Chapter 9

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Playlist - In The Dark by Camila Cabello Sheldon  I thrashed and kicked. What the hell was happening? Caleb f*****g dumped me in the trunk of his car. I begged him not, and he chose to ignore it. I did not even anticipate that Caleb would flip out watching me dance with some guy. I mean, I didn't even know him that well. He reminded me that he served me a drink long back ago and when he offered to have a drink with him I couldn't turn it down. And why would I turn him down? It was not as if Caleb and I were together or that he loved me. For God's sake, he couldn't even introduce me as his ‘friend’ and forget about it, he kissed someone right in front of eye. He really hurt me and had no right to even be angry about me dancing with anyone. His outburst was uncalled for and I'm f*****g scared of him right now. “Help!” I screamed. The muscles in my stomach burned as I yelled with all my might. I felt car began to move and I it picked up the speed. Where was he taking me now? Tight spaces. I shot out my hands and legs, every one of them hitting a barrier, like I was in a coffin. I was scared shitless. moved my hands in front of me, finding a felt-like upholstery above. And then I beat the roof above me. I screamed as loud as I could and made as much noise as possible in the hopes anyone would hear me. “Let me out!” I yelled, my throat burning raw as I howled until every last ounce of breath left my lungs. f**k! The car under me moved, and I rolled a little as it took off. “Help!” I pounded my fists harder and faster, going crazy. Music started blaring dully from the inside of the car, and my metal coffin vibrated under me, the noise drowning my screaming. Why was Caleb doing this? “Oh, God,” I cried, my eyes welling with tears. “Please.” I started whimpering uncontrollably, sucking in short, shallow breaths as I patted my hands. More and more time passed and begun giving up on the hopes of ever getting out of my metal coffin. At the last attempt to be heard, I screamed with all my energy “Help!” I screamed, trying to make my voice carry. “Heeeeelp!” After awhile, the car continued to slow, and then it finally stopped. I breathed hard and listened. Shifting my eyes around the darkness, I heard the music die off, the car going silent, and doors started to slam shut. Fear coursed through my body, and a small gasp escaped. I covered my mouth with my shaking hand as a tear spilled across my temple. “Go ahead and scream,” Caleb’ cocky voice said. “There’s no one around to hear you. “Caleb, why are you doing this?” I asked tears now freely flowing from my eyes. I was so frustrated with myself, Caleb and being in confined space just doubled it. I cursed my stupid, stupid self for ever being attracted to Caleb. He was a goddamn feral, suffocating, jealous jerk. “Why am I doing this? I-” Suddenly at the loss of words, my frustration morphed into anger. “I know just well why you're doing this.” My mouth about to spit venom at him. “Because you're a jealous freak who couldn't handle someone even touching a girl he's with- oh, wait, I'm not your f*****g girl and you have absolutely no right over me, you crazy manipulative bastard.” “You see that little green glow-in the-dark lever in there?” he asked. “Pull it.” Lever? What? I darted my gaze around, finally seeing something green glowing in the corner on my right. It was small but readily visible, and I didn’t know how’d I’d missed it. It had a picture of a car on it, and I reached out and pulled it, the trunk immediately clicking open and a sliver of daylight suddenly pouring in. I exhaled, my nerves relaxing. Pushing the lid open, I looked up, seeing a very disheveled Caleb looking right at me. I quickly wiped my tears away and scrambled out of the trunk. “Asshole!” I shoved him away, a little harshly, but didn't care in that moment. “You stay away from me,” I said, wiping the dried tear from my face. “That was not funny,” I barked. “Nothing is funny.” He took a step towards me and I step backwards. I didn't take a look at my surroundings, but we were in the middle of nowhere. “Stay there. Don't you dare come near me.” I raised my hand, warning him. He didn’t come any further, but he placed one hand on the lid and pointed at the lever I’d pulled inside. Every car since 2002 has one,” he told me. “If that ever happens to you again, you know what to do.” I scowled up at him. “You’re mental.” “I know.” He took a step towards me and like all the fight inside me vanished, I didn't resist him. I stared down and cried. He has mentally exhausted me and I had nothing to say to him. Absolutely nothing. He neared towards me and placed two fingers below my chin, lifting my head up. “I'm sorry.” Cradling my face in his hands, he wiped the tears on cheek with his thumb. “You know, I've tried avoiding my feelings for you, pushing you away from me, just telling myself that you're just some p***y I wanted to sink myself in and and God knows I tried making you dislike me, but hearing you say all those just made me realize what I fool I am for not treating you right,” he said. “The rage I felt watching you dance with that f*****g i***t is unexplainable. And I've come to realisation that I want you to be mine, completely mine, exclusively mine and no one else's. I just want be yours and no one else's. I know it'll be difficult, but I want to make it work with you. You're all I think about and it will be a goddamn shame if I let you go.” He released a deep breath and looked at me with a hopeful glint in his eyes. All the anger I felt for him vanished and leaned in kissed his incredibly sculptured lips. This man was certainly dangerous for me, but I just needed him a lot. I just him to be mine. I did not like him a lot at the moment, but I was still affected by his sheer magnitude, his gravitational pull that rivaled the sun. I broke off the kiss, not wanting it to linger. “Why’d you stop?” he asked, our mouths still close, touching slightly as he spoke. “I shouldn't have kissed you in the first place “ His broad shoulders looked muscular in his jacket, and the thick stubble on his face matched the nighttime shadows. It was cold that night, but there was so much adrenaline my bloodstream that I’d forgotten about it until now. I was in my evening dress and this man was growling at me like a hungry wolf. “You have to finish what you started.” He pulled me closer, my chest firmly pressed against his and I could feel his hard member growing against my hips. “Just kiss me and forget about everything.” He wanted a kiss so I gave him one. “That's not a kiss, that's a peck.” My breathing had increased because I couldn’t hide my physical needs. “That was a kiss.” He moved closer to me and placed his warm fingertips against the back of my frozen neck. He gripped me gently, his fingers reaching under the fall of my hair. He didn’t kiss me, but he invaded space, his cologne and body soap mixing together and forming a tantalizing aroma. It was the scent of pure masculinity, of a man with so much power in his touch alone. “Nope, that's cheating,” he winced like a child. He looked down to my mouth as he held me in place, his stubble so close to my lips. His arm moved around my waist with a powerful hold. He tugged on me slightly, arching the curve in my back and bringing me closer into his chest.He was so warm, and his grip was so strong. Like probably every other woman, I’d fallen prey to his touch. “If you don't want to kiss me just tell me yes and I will kiss you.” He spoke softly, his deep voice affecting me. “Say yes.” His thumb rested against my jawline, and he angled my neck back more, gaining better access to my mouth with our differences in height. He was over six feet, making me over a few inches short. His thumb brushed across my cheek, and he practically breathed into my mouth as he waited. For a man who could do whatever he wanted, it was odd that he was waiting for permission. This the first time I felt the one in-charge. I wanted wanted to say no, but I said, “Yes.” The second he heard that word, his mouth was on mine. He came in aggressively, but his kiss was surprisingly soft. He touched my mouth with purposeful pulls, really feeling my lips as he breathed into me. His arm tightened around my waist, and he pulled me closer to him. Making me feel the stiff outline in his jeans. God! He turned his head to the right, positioning my mouth for a deeper angle. Like a man deeply in love, he worshiped my mouth with passion, moving his lips with mine at the perfect speed and intensity. It wasn’t sloppy, and it wasn’t slow either. He kept me on my toes, enjoying me like this was the sexiest kiss he’d ever experienced. It certainly was mine. He cradled the back of my head as he gave me his tongue. With a quick swipe against mine along with a warm breath, he protected me from the cold and made me melt right at his feet. Now I was lost. I felt his hard chest as I moved my hand up his shirt, touching the muscles that were as hard as a slab of concrete. My fingers felt the cord in his neck as I made my way to his beautiful brown hair. I fisted the strands in my fingertips, and I matched his passion with my own. He was a monster, a master of his own universe, but that didn’t change the way my body responded to him. Good or evil, I wanted him. My hand touched his jawline next, the thick stubble coarse against my fingertips. My thumb brushed across his bottom lip as I kissed him. Every single inch of him was all man, especially the enormous hard-on pressed right against my stomach. If I could measure him with my fingers, he had to be at least nine inches. On top of that, he was thick. Monster c**k. He turned my hips pressed into me, making my back press onto the hood of the trunk. Our kisses turned from a smolder to raging fire. He sank into me, covering me with his entire body as he continued to claim my mouth. He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth before he released it. “This.” He kissed my top lip this time, breathing against my mouth as he looked me in the eye. “Mouth.” He dug his hand into my hair again as he kissed me harder. I didn’t care that we were in the middle of a dark a street and my panties were getting wetter by the second. I didn’t care if this man tortured me mentally or if was a dominating monster. All I cared about was keeping his mouth on mine, making this kiss last forever. I’d had good kisses in high school, but nothing like this. I was still a virgin and this kisses almost broke my hymen. This was the first time I’d ever come this close to the sun. I was about to get burned, but I didn’t care. He grabbed my left leg and hiked it over his hip, pressing me farther into the hood of the car so his c**k hit right against my clit. God. He gripped the back of my thigh and kept my leg in place as he started to grind against me, rubbing his thick length right against my throbbing clit. Without breaking the kiss, he dry humped me right there on the dark street. I didn't care if anyone saw us. I wanted him to. My nails clawed at him harder, and my mouth ached for more of his. Our tongues danced together, we breathed as one, and I gripped the front of his shirt because I was eager to touch him. I wanted to touch him, to feel him and like he understood my feelings, he shrugged off his jacket and begun to unbutton his shirt. He smiled through the kiss when my hands helped me to get rid of it. When I touched rockhard ads that felt like mountains my panties just become wetter. My fingers slid along the deep grooves as they made their way up to his hard chest. My thumb flicked over his n****e then stroked his pecs. What a beautiful man. He kept grinding against me, my long dress coming in way of our dry humping. “This f*****g dress,” he growled in my mouth, tearing it with his ferocious strength. “Hey!” I complained. “That was the only expensive thing I owned.” He mighty removed the fabric below my thigh, exposing my legs. The cold wind hitting them. “I don't care. I don't like things separating me from my pussy.” He touched me from the panties, he moaned feeling my wetness. “So wet.” Just when I thought he will touch me from inside of panties he switched back to humping. His huge c**k hitting my clit in just the right spot. f**k, he was gonna make me come. Right in the middle of nowhere. My hips were rocking with his, and I couldn’t stop picturing how that d**k would feel inside me. He gave me his tongue again, and that’s when I came. “f**k…yes.” I gripped his shoulder and moaned in his mouth, my hips bucking against him as an awesome c****x overcame me. He stopped kissing me—just so he could stare at me. With hard eyes that burned with desire, he watched me convulse against his c**k, his arrogance at its peak. His jaw was clenched hard as his fingers dug into the back of my thigh. Watching him enjoy my c****x just made me come harder. I moaned, an o****m that was better than I had imagined it would be. My panties were soaked and I knew they were smearing against his dress pants, but my mind was so far in the clouds that I didn’t care. He kissed me again when I finished, a smile on his lips. “Hey, nice show.” The bypasser in the car with teenagers yelled. “Woohoo!” They exclaimed and all of a sudden I felt shy. My face was hid in croak of his neck and he caressed the back of my neck with his mouth gifting me with me feather light kisses “That was one hell of a kiss.” His hand was still in my hair, and he grinned like he’d just been crowned as king. “Wasn’t bad.” I dropped my leg and adjusted myself. Like I’d expected, there was a dark spot on his jeans—a p***y stain I couldn’t erase. He glanced at it then looked at me, his arrogance at an all-time high. “Yeah…not bad.” He stared at me with those cryptic blue eyes, his thoughts a mystery behind that stonecold gaze. His hands moved into the pockets of his jeans, and his hard c**k still made the front of his jeans rise with a bulge. “I know trusting me will be hard, but I want you to give me a chance.” Not knowing what to say, I just stared at him. “Sheldon, you’re my own. I want you to be mine, just mine. I want you to be there when I'm home from a tiring day, just looking at you will make my hardships go away. Your beautiful eyes staring into mine sends me on the edge of satisfaction. I want you to be a prominent part of my life. Just give a chance.” He took my hand in his, tracing his fingertips on my skin. “Caleb, I don't know what to say,” the words caught in my throat. “What can make me so sure that you won't leave me stranded when someone else more appealing comes along. How can I ever trust you when you're out there with your female friends letting them get intimate with you. This is hard for me and I don't know if I can-” I wasn't able to finish when Caleb interrupted me. “You won't have any chance for not to trust me.” He cradled my face in his hands. “Just one chance. You can move in with me and be with me everywhere if you think-” I silenced him by placing my forefinger on his lips and he took that as attempt to kiss it. “Baby steps. We'll go out like a normal couple and you have to stop being so jealous, possessive, overbearing, overprotective boyfriend. You have to promise to not go bonkers when I talk with other guys,” he growled. “And I want to have my freedom, you cannot control any aspects of life and interfere in my work. When you see me at your sister’ place you'll treat like a regular employ,” wanted to oppose, but remained silent. “And the most important thing, if you're too ashamed to introduce me to you family and friends as your girlfriend then we can never be together.” He slid his hand on my ass, pushing me forward. “But you cannot complain when I manhandle you,” My eyes widened and was about to say a few good things when he added,”in private.” I pretended to think about it for a few moments when and he got tired and said,”f**k it, you're mine.” He crashed his lips on mine and I happily complied.
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