack was used to control this whole area. However, since my parents died, we have to become stronger. My parents were too trustworthy. When the Silver River Pack and their Alpha told them they wanted to talk about peace between the two packs, they believed and met them. They said it would only be the Alphas and Lunas that would meet, but when my parents showed up, they were murdered. Everybody knew that I could trust her. Unlike the new Luna of the Silver River Pack, Maryna Wilson, Alyssa would never go back on her word. ‘We need to find our mate. I do not care if she has a wolf, but I am sure she had one. I could smell her.’ Fire, my wolf, says. 'You know it will be tough to find the outcasts. You know they can hide from us and understand this area much better than we do. But we will find her, I promise you, even if it is the last thing we do. I do not care if she's only human. I will protect her if I have to. I wonder who she is. I know the Silver River Pack will never accept a wolf without a wolf. They will see her as a weakling and as only a human. There are a bunch of assholes. We will find out who she is, and we will find out what her name is. I couldn't catch her name, and I couldn't ask. I was focused on the outcasts, but I'm glad they saved her from the Silver River Pack. I don't know where she is right now, and I don't know who she is or what her name is. But I know one thing: We will find her and bring her home.' I say. All we could hear from the snow and everything was that someone said she was human and did not have a wolf. But before we could listen, the wind blew so hard that I couldn't hear what else they were saying, even with my wolf hearing. In these mountains, the wind can blow so hard, and with the cave, not even we can hear our enemies sometimes. I am glad that the Silver River Pack likes to announce their presence everywhere and come howling. If they had kept quiet, we might not have heard them. They are very cocky and think no one can beat them, but we are planning our attack on that Pack. It is time someone teaches them a lesson. We have grown stronger over the years. We have trained hard, and I have prepared my warriors to become killers because I will take out that Pack. I want them to suffer. I want them to feel how it feels to be in a fight they can not win. I know they rely heavily on Maryna Wilson, as she is a half-witch. They think that her magic can beat us. They do not know that the witches are also angry with them. They are angry with the Luna of the Silver River pack for using black magic as the witches around here are not dark witches and do not like that she is using black magic to fight their battles. White witches asked us to attack on the full moon. That is when their magic is at its strongest because the Moon Goddess is at her strongest when it is the full moon. And they, like us, pray to the Moon Goddess. I cannot think about my mate right now. It must wait until the battle because the moon is full in a month. We will have to concentrate on our fight right now. We cannot allow anything else to distract us from our priorities. Our primary focus is to wipe out the Silver River Pack. We know they have long not prayed to the Moon Goddess. I am sure the Moon Goddess will be on our side. She does not like it when the wolves betray her. However, we are fully trained, and I think I will go and look for my mate. I need to find her. I wonder what she is doing now and if she thinks about me as I am thinking about her. Perhaps because she is human, she does not feel the strong bond that I feel. And she does not think about me in the same way as I think about her. Maybe she's only in love with me, or I hope so. Humans don't have a mate bond. They fall in love. I will have to win her heart if she is human. 'We will win her heart. I am sure of it. Do not worry. I think I know where she is. However, I feel that we should leave her for now. We must not overpower her, and we must not demand that she becomes our mate. I have a feeling that she will not like it.' Fire says. 'I just need to see her, even from a distance. Maybe we can get close to her and watch her from a distance.' I say. 'You know you sound like a stalker. However, I agree. I also want to see her. I need to see something. I need to find out if she has a wolf or not. I do believe that she has a wolf. I can feel the wolf inside of her calling out to me. Do you remember that wolf that was on the ice? Remember how I always told you she was calling out to me? I believe that was our mate's wolf. And she landed in the snow. She landed close to that wolf. I think our mate released the wolf. However, it would be best if you did not become too close to her because I believe there is something about her that we might not like. I don't know. I have a feeling that there is something about her that is against us and our beliefs. We will figure it out all when we are with her or have time to go after her.' Fire says. 'I do not care what there is. I know she is our mate, which is all that counts. Now, let's go and take a run. I need to see her. I have to be sure she is the one she is, my Luna.' I say. The Blue Mountain Pack is an old pack, and we have always been strong until the Silver River Pack murdered my parents. Our history has come a long way. We're from the royal packs of the old continent. We went to the new continent because hunters and other people were trying to kill us. Back in the old days, nobody trusted werewolves. They didn't know that the Moon Goddess appointed us to protect the humans from vampires. We were one of the best packs in Europe. We had to flee because of a powerful vampire and his men corrupting hunters, witches, and gypsies to come after us. I do not know what has happened to the mighty vampire and if he is still looking for us, as we have killed many of his family members. However, he has not bothered us in years, so we do not care. We lived here peacefully, or we did until the Silver River Pack started looking for trouble with us. They want to rule everything and everyone. We cannot allow it. We cannot allow one Pack to rule this whole area. They throw many members out of their Pack because they see them as weaklings. I'm afraid I have to disagree with their policies. Even if a human is in your Pack, you are responsible for that person. I shift into Fire, and we run. I know far knows precisely where we are going, so I won't question him. We go and stand on top of a hill. I can see her with the outcasts. I have made a bond file, but it does not look like I have anything to eat. I mind-link my beta and ask him to bring me food. Oliver does not ask me any questions. He knows not to ask me anything when I command him to do something. It does not take him long to come with a lot of food. Now I'm in a dilemma. How do I get the food to the outcasts without them knowing it came from me? I know they will not trust me to give them food because I have been trying to catch them. After all, they have been stealing from us. They will think that the food is poisonous. "How do we get the food to them? I do not want them to know it came from us because they will not trust us. They look hungry. There are gypsies close by, and they always help the outcasts. I know Ezell, the gypsy Queen. I will ask her to take the food and some clothing to the outcasts. I do not understand why you want to help them. They have been stealing from us for a long time. Alpha, why now? You never cared about him before. I know I cannot ask questions, but I need to know." Oliver asks. He is one of my best friends. He knows he is the only one who can take chances with me. I look at them with a smile. "Do you see that beautiful woman with the black hair? She is my mate. Do you think I will let her go hungry? I finally found my mate. The problem is, I do not know if she has a wolf. I do not care. I will look after her for the rest of my life. I will protect and love her even if she does not have a wolf. She will become your Luna soon. I want you to respect her and nobody to talk wrong about her, even if she does not have a wolf." I say. "Oh, our mighty Alpha has lost his heart. You know we do not care if she has a wolf or not. I am just happy that you found your mate. I'm also glad it is not Mariana. All of us were praying that you would find your true mate because Mariana had been trying to become your mate for a very long time. You know none of us likes Mariana very much. She is already acting like she is the Luna of our Pack. I think it's time that you put Mariana in her place. In the meantime, I'm going to go to the Gypsies, and I'm going to give them the food and clothing to give to the outcasts and your mate." Oliver says. He runs away before I can say anything. They all know that I have a soft place for Mariana in my heart. She's like a sister to me because she was the one who tried to save my parents when I was not around to do that. Mariana is out of control, but I owe her a lot. I look at my mate and know I can never love Mariana as much as I love her.
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