3. Leon

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AUTHOR Leon ... A dreadful name in the whole population of vampires on earth. He was not only a ruthless vampire, who didn't think even once before killing any human, but also a savage mafia who ran multiple businesses across different continents. Leon is a 182 year old vampire, who belongs to the ninth generation of the Kol bloodline. He is the most powerful vampire walking on earth, as it is stated by whichever vampire who comes across Leon. Kol and Klaus have always proven to be the two most powerfull and influential bloodlines in the vampire population. But unfortunately, there have always been a sense of enmity between the two bloodlines. The enmity began from the sixth generations of both the bloodlines. However, the exact reason for the enmity between the two is still unknown, their generations always continue to pursue the enmity and follow the animosity by killing the present heirs. Everyone in present day knew that Leon would end this enmity between Kols and Klaus by ending the entire lineage of Klaus's. But it was not as easy as it seemed to be. Leon had found out about the ancestral castle of the Klaus's, but as the information came out after prompt interrogation, he learnt that they had fled from the castle a long time ago. Somewhat around twenty years ago. But the only chance of Leon finding them was to go to the castle, and investigate in his own way. . . . . . LEON That castle was the only hope left for me to find the sole heir of them, but it seems that my single hope has vanished too. But how the hell is that possible? I got the information from my reliable sources that the only heir, or the ninth generation of the Klaus's bloodline might be living in that castle on the German-Czech border as this castle is their special inheritance apart from many properties spread across the planet. But when I enquired further, I got to know that the Klaus's didn't live there anymore. Three people of a family live there, and they arrange some kind of camp for everyone who suffers any kind of life-long disease. Fúck! My only hope to find the ninth generation of the Klaus's has lost! But I can't let it happen. I will dig their heir out of any hole in which he has been hiding since then. But how? I need some fresh human blood to let my mind think of any plan to search the Klaus. I rang the bell vexatiously in order to call any of my servants, who would come and bring some human blood for me. After around one minute of my ringing the bell, someone knocked at the door of my bedroom. "Come in!" I muttered. After a second, a young boy entered and asked, "Yes master?" I had seen this person for the first time in my villa. "What is your name?" I asked. Even though, it was my normal tone, but he seemed to shiver at my words. Maybe my normal words come out like a growl. Like I care! Fúck it! One of my loyal servants had told me a day before that he had hired a new servant in the vila, who is a human. Usually, I prefer vampires as my employees, but he looked human. Perfect! "B-Ben!" He squirmed. "Are you new here?" I asked as I wanted to make sure he was human. At the sight of him, my lips automatically tilted into a devilish smirk, knowing that my prey had itself come to me. As far as I know, he is the same 'new employee'. I sighed, as I waited impatiently for his response. "We do not have the whole damn day to waste on you!" I growled. This time, it was an intentional growl. "Yes, master!" He whispered. "How old are you?" I asked, this time, I tried to sound calmer. "Nineteen, master!" "Good!" I said and stood up from the couch on which I sat. He looked at me questioningly. I chuckle at the thought that all his questions would soon be answered. . I guess he had sensed the colour of my iris changing from brown to black, then due to my smirk, he might have seen my canines looking sharper than ever. I suppose the texture of my skin might also have changed, because Ben then stepped one step backward with every passing second. "Stay!" I ordered him and he froze immediately at his place. I looked directly into his eyes and said, "Ask me to have meal of you." I ordered. I knew he was now hypnotized by me, because in the very next moment, be said, "Please have a meal of me, master." I chuckled and said, "Sure!" With that, I approached him, and in one swift motion of my hands, tore his skin apart. . . . . . . . . . . TO BE CONTINUED... Leon is definitely going to be an exciting person to be with, isn't it? ;)
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