Chapter 19: Crushing on Him, Hard!

1837 Words

MY KRUNG KRUNG BAE – Chapter 19 Crushing on Him, Hard!   Aljon Aquino “I should go,” JC said to me. I looked at his eyes. I was hesitant to say yes because it felt good to have him in my apartment. Oh, who was I kidding? I was nervous the whole time! From the time he got in, I already showed how messy I live and though he did not say a thing, it was still embarrassing. “The coffee was really good and I loved the movie you picked,” he added. He was getting off the floor so I did the same. The TV was playing new movie suggestions. Yes, we watched until the credits are done showing. We sat there in silence we went over the ending and how much we liked it. There’s something about happy endings that just tickles me the right way. The underdog got his girl and they lived happily together.

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