Chapter 10

1781 Words
Playlist - Earned It by The Weeknd Caleb  I stared at her with my intense expression, watching every little movement she made as I waited for her to look at me. My gaze was piercing, hot like a bullet just fired from the barrel. There was no mistaking that she felt it. Anyone this close to me would feel it. She finally lifted her gaze. “It’s hard to enjoy my lunch when you stare at me like that.” ‘Clear.” That was the point. I wanted her to feel my leashed anger. She was just driving me crazy minute by minute. “How would you feel if I stared at you like that?” “I’d encourage it.” Despite her confidence and elegance, she would never hold my gaze with the same unflinching focus. “Would you stop being mad?” She sipped her drink. “I've told you this endless times. I'm not quitting my job and I've no plan to move-in with you. We just barely began dating.” She popped another piece of bread into her mouth and chewed as she lifted her eyes and looked at me. She held my gaze with the same cool confidence, not blinking and not challenged. It was true that we just begun dating properly, but our schedule kept us apart more often than together. Just last night when we lounged at her apartment, she complained about not seeing me often. I suggested that we should move-in together. “No,no, na, na, I'm not going to live with you.” Her head that was resting on my chest slightly shifted so she could look up at me. “I told you we should go slow not fast like a lightening speed.” I rolled my eyes at her. I shifted slightly on her bed. It was very quaint and small, could barely fit the two of us, but we made it work by her resting on top of me, she rubbed my d**k a little without knowing what she was doing. Naive little thing. “Whatevs.” Suddenly feeling the disappointment that this relationship was not going my way, I slightly scooted out of the bed, carefully placing her on the bed and got out of the bed. I bent down to pick up my tshirt which was lying on her bedroom floor. I knew she was sitting up on her bed staring at my back, probably biting her lip. I looked back to see her face and she was doing exactly what I thought. Her eyes was on ass. Her eyes quickly averted from ass, looking everywhere but me when I caught her looking at me. Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. Most girls would boldly stare at me without caring about me noticing. Damn, Sheldon. What am I going to do with you? Smiling, I put on my shirt and made a mental note of being half naked often in front of her. “Where are you going?” She asked, her inquisitive doe-like eyes staring into mine. “Home,” I said without looking at her. I took my watch which was on her nightstand. She looked at me with a slightly disappointed look. “Oh, I thought…..” “You thought?” I clipped the steel of my watch. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it. “That's what I thought.” She never volunteering asked me to stay with her or even make plans with me. It always me to make the first move. My iPhone rang, it was kept on her other nightstand, one which was closer to her. She picked it up and read the callers name. “It’s Bella.” She read the name. “Why is she calling you, Caleb?” Her hard tone sounded like all her worst fear came true. “I'm asking you something.” Her grey-blue eyes, sharp gaze could pierce me right in the moment if had the ability to. I haven't talked to her since……….. the party. So, I honestly had no idea why she was calling. “Sheldon,” I said calmly, she was anything but calm. “Are you f*****g her?” Her harsh tone took me by surprise. I opened my mouth to defend myself, but she raised her hand to stop me. “I'll just find it out by her.” “Sheldon,” I reached out to get my phone from her, but she beat me to it and answered the call. “I thought you wouldn't answer my call.” Bella’s slurry voice came into existence. Sheldon gaze snapped to mine. If looks could kill then I would be dead by now. If this girl said anything inappropriate right now, I would never be able to convince Sheldon to trust me. She laughed. “I heard you are screwing someone's brain out for the past few months. Is she that good? Does she suck you well like I used to.” God! She will have me killed. “What’s so special about her anyway? Drake couldn't stop rambling about her and now you,” she took a pause,”have her,” she said like it was hard to accept the reality. “You know it makes me want to f**k her.” Alright, enough. “Bella, this is Caleb and me and my girlfriend, Sheldon would request you to never to call me again. I'm very much happy with my woman and I don't need anyone in my life anymore.” Sheldon looked at me like I've just confessed my undying love for her. “I told you, I'm serious about you.” I touched her face, caressing her face with my knuckles. A tear slipped down her face and I quickly wiped it. I hugged her tightly, gently caressing her back. “I'm sorry.” Her voice soft and barely audible. “I know.” I cradled her face in hands and kissed her nose, eyes, cheeks and lips. “It will be hard, but we'll make it work.” And that brought us to present. We were having lunch in my penthouse. She had changed into a sundress before she joined me for lunch on the terrace. My maid, Doris positioned the umbrella so we were completely in the shade. Not only was the sun hot that afternoon, but the humidity was high. I've never been a fan of the wet heat, but watching sweat dripping from Sheldon’s neck and the way she wiped her forehead had an erotic feel to it. And for some weird reason it gave me a bigger buzz than ever before. Sheldon sipped her iced tea then broke off a piece of bread from the basket. She was hungrier than usual, I've never seen her eat this much. It was quite amusing. She took a few bites then drank her iced tea again, pretending everything was perfectly alright between the two of us. I kept staring at her and she rose up to the challenge. It was easy for me to stare at her because I found her to be the most sexually alluring thing on the planet. Everything about her, from her thick eyelashes to the fullness of her lips, got me off. If I were to paint a picture of the perfect woman, she was what I would paint. And her false attempts to meet my intimidation was simply laughable. Neither one of us backed down. I knew I had given her too much power to begin with, and it was getting out of hand. I had have some sort of control over her. After having lunch, we decided to take away walk to the central park. Hand in hand, we walked on the streets like any normal couple. I was in my jeans and tshirt, I looked far from a real estate mogul. My left hand was firmly placed on her waist and I pulled her closer. To bypasser’ we seemed like couple attached at hips. “It’s getting hot day by day.” “I know, right.” She agreed with me. I stopped us to get some ice-cream. “This is so delicious.” She licked the cream like her life dependent on it. It made me think how would she suck me? “Here,” offering me her cone she said,”taste it.” Instead of licking the cone, I leaned in and licked lips, sucking them slightly. “Delicious.” Her cheeks reddened and she blushed widely. I loved how easily I made her blush. “Vanilla never tasted more appealing.” “French vanilla,” she interjected. We walked further a little, she was all smiles and that made me happy. A sudden overwhelming feeling swept within me when I watched her jump around in happiness, she gestured me join her but instead I took the opportunity to pull her closer to me. I pressed two fingers against the top of her spine and slowly dragged them down, following the intricate curve of her spine. She tried not to breathe more heavily at my touch, but it couldn’t be helped. I moved farther down until I reached the top of her ass. I moved my mouth to my ear and breathed into my canal, letting her listen to my arousal. Not caring that were in a public place, I gave her ass a little squeeze and my hands were wandering a little south when she abruptly stopped me. “Wait,” she shrieked, removing my hands off her. “Not here,” she said slowly. “Then let's go.” I her hand and dragged her with me. “Now?” “Yes, now!” I couldn't help, but steal a kiss from her and in the midst of our kisses, I felt someone's flash went off. “Who did that?” Sheldon shrugged jerked my hands off her ass and looked around. “Mr. Rawls! Over here.” Paparazzi. They were spread out like leeches in Manhattan. And, now they've captured our entire moment I was sure that we will be on the front cover of the newspaper tomorrow. “C'mon let's go.” I took her hand in mine and walked off from there, but it was impossible for us to escape from there. I quickly texted my bodyguard, Jason to bring out the car. “Oh, God.” Sheldon’s panicky voice came through. Yeah, so much for keeping it low key. Spotting my car, I hurriedly walked to it. Opening the the door for Sheldon I motioned her to get in, after she was settled I got in too and Jason began to drive off. “That was so uncalled for,” I said, trying to ease out the tension. Sheldon looked as if ready to cry. “Hey.” My voice soft. A lock of tendrils fell onto her face and I tucked in behind her ear. “It won't be that bad,” I ran by thumb on her earlobe and pulled her closer to me. I kissed her temple. She rested her head on my lap and I smiled. Unknowingly, I gained so much control today. Thanks, paparazzi.
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