Chapter Eleven

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*** Zero stared aptly at his father's as his coffin, his mind occupied by a multitude of thoughts. Father Ramone was delivering a powerful service for the mourners within the moderately filled Church. Friends of the family and those who had known Zachary personally were all in attendance, each of them prepared to give their last respects. Although some were present solely for that purpose, others had been invited as a formality within the Supernatural world. Many had turned up, more than Clark and the rest of the Hunter Association had anticipated. They all harboured great respect for their fallen friend, even though he belonged to the Hunter Race. Curious glances fell on Zero occasionally, each of them awed by the heir of the renowned Black Bloodline. Zero’s thoughts were, however, fixated on something else. Everything was hitting him all at once, including the death of his father which still hung heavy in his heart. The loss was insurmountable, pushing him deep into memories he thought he had forgotten with time. His mother's funeral was fresh on his mind, the memory playing out like an old movie. He'd been twelve, on the verge of adolescence. He could still vividly remember how his father had tried to comfort him and how he had pushed him away. He’d needed someone to blame for her death and his father knew that and became his villain. He vividly remembered the rain. The dark gloomy clouds that had covered the entire sky the whole day. It seemed like the world was mourning the loss of a vibrant spirit. His mother had been their sunshine, their sole purpose for existing. She brought so much happiness and warmth into their home. She kept them together, firm. And her death had broken them both. A sea of black Umbrellas was the next thing he recalled once the sky unleashed its fury in the form of heavy rainfall. Walking the path to the cemetery, to their Family Tomb, had been one of the hardest things he’d had to do and for a moment, he was scared to have to do it again- only this time, his father’s warm and reassuring hand would not be on his shoulder as it had been then. He’d hated him for insisting that he walk that path, that he watch them take her coffin into the tomb. Back then, he thought it was some form of sadistic pleasure for him but now, and as the years went by back then, he knew that that was the only way that they would both ever have closure. That was his way of helping him process his dear mother’s death. Acceptance was the last stage of grief he was in and that was the only way for him to truly accept her passing. His gaze now presently lingered on the flower wreath at the top of the sleek, black coffin. Magnolias and baby breaths had been expertly crafted into creating it but he couldn’t help but long for White Dahlias, his mother’s favourite that had also become his father's favourite. The scent of them from her funeral was still fresh on his mind and he had made it a point of having a vase of them in his home and his office, a way to always remember her. “And now, let us all rise and pay our last respects to the man we have all gathered here today for.” Father Ramone stated, gesturing for the congregation to stand. Many of the congregants followed the direction, including Zero, Mason and Nala- who had arrived in the early morning hours and been integral in the running of affairs at the company while they were away. Only three individuals remained seated, each of them uncaring to the occasional looks that would come their way. Many of those with the gall and ignorance to stare were mortals, all of whom were oblivious to who the inhumanly gorgeous individuals were. Those who lived in the Supernatural world were acutely aware of their presence and chose not to engage for whatsoever reason. A rule had been established in their world, one they followed religiously. It was always best to leave the Vampires alone- most especially the Royals. “Jeez, you’d think we’ve committed some form of archaic sin by staying seated. These mortals really do take the whole ‘Jesus’ thing a little too seriously.” Maya Leviathan murmured, releasing an exasperated breath as she tried and failed not to level some of the mortals with a cold glare that had them all looking away instantly. Reina shook her head, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips at her friend’s antics. Seeing Maya again after a century or so of silence had been a refreshing surprise for whence she arrived at the Caldwell Church. The two had hugged longingly, none willing to let the other go so easily. They had been through enough together to consider themselves sisters and their reunion had been the most emotion William had seen Reina convey in a long time. It brought him joy to watch her light up with so much happiness. They had promised to catch up after the service and proceeded into the Church together. Neither one of them had expected to, however, see one of the Older Nobles present at one of the pews. Seeing Zorin Demonaire had been a blow to not only the two women but to some of the Supernatural races present who tried and failed to keep their shock at bay. Their reactions were warranted, of course, for the Head of the Demonaire Household was not someone who availed himself for such events, least of all for a Hunter. Zorin was known for his callous approach when it came to the other races. He was the last person any one of them thought they would see but his presence was, all the same, a true testament to how many lives Zachary truly influenced over the years. His goal to unite the Supernatural races may have seemed like a far-fetched dream back then but seeing them all here, at his funeral with no one trying to slit the other’s throat made it seem somewhat believable. Zorin’s servant, Evan, was quick to bow before his Queen and Maya before nodding at William and Anya respectively who had accompanied their Masters. Reina and Maya were subtle in their greeting to the man they called Uncle, his brown eyes registering their presence before he, too, granted them a slight bow of acknowledgement which they knew was the best they were going to get from him. “Their belief system is inherently flawed and their self-righteous attitude is a stain on this world, isn’t it?” It was the first statement Zorin had made and none of them was shocked that it was to degrade the humans. They were glad for it was a normal response to an otherwise abnormal situation. This did not catch them off guard as his presence had. Maya released a small, nervous chuckle before she glanced at Reina to take over and save her from the awkwardness. Reina inwardly shook her head at her friend’s antics before turning to her Uncle, all the questions she had for him coming to the fore. “I did not think I would see you here, Lord Demonaire. As I recall, you were never really very fond of Lord Black. Or did something change in the century that I was gone?” She watched him closely, searching for any kind of clues that could tie into the situation they had all found themselves in. It was a long shot, though, for she knew that there was no one more cautious than him. True enough, his cold brown eyes revealed nothing but mild amusement at her question. She knew he could tell why she had asked such a question. She knew he knew of what had been happening. He also happened to be an incredibly informed individual with spies everywhere. “Ah yes, we were alike in that regard. Our mutual distaste for the Black family though yours was a little more personal than mine.” She had gone to great lengths to prepare herself for a comment she knew was coming and yet it still somehow stung and had her struggling to hide her irritation at his jab. Zorin fed off of that. He enjoyed the chaos and the mind games. He liked to f**k with people so that he could revel in their despair. He was a true sadist, an accurate representation of what the mortals believed we were. His little chuckle sent a chill through Reina as they all watched the mourners walk to the front of the church and view the body before passing their condolences to Zero who stood stoically to the side, Mason and Clark on either side of him while Father Ramone watched from his spot at the church altar. There was a dazed look in his eyes, a kind of wall that he had placed within himself to combat the barrage of emotions that were, no doubt, coursing through him at the moment. He was struggling not to let the pain in, to break down and Reina found herself truly feeling for him. She, more than many, knew what he felt. She had done the same, stood beside her parent’s tombs and held her brother’s hand tight in her own as their funeral rites were performed. The memory still sent a pang of hurt and pain through her. A pain she erased by pushing it to the crevices of her mind once more and focusing on the conversation she had been having. “Why are you here, Zorin? I hope it is not to sadistically revel in the pain of others. Because that would be truly f****d up.” She murmured, making sure he could note the cold tinge in her tone. If that happened to be the case then he knew that she would not let him stay. Zorin shook his head, turning to stare out of the multicoloured windows of the old church that had withstood quite a lot over the years. It was also the first place he had met Zachary and began an unlikely friendship. “Contrary to popular belief, I am not always looking for the next funeral to crash and enjoy. I respected the former Head of the Black Bloodline. He was a decent man and I answered the invitation to pay my last respects. Simple as that. I really should be asking You that question. You are the last person I thought I would see here and don’t give me some bulllshit reason about protocol. You could have sent Maya to represent you.” Reina knew he was right, despite her efforts not to think of her motivations for coming. Of course, she could try and lie to herself, to blame it on the weird dream she had had and not on the fact that a part of her had truly longed to be present, to give Zero any form of comfort she could as ridiculous as it sounded. “Zachary was a friend to not only my brother but my family. Attending his funeral is the least I can do for those who cannot come.” It was a reason that did not reveal much but also sounded credible enough to silence the Demonaire Noble who simply smirked and shook his head. Reina refused to pay attention to him, choosing instead to focus on the fact that the other supernatural races present had finished paying their last respects. The line had finally eased up and she could now do part of what she had come to do. Nodding subtly to William, she got to her feet, straightening her black, tea-length dress before she made her way down the aisle with William in tow. Her black, Christian Louboutin heels clicked against the marble floor, prompting some to turn and watch her approach to the front. She didn’t focus on them, though. Her gaze was fixated on the man before her whose stormy eyes met hers once more, electrifying her entire body as he watched her. It was an intense reaction that almost made her falter in her approach. Almost. Instead, she straightened her back and proceeded forth, stopping only when she was finally standing before the coffin of the man who sly had considered a friend. For all her resentment and distaste for the bloodline he was born into, he had been different. He had provided her brother with a friend he could rely on and that was enough for her to consider him an ally. She turned back to William who was quick to hand her the bouquet of White Dahlias she had brought, her black-gloved hands wrapping around them tightly before she placed them atop the coffin, right beside the wreath that had been present. It was the one thing about him she couldn’t forget, no matter how hard she had tried and judging from the intense stare she could feel from his son, she had gotten it right. The coffin had been opened for viewing and her gaze fixated on his form- noting how normal he looked. Almost as if he was just taking a small nap. She was pulled to him as she removed one of her gloves, her hand reaching out to hold his. It was supposed to be a small squeeze, a thank you for all he had done for her brother and yet the minute she touched him, a barrage of emotions engulfed her. The chill of his touch seemed to encompass her, engulfing her with a strange sense of revelation that pulled her away from the confines of the Church and into the unknown. But, just as quickly as the barrage of emotions had come, it was gone- depositing her back in the Church where all eyes were on her. Understanding coursed through her as she put her glove back on and stared down at him, filled with an innate sense of awe for the man before her. She now understood why the spectral had visited her. I would have missed it…And that would have been a disaster. f**k, and to think he trusted me with such a serious task- especially knowing the tumultuous past his bloodline and I share…. She turned to Zero then, ignoring the hostility she could sense from Clark and his fellow Hunters who were, no doubt, displeased by how long she had taken. She didn’t care, though, more so now as she faced the man before her who was unperturbed by the hostility as well. Instead, he stared at her with absolute reverence and awe that sent chills through her. And not the bad kind…no, she was enjoying his attention a little too much… “You came. Thank you, for showing up. I know he would have been happy to know you were here.” Zero stated, earning what seemed to be a small smile from her. It was quick and for a moment, he was sure he had imagined it until she took his hands in her gloved ones- ignoring Clark who seemed ready to jump her. He couldn’t, though, not with so many humans present. He also has to set a good example and having him instigate a war between our kinds would be bad for his Household… “Well, you called. Your message got to me and I am glad I came. Everything is going to be fine, I assure you. So don’t be scared to walk forward with sure steps.” She knew her words were cryptic to many but he somewhat understood. It seemed to be what he had been waiting to hear and it filled him with what seemed to be great reassurance, just as she wanted it to. With one final smile, she walked away with William in tow who offered his condolences before he followed her. This is only for a short time, Zachary. A mere cover to ensure that your enemies do not know the truth of your ingenious plan. A plan they will never see coming because you also happen to be bloody insane… Reina’s small smile was unsettling for many but she knew that it was the only way to truly appreciate what had just been revealed to her. An Earth-shattering truth. He’s not gone…Zachary Black is alive… ***
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