Chapter 18: The Cutie’s Den Part Two

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MY KRUNG KRUNG BAE – Chapter 18 The Cutie’s Den Part Two   JC Pacheco From the time I met Aljon, I had wondered why his presence baffled and amused me at the same time. His actions the first time I saw him was comical. I thought about it and I asked myself why I didn’t feel annoyed. Seeing him a couple of times had made my heart beat faster and that, too, perplexed me. My eyes narrowed at him as he rummaged through his book case. He got excited when I told him I used to read lots of manga like he does. His eyes seemed brighter as he went through the titles. His delicate fingers pointed at each skin and I could not help but notice his heart-shaped lips that formed an ‘o’ as he moved along. Perhaps I had been pent up this whole time that even the mere sight of his lips made me want to

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