4. Paraplegic Patient

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ISABELLE So, a new day, a new mood, and a new weather as well. Today, I haven't seen even a single ray of sunshine. And guess what? It is the best part of the day. I don't like sun rays, in fact, it won't be a bad idea to say that I hate sun rays, but as per the part of the treatment for my disease, I am made to spend as many hours in the sunshine as possible. This is ridiculous! A treatment should be something that would make the patient feel good. But this specific part of the treatment makes me feel more sick of myself. For some unknown reason, I don't like sunshine, not even a bit of it. I hope one day I will be free of this stupid disease and would be able to sleep without any medication or nightmares or spend long hours in the sunlight. "Miss, Ein neuer Patient möchte ins Schloss kommen!" Candy, our maid informed me. (Miss, there is a new patient requesting to come to the castle!) "Bei dem Wetter?" I asked because today, it was darkness everywhere. (In this weather?) The weather forecast has informed us that heavy rain and storm is expected to happen today, and that is why I like this weather. Storms and rain hide the sun, making the earth look darker and more magnificent. "Ja, Miss, er bitter." She replied. ("Yes miss, he is requesting.") "Wie ist sein Zustand?" I asked if he is seriously serious, then we cannot deny it. "Er ist gelähmt, beide Beine funktionieren nicht. Er erzählte, dass seine Familie bei einem Autounfall ums Leben gekommen sei, er aber überlebt habe. Anscheinend hat er keinen Ort, an den er gehen kann." She informed with concern spread on her face. ("He is paralyzed, both of his legs don't work. He told that his family died in a car accident, but he survived. Apparently he does not have any place to go") His family died! After hearing what Candy said, the dream, no, not dream...the nightmare came in front of my eyes. I had seen that the lady who was supposedly my mother, died right in front of my eyes and I could not do anything to save her. I cried helplessly but didn't do anything. I that nightmare, I had felt the pain of losing one's family. "Okay, bitte die Wachen, ihn hereinzulassen!" I said with a nod. ("Alright, ask the guards to let him in!") After taking my order, Candy disappeared from the lounge in which I sat. Once again, my mind drifted to the nightmare. In that dream, the lady, who pretended to be my mother, had asked me not to trust any human, ever. She had even mentioned the names of my parents, Christopher and Julia. What the hell does that mean? Why I should not trust my parents? And if that dream was completely an outcome of my disease, then why was there the mention of my parents? If all the things that I saw were fake and meaningless, then how come the mention of my parents, which is the reality, was in the dream? Damn! This is soo confusing! "Honey, tell me, what are you thinking about?" Father asked as he came to sit beside me. "Nothing important, father!" I replied hurriedly and nervously. I don't want to let them know that I am still a bit disturbed by the nightmare that I had last night, else, my parents will surely convince me to increase the dosage of my medicines, which I don't want. "Are you sure, princess?" He asked skeptically. "Yes, father! I was just thinking about the new patient that has been admitted today." I tried to deviate his doubt. "Today? But I didn't know anything about that?" Father asked. "Oh, yeah! He has been admitted just now. He is a paraplegic patient." I informed him, and after a pause, added, "Even I haven't seen him yet." "Alright, princess! I will ask the doctor to have a brief examination of the patient, so that we can follow up with the treatment." Father suggested, to which, I nodded with a wide grin. When I had first suggested the idea of this camp in our castle, both of my parents had protested it. But I, being a stubborn sole princess of this castle, persuaded them by just not taking my medicines and stomping around the castle with a frown over my face. My parents love me to the extent that they cannot compromise with my health. So they had to agree with the idea of the camp. We have several doctors and nurses available in the camp that is a part of our castle, to diagnose and treat the people who are unfortunately not able to take care of themselves. . . . . . . . . . . TO BE CONTINUED...
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