Chapter 11

2260 Words
Playlist - Another One Bites the Dust by queen Sheldon  Walking towards the entrance of the building, I sigh knowing what's ahead of me. Waiting. Since Caleb and I have been spotted out together, there quite few rumours about us which has spread like wildfire. ‘Looks like there's a new woman in Entrepreneur Caleb Rawls life.’ ‘Caleb Rawls has been spotted out getting a little naughty with a new girlfriend’ ‘Billionaire Caleb Rawls out & about with a mystery woman. Who is she’ ‘New lovebirds in city can't keep their hands to themselves’ And so much more. It was super cringey to even read the headlines and to make the matters worse there was pictures of us kissing, Caleb’s hand inside dress and even him squeezing my butt. It didn't make Caleb look bad, but me. It wasn’t new for Caleb to be spotted kissing someone, but it was for me and I didn’t want be including in his list of flings. I wanted a meaningful relationship and although Caleb assured me what we have is a serious thing, I can't but doubt us. I know I should feel lucky to be going out with him. For God's sake, this is all I've ever dreamt of and this feels too perfect to be real. I wallow in my thoughts as I wait for the elevator to arrive. Why couldn't Caleb be a normal guy not a f*****g billionaire with an extremely long list of um… girlfriends. Why did he had to be my employer's brother and why did everything with me had to be so complicated. “Tough night?” John, the security guard on duty asks me. I just nod in answer. I notice he has a package in his hand wrapped in brown paper. “You’re working for Miss Rawls, right?” “Yep,” I say, bored. “Here take this.” He hands me the package. “This came in for her and I forgot to send it up. Saw you here so…. you know.” I nod understanding what he meant. Everyone in this building were obnoxious-rich people who treated everyone lower to them as s**t and poor John almost lost his job when a lady complained that he stared at her for too long. Ding! The elevator arrived and I stepped inside of it. I dreaded Samantha and her late night dinners and on top of it, Rose was still not talking to me. I've tried talking to her couple of times, but she just brushed me away. And after the publication of the recent news won't mend our relationship. Oh, how I long to not work here. My capabilities were so much and opportunities so less. I've graduated in script writing and let's just say people don't understand the art of it. Getting in the penthouse apartment from servants entrance, I placed the package on the table and decided not to change into my uniform. First thing first, I decided to give the package Samantha. Looking for her, I bumped into someone on the way. “I'm so sorry-” I apologized to the guest and reached down to grab their phone, I added my apologies. ‘“I'm so sorry for your phone. It won't happen again-” “I would wish it to happen again and again.” The same familiar husky voice spoke. “And don't apologize so much, it's just a phone, I can buy thousands of it.” The glint in his eyes told me he bumped into me on purpose. “It amazes to see you here out of all places. Always with Rawls, I assume.” Drake Jim. The person partly responsible for my ongoing relationship with Caleb. “I-” Am speechless. What was he doing here and why did I have to standing so close to him and why on the earth was his thumb brushing my hips. I took a step backwards, which made him withdraw his hand. He took a moment to check me out. His eyes roamed from my legs to my waist to linger a little longer on my breast to feast on my lips. His gaze made me blush wildly. I was mortified standing there. His extremely fair skin radiated happiness and caramel colored eyes still had that glint, his platinum blonde hair gave his an almost unreal look. He looked straight out of anime. It hit me that I had to say something, but nothing came to my mind. “I-” “You?” He mocked me and took pleasure in watching my flushed expression. Just in time, Samantha announced herself from the banister, walking down the stairs. “What’s happening?” She emerged like a queen, wearing floor length black maxi dress. Her hair cascaded down her back and she kept her makeup bare minimum. Just like her brother, she was magnificently gorgeous. “I was just here asking this beautiful girl what business does she have with you,” Drake said to Samantha. “She's Caleb’s girlfriend, right?” “For now.” Samantha’s bitter words wouldn't go unnoticed. “You know Caleb, one girl to another. Not knowing when to stop.” Drake smiled looking at me. “And she's even my maid. That took Drake by surprise and he yelled out a “What?” “Yeah, that's right.” Samantha came near me and noticed the package in my hand. “What’s this?” She took the package from my hand and examined it. “This came in for you. I was meaning to find you and give-” I stopped speaking and when Samantha motioned me to stop talking. After the publication of me & Caleb’s picture, she grew more colder and insensitive. “Must be the script of another movie.” She handed me the package back. “A model can never be a good actress and everyone should know it.” Drake who was still in shock recovered himself and raked his hand through his hair then smiling. “Of course that's not true. You are just looking for a good script.” “I mean- yeah. That partly true.” She sighed and headed off to the balcony. Drake following her. “I don't want to make a mockery out or myself and-” Her eyes snapped to mine when she noticed I was rooted to my spot. “C'mon get in the kitchen and send out some cocktails.” I quickly ascended to the kitchen before stealing a glance back at them. Samantha was busy talking and Drake gaze was momentarily on me and then he zapped his attention back to Samantha.. The kitchen was empty with no trace of anyone being there. Was I alone here? If that was it then I would have to make the cocktails. Oh, f**k! Knowing the two of the only cocktails I knew how to make,I quickly prepared Old Fashioned and took them to where Samantha was. They were still engrossed in talking about movies and roles and ignored my existence. I did felt Drake fingers brushed with mine as I handed him the glass. Maybe, it was just by mistake, I thought. But when it happened twice and thrice then I thought maybe not. On the fourth time I placed the tray in front of them not handing either of them the drink. “Could you make Margarita’ next? If that's okay with you?” Drake asked smiling. “Of course, she will make. What am I paying for? To stare at the wall?. Go Sheldon, let the Margarita’ flow.” Samantha very crudely dismissed me. It felt insulting to be treated like this in front of a stranger. But it all away, I went back to the kitchen and googled how to make Margarita. It was easy, not much went into it, but there was no Tequila in the house so I added a little whisky and vodka. Taking the drink back to them I opted for not keeping tray in front of them instead letting them take the drink from the tray as I held it. Samantha took hers and when it came to Drake, I don't know what happened but the drink spilled his pants. “Jesus Chris, f**k,” he cursed. Samantha and I gasped. “What’s wrong with you Sheldon?” She stood from her seat. “You've ruined his jeans.” “I'm so sorry.” I was on the verge of tears. “I was not being careful. Please forgive me.” “It’s fine,” Drake said, a little annoyed. Oh, God! This is so bad. “Not it's not fine.” Her sharp tone pierced my ears. “You i***t! Where was your f*****g head.” I have never seen Samantha so angry in my entire years working for her. “Where was that head of yours? Engrossed in my brothers money, huh?” If looks could kill, I'd be buried by now. “I didn't mean to-” A sob escaped from my throat and I wanted to be anywhere but here. “Sam,” Drake warned. “It’s not big of a deal. I'll just clean myself up.” Samantha still stared daggers at me. “What are you staring at me for? Help him with it.” I scrambled to go after him. He was walking in front of me and I was sprinting after him. “Drake, wait up.” He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me. “I'll help you clean.” He said nothing just stared at me with a blank expression. I gulped as his gaze intensified. “Uh… the washroom is that way,” I said meekly not meeting his gaze. “Look at me.” I refused. When he understood I won't meet his gaze, he cupped my face in his palms and made me face him. “He,” he said softly. “Don’t cry.” His thumb brushed a tear away as it fell down my face. “I don't like you working here.” I finally looked into his caramel eyes which was nothing like Caleb’s. Oh, damn. Caleb. Suddenly, remembering if Caleb ever found about this, he would have a raging tantrum. I took a step back making his hands fall. “You’re not going to let anyone insult you.” “But I work for her. She gives me my paychecks.” “f**k her money, come and work for me.” I chuckled a little. “You tend a bar.” He smiled. “I do.” Raving his hand through his head, he added,”but I'm also a lawyer and I'm in desperate need of an assistant. Nothing you can't handle.” smile when I see the expectant look in Drake’s eyes. *** After one ring, I hear my boyfriend’s deep voice on the other line, “Hello, sunshine. I was just about to call you.” “ Hi, babe. I’m sorry to call you so late, but I couldn't go without talking to you for so long.” He chuckled, his deep husky voice sending waves through my stomach. ‘I told you to come along with me, but you told me to stop being clingy.” Stupid me. “I was wrong. I want you will me every time. I miss your kiss. “Oh, baby,” he groaned. “Don’t remind me of it. I'm j*********f alone. I miss your hand.” “I can help you a little though,” I teased him. “Baby, I've got a board meeting in about,” he paused. “3 minutes.” “How come? It's night here- oh, I forgot. Time zones.” “South Australia has amazing beaches where can take a skinny dip.” he said. “You should be here.” “But I've got something to tell you.” “Yeah?” “I quit working for your sister.” “What- what happened?” “She was being extremely rude to me plus, insulted me in front of her guests, Caleb,” My tone slowly drifted to becoming a little hysterical. “She- she called me names and I cried. I was mortified, Caleb. This is too much take.” He was silent for a few moments. “I'll handle it. Don't stress about it, babe.” “Quitting seemed the best option.” “No one makes my girl cry and certainly not my sister.” I smile into the receiver, tightening my grip on my phone. “When did you turn so caring.” “Since you became mine.” I smiled at his words. “Who was that guest? Anyone I know?” My smile faded. Swallowing hard, I said,”You'll get angry.” “I won't.” “No, you will.” He protested. “Honesty, I won't.” “Drake Jim.” “That bastard,” he growled into the phone. “That piece of s**t deserves a punch from me.” “You said won't get angry.” “Alright, alright.” He still sounded angry to me. Just to ease of the moment, I decided to tease him a bit. “I’ve missed you. How are you feeling?” “Great, baby. Today is turning out to be a good day.” “Perfect. I have some plans of my own for us.” “Really? May I ask what kind of plans, Miss Monroe? Will I like them?” He says flirtatiously. “You want to know them?” I say seductively. “But they're not interesting. Do you have any plans for me?” “Many,” he growled. “Are they boring?” I still kept the seductive edge. “Well, I want to throw you on the bed face down, rip your panties off, and f**k you with my fingers until you are begging me to f**k you with my d**k. Then I’ll climb on top of you and kiss you from the nape of your neck down your spine, licking away the sweat of your skin until my tongue tastes what’s mine. Only mine,” he says roughly. I gasped, feeling a little wet just from his words. “Such a naughty boy.” Desire gathers between my legs as my n*****s harden. A satisfied Caleb chuckles once more. “Yes. That’s it. Anyway, babe, Tatjama just walked in to let me know it’s time for my next meeting.” His voice was now businesslike. “O-okay.” I obviously can’t think straight yet. “Babe?” “Yes?” “When I have you on my bed, you won't be able to walk," he growls.
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