Chapter 17: The Cutie’s Den

1175 Words

MY KRUNG KRUNG BAE – Chapter 17 The Cutie’s Den   JC Pacheco The idea of coming to Aljon’s apartment did not cross my mind but the fact that he invited me suddenly out this immense pleasure in my chest. I felt as if I wanted to jump around and laugh but that would be so silly. I just stood there in the parking lot, staring at my phone. My mouth was open for I don’t know how long after he his last text. Like a bullet that hit my head, I sprung rather quickly and went back to my car to drive to Cherry Blossoms Apartments. What supposed to be a short drive turned to be longer than I thought. However when I took my phone out again, I noticed on my clock that not much time had passed. I called Aljon that I have arrived. He sounded out of breath and my forehead creased as I wondered what

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