Chapter Seven

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*** Zero stared at the computerzied gates as they opened, leading into a home he had not been at for many years. Although not much had changed, the sprawling green estates staring back at him, he was still enamored by how much He had changed as an individual. Nostalgia hit him like a boulder as turned to stare out at the massive expanse of their compound. Memories of running through these very lands, playing with his dogs and his parents filled his mind. This was home and the mere fact that he had not been back in such a long time filled him with great sadness. I should have come home more...I shouldn't have stayed away as much as I did... All the excuses mean nothing now that they're both gone... Clark glanced back at his godson, a pang of pain and hurt lancing through him. He could see the anguish within the young man's gaze and it broke him to know that there was nothing he could do to help. To ease his pain and his mourning. He shared a look with Mason who seemed to be just as worried as Clark was. Although he had been hesitant about Mason's accompaniment to Caldwell, Clark knew that Zero required a more firm and familiar support system. The two were close friends, confidants. They had been with each other through thick and thin and the fact that Mason had met Zachary before filled Clark with a sense of confidence in him. At face value, Mason was a good man with a reliable head on his shoulders but it was his confidence, respect, trust and loyalty to his friend that Clark valued the most. Zachary trusted the young man enough to let him stay by his son's side, knowing that one day there would be a possibility of the truth being revealed. If he trusted him to be loyal to his son, then I choose to trust him too with what is about to come...Zero needs all the allies he can get... The sleek, black Escalade came to stop in front of the massive Manor, right beside a statue that brought back a multitude of emotions to Zero as he gazed up at him. It was a Knight, dressed in silver with a long sword held tightly in his hands. The figure was a picture of power and dominance and, as always, Zero felt the strong pull he did to the figure before him. He remembered his father's words, that the statue represented one of their ancestors. The first of the Black Bloodline- Zander Black. He was a powerful Knight, one who was brave and protected the defenseless. Zero had been enamored then, his young mind not fully comprehending the great history that came with the figure before him and the awe that always dwelled within his father's eyes whenever he looked upon the statue. Maybe there was always more to this...Maybe this man is connected to all the out of this world things I have seen so far... Could my history have been so glaringly present in my everyday life?... They each vacated the car, received by a host of staff who bowed slightly at the sight of their arrival. Mason watched it all, awe hidden behind his carefully crafted mask. He'd always known his best friend came from a wealthy family but never could he have imagined that this splendor. That Zero had grown into a great man, unmarred by the privileges he clearly had growing up. "Oh, my boy. It is so good to see you after such a long time... Welcome home." The voice was instantly familiar to Zero and registered as soon as her face came into view. An elderly woman stepped forward, her greying blonde hair and vibrant brown eyes watching the young boy she had helped raise step forward towards her, a smile on his lips and recognition lighting up his stormy gray eyes. "Nanny Gracia...Thank you and Its so good to see you too." Zero responded, pulling her into a warm hug that she reciprocated before holding him at arm's length. She was enamored by him, proud of who he had become and how much he had grown. She had kept tabs on him through Zachary, admiring his rise to the top and rooting for him all the way. It saddened her to see him so broken but she knew that he was strong enough to get back up. He was a replica of both his parents with his mother's radiant kindness and his father's resilient spirit. "I am so sorry for your loss, my darling. Your father loved you so much and he will always be by your side, guiding you and cheering you on as he always did." Zero simply nodded, too choked up to say anything more for several seconds. All he could do was hold her close in a reassuring hug that made up for the many years of absence. Once he was more calm, he introduced his best friend to Gracia who was pleased with the glimpse into his life away from Caldwell and the friendships he had grown. They all then proceeded into the Manor which had been prepared for their arrival as Clark had instructed so. "Your rooms are ready so if you would like to freshen up first before we have some afternoon tea then that would be great. I have to rush into town, finish some preparations for the funeral tomorrow then I'll be back." Clark reported, earning a nod from Mason who was already on his way up the stairs with Gracia leading the way to his room. Zero, however, hang back and gazed squarely at his Uncle and godfather, unwilling to run from the truth anymore. He knew there was so much more that his Uncle was yet to tell him and he was ready to listen to the revelation of his past, present and future. He wanted to know his true origins and what his Father had been shielding him from for so long. Its the only way that I can be able to find what killed him and avenge him. Its the least I can do for him now.... "Uncle Clark, before you go, I'd like to speak to you about everything. I know you understand what I am about to ask you..." Clark nodded, holding Zero's shoulder in a firm but reassuring grip. He had been waiting for the question for some time now and was prepared to deliver the answers he so seeked. "Yes, I know, Zero. I plan to return and tell you everything but for now, you should have this. Your father asked me to give it to you in the event that he does not get the chance to. It is his journal. Every single one of us has them. Its kind of a recording of our lives as Hunters. I will explain more when I return but until then, you can go through it and learn more of your father's life on the other side. Only you as his heir can be able to read it and understand it. At first, it may look like gibberish but give it time and you will be able to decipher it all. I'll be back soon." Clark stated, procuring the journal from his carry on. The old, graying leather signified how well used it was and Zero couldn't help but admire it and treasure it already. He held it close, marveling at the fact that his Father had held it once, revealed some of his secrets to it. Having something that was so closely connected to his father filled Zero with immense joy as he admired it with a small smile. "Thank you, Uncle. I'll see you soon." Clark granted Zero one last reassuring smile before heading out, leaving his godson with the overwhelming longing to dig into the book and discover all that he did not know about the man who raised him and loved him so. Finally, I will get some answers to some of my pressing questions...Finally, I might be able to feel like I belong... ** Zero turned the journal's page, the engrossing words of his father bringing him a sense calm contentment as well as a thirst to explore the life that his father had lived. A life of power and such great possibilities. He looked up only at the sight of his Uncle Clark who was led into his father's home office by Gracia. Mason, who'd been lounging on the couch busy with a book he plucked from one of the bookshelves stood up to greet the him. His best friend had refused to leave his side after Zero gave him a tour of the Mansion and recounted some fond memories he had experienced there. Some aspects of his home had changed but many had stayed the same and that brought forth a sense of belonging within him. ''I'm sorry it took so long, guys. Though I have finished preparing everything for the funeral. We are set to go tomorrow.'' Clark said, nodding a greeting to both men before he took a sit before Zero and Mason sat beside him. Although part of Zero was worried for Mason's reaction to the entire truth, he knew he could trust his best friend. There had been many entries in the journal, each of them more interestng than the other but the fundamental truth of who he was and his origins was something he knew his Uncle would be better suited to explain. And he wanted Mason present to ground him, remind him of the life he lived before all the craziness of this other part of himself began. "Thank you, Uncle Clark. For everything. You've been a great pillar of strength for us during this time." Zero stated, meaning every word and earning an affirming nod from Mason as well. Clark shrugged, a small smile on his lips before his gaze settled on the journal, one that Zero still held close to him- almost as if he was scared it would be ripped away from his grasp. "Zachary has been my friend for very many years. If you've read the journal then you understand part of the reason why he and I are such close companions. We were like brothers." Clark said with a nervous smile, earning an understanding nod from Zero whereas Mason frowned in confusion at the silent understanding between the two men that had something to do with the journal Zero had not let go of for the past four hours. "Someone mind looping me in on what's going on exactly? I feel like there is something I should know and it has to do with that journal that Zero has been onsessing over since we arrived." Mason urged, watching as the two men glanced at him before Zero nodded in a silent kind of agreement to whatever Clark was about to reveal. Silence reigned for a moment as the older man gathered his thoughts and prepared to reveal a truth beyond many people's comprehension. ''We live in a world that is completely different from the one you both know. And you, Zero, happen to be a very important piece of it all. You are the only surviving heir of the Black bloodline, one known to be the most powerful amongst the Hunter Bloodlines in the Supernatural world.For many centuries, we have been the balance keepers who have ensured that the scales are not shifted on either side and none of the other Supernatural factions commit atrocious acts. Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Daemons, Mortals and Elven Kind. We are the ones who oversee them, ensure that their individual abilities are not used to affect the world in general in a negative way. Your father was the Head of the Hunter Association, a role passed down from generation to generation through the Black Bloodline. We possess abilities that have been granted to us by the Celestial goddess of the Hunt herself, Artemis. She is our progenitor and the reason behind our resilience to keep the balance of this world. You, of course, do not have your powers yet but they shall manifest soon, now that you're back home and know the truth of your origins. And when that time comes, should you choose to accept, we shall welcome you into our ranks and teach you our ways." Clark finished, searching Zero's confused and overwhelmed gaze for any questions or reactions. "Wait, so you're saying that Vampires exist? And that Zero is a Hunter who essentially makes sure that they don't go wild? Are we stuck in the matrix or is this a prank or something?" Mason inquired, clearly completely confused by what they were talking about. Clark and Zero shook their heads, granting him a reassuring look that mirrored everything he needed to see. It was all true and the mere possibility of it silenced Mason, shock resonating through his body as he tried to process what was being said. "And what happened the other night...was that...was she..." Zero struggled to ask, remembering the open animosity between his Uncle and Reina Valentine, the woman who still haunted his dreams and his thoughts. He could not help but think of her, imagine what she could be doing or where she could be. Although part of him knew that his Uncle would not be much help in explaining who she truly was, a part of him was too desperate not to ask. True enough, his expression shifted to abhorrence at the mention of her. Clark was not thrilled at the mere thought of talking about the woman but he knew that Zero would find a way to sate his curiosity and he did not wish for him to be out of his reach or out exploring a world that was too dangerous for him to fully comprehend. "Yes, she is the Queen of the Vampire Race. Her name is Reina Lucia Valentine and her family is part of the purest bloodline in the Vampire race. She is the current monarch who oversees all Blood Suckers. I would suggest you stay as far away from her as possible. I know she helped you the other night but she did that only because she wanted something from you. She does not actually care for anyone but herself and that is the harsh reality of who she truly is. A monster and a ruthless one at that." Clark gave it to his godson straight, unable to censor his words lest he gave Zero a picture that was distorted. He wanted him to know every sordid detail of who Reina Valentine truly was from the get go. Maybe then, he would actually be able to stay as far away from the woman as possible. "She said that she owed my father and someone else a favor. That it was the reason she helped me. Is that true? Was she a friend of my father's?" Clark paused, not quite sure how to answer the loaded question. Any form of encouragement would mean that Zero was open to engaging the woman, an outcome he did not want for him. Reina was dangerous and so were the companions who always surrounded her. The only way to make him stay away from her is by ensuring he has no reason whatsoever to approach her... even if it means lying to him about certain things. He will understand, down the line... "No, your father and Reina had a casual relationship borne out of the ocassional meeting they had which is inevitable in our world. Hunters must maintain relationships with the various leaders of each Supernatural faction. We keep the balance and to do that, we must entertain certain unsavory relationships. She is nothing more than a dangerous beast. Stay away from her, Zero. I mean it. And if she looks for you then you come to me, okay?" Zero nodded reluctantly, taking in his Uncle's agitated form. It was rare to see him so moved and irked by a person. He was always a picture of calm and self assuredness and yet now, he was annoyed and irritated at the very prospect of Reina Valentine being anywhere near him. It was fascinaiting. Almost as fascinating and intriguing as the fact that he just lied to me... Zero watched his Uncle closely, assessing what to truly believe and what to discard. The journal had opened his eyes, educated him somewhat on what to do and who to trust. Although he knew his Uncle meant well, he also knew that there was possibility that he was being fed a story, something to appease him and keep him from the dirty and messy truth of it all. A truth I am to find out, one way or another- even if it is not from Uncle Clark himself... Mason watched the events unfold, his gaze shifting from one man to the other. It, however, lingered on Zero as a light in his gaze struck out to him. They had been friends long enough for Mason to recognize the look in his friend's eyes. Although everything sounded absolutely insane and he was sure he was in some sort of fever dream, he knew that look. Zero was skeptical. Something wasn't adding up for him and like a dog with a bone, he would sniff it out and find whatever it was or die trying. And Mason knew well enough that his best friend was not one to easily give up or give in. "So are you saying that I must take up my position at the Head of the Hunter's Association?" Clark shook his head, knowing that the question was coming. He had prepared for this. He had an answer ready that would be perfect to ensure the two men beside him returned to their true home. New York would be safe for them- it was Hunter territory which meant that they could also keep a close eye on them.It would be away from the chaos that was unraveling not only in Caldwell but in every one of the Supernatural Faction's cities. "That is ultimately your decision to make, son, but no, you do not have to. Your father shielded you from this side of his life because he did not want this as a future for you. He wanted to honor your mother's wishes and keep you away from the turmoil and danger that comes with being a Hunter. It is a massive responsibility and you would have to leave everything behind. You also cannot tell anyone else of your true origins and you would be limited to staying mainly in Caldwell unless you had responsibilities elsewhere. Tearing you from your life would be unfair, which is why I shall take up the position of Head of the Association. My family has always been second to yours in the line of succession and I would be honored to carry on your father's legacy and his wish to keep you from this life." "We do not need to discuss everything now but I would urge you, as your godfather and as your friend, to leave soon after the funeral is over. There is an unrest within the supernatural world and it is dangerous for you to be here at this time. I will, of course, ensure you are protected in the meantime until we sort whatever chaos is looming but until then, you should go on with your daily life and take heart in knowing that your father's legacy will always stand true." Zero internalised his Uncle's words and his suggestion. It sounded like the ideal situation, something that he would have jumped on before, back when he could not stand the mere thought of being in Caldwell for more than a few hours. And yet now that he knew everything, that he had read his father's words and the outstanding history that his family beheld, he could not let it go. The hole inside his heart, the part of him that always felt like it never belonged was alive with wonder and fulfilment. I feel like I am finally doing what I should have been for all my life...Finally, I belong and I don't want to be anywhere but here... It was a realization that scared him somewhat but also filled him with immense liberation. He nodded at his Uncle in understanding, knowing full well that deep down, he would not be going anywhere. There were matters to attend to, secrets to be revealed and conspiracies that seemed to want to suffocate not only him but his entire history and family. I must find out what and who killed my father...Whether he was silenced as he believed he would be...Something does not add up here... He did not want to even think or believe that his Uncle would have something to do with it but the urgency in which he wanted to remove them from Caldwell was telling of something more...something deeper... "Thank you, Uncle. For being honest with me. We can discuss everything else after the funeral." Zero stated, earning a nod from his Uncle who got to his fet, prompting the other two men to do the same. Mason was still dazed from the revelations but he knew that Zero woould explain everything and would clarify it all. The madness would not seem as unbelievable if it were coming from his best friend. "Thank you for believing in me, Zero. Everything will be just fine, I promise. Tomorrow, we shall have a small funeral but some of the members of the other supernatural factions were invited as a show of respect. I urge you both to remember my words and stay as far away from them as possible. I will be with you every step of the way but in the event that I am not, do not speak to anyone other than those I direct you to. There wil be many Hunters there so no one would really be foolish enough to make a move but you can never be too careful. Now, I'll be taking my leave. I shall see you both tomorrow. Take it easy, guys." Clark nodded to both men before he headed out, leaving Zero and Mason in silence for several whole seconds. The dazed friend was the first to speak up, unable to hold back his curiosity and his need to know the full truth and process further. "Mind explaining to me what exactly just happened? What does this all mean? And who the hell is Reina Valentine? When did you meet her? At the party? Did she have something to do with the fire alarm going off and that earthquake we experienced?" Zero released a small sigh, glancing down at his journal as he realized that he had not told his friend the events that had occured the previous night. And so he did, going into vivid detail on everything that occured, Mason listened aptly, stunned into silence by the narration and the fact that his friend was deadass serious. "Okay...shit. So all of this really Is true and you met a Vampire face to face. That's wild...Though I have a feeling that you don't believe everything your Uncle just told you." Mason mused, earning a nod from Zero. He did not doubt that his best friend would see right through him and understand his dilemma. "Something isn't quite adding up. Did you see how determined and anxious he was to get us to leave town?'' ''Yeah, because its not safe.Supernatural war, remember? I can't believe I just said that with a straight face and calm exterior." Mason muttered the last part, truly stumped that the words had come out of his mouth and even felt natural. He was starting to believe and truly process the idea of it all. ''Yeah, It may be that or he may be trying to hide something from us....Listen to this recent entry in the journal....It's from four days before he died......'' Zero muttered, leaning back in his seat as he cleared his throat. May 5th, 2016. I feel I am getting closer and closer to the truth.Unfortunately, I believe I am being watched and I doubt I have enough time to conclude everything. They have kept so many dark secrets and withheld so many truths. I am disgusted at the thought that I once believed so faithfully in them.This may be my last entry for good but I want you to know this, my son, If I do happen to die in the days to come, be sure that the reason they will give you will be all but a hoax......They have killed me and I fear they shall do worse to you if they find out that you know too......Trust no one but the one who has never left your side as well as one of whom you least expect to be your ally.....R.L.V.....Find the one who possesses these initials as well as the Priest who watches over the Church that you were baptized. He is the only who can truly explain it all. They are the only ones who can grant you salvation..... Zachary. J. Black. Silence engulfed the room until Mason finally spoke up. ''Please don't tell me that was his last entry.'' He watched as Zero slowly nodded, his breath hitching at the implications of what it truly meant. Zachary's death was not of natural was much more than that... ''My father was betrayed by those he pledged his allegiance to. Look, I know this may be too much to ask and I will understand if you say no, but I can't let this go. Now, I already figured and my Uncle confirmed that the initials "R.L.V' belong to the Queen of Vampires, Reina Lucia Valentine. For some reason, he wanted me to trust her and to trust You. ' the one who is always by your side.' I figured that had to be you. There was no mention of Uncle Clark and I am not saying he's a part of this but we can't trust him. At least not yet. I mean, he just lied to me about my Father knowing Reina..." "I need your help. You're the one person I can rely on to help me figure what the hell is happening here. Someone may have murdered my Father and the only person who can tell me the truth isn't being honest. The person I want to visit next is the Priest my Father is talking about. I don't remember him that well but I do know the Church I was baptized in. Its in town. Now, you can stay here if this all too insane and I can go on my own but I would really like for you to help me out- be my backup..." Mason shook his head vehemently, unwilling to backdown and leave his friend to tackle the craziness of his true origins on his own. If everything he just said was true then it meant that his Zachary entrusted Zero to him, almost as if he knew what was coming. The man knew that his son would need at least one person who would not betray him and Mason could be that person, no matter how crazy it all sounded. I won't let him down...I will have his back throughout this entire ordeal and we shall get justice for you... ''Insane?! This is too f*****g amazing to pass up. I mean, Supernatural war, Hunter best friend?! Evil conspiracy?! I feel like I'm on the set of the Supernatural right now! So count me in. Besides, as you said, I'm the only one you can trust for now...Oh and I doubt I can watch any fantasy thriller without thinking of this so I might as well live the dream... Though, you know your Uncle might be having us watched if, as you said, he might be hiding something. Maybe he's keeping tabs on us. Is it safe really to go into town then and find this priest?'' Mason replied, the smile and acknowledgement that he and his best friend had just shared melding into thoughtful frowns. Zero knew that Mason was right. There could be a possibility that someone was watching them but he also knew that going to the Church first before finding Reina Valentine was their safest bet for the moment. It was a risk he was willing to take. "You're probably right. There is a high possibility someone is watching us but if I'm right, the Church we are going to now is the same one we shall have the service tomorrow for my Father's funeral. That means that we can pass it off as checking out the church and the preparations as we speak to the Priest. Anyone watching would think it was simply an innocent visit." Mason nodded, impressed by Zero's ever calculative mind. The latter, however, was saddneded at the mere thought of what was to come the next day but he could not allow himself to feel. He had to focus on the matter at hand. Only after he had achieved justice would he allow himself to truly grieve for what and who he had lost... ''Alright then. I guess we're going to Church.'' Mason responded, earning a smile from his best friend and nod. The Hunt for the truth had well and truly begun... ***
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