Chapter Five

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*** Numbness. That was all Zero could really feel as he watched the city lights slowly flicker and the sun rise in the horizon. It had been a long night, one filled with relevations he never expected to be true. The one thing he knew for a fact, knew was true was the tragic news about his father. The news that She herself had delivered. Reina Valentine. The woman who would not leave his thoughts despite the fact that he was dealing with a storm. A storm that was the reason behind his best friend's presence in his house at this time. Mason had never really been a morning person but they had spent the entire night awake, making the necessary preparations. Clark Grant, his uncle, had also been part of the people who had been present, who had confirmed the news that he knew deep down to be true. His father was gone. Dead. The official story was that it was from natural causes but Zero knew the truth and so did his Uncle. Something else had caused this. Something more sinister that had targeted him today and had been destroyed by Reina's overwhelming show of power. Although she had been somewhat callous in her delivery of the news, he had heard her pain. He knew that she was just as torn up about it as he was. His Uncle had a differing opinion of the entire exchange but Zero didn't care. All he could fixate on was the fact that his father was gone. He would never be able to reconcile with the old man, to apologize for staying away for so long. For never visiting him despite his urgings to do so. For some reason, the mere thought of going back to Caldwell brought an otherworldly level of discomfort within him. He couldn't do it, not when his Father was alive and least of all now... But he needs me. I am his son, the only one who can truly be able to perform his last rites. He has no one else but me and it is the least I can do after I left him behind... Guilt threatened to consume him as he sipped silently on his whisky on the rocks. Mason and Clark had been worried for his mental health from the moment they had left the party in a hurry. His uncle's men had somehow found a way to handle Tina's situation. The fire alarm had gone off as soon as Reina left, prompting the guests in the other room to vacate. Clark had, however, been the orchestrator of the situation, ensuring that no one would stumble upon the clean up duty that was ongoing as he explained to Zero the situation back home. Elise was taken away with the promise that a sophisticated medical team would take care of her and handle her injuries. Clark was impressed that she was still breathing and so were the mysterious peramedics that came for her. Clearly, they knew the details of the situation more than Zero did. Once they were sure the situation was under control, they had made their exit through the back door, grabbing Mason on their way once they found him lurking in search of his best friend. The ride home was spent delivering the news of Zachary's death and the subsequent delegation of duties to Nala who was saddened by the loss as well. They all worried for their friend, brother and nephew. They were all concerned for him and yet the man affected, the man grieving could not find it in him to grieve. He did not believe he deserved it. Had the right to mourn the man he had called father. Yes, they had ocassionally spoken on the phone and yes, his father had expressed how proud he was of him and yet he could not be able to truly accept, to go see him and spend time with him at the Manor. What kind of son would abandon their father when they needed him the most? Especially after the death of the one woman who meant so much to them, who filled them both with so much joy and happiness? It was after the death of his mother that Zero had made the decision to leave Black Manor, to never turn back and allow himself to be in the presence of her memories. They were too painful, too heartwrenching to think about. Whereas Zachary did not mind being in the presence of his wife's happy memories, Zero did not wish to dwell there anymore. And so he avoided the entire place and his father like the plague. I never truly dealt with her death...And considering how this is going, I probably won't deal so well with this either... "Here...drink some coffee. Its time to ease up on the booze, bro." Mason stated, leaving no room for argument as he took away the whisky glass and replaced it with a freshly brewed cup of his favorite coffee. Were this any other situation, Zero knew that he would have argued with his friend, cussed him out maybe and they would laugh about it but this...well, this was different. His entire life had been flipped, turned on its axis and he was not so sure how he would handle what was to come. There is so much I didn't know about you, Father....Did you want to tell me? Did you feel lonely without me there, unable to talk to me or explain what all this cluster f**k is about? Did the thing that attacked me really kill you? The last part had him seething, silent rage coursing through his body as he glared down at his coffee cup almost as if it had offended him. No matter what he did, he could not find it in himself to indulge the explosive anger within him. Part of the reason was because he didn't believe he could do it, that he was deserving of such an outlet for his tumultous emotions whereas another side of him knew well enough that if he let go, he would destroy everything and everyone around him. There is something building up within me...something that is both dangerous and inevitable. I must control myself until I can be able to understand what the f**k is happening to me... " to me. Tell me what's going through your mind. I'm worried about you." Mason spoke up after a beat, truly worried for his best friend who was still staring into space. He had not spoken a single word to anyone since the party and although he knew that processing the death of his parent was hard, he couldn't help but selfishly long for his old best friend, the one who spoke his mind freely and abhorred keeping everything bottled up. We are not very expressive individuals but when we're together, we talk. We're like brothers. We have too much history together to not be friends...companions... confidants... "I'm not much for regrets but this...well, this hurts. I wish I had more time, to say I'm sorry. To tell him how much he meant to me..." It was the first words he had spoken since and although they were hoarse, almost whispered, Mason heard every single word and it broke him all the more. He had met Zachary Black once or twice when he visited his son and the two had hit it off. As someone who had not had the privilege of growing up in a stable household, Mason had been jealous of the love he saw in his best friend's father's eyes. The man cared about him a lot and although he did not understand their dynamic and why they had drifted apart, he knew well enough that the two men cared about each other in their own ways. "He knew, Zero. Your father knew how much you cared about him and although he's gone, he will always be watching over you, bro. You know that he can't help but be one of those really reserved dads who secretly follow every single thing their kid's do. He's so proud of you and I knoew he can't help but continue to be part of your life even from the beyond. He loved you and he knew you loved him too, bro. Don't ever doubt that." Mason affirmed, unwilling to let his best friend spiral into a cycle of self hate. From the outside looking in, he was more suitable to see them both truly- especially knowing what he did about the two men. They had become a massive part of his life, just as he was theirs. It was why Zero believed him, why he granted his friend a small smile as he wiped the stray tears away. Tears that made Mason and Clark sigh inwardly in relief. Crying was better than nothing. No tears meant a damage rooted deep within his soul and Clark knew well enough that that was a very dangerous place to be for a man in the Black Bloodline. Zero still had so much to learn, so much he did not know and as his Uncle and Zachary's friend, he had the responsibility of ensuring that the next head of the Black Household was prepared for the responsibilities expected of him. He will probably want to avenge his Father knowing the little that he now knows of our world but first, he must know his true origins and power. He must understand why it is integral for him to stay as far away from Reina Valentine as possible... The return of the Queen of Vampires irked the Hunter more than he cared to admit. He prided himself on control, on ensuring that he did not let his true emotions rule his actions. As Hunters, they were created to be impartial. To deliver judgement on the errant Vampire race that had dominated over the rest and carried out unspeakable acts, all under the noses of the supposed 'royal' family. The rumors had spread, of course, but seeing her in the flesh and her reunion with the men of the Black bloodline sent a chill down his spine. He knew that the grieving young man before him was enamored by her and he could not blame him. Their fates had been intertwined for centuries, a cruel fate for Zero and a deserving end for the Head of the Valentine Royal Household. She deserves to be tormented, reminded of all her past misgivings and her mistakes...Hunters and Vampires will never really see eye to eye and that's the cruel truth... And so I must keep Zero away from her. I cannot allow the cycle to continue at the expense of his future. Clark, filled with resolve, approached his nephew and friend who now turned to look at him with inquisitive stares. They were so innocent to the chaos brewing in the horizon, so untainted by the horrors of the Supernatural world and, for a moment, Clark wished that he could be like them. That he could experience the world with virgin eyes once more, just as he had so long ago. That he could be in their shoes and not be tormented by the things they've seen and experienced. I must be the one to take charge...I must be the one to shield them and keep them from the cruel world that awaits... Although he hated to admit it, Reina was right. Zero had a tough decision before him and they needed to do everything in their power to ensure that he was not harmed- that he did not become collateral damage in the wake of his decision, no matter what it would be. The Hunter association had a responsibility to protect the future heir of the Black Household for one day, if he saw it fit, he would take his place at the head of the said organization. Preparations for their previous head, Zachary's funeral were already underway and their world mourned the loss of a truly remarkable and skilled man, one who had dedicated his life to protecting the world to his last dying breath. Zero has no idea how important he truly is in the grand scheme of things but soon, he will...Soon, he will understand and he will be ready to make his decision thereafter... "The funeral arrangements are already underway as is our transportation to Caldwell. I shall be hosting you in my Manor..." Clark began, earning a shake of the head from Zero as he turned away from the rising sun and beautiful horizon filtering in through the floor to ceiling windows of his apartment. Sadness loomed in his gaze but there was also a silent kind of resolve, understanding and longing as he spoke up. "I am grateful for all your hard work, Uncle, but I would prefer to stay in my childhood home. Its time for me to return to Black Manor." Zero was truly grateful for his Uncle's consideration. He knew the man was aware of his aversion to his childhood home. He knew that his Father may have shared it with his oldest friend. He knew that Clark wanted to keep him away from anything that would cause him grief but Zero was done hiding, done pretending that everything he had just witnessed had not happened. Reina's parting words stayed with him, even though some were directed at his Uncle. There was a supposed 'big decision' that he was meant to make. One that he knew would change his entire life probably. Zero knew that returning to Caldwell meant the beginning of something more and though it scared him, being thrust out of his comfort zone, a part of him knew that it was time. Its like the part of me that always felt empty and longed for more is alive at the very thought of finally finding out everything that has been kept from me for so long...I am ready... "I understand, son. Then its settled. We shall drop you at Black Manor once we arrive. From there, we can discuss everything else. I give you my word." They shared a silent understanding of the true meaning of his words. The truth was about to be revealed and Zero felt the anxiety within him churn- not in unease but in acquiesence. He was prepared for whatever was to come. You hear that, dad? I'm coming home... ***
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