2. Nightmare

935 Words
ISABELLE "Mom! We will save you ... please hold on, Issac has gone to fetch it for you! Please try to keep your eyes open!" I spoke in trembling yet courageous voice. "Listen to me dear ... Isa, honey l-listen to me ... listen t-to me p-please?" She stammered, trying to say something to me, as if it was getting late. She was trying to say something hurriedly but her bleeding was making her weaker by every passing second and it was getting more difficult for her to speak with every passing second. "Mom please hold on! You will get better soon, then we can talk till eternity. You need to save your energy right now, p-please mom?" I was now on the verge of breaking down. It was really disheartening to watch my mother die right in front of me, and me being nothing but helpless. "I don't have much time, Isa! You have to listen to me!" She said in one single breath. I could not say anything in her reply, so I just nodded my head with rivers of tears trailing down my cheeks. "You have to always take care of yourself and your brother. No one's ... no ones's parents stay with them forever in this world. Y-you understand m-me? You have to take the h-hold of your and your b-brother's life in your hands." She spoke with utter difficulty. "Yes, mom! I will always take care of Issac." I affirmed. "A-and yourself too. Never rely on humans! Not even on Julia and Christopher." She said in one single breath, took a long deep breath after that, and then her head collapsed back on the ground. Her eyes were still open, but she was gone. My mother died in front of me and I could not do anything about that. I did not know how to react, I wanted to scream, but no words came out. "Isa! I brought him for mother, she will be fine now!" I heard Issac's desperate voice. It was then when I heard his voice, I closed my eyes and more tears trailed down my cheeks. I turned around to look at him, and beside him, stood a boy of nearly fourteen or fifteen years of age. "What? Should not you be happy?" He spoke out and without waiting for my answer, came to mom. It took around one minute for him to realise that our mom was no more. With great courage, I managed to look into his eyes, and I saw what I had expected. The colour or his eyes turned into a darker shade of brown. His face became monstrous. There was red in his eyes. His breathing became heavier . "I-Issac!" I wanted to calm him down, but couldn't. I wanted to go closer to him, hug him and mourn our mother, but his monstrous self was keeping him away from me. I saw with numb expressions as he bit down on the teen boy's neck and sucked a huge amount of blood from him. I wanted to stop him from doing so but if this was the only way to calm him down, to make him feel better, then let it be. I watched and wished I could do something to wean off my sorrows too. I had always been my father's good girl and he had always wanted me to always be far from violence. Therefore my parents never taught me to feed on human blood. I was always the princess of my family. But now, as my parents are gone, how am I supposed to take care of myself as well as my twin, violent brother. I was immersed in my thoughts when I heard Issac's growl, "I will f*****g destroy their whole bloodline!" I wiped my tears and neared him, as I said, " Issac, no! We are not going to do anything like that. We don't want violence anymore in our lives." With little effort, he pushed me with such a force that caused me to fall on the ground. "Issac!" I yelled, or, tried to yell, but couldn't scream any louder because of my hoarse voice after crying for too long. My brother looked at me in the eyes, smirked devilishly, and I knew what was going to be his next move. I wanted to stop him but he was faster than me. . . . . . I woke up, with sweat all over my face and raving heartbeats. What was that? What did I just see in my dream? My mom died? But that woman was not my mom! My mother is alive and with me, she stays in the same house as me. Damn! It was no scary ... and false! Why did I see those things? I was scared, I was amused! Mother and father came dashing inside my room. "Bella! What happened my baby? You alright?" Mother came worriedly in my direction. "I-I saw something..." I muttered in confusion, still my thoughts were lingering in the dream. "Oh my honey! That is because of the disease that you see such irrelevant dreams." She said and hugged me tightly. Meanwhile, father came up with my medicine and handed it over to me. "Here, take it. I think we need to consult the doctor. He might increase your dosage." Father said with no concern in his voice or expressions. "Come ... lie down ..." Mother said and gently rubbed my back, until I dozed off to sleep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . TO BE CONTINUED...
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