Rouges and a Alpha

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Elena's POV It was a long way down, and I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact of my body with the rocks. Everything feels so slow, and I smile as I know I have paid the price for my mother's death. The impact never comes as a lie in a heap of soft snow. Dammit, I am still alive. I look up and know they cannot see me as it is far away from them. I look around me and into the most beautiful blue eyes of the most beautiful white wolf I have ever seen. She's captured in ice. It feels like she's staring into my soul. I know she is my wolf, and I have to free her. I wonder how she ended up here. I know now why I don't have my wolf. She was captured in ice, and I do not know for how long. I walk over to this beautiful wolf. I can see your eyes begging with me. I know I have to free her. But how? I walk over and pray to the Moon Goddess for the first time in years. I feel my hands getting warm. It is called out here, and I only have a flimsy dress and a worn-out jacket on. I touched the block of ice. It melts under my warm hands. I keep touching it, although my hands are cold as ice. I cannot let go. My feet are also cold, and I only have boots with holes in the bottom. I got them from Maria last year, and I know she is not allowed to give me anything because her parents told her not to provide me with anything until no one notices that she's wearing them anymore. I know Maria feels sorry for me. That is why she gave me old clothes. Sometimes, they don't have holes or anything in it. But her parents are also not wealthy, and I cannot afford to buy her new clothes. So she gave me her older clothes that are so wearable. I know that is why she feels sorry for me; she has also been bullied. But when she got her wolf, nobody picked on her anymore, since she got her wolf. They are strong together. "At last, I'm free. What took you so long? I have been waiting here for you for a long time. My name is Snow. Some witch put me in this prison of ice. I should have been with you since you were a baby. You are exceptional, Elena. The Moon Goddess has blessed you. You should not have been without me your whole life. You and I were meant to be together since your birth. However, it did not work out that way. The poor thing, you are shivering. You must be freezing. Touch me so we can become one, and I can warm you from the inside and heal you. I can see that you are badly hurt. Do not worry, we will get even with our mates. He will regret the day that he rejected you. You will be stronger than any wolf, and since you can already fight in human form, you can leave the fighting in wolf form to me. It would be best if you remembered that we will be stronger together. And even in human form, you will be powerful. Now hurry on, touch me to get inside you where I belong. I've missed you, little one. I know getting your wolf this way is not normal, and you have many questions for me. But when we become one, you can ask me questions anytime. We are not normal anyway. We are special." Snow says. "I am so glad I found you, Snow." I say as I touch her. I can feel us becoming one. I can feel the warmth of her body inside of me. And all of a sudden, I do not feel cold. I can feel my wounds healing. I thought I would die today, but instead, a miracle happened. I found my wolf. I found Snow! I hear somebody walking closer, and I lay in the snow again. I do not know who it is, so I will pretend that I have fallen from the cliff and is lying here. There is blood all over my clothes. I know it must look like I am very severely injured. Blood is still on my nose and face, so they cannot see whether I have injuries. "Do you think she is dead? Isn't she that human that does not have a wolf? Do you think she could have taken this fall?" I hear a female voice. "I don't know, and I don't care. I want to know is, where is the wolf that was here on the ice? We always came here to pray to her. Now she's gone. She was the one who was protecting our little rouge pack! Without her protection, Ryan Collins, the alpha around here, will come after us. Did this human woman have something to do with this? Do you know everybody stayed out of our territory just because of the wolf that was here on the ice? What do you think will happen if our enemies find out that she is gone? We will be doomed. That is the only thing that kept people out of here because I thought she was a ghost. She's the reason why the Silver River Pack never came here. She was why Ryan Collins and his Blue Mountain back never came here. If they find out that she is gone, we are all doomed. How did she disappear since this human landed year in the snow?" I hear a male voice. "And listen to me, my love. Can't we help her? She cannot survive out here by herself. I don't know what happened to the wolf. Perhaps when she comes to, we can ask her." The female voice speaks again. "We are all outcasts. Nobody wants us. At least our packs let us go without hurting us." Another male says. "Your hair is out of place, Morris. You better go and look in the steam. We should help her. I know her. Her name is Elena, and she once tried to save me from being kicked out of my pack. She got a severe beating for it from her father." A female wolf laughs. I recognize her voice. Her name is Allison. She was kicked out of our pack for hitting my stepsister, Sophia. She is a tomboy and does not mind playing with the boys. I remember trying to save her from being kicked out, and I got beaten up by my father. "Where is your wolf idol? I see she's gone. I think it's time to beat all of you up." I hear a male voice. He smells like sandalwood, and it tickles my nose. 'Mate!' Snow shouts in my head. But that is impossible. Stephen smells like cedarwood. 'He is not Stephen!' I answer her in my head. 'That is because he is not Stephen.' Snow answers. Wow, can I get two mates in one day? Is it possible? "Step away from the woman," He growls. This is impossible. I cannot believe that I can find two mates in one day. "Do not hurt her. She's only human. She does not have a wolf. Your battle is with us, not with her." I hear Allison say. I hear howling in the background. I know my brother and his friends are coming to look for me. I have to get the hell out of here. "Damn, Silver Moon Pack. They can be glad that I am alone. I will be back. Get this human out of here before they get her. I will come back for all of you. I will be back for the human. After I kill you all, I will take her with me." Our mate says. I can hear in his voice he does not want to leave me, but he has no choice. I feel somebody picking me up and running away into the caves. "Melissa, conceal our smell. We cannot let the Silver River Pack come and finish what they started. We need this human to tell us what happened to our wolf. Also, put up an idle outside with your magic that looks like our wolf." I hear the first male commanding, and I take he is the leader of the outcasts. 'We should reveal ourselves that. We should tell them, I am now inside you. We should tell them you are the wolf I have idealized for so long. Not right now. Let them put up the idle and let us get to safety first. We cannot fight with these people because they have not fought. And I can see that they are hungry and malnutrition. We do not know if your brother, father, or Stephen are coming. If it is your father and his Luna, they will not let you live. Your stepmother is a mighty witch. We cannot take that chance right now. We have to get away from them. Luckily, Melissa is much stronger than she is. I have seen her many times doing magical tricks. Just by dead until we are safe.' Snow says. I agree with Snow we should get away from them. There are tunnels underneath the mountain that I didn't know about. Melissa also covered every piece of evidence that we were there. Even my blood on the snow is gone. I can't see it as I peek while everyone enters the caves. They take a lot of twists and turns, but I make a note. We need to get out of there in case we get into trouble. I know Snow will also find the way out of here if we need to. It feels like ours that we have been running. I think the poor guy carrying me must be tired by now. But it looks like he have a lot of stamina. The time must have learned how to flee and help each other for a very long time. I feel sorry for them. I know I cannot leave them. I will have to help them. I cannot go with my mate without knowing these people are not looked after. They need to pack. And I know that I can teach them how to fight. And I know I can look after them. "Put me down, I'm fine. I can run by myself. You do not have to carry me. I had to pretend that I was hurt to get away. I didn't want to scare all of you. That is why I didn't say a word. I'm sorry you had to carry me all this way. I will make it up to you. Snow, the wolf that was captured in ice, is my wolf. She is inside me." I say when I feel we are far enough away from the Silver River Pack and that they are not following us. "What? Are you sure? Is she really inside of you? I cannot believe this. This is a miracle. How did it happen? Tell us everything." Allison says. "When Stephen and I fought, I fell down the cliff and landed in the snow. I thought I was going to die, but I did not. He landed in soft snow, and there she was. As soon as I touched the ice, it melted, and we became one." I tell them the story as short as possible. "The wolf's name is Snow? You know that Alpha Ryan Collins's wolf's name is Fire. That is why you want it to. You are his mate, aren't you? Are you going to betray us? Are you going to deliver us into his hands? He is angry with us because sometimes we go to his villages and steal some food. It is hard to get food around here because it's always snowing. We are hungry and need food, so sometimes we steal food from him and the Silver River Pack. Your father always gets angry when he hears we have stolen some of his livestock. What else can we do? We need food. Sometimes, we will steal clothing and other supplies that we need. Are you going to betray us?" The man that carried me asks. "No. Besides, my name is Elena. I know how it feels to be an outcast and be hated by everybody. If Ryan Collins wants me as his mate, he must accept you into his pack. I promise you that I will never betray you on my word and the Moon Goddess. I will help you. There has been a feud between the Silver River Pack and the Blue Mountain Pack for a long time, ever since my mother died. I know it is my father's fault. He and my stepmother killed the Alpha and Luna of the Blue Moutain Pack. I think Ryan Collins is looking for revenge against my father and stepmother. I also believe it is all her fault as she has put a spell on my father. I cannot think my father would fall for somebody like her after he was in love with a woman like my mother. I have to come behind the truth of it all, as I also believe that my stepmother is behind my mother's death. I think that she was the one hiding my wolf from me. I have a lot to tell you." I say as we all sit in a little cave in the middle of the mountains where it always snows.
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