Chapter Nine

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*** Zero and Mason watched as the parishoners vacated the Church. The night service had just ended with the kindly Priest seeing off some of the church goers. Zero couldn't help but watch the Priest interact with the people. Although he did not immediately recognize the man, part of him felt a strong connection to Father Ramone Martinez. Almost as if deep down, within the crevices of his mind, there was a link- a kind of nostalgic pull to him that had nothing to do with the entries he had found in his Father's journal about the man. The two had had a colorful history together, gone on dangerous missions that had made them friends more than anything. Zero could see why his Father would trust the man with any of his secrets. They were connected for life through their shared experiences which Zero could not wait to learn more about. He and Mason shared a look once the final parishoner had left, the two of them proceeding down the aisle towards the waiting Priest who, in a turn of events, had not left for the back chambers as they thought he would. It was almost as if he was waiting for them...Like he knew they would come... ''Father Martinez.Hello. My name is Zero and this is my friend Mason. I don't know if you recognize me but...'' Zero began, not really sure what to say now that he was standing in front of the man who would be able to reveal many of the secrets and answer questions that were running through his mind. He did not have to struggle for long, though, as the kind Father granted him a small smile and nod, warmth, welcoming and reassurance in his gaze. "Of course I know who you are, Zero. You have grown into quite the remakable young man. I was expecting to see you tomorrow at the Service for your Father but I guess you have been educated on your true origins and wish to know more about that..." Ramone Martinez responded, meaning every single word as he watched the boy he had observed growing up stand tall before him. The resemblance to his friend was uncanny, almost as if they had been replicated. But Ramone could also see the History of the Black Bloodline in his features. And it awed him. Zachary was right...There is so much potential and more within Zero...The days to come will be difficult... "Thank you, Father. I am here to ask a couple of questions. My Father left me a Journal and within it, he told me to come see you in the event I have questions. Maso and I hope that you can fill in some of the blanks we have. Its okay to speak freely before him. He's a close friend of mine and he knows everything." Ramone had heard of Zero's best friend from Zachary and did not doubt that the young man's integrity. Zachary had always been a good judge of character and if he believed in Mason then Ramone chose to believe in him too. "I figured. Come, let us speak in the other chambers. I'm afraid that walls really do have ears in the supernatural world. And I mean literally..." Ramone chuckled, watching their intrigued gazes as they followed him from the main Church to the back area. Zero began to speak once more when they were in the safe confines of the little office, each of them settling in the seats as a seriousness hung in the air. ''My Father has spoken very highly of you in the Journal. He told me to trust you and rely on you to gain more insight into the Supernatural world. I was hoping you could give us a little insight into how he really died... I ask this because from what I have seen in the journal, the circumstances may not have been natural causes as Uncle Clark told me.'' Zero got straight to the point, watching the Priest who snorted at the mention of his Uncle. There was a kind of disappointment in his gaze that he masked as quickly as it came before releasing a small sigh and nod. ''He better have written good things about me...I saved his life more times than I could count...'' He joked,chuckling slightly with the other two men to try and ease the tension that permeated within the room. Each of them, however, were too on edge to really think of anything else other than what was about to be revealed. ''I knew this day would come. I wasn't counting on it being this soon but oh well....Your father was a great Hunter. Among the greatest actually. He saved Our lives countless times too and his brilliant mind always went hand in hand with his great power. It was only when he started investigating the unrest within the Supernatural world that things changed drastically. There have been deaths- murders that have been systematically orchestrated by an unknown assailant. Now, many people- that is the Hunters- believe that the Vampires are behind it because they are the more volatile, unchecked race. They tend to be wild, I agree, but their monarchs have been a strong detterent for them by enacting harsh laws over the years. Now, Zachary didn't believe the Vampires did it and was searching for clues to prove their innocence with the help of a Vampire Royal- the Prince of Vampires himself in fact. His name is Raiser Valentine. The two of them were close friends and they were working hand in hand to unveil the true culprit. Zachary was getting closer to the truth but one night, someone or something attacked him and chased him back to Black Manor. From what I could tell that was on the report, he fought valiantly and he may have succeeded in killing his opponent but the injuries he sustained may have been what killed him in the end. Whatever it is that attacked him was powerful and it says a lot about what could be lurking in the shadows really because the Hunter Association is keeping everything hush hush from everyone. I'm sorry, my boy.'' Ramone said, squeezing Zero's shoulder reassuringly. He hated to be the one reveal all of this to the young man but Zachary would have wanted it this way. He had mentioned his investigations to him but never would Ramone have imagined that their last meeting would truly be the last time that he would see his old friend. ''Thank you for being honest with me.'' Zero responded, reflecting on all he'd been told. The mention of the Prince of Vampires took him back to the night he had met Reina Valentine and the words she had spoken. "It came after your nephew. I captured it. I helped him because Raiser and Zachary asked me to. Your friend and 'brother' trusted me to do something that you could not be able to. Now, I am going to walk out of here and you will not stop me because you know very well that this creature belongs in my custody. If I garner anything from it and happen to be in a good mood to share then I will send word." It was clear that Reina knew much more about the entire situation and a part of him slowly began to put the broken pieces together, to understand what was happening around him. ''You reffered to the assailer as an 'it'. Any particular reason why?'' Mason spoke up for the first time since they had began the conversation, his curiosity peaked as he listened to everything Ramone had said and processed it all. Zero nodded, glad that his best friend had picked up on something he had noticed as well. ''Well, because it isn't possible for anyone to be able to break into a Hunter's property. They're protected by wards and spells, all generated by the First Hunter and First Witch- both of whom were blessed by the power of the Celestial gods and goddesses to protect the Balance keepers. Us. Getting in would have been impossible unless the Lord of the House gave his consent. The other reason is that your father was a very powerful Hunter. Whoever defeated him must have been a 'thing' rather than a person.'' Ramone replied, earning a frown from the two even as they nodded in part understanding to his words and speculation. ''So whoever killed him might have been somebody he knew?'' Zero mused on what he had already suspected and the thought of it brought an unease to his stomach like never before and unbidden anxiety that went hand in hand with a kind of all consuming rage. Guilt was also present but he did not want to dwell on it. ''Its a possibility. Look, Zero, this life is truly dangerous. Once you get in, finding your way out is almost impossible. Are you sure you want to go down this road? Knowing the massive responsibility that is awaiting you on the other side?'' Ramone asked with a worried look at him. Zero glanced at Mason who nodded to him in understanding and encourgament before he responded. ''I'll take my chances. I am going to finish what he started. I want to find out the truth about what happened and I want to explore this world that he wanted to shield me from. This is his legacy and my birthright. I need to know, Ramone.'' Zero replied, conviction lining his voice and whole demeanor. The Priest grinned, truly impressed and proud of how much the young boy had grown. Zachary had been worried for his son, worried that he would not be able to handle the intricacies of the Supernatural world but Ramone had always known- could always see the fire burning in the young man's eyes. I knew he could do it...I knew he could become so much more... ''The blood of your relentless and courgaeous ancestors runs true in you, Zero. I am proud of you and I know your ancestors are as well. Alright then, I guess I have no choice but to do it. Come with me.'' He said, getting up. Mason and Zero shared a look before following him out of an umarked door and down a dark corridor that led towards a lone, brown door. ''The Association is investigating the Vampires right now and knowing their prejudice, they might as well fabricate something that might begin a war. I have heard rumors that the Queen of Vampires has returned and knowing her, she won't back down from this without a fight. There may be a war looming and I am afraid that the real culprit behind this is pulling strings so that we are all so focused on bitter, century long grudges rather than the true reason behind their plans. Its frustrating but hopefully, someone is able to see past the bullshit." Ramone explained as he placed his hand upon the brown door. The two men watched in absolute wonder as a circle with intricate and foreign markings suddenly appeared, moving in a counter clockwise direction before a click resounded in the narrow space. Before they could comprehend their first truly otherworldly instance that proved all of this as real, the door swung open to reveal a different array of weapons were on display in the blue lit room, from long swords to pick axes, Flails, Great hammers, Guns that curiously didn't look like the normal ones they'd seen on Television. This seemed more....sophisticated with intricate symbols lining their surface. They were dumb founded though at the sight of a Blue stringed, Long Bow, the arrows' broad heads matching the same color and same ancient looking symbols from the weapons all around them. Mason, awed by all he could see, was about to reach forward to touch them when Ramone grabbed his hand mid reach and shook his head. ''Don't. Hunter's weapons aren't very versed with those who aren't their true owners, especially humans. This is mainly because they aren't even supposed to know we exist but I know you are definitely the exception. You are good people and I don't say that to just anyone,'' Ramone stated, grinning at the sight of the two men's smirks and shrugs. "Thanks, I guess." Mason responded, chuckling at the sight of the Hunter's nod as he proceeded to canvas the room for whatever it was he was looking for. ''Wherever I go, he goes. Always.'' Zero stated with a shrug, earning a shake of the head from the Priest. The young man had not only inherited his Family's looks and heritage but also their insane stubbornness. ''The only exception I have ever seen to my earlier explanation is this. Before everything went crazy, your Father and I met for drinks weeks ago. He made me promise to give this to you in the event that anything happens to him. He refused to expound- he was usually pretty cryptic when he wanted to be. This belonged to him. As the weapon's master of the Hunter's Association, they brought it to me after retrieving it from the scene. Now, I did a bit of in depth analysis on it and somehow, it seems to have switched its allegiance to you. Zachary may have done something to it...I am not so sure but its yours now and I suggest you take it and you keep it safe until you learn and remember how to use it. If you're going to face this world, especially with everything that is happening now, you'll need him. He will keep you safe until you find your true weapon.'' Ramone said, watching as Zero removed the long sword from its silver sheath. The sound of the black chains at the hilt of the sword and the sheath resonated throughout the the room, sending chills through each of the men within. The grip was lined with intricate designs, different from the ones on Ramone's weapons but similar to the ones that had been on the journal's leather binding and some of the pages as well as the sheath and blade. It seemed like a normal long sword when one looked at it but something told them both that it was more than that, especially Zero who instantly felt the enormous pressure at the feel of the weapon in his hands. There was also a sense of familiarity and more...almost like a kind of eerie understanding that had goosebumps erupting all over his skin. ''Its name is....'' Ramone began when Zero finished the sentence, stunning them all into silence. ''Lazriel.'' Zero muttered, suddenly holding it tighter. He didn't know why but he knew that it was the most important thing his father had left him. ''Thank you.'' He said,looking up at the Priest who simply smiled and shrugged, going as far as to bow slightly. ''Its my honor to serve the new Head of the Black Bloodline.'' He responded, knowing full well that he may have been witness to history being made. A new age had began in their world and he was glad he had the chance to see it and witness Zero's growth for Zachary. Zero didn't know why but his mind instantly returned to the Queen of Vampires herself and the entries that he had found within the Journal. For some reason, I cannot get her off my mind- especially now that this all seems to be linked back to her. ''In the journal, my father asked me to find someone else. I've met her already but I don't know much about her. You mentioned the Queen of Vampires, Reina Valentine? I tried to ask Uncle Clark about her but he seems hellbent on having me stay away from her. He claims that my father didn't know her that well but the journal seemed to differ...'' Zero asked, watching as the Priest's expression went from curiosity from the question to understanding before settling on exasperation at the mention of his Uncle. ''Your godfather is still as f*****g insane as ever. Still holding onto grudges...but anyway. Your Father knew Reina and if he sent you to her then it means that she may have a part to play in all of this. Her younger brother, Raiser, has been ruling the Vampire world for a while now since Reina went into Stasis but if she's back then he is now in Stasis. He may have told her everything that he and Zachary found out during their investigations into who could be behind all this madness." Ramone released a small sigh, though, memories of the past melding with the present. He knew of the tumultous relationship between the two families and part of him was stunned that Zachary would take such a bold step as to send his son to the woman who detested them all. Zero's countenance was sure to have rubbed the Queen of Vampires the wrong way but the mere fact that the young man had met the Crimson Star and was still standing was a testament in and of itself. Maybe she's thawed over the years...maybe some things have changed over time... He cringed inwardly at the very thought, knowing full well even he did not believe any of that. Reina Valentine was many things but nothing that he had just speculated. I really hope you know what you're doing, Zachary. Otherwise, you may have just sent your son into a predator's lair... "It won't be easy getting to her, though. She is a Royal, the Queen, after all. Her territory is not here but in the French Quatre. New Orleans is the Center of the Vampire Race and many Hunters usually steer clear of the place because it is crawling with Aristocratic Vampires and more. She was sent an invite to the funeral tomorrow as were many of the leaders of the other factions as well as the Laws dictate but there is a chance she might not come. I may have a way of sending a message to her that you'd like to see her but I can't promise you she will come and you have to be absolutely sure that you want to see her so...are you?" Zero nodded, not a single doubt residing in his body. This was what he had wanted from the moment she had walked away from him those few days ago. Eve though he knew that she probably had some sort of grudge towards him or otherwise judging by her actions when they last met and the Priest's hesitance to summon her to Caldwell, he knew that she was an integral part of this whole situation. She was the perfect ally to stand beside in the coming battle, just as his father had stood beside her brother. Dad wouldn't have sent me to her if he didn't think that she could help me...besides, she may have more answers for me and I am going to find out everything- no matter what... Ramone and Mason could see the resolve in Zero's eyes and more, the two of them sharing a look before Ramone released a small sigh of understanding. And so it begins again...I now see why Clark was struggling so hard to get him away from her. Only problem is that he's too late and even he can't see that. Fate is not something you can shift or change. Maybe this time, a happier ending is in the books for both of them. Goddess knows they deserve it after everything... Ramone mused, gesturing for the two men to head out of the secret room now that their business had been concluded. "I'll reach out to her and get back to you as soon as possible. Good luck, Zero and promise me that as soon as you begin to notice changes within your body, you will call me. There is more yet for you to come and I will be by your side every step of the way- if you will allow me of course." Zero nodded vehemently, knowing well enough that Ramone was the best chance he had to expound on the foreign feelings he already sensed growing from deep within him. ''Of course. Thank you so much, Ramone. It means a lot to me that you would help us.'' Zero said,shaking hands with him as did Mason who agreed wholeheartedly. The man had provided them more insight than they had expected. He was a good person with a good heart who truly cared for them. ''It was my pleasure. Now that you have stepped into this side of the world, remember to be extra careful with everything you do, especially around your godfather. He is a good man but his loyalty to the association makes him somewhat jaded. Watch each other's backs and don't be too trusting. In case of anything, and I mean anything, you call me, okay?'' Ramone insisted as he led them to the Church exit, his gaze relaying the seriousness he inflected into his voice. He needed them to understand the bold step they were taking and what it truly meant. This world was nothing like they knew. This was a different path altogether and they needed to be ready. ''We will Father. Thank you." Zero stated as he and Mason shook hands with the man before entering their car. ''Thank you, Father Ramone. We'll see you soon, I guess.'' Mason called out with a wave before entering the car too and driving away. Ramone sighed, watching as they drove off. He felt nostalgic,remembering the good old days he would go hunting with Zachary. Many years may have passed but the darkness was still as horrid as it was then, escalating by the day. The threat, this time, seemed to be more formidable than any of them had anticipated and he knew that there were dark times ahead. This was no ordinary foe. ''I really f*****g hope that you know what you're doing, Zach, because if not, you may have just led those kids down a dark ad treacherous path that they may or may not succeed to find their way out of. May the goddess help us all.'' ***
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