Chapter Ten

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*** The creature let out an otherworldly howl at Finneas’ efforts at making it talk, the wildness in its eyes unmatched as it glared down at its torturers. Neither was moved, though, with Anna Granger going as far as to apply even more force to her spell that seemed to radiate pure, untainted light magic through the creature’s body. Reina knew that the Wraith might be going through truly unimaginable pain but she did not care. Not when the future of her people was at stake. “Tell us who you’re working for and we will make it stop. The pain you are going through now is nothing compared to what we have planned for you. The hours we have been doing this were all a prelude to what is to come and you shall know the meaning of Despair if you do not speak!” Anna hissed out, her words met with the truly stupefied stare of the dark creature. Although its soulless eyes were unable to truly embody any form of human emotion, the shock was there in its body language. It was truly a ghastly creature to look upon when it was not its shadow form. Placid, pale skin that seemed to sag, a slimy sheen to it that was distasteful to look at. Its fingers were claw-like as were its toes, whereas its eyes were like two bottomless pits that revealed nothing of what secrets lay within its fully shaved head. “Go ahead! Nothing you do to me will make me reveal our plans! Death and Destruction shall come to this accursed world and there is nothing you or your c*nt of a Queen can do to stop it!” Fury laced the two interrogator’s forms as well as William who clenched his fists in anger and did everything to stop himself from leaving his Master’s side. Finneas dealt the creature a sure blow that knocked it to the floor, chair, and all, just as Anna summoned her light magic that seemed to consume the entire creature’s body and had it howling in pain through a black, bloody mouth. William seemed somewhat appeased by the punishment that was delivered, knowing full well he would have done the same were he in their shoes. Reina was, however, unperturbed by the backhanded comment, choosing instead to release a small chuckle in response to the sight before her. “That bastard has a foul mouth, huh? I haven’t been called that particular colorful word in a while but oh well…I guess he’s well within his rights to get it all out now. Because soon, Anna will probably make him a cabbage, and Finneas just might punch out all of its disgusting teeth.” Her smile was serene, sending a chill through William as he noted the irritation and anger she held deep within her gaze. He had known her for most of his life and yet that singular look still managed to instill fear into him. And it also has to do with the fact that she has not fed since she awoke from Stasis…how she is still so resilient is beyond me but we must be careful not to provoke her into a rampage… William silently mused, watching Reina who was deep in thought, planning the next couple of steps ahead if the creature did not reveal the culprit behind all the murders and their reason for taking such an approach… A sudden wave of fatigue and nausea hit her all once, though, not only due to the acrid scent of the creature's black blood that seeping through to her on the other side of the glass wall they were watching them from but also due to the culmination of her stubbornness. Being unable to feed had posed a massive dent in not only her power but her self-control. The time to feed is drawing nearer each day…I must try and survive. I must persevere as he did…for me… "I'll be retiring for the night. Have Anna and Finn do the same. We shall pick this up tomorrow morning. I will handle it myself if the need arises. Thank them for their efforts and thank you for all your hard work, William." "I live to serve you, My Master. Have a restful evening and don't hesitate to call for me should you need anything." Her servant bowed low before her, knowing full well that the double meaning of his words had been interpreted by the ever watchful and extremely observant Queen. She knew he was worried about her health and could not fully comprehend her stubbornness on the subject. I am a bit conflicted by my methods. I know they are toxic but it is the only way to assuage this guilt burning within me at keeping my brother awake for so long…. Slowly but surely, she made her way down the halls of her massive Manor and to her room which had already been prepped for her arrival. She marveled at the scented candles that permeated the room with an enchanting smell that relaxed her instantly. She was tired, not only from the day's events but from the possibility of what was to come. With a sigh, she relaxed into the bath that had been prepared for her, willing herself not to think of the man who had clouded her thoughts constantly. Have I been cursed by my brother's altruism? Was this his goal all along? To ensure that Zachary's son had someone to rely on after they were both gone? It was a troubling thought that irritated her for she knew that her little brother was more than capable of doing such a thing to her if he believed it was for her own good. I relegated my older sibling duties to him a little too much… Her smile was small as she recalled memories from centuries before, those that she had stored and kept safe within the confines of her mind. Those were the only ones she allowed herself to bask in for they were happy memories from a time before the burden of their bloodline rested on their shoulders. With this symphony of good memories, Reina drifted off into what she expected would be a dreamless slumber. After all, she didn't have much to fantasize about and create within the confines of her mind- projections that would meld into a story that made up her dream. This had been the case for the one hundred years she was asleep and before that. And yet on this night, she was no longer in the darkness but in a field covered with beautiful, red roses that filled the air with their amazing scent. She marveled at the sight but kept her guard up as she sensed yet another person within the same space. Confusion waded through her but she reminded herself to be cautious and prepared for whatever was to come. For whoever was foolish enough to invade her dreams and unsettle her. "If this landscape was meant to ease my mind then you have failed because I will still rip you apart if you so happen to be my enemy." She stated rather casually, hoping to pass the message across before she turned to face whoever it was that had come to meet her. A cloaked figure stood before her and although she could not see it, she could sense the smile on their lips at her words. "As ferocious as ever, Daughter of Night. Believe me, I knew that having you meet in a field filled with your favorite flowers might be a long shot but I was willing to try if so I would be able to pass my message across." The figure responded, their voice shifting with every sentence such that she could not tell who exactly she was conversing with. Frustration threatened to come forth and overwhelm her but she calmed herself, hoping to find some answers from this mysterious, first-time encounter in such a setting. "And so why am I here? What is it you wish to tell me and why couldn't you have done it face to face and not in my dreams?" The figure released a small sigh before taking a cautious step forward that had her at full alert and ready for anything. The caution was, however, unnecessary as the figure began to speak, oblivious to everything else around her. "I could not come to you for there are eyes and ears everywhere. What I must speak to you about was too sensitive to take such a chance. The fate of your world depends on this message and if it falls into the wrong hands, it may influence the rest of this war." Reina was in full alert mode now, listening aptly to what her night visitor had to say. "There is a sinister and dark force about to be summoned into your world and you must stop it before it destroys you all. The Wraiths are simply a small piece in a large puzzle that needs to be solved before time runs out. Trust no one but those closest to you and those who seem like unlikely allies. Welcome them into your ranks for they are not only your salvation but also your world's last chance. I know you are incredibly powerful, Rhiannon's Daughter, but you cannot do this alone. Work with them and maybe, just maybe, you might be able to win this battle. You only have one chance. Make it count." Reina took in the words and mulled over them, recognizing the subliminal messaging within that she would decipher later- when she was not faced with a being she had a feeling was not human or part of the other supernatural races. "These are all cliche questions but…Why do this? Why help me? And who are you?" She needed to know, to hear it come from them that they were not a being of this world but something more. Something beyond even her comprehension after years of walking the world. The figure shook its head, still cloaked and hidden in mystery as it slowly raised its hand towards her. "I am a believer in Balance. My part in this war has been fulfilled. The rest I leave to you, Reina Valentine. With the cards you have been dealt, how shall you proceed? How will you save the world? Your first sign will come to you when you wake. Do not miss it." And then the figure was gone and she was back in her bathtub with a loud gasp that seemed to shock the person on the other side of the door who knocked even more incessantly now. "Your majesty?! Are you okay?! Would you like me to come in and help with something?!" Mira's voice was filled with urgency at the sound of the foreign noises coming from the other side of the bathroom. Although she knew that the Queen hated being disrupted from her daily baths and relaxation time, she knew that this message was too important to not be relayed. I will take the punishment, so long as his message reaches her no matter what… "No, I'm fine Mira. What is it?" Reina's voice was firm in the wake of her dream, her mind still muddled with sleep and more information than she had had barely moments ago. The figure's ability to converse with her in her subconscious was a marvel indeed but also frightening as hell. Reina had never felt more alive than how she did now…No one had ever challenged or rivaled her power and to meet a being so strongly excited her at the possibilities to come… She dried off, donned a robe, and opened the door, meeting face to face with Mira who was quick to bow before her as she gathered her thoughts and her courage. "I am sorry to disturb you so late, Your Majesty, but a message has arrived from Caldwell. It is from Zero Black, the Heir to the Black Bloodline. He insisted that it was urgent. Would you like me to proceed?" Reina's blood ran cold at the mention of the man who had been plaguing her every thought. Anger began to fill her every pore at the error of speaking their name before her and bringing the conflicting emotions back and yet a part of her mind went back to the mysterious interaction she had just had and the last words the being had spoken. Could this be it? The sign that they spoke of? "Proceed." Reina stated once she relaxed in her armchair, watching as Mira released a small sigh of relief before she relayed the message. "Lord Black wishes to speak to you about what he has discovered concerning the murders and the unsettled air within the supernatural world. He has invited you to his father's funeral tomorrow and thereafter his Manor where he hopes you can discuss the matters further." Reina knew, deep down in her heart of hearts that this was it. Even though she hated to admit it, part of her was pleased with Zero’s blatant disregard for her aversion to him. He knew nothing of why she hated his family but she knew he could sense her distaste for them. So he's brave enough to face me, now knowing who I am and what kind of monster I can become? Interesting… The response to his message had already been written in stone within her mind but she still battled it somewhat to feel in slight control of herself. It's the right thing to do….everything is pointing there, after all. Maybe a new clue to this whole mess will be availed… "Respond to Lord Black and tell him that I shall not meet him at his home. He can, however, meet me in my mansion in Caldwell. That is where we shall discuss things further." Mira nodded enthusiastically before she bowed low once more and bolted out of the room to carry out her Queen's orders. This left Reina slightly amused and exhilarated at what was to come. Things are shifting…and this war might be nothing like I have ever seen before… ***
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