Chapter Four

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*** "Wait, so what now? And can you please stop avoiding my question and explain who exactly you are?" Zero's demands were credible. He was confused, conflicted as to why he had actually followed the woman before him. A woman so gorgeous, she had literally taken his breath away. His heart still beat rapdily in his chest every single time he looked at her, let alone danced so intimately with her. Something about the way she moved, the way she talked in that low, accented and beautiful voice left him somewhat dazed and speechless. Never had he felt such overwhelming emotions for one person. For one woman. And even though he did not want to admit it, a part of him was sure as hell that he had followed her if only to get to know her more. He knew, deep down that he would have done anything she asked, including coming to a secluded room away from the rest of the party and going as far as to ignore his friend's questioning looks. This is really f*****g dangerous and completely out of character of me...What the hell is going within my mind? Why does it feel like I have known this gorgeous woman my entire life because this isn't just s****l attraction, its more... Her words should have scared him, made him retreat and question her sanity and yet he knew, in his heart of hearts, that she was speaking the truth. That he needed to go with her and avert a true crisis. He did not understand how she knew how he felt, how she could see right through him but he understood that what he had done was he right thing. That she only meant well. "I'm sorry, Zero, but we do not have time for explanations. Right now, we need to prepare for whoever walks in that door next is not a friend but a foe." Her words were sure, spoken with so much conviction that it took him a moment to process. He watched as she slowly backed away from said door, her bod essentially blocking his as she waited with what seemed like bated breath for what was to come. The anxiety that had lurked deep within him was now alive all the more, going nuts as it coursed throughout his body. Never had he experienced such visceral reactions in such a short period of time. He was confused, conflicted and still ready to face whatever would come their way. And so he stepped forward, standing right beside her as they both silently watched the door. "Part of me feels like this is a dumb suggestion for some reason but I am pressed to ask. Shouldn't we have some form of security if whatever or whoever is coming through that door is dangerous?" He didn't know why but something within him knew that no amount of security guards and bodyguards would be enough to face whoever or whatever was coming after them. On the contrary, it would be a bloodbath and the mere fact that he knew this unsettled him all the more- even more so after seeing the small smirk on the woman beside him- a self assured look in her eyes. "So you understand...Only we can face it. Besides, what makes you think that we do not have our own backup? Not that we need it but still..." She murmured in response, casually strolling and propping herself on one of the seats in the room that faced the door. Zero was momentarily confused, about to ask her what the hell she was doing when the doors banged open and revealed a person he did not expect to see despite his fast beating heart at the impact. Confusion filled him for a moment before relief replaced it. His gaze fixated on the woman who had been struggling to gain his attention earlier. Elise Turner was many things but not a threat. The woman was a millionaire, an heiress who operated her family's company with an iron fist. The only problem with that was the fact that he was obsessed with him and a union between their families to create some form of Empire. Now, the woman was an attractive, busty blonde who could probably have anyone she wanted. Heck, a line of suitors awaited her despite the mere fact that she rejected them all brutally. She was the apple of her Father's eye, his only child and his pride. They had tried everything to get Zero to join their family, to have him on their side but the CEO of Black Enterprises had never been interested in the woman who now slowly sauntered into the room. Part of him suspected that she was obsessed with him merely because he refused to entertain her antics. He was the only one who was not enamored by her, who did not want to have her in his bed and his life. What had began as a small crush for her had grown into an obsession that was more so a nuisance for Zero rather than a problem really. She's the threat? That's impossible. Other than the fact that she can be overbearing and annoying, I doubt she is a danger to anyone, least of all to the level of causing a catastrophe as my mystery woman claimed. Maybe there is someone else coming? Zero knew that if that were the case, he needed to get rid of Elise and fast before she became collateral damage. In as much as he disliked her advances and her insistence on being in his life, he did not wish for her to be pulled into whatever cluster f**k he had now found himself in. He needed to ensure she was as far away from the situation as possible. "Zero...I knew I saw you coming in here. I wanted to speak to you about the Kingsman deal. Preferably in private?" Her gaze strayed to the woman seated beside him, a cold glare replacing the neutrality that had been when she spoke to Zero. Although he knew that she was probably reacting that way because he disappeared with another woman, a part of him was incensed by her judgement and her reaction to the woman beside him who had done nothing to earn it. Reina was, however, unmoved by the glare being directed at her, focusing instead on what she could feel in this mortal standing before her. Having a human woman jealous of her was inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. She had so many other things to focus on rather than misplaced jealousy and a pathetic attempt at intimidation. She has no idea what monster she is facing now...unless she herself is a monster... Zero took a step forward, moving to get rid of Elise before the situation escalates but his steps faltered instantly at the feel of Reina's hand in his own, stopping him in his tracks instantly. "Do Not go anywhere near that woman. She is not who you think she is..." Reina stated, her gaze still fixated on a now visibly enraged Elise. The glare was harsher but Reina was, as always, unperturbed as she raised a brow even at the sight of it. She could feel her own rage threatening to come forth, a product of her unsettled emotions but she bided her time, choosing instead to keep watch of the main purpose of her presence here. "What the hell is this b***h talking about? Do you know who the f**k I am? How dare you speak to me that way?!" Elise was alive with rage, acid in her words as she took a threatening step towards them. Zero was taken aback by her reaction, stunned by her venom before he regained himself and began to take his own steps towards the woman before them. The advance was, however, faltered yet again by Reina's tight grip on his hand. Confused, he turned to look at her, to urge her to let him go so that he could face off with the woman before them but her gaze was not on him. No, her gaze was firmly on Elise with what seemed like peaked interest and yet another emotion he could barely decipher. Part of him wanted to break away from her hold, to push Elise out of the room and chastise her for being so rude to his companion and yet another side of him knew that he needed to stay put. She has a plan...she knows what she's doing. I may not understand it but I need to stay beside her for not only my safety but for the purpose of fulfilling her set goal... He had never been more sure of something in his life and so he waited, watching as Elise's gaze lingered on their joined hands before turning back to glare at the beauty beside him once more. "Zero, I need to speak to you. Now! Kick this b***h out or come with me!" Elise insisted, her gaze turning back to Zero before she took a step towards them. Zero moved to respond when the sound of a light chuckle filled the entire room, stunning the two of them to turn to the woman who seemed genuinely amused by the events unfolding beside them despite the seriousness of the situation. "If you take another step forward, you will regret it. Of that you have my word." Although Reina's words were calmly delivered, the veiled threat was still there and it sent a chill through every single one of their spines. Neither of the two had any doubts in their minds on whether she would follow through with her calm threat. She meant it. "Are you f*****g threatening me, b***h?" Elise hissed, now more so incensed. She took care not to step forward, though, seemingly not willing to test the waters of the threat that had been delivered. Ignoring those words would be unwise and everyone within the room knew it, including the enraged Elise. "Would you calm the f**k down, Elise? This is not the time for this. If you have anything you wish to discuss with me, you can do it at the office on Monday. For now, just leave before this situation escalates any more than it already has." Zero stated firmly, unamused by the events unfolding before him and yet part of him was sure as hell that this was all by design. That the woman beside him was doing this all on purpose just so to rile up the heiress before them. But why though? I think that is the real, main question here... "I need to speak to you NOW, Zero! So let his hand go, you crazy b***h! Who even are you?!" Elise exclaimed once more, not willing to back down on her venomous words and approach. Reina was, however, unperturbed- going as far as to shift and cross her legs once more, her gaze turned to the floor to ceiling windows within the room that presented a perfect view of the city and the night sky. Silenced reigned during that time, neither of the two speaking despite Elise's unamused glare and Zero's curious look on the stunning woman beside him who still held his hand in place. The connection had been sending chills of pleasure and contentment throughout his entire body. He did not want the moment to end, to step away from her or have her disentagnle from him. He did not wish for her to walk away from him, that he would be unable to look upon her gorgeous face once more and feel the nostalgia and longing that coursed throughout his entire body. He wanted to be around her forever. I don't even know her name and yet this woman has consumed every bit of my mind, body and soul...who the hell is she? With a small sigh, Rena turned to the argumentative mortal before her, now willing to acknowledge her presence and end the exhausting interaction. She had already sensed what she needed to, figured out what needed to be figured out and judging by her servant's silent approach, he had come to the same conclusion she had. Elise Turner was no normal human. She was more. She was the threat, the sinister energy lurking within this room. She didn't seem to realize it yet but she had been cornered. Maybe it was her self preservation instincts but part of her could tell something was not right. It was the reason she was struggling so hard to get Zero alone, to finish what she had been sent to do. Raiser was right...What he showed me, his discovery and speculation with Zachary...they were both right and they just might have saved the world. A Waith being here means that there is so much more going on in the background... If Zero had been here alone, if I had not gotten to him when I did then he would have never seen her betrayal coming. He would have never expected that she could be a foe...not in the state that he is in now... It was remarkable in and of itself that he could still sense that there was something wrong, that there was a threat lurking in the horizon despite the absence of what made him the true heir of the Black Household. Soon, he would need no one to protect him. On the contrary, he would possess the ability to ensure the safety of all those around him and beyond. That was if he chose to take the path that his Father took before him...Only he can make that decision and retrieve what was taken from him in order to protect him from this tumultous world... "Why are you so insitent on taking Zero away from here? Why are you so confrontational? Is it because you know that it is over for you, Wraith?" Confusion flittered across Zero's features as he listened to Reina's words and took in the shocked, guarded and enraged look on Elise's face. She just called her a 'Wraith'...what the hell is that? What does this mean? "I see it in your eyes. You know who I am and yet you refuse to accept your downfall. You have failed in your mission and I intend to find out everything I need from you whether you like it or not." Reina added, earning a sneer from Elise who was now solely fixated on Reina. Her features had morphed into absolute detest as she glared down at Reina's unmoved form. The famed Queen of Vampires was turning out to be everything she was rumored to be and so much more. No one could stand before her and not sense her true power and overwhelming presence. The Wraith within Elise knew that it would be over soon. That Reina's words were law. She would do anything to garner information from it. Escaping was the best option and yet it knew that returning to its master without carrying out its intended task was also a death sentence. A decision had to be made and quick, before a bloody showdown began- one it knew it would not win. It didn't help that the vessel it had taken was a weak mortal's body. It was supposed to be a sure fire way of being able to approach Zero Black and end him for good, tie up the looose end. But then she just HAD to show up....I thought we had more time before she got herself involved. I guess we were wrong... The Wraith mused, choosing to show its true colors now that the cat was out of the bag. "Well, would you look at that. I had heard rumors of the prowess of the Queen of Vampires, Reina Valentine and her incredble power but seeing it now just steels my resolve to end your miserable existence together with the Hunter spawn beside you, just as my brothers and sisters did to your brother and his father!" The Wraith declared, loud and proud whilst shifting Tina's feminine features into a sinister grin and a dark presence. Her eyes were now pitch black, reminiscent of being possessed by the creature that now spoke truthfully. Zero was taken aback by the change, alarm coursing through his body as he took a shocked step back. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of the creature from his dreams to be standing before him now. Reina's hand on his own centered him, reminded him that he was not alone as he was in his sub conscious. No, he was with what the creature had called the 'Queen of Vampires' herself. Now, a part of him thought that this was all some ridiculous ploy. That maybe Mason and Nala were pranking him,playing a cruel trick. That they would pop out somewhere and shout 'You've just been pranked!' or something like that. But then, a small part of him knew that this was true. That he was standing at the precipice of two worlds. That whatever he picked would mean the absolute change of all he knew and all he stood for. He was, however, not scared but intrigued by what was to come as he watched Reina stare at the creature with an absolute blank look. She was so unimpressed with it and more so its words that it was somewhat amusing and borderline disrespectful to the creature before it who was almost shaking with anger. "Mentioning my brother and Zachary was a big mistake on your part. I was willing to give you the option of willful submission but then you decided to be an asshole and now, I do not think you deserve my mercy." Reina spoke, ignoring Zero's surprised look her way at the mention of his father's name. It seemed to register now that they were conversing of him and a small part of her went out to him and what he was about to discover. Not like this, though. Not from this creature's mouth. I will not let that happen to him...out of the fact that he trusted me and the respect I still hold for Zachary Black... "Why you f*****g b***h! I am going to rip you apart!" The creature screamed, forgetting itself in its fit of anger and rage and taking yet another threatening step towards them. Reina grinned, genuinely amused by the sight as she now slowly got to her feet. Her hand strayed from Zero's to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and although Zero felt bereft by her retreat, he was too in awe whilst watching her to really let the feeling consume him. "I told you you would regret it. Now...Kneel! You do not deserve to stand before royalty and declare yourself a worthy match for me! For your insolence, I will make you feel pain beyond your comprehension. I will make you pay for thinking you could ever threaten me!" Reina's words were harsh, her command seemingly strucking something within the Wraith. Zero watched in awe, a small gasp escaping him at the sight of Reina's now glowing crimson eyes that glared down at the creature that was now prostrate before them. Never had he seen let alone believed he could experience something so intense, so wildly powerful. It left goosebumps in its wake, the show of absolute power that weakened his own knees. The creature snarled, alarmed by the unexplainable force of power that overcame it. It had heard rumors of her power but never had it experienced such absolute, raw energy. Not a single part of it could stand, let alone dispute her command. It was as if the pressure of a thousand rocks was keeping it on the ground and crushing every single part of its body. It howled in pain, knowing full well that the end was near for it if it did not find some way to escape. "Stop! If you keep going, if you keep exerting your power upon this body then it will surely disintegrate! You would not want to kill an innocent mortal for your own selfish gains, right?! Let me go and I wll leave her body and tell you anything you need to know!" The wraith screeched, trying to find a feasible route of escape by tugging at the Queen's heartstrings. They knew well enough that she was aversed to killing mortals unlike some of the Aristocrats of her court as well as her own kind. She only needed to ease up just a little bit and it would be able to escape but not without carying out its sole intent on the man who simply watched the events unfold in silent awe. Just one slip up is all I need...One moment of weakness... Reina glanced up, awareness bubbling up from within her as she realized that her servant had, as always, done her proud and carried out what he needed to do. She had had no single doubt in her mind that he could do it and, true enough, he nodded as he slowly approached, confirming what she needed to know. "You really think that I am that stupid? That I would let you escape my grasp after what you have done?!" She declared, silent rage engulfing her as she noted the bleeding form of the woman the wraith inhabited. The smell of it filled her senses but it was nothing compared to the delectable scent wafting from beside her...from the man who now held her free hand in his own and silently urged her to stop with his gaze. He was clearly too speechless, too shocked by the events unfolding to say a word and yet all it took was one single look from him to make her step back. The scent of Zero's blood caught her off guard, more so because of his close proximity. It was enough to distract her from keeping the creature sealed but not enough to not sense the weapon coming right towards her. William moved into action but he knew he would not be fast enough. His worry was replaced with awe as he and Zero watched in absolute amazement at Reina's display of power. Turning her gaze to the door, her eyes glowed a radiant crimson just as a lance materialized out of thin air and stopped right before her. The air pressure and force of it sent a whooh of air all around them, almost as if moonsoon had suddenly materialized into thin air within the room and began an assault. It sent the chair she had been sitting on flying across the room and cracked the floor to ceiling windows. "That is enough! How dare you venture into our territory and approach my nephew?! Would you kill a mortal right before my very eyes, insolent Vampire Queen?!" The three conscious individuals in the room recognized the voice instantly as the chaos cleared and revealed a tall, well built man who seemed to be the power behind the powerful lance. Zero, shell shocked, took a step toward the man before stopping himself, finally finding his tongue to speak up. "Uncle Clark?..." He murmured, seemingly genuinely alarmed by the revelations that were slowly growing more and more insane as time went by. The newcomer seemed almost regretful at the sight of his declared nephew, almost as if he wished he could take everything back and have this exchange somewhere else. Somewhere away from the confused man who seemed to be the only one unable to understand what was happening. Reina's chuckle broke the reverie between Uncle and Nephew as they both turned to glance at her amused form. With the flick of her hand, the Lance returned to its owner before dematerializing in thin air as Zero watched in absolute awe. He had so many questions but the top of it all was the rage that flashed across William's features at his Uncle's words. Heck, even he had felt somewhat incensed by the insult but Reina didn't seem to be as annoyed as she stood beside William and further away from Zero. He silently mourned the loss of her presence, her protection... "She is not dead but you should probably attend to her injuries. It was the only way that I could get that creature out of her. Now that I have it trapped and captured, I shall take my leave of your 'territory'." Reina stated, nodding to William who followed her as they approached the exit of the room which was being guarded by three bulky men who seemed ready for anything and everything. They shifted, blocking the exit just as Clark Grant stepped to the side, blocking Reina's exit. The Queen of Vampires raised a brow, unmoved by his show of power and intimidation whereas William seemed ready to plow through all of them. He bided his time, though, waiting for his Queen's orders. "Not so fast, Reina Valentine. That creature does not belong to you. It was in My territory which therefore means that we shall take custody of it and have it answer to its crimes within this city and beyond." Clark stated, never once backing down from Reina's own gaze even as she lightly chuckled and shook her head in what seemed to be absolute bemusement. "It came after your nephew. I captured it. I helped him because Raiser and Zachary asked me to. Your friend and 'brother' trusted me to do something that you could not be able to. Now, I am going to walk out of here and you will not stop me because you know very well that this creature belongs in my custody. If I garner anything from it and happen to be in a good mood to share then I will send word." Her gaze shifted from Clark's enraged glare to Zero who watched the exchange, knowing full well that there some sort of power struggle ongoing. He did not understand the dynamics but could tell that she was winning. That seemed to bring him some semblance of pleasure, even though his uncle was on the losing end. He held her gaze, taking in her absolute perfection once more. Part of him knew that he would not be able to see her anytime soon. That when he did, everything would not be the same... "How about you focus on finishing what Zachary started? Protect his son and do it better this time. My debt to his father has been repayed. I now leave the rest to you. Keep him out of this world...shield him or tell him the truth; that is all up to you and none of my business anymore. He is, after all, one of you Hunters and not a part of my household. I owe him nothing anymore. Now move, before I move you." Her words were cold, unfeeling. For some reason, they struck a chord within Zero and sent a wave of pain through him. Enough to have him clutching his heart as he watched his Uncle glare at the woman and grudgingly step aside for her. William's glance back was, however, soft and full of what seemed like...regret? an apology?....Zero could not tell but it seemed to ease the pain somewhat. He watched as the men at the door all stepped aside at his Uncle's order and began to prepare himself for her exit. Only she didn't immediately leave. She paused at the threshold and for a moment, he allowed himself to be excited. He allowed himself to hope that she would turn back and stay. That she would take back what she said and even take him with her. Anything to not be separated from her. His hopes were, however, shattered by her words. Words that threatened to bring forward his worst fears. "For what its worth, I am sorry for your loss. Your Father was a good man. A friend. His sacrifice will never be forgotten." And then she was gone and he was left broken and in the worst despair imaginable.... ***
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