Where is Elena?

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Henry's POV I saw my sister fall off the cliff while fighting with Stephen. I have always loved Stephen because he is my best friend. I walked away because I didn't want to get involved. I did not hate my sister but blamed her for my mother's death. She could have at least tried to save my mother, but she was curled up in a corner, crying. Why didn't she try to help my mother? Now Elena is dead, and she shouted at me to remember her as the princess she once was and not the murderer we saw her as. I remember running just running. I had no direction. I had no sense of where I was going. All I knew was that I was running away from everything and didn't want to remember her words. I blame myself for not standing up for my sister. I heard somebody run after me, shouting at me to stop. At first, I wanted to run down the slope to see if I could get my sister. Hopefully, she was still alive. Then I remembered she did not have a wolf. She cannot survive that fall without a wolf. She had no wolf to heal her, even if she survived the fall. "You f*****g coward! Why didn't you help Elena? Why did you allow your friend to kill her? Did you hide her that much? I hate you. I hate this pack, and I wish you all die. You never deserve a person like Elena! She might not have had a wolf, but she had a heart of gold. And did you know how she blamed herself for your mother's death? I was going to tell her today that I know who killed her mother, and it was not her. It was your stepmother! The woman that you and your father praised all the time. I know she put the spell on you because she's a fucken witch. I wanted to warn you, but you were blinded! Not only you but also your father. The two of you never wanted to hear anything about that b***h. I know you think you are in love with her daughter, Sophia, but you're not. They have put a spell on you because they want you to be the nest Alpha, and Sophia will be your Luna. They plan on running the Silver River Pack for the rest of their lives. They want to ensure that their generations run this pack! Not only did they kill your mother, but they also killed the Alpha and Luna of the Blue Mountain back. I hope Ryan Collins comes after you and kill all of you. You all deserve it. You never deserve a sister like Elena. You treated Sophia better than you have ever treated Elena! Well, before your mother died. I'm leaving this pack. I would rather become a rogue than be with this pack for the rest of my life." Maria shouted from behind me. Tears blinded me. I just lost my only sister. I knew I deserved every harsh word that she said. I kept running. After all, I knew I could not have Sophia as my make because I was in love with Maria. I knew Maria was my mate ever since she got her wolf. I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to ask her to become my mate because I didn't know how she felt about me. I ran until I reached the waterfall. I just lost everyone I cared for. Maria didn't love me. I lost Elena, and my mother was dead. I was ready to jump over that waterfall. I would have survived the fall, but I didn't care at that moment. All I wanted was to die like my mother and my sister. I felt Maria grabbed me by my arm. "What the f**k are you doing? Are you crazy? I know you have a wolf, and I know your wolf is powerful, but I do not believe you can survive a fall from this waterfall. They are crying. Why are you crying now? It is too late. Your sister and my best friend is dead. There's nothing we can do to bring her back, and killing yourself will not help this pack. You're the only hope for this pack. You're the only one that can save this pack. Please listen to your heart, and don't let the dark magic ruin you. It ruined your father. Do not fall in love with the wrong woman for the wrong reasons. I love you, Henry. We know that we are mates. I do not understand why you have not accepted me as your mate. But I believe it is because your stepmother has something to do with it. I think she wants Sophia to be your mate. They're not ready to let go of this back until they have ruined it like I have destroyed so many people's lives around them. They killed your mother. It was not Elena. I know I heard them talking one day. I heard your stepmother telling your stepsister how she planned your mother's death. She set your sister up to be there with her. She did it because she wanted to become the Luna. She used magic on your father to make him fall in love with her. Your father thinks she is the second chance mate. But she's not. It's only her magic that is keeping your father with her. Listen to me. You will have to be strong, not only for your mother but also for your sister. You will have to make that woman and her child pay." Maria begged with me. I fell to my knees, and I cried my eyes out. Maria put her hand around me, and I knew our bond was more potent than any magic my stepmother or stepsister tried on me. I knew I could not resist Maria anymore, so I took her in my arms and kissed her. She's all I have left. She is my only hope in this life. She's the only reason I live. We went back to the packhouse. My father and stepmother were waiting for us. I felt I could kill her, but Maria was holding me back. We walked past them without saying a word. I took Maria into my arms in my room and marked her. I accepted her as my maiden. She accepted me as hers. She will become my Luna. We hit our marks as we did not want Maria to be in danger. I was not going to take a chance with Maria's life. "Henry, come here at once. Where is Elena?" My father shouted at me, and I could see my stepmother was close to being historical. I know my mother by now. She only got hysterical when something did not go her way. What was she worried about? I wondered why she was so agitated and crying, almost concerned about something going wrong. "I don't know, why don't you ask Stephen? He is the one who pushed her off the cliff. I do not want him as my beta anymore. He is nothing in my eyes. He killed my sister." I say with anger. "Do not talk nonsense, honey. We will sort all of this out. I'm sure she's still alive. Where did he push her off the cliff?" My stepmother asked, but I could see the worry in her eyes. I wondered why she was so concerned about where my sister was pushed off the cliff. "I do not remember. I think it is on the opposite side of the waterfall. I think it's near the edge, close to the school. If my assistant hadn't died, the rogues would have gotten her by now. It's not like she had a wolf that would protect her." I say. "We need to go immediately and search for her. She might still be alive. We need to go now immediately. Get all the troops. We are going to look for her." My stepmother said, and I wondered why she was so anxious to get my sister. "Everyone gather around. We are going to search for my daughter. We have to find her. Even if we only find her body, we have to bury her. Although she was responsible for the death of your previous Luna, she is still my daughter. You heard the Luna get all the men ready. We are going to look for her." My father said, and I saw my stepmother and stepsister walking away. I followed them at a distance. I knew they were up to something. Were they going to kill Elena if she was still alive? They walked away from us, and at a distance, they stood still. They must have thought everyone was getting ready as they were not paying attention to their surroundings. "I hope she did not find her wolf. I hope she did not land near her wolf and survived. She's the only one who can save her wolf. We have to go with the Warriors. We have to go and look for her. And if she has a wolf, we must make another plan to get that damn wolf out of her. And if she is dead, thank goodness. She fell near that wolf, and she did not die. And she released that wolf. She will become one of the most vital wolves ever." My stepmother said. I knew then that my stepmother was the one who sold my sister's wolf. I sneaked away before I could see myself, and I hoped that my sister found her wolf, that she was still alive, and that she was one of the most potent wolves live. And she will come back and avenge our mother with me one day. We searched for my sister but couldn't find a trace of her. The only thing we saw in the snow was a wolf on ice. I could see my stepmother's triumphant smile. Whoever was howling and looking for her, hoping she would hear us and come to us, but did not show up. I had to accept my sister was dead and that her body must be in one of the deep canyons in the mountain. Maria squeezed my hand, but I could see the tears running down her face. That night, I told her everything that I had heard, and I knew that my stepmother was the evil witch from the stories when we were children. I knew going to my father would not help. Maria and I wept for Elena and wished I could tell her one last time that I loved her and knew she was not the one who killed our mother. I'm sitting outside on the rocks, looking over the edge where my sister died. I know I will never see her again and will never be able to tell her I am sorry and love her. I wish I had only one more day with her and could say all I needed to say to her when our mother died. I should have told her that day it was not her fault. She could not help that she didn't have a wolf then. And now that I knew it was my stepmother who kept her wolf away from her, I am furious. I plan on what I will do the day I become Alpha. I want Sophia to think she will become my Luna, but it will never happen. I am going to kill her and her mother today. I become Alpha. "I will arrange you and Mom, sis. I promise you that. I know that you were innocent that day. I should not have doubted you. I know you were young and without a wolf. I knew you carried the guilt of another one, and I should have known better than to judge you like everybody else did. I know it is too late to tell you this, but I love you. And I do miss you. One day, I will avenge your death like I will avenge Mother's death." I say. I have not spoken to Stephen since that day. I do not see him as a friend of mine anymore. He and Sophia are still hanging around. And I know she's trying to get my attention, but she also knows I am not interested in her. She's trying to make me jealous of Stephen and is trying to put a magic spell on me. But Maria and I secretly went to the gypsies, and the gypsy named Ezell helped me.
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