Chapter Six

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*** Reina stared out the floor to ceiling windows, taking in the stormy weather that raged on. It had been two days since she had been in New York. Two days since she had met the man who had brought everything back full circle. Two days and he was still lurking in the crevices of her mind. She could not understand it, why her mind kept reverting back to the moment they met and everything that came after. Maybe its because William hasn't stopped watching me like a hawk, waiting for any sign or any cracks...Maybe its because he's silently judging me for delivering the news on Zachary's death so callously... A larger part of her was unmoved, unperturbed by the mere concept of it all. Yes, she was candid and it could probably be considered mean but she didn't care. She chose not to care...not to feel and internalize because Zero meant nothing to her. She had fulfilled her promise to her brother and to an old friend. He was now Clark Grant's problem. So why does a small part of me long for him? Long to know how he is doing...whether he returned to Caldwell safely... Conflict resonated within her, melding with the cold numbness that thoughts of the Black Household brought out of her. She closed off that part of her, killed it rather brutally and yet wisps of feeling still seemed to consume her- including her longing for blood. Zero's blood to be specific. The hunger she had felt was unlike anything she had ever experienced in her long life. She was always in control of it before. Royals were different in that respect. They did not need to feed as often and as much as other normal vampires. It was how she knew that she had time before she could attempt another feed...that she could hold off and restrain herself. Her desire for Zero came out of nowhere, threatening to consume her. Yes, a part of her was sure that the reason she was so cold to him was because she had to get away from him and understand the feelings coursing through her but it was also because she could not stand the thought of being in close proximity with him. Anyone from the Black Household repulsed her. Only Zachary had managed to somewhat break down some of her walls- all because of his friendship with her brother. This entire thing was a fluke, a reflex after meeting the new Head of the Black Household. Nothing has changed and nothing Will change because I won't allow it. I must focus on ensuring the safety of my people...There is a storm worse than this coming... "My Master...there is a phone call for you. Its from Lady Leviathan." William's report brought unbidden warmth to Reina as a smile stretched across her lips. She had been waiting for this, for her two closest friends to make contact once news of her return reached them. She would need all the help she could get and they had a duty and responsibility to be present for such a crisis. "I really did think you'd forgotten all about me, Maya." Reina greeted, switching instantly to the Old Vampiric tongue that was a meld of Latin and their own ancient language. Maya's chuckle was like a breath of fresh air as she revelled in the sound of her old friend's voice. The two were inseparable, bonded not by blood but by their past experiences and a friendship that transcended life and death. "Forgetting about you is a neigh impossible feat, sister. I have missed you more than words and actions can ever express..." Maya responded, inflecting all of her emotions into her words- words that touched Reina's usually cold and impassive demeanor. There were few that could get past her walls and defenses- Maya was certainly one of them and it was clear with Reina's warm smile and slight flush. William held back his grin, pleased at the sight of his Master being so happy. It was a rare look for her- one that was truly deserved. "And I have missed you...which is why I am surprised you have not come back home to say hello." "I know. I'm sorry, Rei but there are some issues that have arisen. Some responsibilities that I cannot abandon yet. It does have something to do with the unrest among our kind. I am looking into it and will have something for you when I return." Maya reported, her words peaking Reina's interest instantly as the conversation switched from playfulness and nostalgia to seriousness all in one singular moment. "Where are you? Are you with someone from your household?" Reina was on full alert, worried for her close friend and her safety. It was not that Maya Leviathan could not handle herself. The woman was just as old as Reina and just as powerful. Her bloodline was pure, placing her at the pinnacle of their race and in the line of succession for the throne. She came second to the Valentine Household and was followed only by one other family that was just as powerful with just as pure a bloodline. For centuries, the two of them had had each other's back- even before the cultivation and growth of their Servants and Households. Reina knew that Maya could handle herself even without a member of her Servant class present but times had changed. Foes were stronger- a fact she now knew with how long it was taking to break their prisoner and have it reveal everything its hiding.She had confirmed her brother and Zachary's warning of a foe stronger than anything they have faced yet. Wraiths are not creatures that can be easily summoned or destroyed... whoever did this is a powerful enemy... "I travelled to Romania to handle a number of issues including settling a conflict between some of the Noble families within as well as something of a more personal nature- I will tell you all about it when I return. Although, a conspiracy is unfolding here- it has potential to be more and I cannot leave it undone. I am fine, sister. I have Adam and Anya with me. I am safe, I promise. We are all investigating as I finish up my own personal reasons for visiting. I shall be back in the Quatre very soon. I hear Zachary's funeral has been opened to all Supernatural factions- us included. He truly was a man of great character and standing. I was sad to hear of his passing." The news stunned Reina into silence, confirming something she had already speculated. She knew Zachary well, knew the principles that he stood for and the dreams he had. He wished to unite the Supernatural world- most especially Hunters and Vampires. It sounded impossible and when Reina learnt of it, she had ridiculed him somewhat for his far fetched dreams but part of her admired him for his tenacity. He was unwavering in his belief that they could all stand together and become a united front. That they could live in peace and harmony with each other just as the mortals did. Raiser befriended him for this very reason because he was nothing like his predecessors. He was a good man and knowing he had been slaughtered brought forth some form of anguish from within her. "Maya...don't start..." Reina warned, knowing full well where her close friend was going with that particular line of conversation. The two of them knew each other well before all the chaos. They understood each other on a whole other level. They had been there for each other during the good times and the bad, the hardship moments and the moments where light and hope- fate had shone down upon them. The Leviathan noble released a small sigh and Reina could almost see her shaking her head as she always did when she disagreed with something or was particularly agitated with her. "So you Have met him, the new Head of the Household. Judging from the fact that he's still alive and we aren't at active war with the Hunters- again- you must have handled it well. Good, I'm proud of the massive steps you've taken. Zachary really was a good influence on you. I'm glad Raiser befriended him when he did." Reina rolled her eyes at her best friend's words, feeling the usual cold- numbness engulf her once more at the path the conversation was taking. Only Maya could speak so brazenly and openly with her on a topic that was usually a no go zone for her own twin brother. She knew that it was mainly because her friend did not really care for her threats. She was the kind of person who gave it to you straight, no questions asked. Self awareness and restraint were not her strongest suit but Reina loved her all the same- her wackiness included. "Can we not talk about this, Maya? I am not in the f*****g mood..." Reina warned, earning herself yet another exasperated sigh from the Head of the Leviathan Household. The conversation was clearly far from over. "Listen, I know you do not like to talk about this but you need to stop letting the past control and dictate your future, sister. You need to stop letting those chains you have wrapped around your entire body drag you back into the darkness. Zachary was a friend and an ally. He was not a reflection of his ancestors and neither is Zero. Heck, the latter doesn't even know much about his heritage. So put your prejudice aside and go say your goodbyes to a man who helped you move forward multiple steps in recognizing that hate is not the answer. If it helps, I plan to stay beside you the entire time because I love you and you are my best friend." Although her words registered, Reina knew well enough that it was not that simple. That the past could not simply be erased so easily. That her feelings could not be shifted so quickly. Although Maya meant well and even though she had been there during the destructive years that had made the Black Bloodline an enemy of the Valentine Household, she still could not fully comprehend Reina's absolute detest for them. No one could ever comprehend the sins of that Household, secrets and grudges that had pushed Reina to her limits and prompted her to do the one thing that she promised herself she never would. The ice in her heart and soul could not be melted away simply by a small pep talk and a barely there relationship she had with the former head of the Black Household. "I have no reason to attend Zachary's funeral and no reason to interact with his son. This conversation is over, Maya. If you have nothing else to report then we shall speak further about other matters when you return from your duties in Romania." Reina hated when she and Maya disagreed on things, most especially this particular topic but she could not allow herself to internalize her friend's reasoning. It would weaken her resolve, remind her of a time she would rather forget and push her over the edge. It was an outcome that neither one of them would wish for and, true enough, Maya was quick to drop it with a small sigh. ''I'm sorry, sister. I did not call so that we would argue. I called to let you know that there is danger lurking in the horizon. I hear you have captured a prisoner. Have you managed to get anything from it?" The conversation was shifted swiftly as the two women focused more on the pressing matters at hand. "No, but I do know its true identity. Raiser mentioned it before he went into stasis. He and Zachary had been looking into the unrest and murders of Vampires all over the world. With lots of research and a description from one of the survivors of this menace, they found out what it was. I saw it in Raiser's memories." "Its a Wraith, Maya. A creature born of the darkness of the Underworld. Somebody summoned them here and judging from the fact that Zachary and my brother killed one each, I am guessing there may be more out there. Just waiting, lurking in the shadows before whoever summoned them carries out whatever grand plan they have. Its unsettling as fuck." Reina explained to her best friend, earning silence in return. The two of them knew well of the stories of the creatures they now faced. Their parents had been the only ones to encounter them once and even then, it had taken indescribable effort to eliminate them from this world. The ghost stories that came after spoke of great hardship to kill a foe that was just as powerful if not more than many of the Supernatural factions. "f*****g hell, Rei. If those things are back then we really are in deep s**t. I guess I have to pass by my Old Man's house and talk to him. He may know something." Reina nodded, agreeing fully with the idea. Saber Leviathan was one of the oldest vampires and Reina's godfather. He was a close friend of her parents and one of the only other person alive who could be a great help in the battle to come. If anyone knew about the Wraiths, it would be him for he fought them once- alongside her parents. "That's a good idea. Has he awakened from Stasis?" "No. But I know that if I tell him what's going on then he'll want to come back. That old bastard never misses a beat when it comes to battle. Besides, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you and know that you're back. He really missed you, you know." Reina smiled at that, instantly looking forward to being reunited with her godfather. The man was truly a force to be reckoned with and a powerful ally to have in the war to come. His influence over the Aristrocrats was absolute and they would need his prowess if so to convince the Nobles of the impending danger to come and need to battle it out. "As I have missed him. I look forward to hosting you both whence you return to the Quatre. In the meantime, please be careful. You now know which foe we are facing and although we have encountered lower level Wraiths so far, the Upper Level Wraiths could be lurking and they are more dangerous and cunning than any other creature." "Yeah, I know. Thank you, Rei. Have you spoken to Dameon? He may also be out of the loop with regards to your return. I haven't seen him in a while. He kind of went dark after you went into Stasis." Worry laced Maya's words as she mentioned the third musketeer in their small friend group. The Head of the Third Noble Household in the line of succession was none other than Dameon Cross Demonaire. He was more so a wild card rather than an Aristocrat with his rebellious streak taking him away from the duties of his household and leaving them all to his father, Zorin Demonaire. Their friendship was just as strong as it was with Maya- only difference being that he had been her lover for aout a century. Their relationship had been all consuming, spanning years and going through multiple ups and downs as well as breaks and reconciliation. It saddened Reina to know that Dameon had disappeared for some time. She knew that he was not happy with her sudden decision to go into Stasis, to leave him behind... But there is one thing I know about Dameon...He would never disappear without leaving some sort of trace for me to find. A link between us, just so he knows that I am safe. That's the kind of person he is. If he really dropped off the radar then he left behind some sort of failsafe in order for him to find me and vice versa... "He knows. I am sure of it. I'll give him time to resurface. Meanwhile, we need to focus all our efforts on this threat. Dameon may not be here but we need Uncle Zorin's help- no matter how badly I want to keep away from that psychotic bastard. Is he still in Stasis at the Demonaire Estate?" Reina inquired, earning a groan from Maya as the two of them thought back to the controversial figure that Zorin Demonaire was. Dameon's father was many things but a good man was not one of them. He was every single stereotype that Vampires were known for and so much more. The man was unsettling to be around- not the most pleasant character but they needed all the help they could get to destroy the foe they now faced. "No, he woke up about two years ago. He has been uncharasterically quiet, though. Who knows what nefarious s**t he's planning. I really am sorry that you have to be the one to pay him a visit but I am also glad I don't have to go anywhere near that old psychopath." Reina chuckled darkly, agreeing wholeheartedly with Maya's summation. She herself would have preferred to be able to stay away from the Demonaire Estate in general but desperate times really did call for desperate measures. "Has the Creature revealed anything more about where their lair is? What its planning?" The thought of the Wraith's stubbornness irked Reina all the more once again. She hated that they could not quite break it. Its resilence was admirable, yes, but it was making their efforts to find whoever was behind this all harder and harder. "The Wraith is stubborn as hell. Finneas and one of the Granger Witches have been working on it for two whole days to no avail. I asked Violet Granger to provide an Alchemical formation to capture dark creatures with and that foresight really helped when it came down to taking the creature into custody but breaking the Wraith has been a problem. I know they'll find a way, though. And preferably soon because Finn's report was worrying. I sent him to gather some information for me when I was in New York and, true enough, there have been more and more sightings of them all over the world and they have escalated into murder. The situation is getting complicated." Reina frowned, displeased at the mere thought of being unable to find who was responsible for the terror and havoc being wreaked on their world and her people. She was resigned to finding out who was really behind this attack- before it escalated into a more serious situation. A grander plan is at play here and we need to find whoever is pulling the strings before this situation gets out of hand. "I agree. There have been reports on this side as well but the surprising part is that it isn't only Vampires being targeted here but the Werewolves as well in the neighbouring territory. I've sent Anya to meet with a contact from one of the packs around. Maybe we can gain more insight and information on how the other supernatural factions are handling this mess and whether everyone is being targeted. I'm guessing there is no way I can convince you to visit a certain Alpha King?" The suggestive tone in Maya's voice made Reina chuckle silently and roll her eyes, knowing full well what her friend was getting at. It was important to explore all avenues in their information gathering but visiting the King of Werewolves who so happened to be a former lover was out of the question-for the moment at least. "If the need arises then yes, I will pay him a visit. In the meantime, do everything in your power to get as much information as possible. We shall also do our best on this side. If you need anything, call me, okay?" Reina urged, earning a firm agreement from Maya. She was glad the two had talked and the prospect of seeing her soon filled her with happiness. Being reunited after a century would certainly be a highlight within the craziness that was currently ongoing. "Stay safe, sister. I'll see you soon." They both hang up, leaving Reina to mull over all they had found out and to figure out next steps. The pangs of hunger were there, lurking in the back of her mind but she forced herself to down them- to focus on the task ahead. Nightfall had now set in, the storm still raging and, for a moment, she felt the exhaustion of what has been and what was to come wade over her. You cannot be able to think and strategize without rest, Reina...That is the number one rule... Her father's words returned to her, reminding her of a time long passed and memories that were well and truly happy. Moments when she was untainted and unblemished by the cruelness of what was to come. "I shall retire for the night, William. From tomorrow, we begin our relentless search for our enemy. We will make them pay for standing against us and believing that they had any sort of edge. We will avenge the fallen and make an example of them for all to see and remember. The Valentine Household and theVampire Race is not ripe for picking. They will fear us again. Of that I promise you." Reina affirmed, resolve coursing through her body as her eyes glowed a radiant crimson that awed her Servant to bow low before her. He knew that look in her eye, that fire that burned and scorched through her. She was ready to fight and she would not stop until she has destroyed every single foe in her way... ***
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