Chapter Three

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*** Reina took a deep breath, her gaze straying up to the Museum before her that was alive with activity and excitement. The charity gala was in full swing and the new developments of the new world brought some semblance of anxiety to the Vampire Queen. The world had changed during her stasis and although she was slowly growing accustomed to the changes, she still couldn't help but feel somewhat overwhelmed by everything. Especially what was to come... "My master. The Press have eased up. We can proceed to the event when you're ready." William reported, pulling her out of her multitude of thoughts and the anxiety that was bubbling within her at the thought of meeting a member of the Black household after years of staying away. Years of not knowing whether Karma and the Celestials had played yet another rude joke on her. William's reaction as he reported on the whereabouts of the new head of the Black Household stuck to her sub conscious. He would not have reacted that way if there wasn't something there...This is probably going to be jarring. I must prepare myself... Reina murmured within, steeling her resolve as she nodded to William to open their door. Thoughts of Zachary Black consumed her. Yes, she had met the man years ago and had considered him an ally- mainly because her twin brother found him to be a good man. The thought that he was gone filled her with sadness, more so at the thought of having to tell his son the truth. Its the only way to protect ensure that he stays away from this battle that is to come... Reina's mind conjured up next steps even as she took William's proferred hand and allowed him to guide her up the steps leading into the museum. Her gloved hand automatically adjusted her dress, leveraging the thigh high slit into giving her more room to walk more freely. Although she was not an evening gown person, she could not help but be in awe of the wardrobe choices. Mira had done a remarkable job of embodying her new world look. Off the shoulder straps melded perfectly with a fit, lace corsette that cinched her waist and flowed down in elegant silk waves into a floor length gown. The thigh high slit was an accurate mix of sexiness that melded well with the elegance that was required of the event. Her breasts were pushed up by the fit bodice and showing off her elegant neck that was adorned with an expensive diamond necklace which matched her earrings. The look was finished off with red heeled sandals that matched her black dress perfectly. Her make up was light with simple winged eyeliner, mascara that brought out her ice blue eyes and made them pop as well as harlot red lipstick. Her long, raven black hair was up in an elegant but messy bun that made her sultry, romantic and yet still approachable in some ways. William's elbow was a firm anchor for her as they proceeded into the event in which he had somehow found a way to obtain an invite during their flight from New Orleans to New York. Her Servant looked dapper, as always, in a well fitting tuxedo that accentuated his muscular form and granted him a somewhat mysterious air to him. Although the man had served her for centuries, he did not look older than forty- a result of ingesting her blood and becoming part of her household. He was the ideal choice to bring her to the man who had been a part of her history. Finneas was tasked with investigating the weird occurences being reported all around the French Quatre and beyond. The Vampire world was alive with unrest and now that they knew that she had returned, every single one of them was anxious to engage her time and her abilities. They were pleased that their monarch had returned but anxiety ruled and a solution to the problems arising had to be found. So why the hell am I here, trapped in a room full of humans who know nothing of the war broiling in the shadows and the threat that is to come? Raiser, I do this only for you and because of the respect I held for Zachary Black....For all his family's faults, he was still a friend and that to me means more than anything in a world where friendship is not so easily obtained and maintained... All eyes were on them as they proceeded deeper into the event, the socializing groups seemingly enamored. She could not blame them. After all, it was a completely natural response to their inhuman beauty and looks. Not that many of them really understood their visceral reaction. Like moths drawn to a flame, they were pulled in by the energy and beauty surrounding them, not knowing that one wrong move would mean their deaths. Reina steadied her heartbeat, allowing herself to block out all of the conversations she could hear with her inhuman abilities. She blocked out her craving, need for blood. There was a surplus in the room and had it been the old days, she would have been swimming in delectable bliss with her companions- the two Noble Family heads who were second and third in line in the succession of their kind. They were also the only two individuals she could consider true friends other than Zachary and William. I am surprised neither Demonaire nor Levaithan have come to see me yet...Maybe they are just as occupied with this cluster f**k as I am... Frustration threatened to bubble up from within her yet again but she kept her calm, reminding herself that the task at had was more important than losing control. She needed to be at her full strength mentally in order to finish what this was as quickly as possible and head back to her home to tackle the incoming danger head on. Who knows, maybe this visit won't be for nothing. If whatever attacked Raiser is really planning on tying up lose ends then they might come for Zachary's son and then, I can find out more information from it before I destroy it... "My Master, I have spotted Zero's companions but I'm afraid I am yet to see him." William pulled her from her multitude of thoughts, reminding her of their presence in the room. Jazz music played in the background, soothing her frayed nerves that she realized had more to do with someone else and not herself. She prided herself on control and yet she had been on edge from the moment their private jet landed in New York. This is something else entirely and I have a sneaking suspicion that it has to do with the man we are looking for... The thought unsettled her for it would mean that her connection to the Black Household still stood strong- an impossible feat for she broke it centuries back. "I have a feeling I know where he could be. There is something else here, though. Something more sinister. If whatever it is that was hunting my brother is here then we need to find it and end its existence before it finishes its task and pulls the mortals into this mess. Let us split up. I shall deal with Zero while you find that creature. Whence you do, you know how to call for me." "But my master...Meeting Zero Black may be...I should be there with you." William reasoned, his anxiety clear as day in his features as he faced his Queen. Reina could see it all, see the worry and the fear deep in his gaze. It cemented what she already knew. That the man she was about to meet would thrust her back to a time she longed to forget and block out of her long life forever. And yet she knew that she could not avoid it. Not anymore. "Its fine, William. I understand what you're saying but this threat takes priority. I can handle myself, you know that. Now go, find whatever it is that is causing such a disturbance. You can sense it too, can't you?" It felt weird, like a rotten sort of smell and emotion permeated the air. William nodded, agreeing with her entirely. His abilities were nowhere near as powerful as his Master's own but he was no ordinary Vampire. Her blood imbued him with the sixth sense and incredible abilities that were for the sole purpose of protecting her household. "I understand, my master. I shall take my leave now." William nodded slightly, a gesture of understanding and respect as he separated from her. Soon, she was on her own and following the trail towards the person she knew would be waiting on the other side. The floodgates had opened for the mortals, many of them vying for her attention and yet she ignored them all- ensured that they would not approach by employing a smidge of her power and the sense of danger that always lurked about her. All that changed though when she saw him. The man she was sent to protect and keep from the tumultous supernatural world that they all lived in. Broad shoulders framed an averagely muscular build that was dressed in a well fitting tuxedo. His copper colored hair was medium length but cut into an impressive fade that made the top part longer. It was sleeked back, however and granted him a bad boy look that made all the women and some men around him swoon. She was yet to see his face but she knew already that he would be painfully handsome. They all were. The Black bloodline had been blessed with not only looks but personality for centuries- back before all of this began. Taking a deep, resigned breath despite a part of her warning her to turn away from him and what she was about to encounter, she approached him with slow but sure steps. The anxiety within her grew as she got closer, cementing her earlier thoughts and confusing her all the more. The tie between her and the Black Household was seemingly not gone for good as she thought. Now, she could feel every bit of his worry, anxiety, regret and confusion. He was a bundle of emotions and she couldn't help but want to ease his frustrations somewhat. Dangerous thoughts, Reina....Reign them back in and remember who he is and where he comes from...Remember the dark history that surrounds him and center yourself... It was a mantra that she repeated even as she stopped beside him and took the glass of whiskey from his hands. She needed the burn of alcohol just as badly as he did... "Breathe, Zero. Just Breathe." Her words came out stronger than she anticipated, especially after he turned to stare at her and confirmed all of her worst fears at once. Although a part of her had tried to prepare mentally for what was to come, what she suspected was the glaring truth- she was still gutted by the sight of him. She now understood fully why William longed to stay by her side and ensure that there would be a smooth cushioning of the truth that stood before her. A truth that she had known deep down would come to pass, especially after she met Zachary all those years ago. Fate has played yet another cruel trick on me so why am I so surprised? Why am I so breathless at the sight of my past, present and future colliding in the singular stormy grey gaze of the man before me? Her reaction stunned her, confirming yet again that the tie she had broken may not have been fully severed after all but then again, looking at Zachary's son, she could see why it could still be there. Breathe, Reina...Take your own advice and just breathe...These are residual emotions, nothing more. He does not mean anything to you and you know it. You made sure of it and that is something that can never be reversed. She could see and sense his own calming heartbeat and expression. He was taking her advice, allowing himself to take a deep breath and let the anxiety somewhat dissipate. Although he was confused, he did not question her presence or her downing of his drink. It was clear, however, that he had no idea who she was and that made her smile somewhat inwardly. Oh Zachary, you kept your promise to her...You kept her son away from this world and although it was a hard feat, it is commendable. It, however, makes my work all the harder... Releasing a slow breath, she downed the drink just as the music shifted into something faster, more sultry but still perfect for the occasion. It had been years since she last danced the tango with anyone and although Zero Black was the last person she would have wished to do so with, she had no other choice. I must get him alone, explain to him somewhat what exactly is going on and what I expect of him... "That's good. Now, how about a dance?" Her words were calm, straight forward and her gaze stayed on his despite every urging to turn away. Ice blue to stormy gray, their eyes melded in absolute harmony as she outstretched her hand to him. She was not worried that he would not take it. He seemed to be just as enamored by her as she was of him. She had no doubt in her mind that he would do it and, true enough, he did not hesitate to wrap his firm, strong hand in hers. She could feel the gazes of some of the spurned men and women around them, all of whom were vying not only for her attention but his as well. He exuded confidence, masculinity and was truly handsome. She could not blame any one of them for being so enamored by them but all she could focus on was him as she allowed him to lead her to the middle of the dance floor. The beat was sensual, the music reminiscent of an old Tango number that made her smile. "I'm sorry we know each other from somewhere?" She could sense his confusion even as he led her through the dance. His movement was swift, sensual and with purpose as they enacted the motions of the dance to absolute perfection. He was better than she had anticipated and a part of her was sure that muscle memory had kicked in. No one could perform the Santa Maria with such precision and grace without some form of training. He moves so much like his father...Zachary would be proud if he knew that all his hard work was not completely lost... "It is rare for me to find someone who embodies the grace and purpose of the tango. You are quite good at it. I am impressed." She ignored his question, choosing instead to steer the conversation forward, relax him somewhat before relaying a truth that would probably shatter the world he knew. One that was unblemished and constricted to fairy tales and fantasies of the world that she knew and lived in. "Thank you. I've had some practice over the years..." He murmured, a small smile on his lips that tugged hard at Reina's emotions before she quickly encased them back into their steel box- never to be seen again. Her gaze drifted to the crowd as they danced, noting that they were now the center of attention. All eyes were on them as they moved fluidly across the floor. She was unbothered by their looks and more so intrigued by the increase in the danger she had sensed before. A danger that Zero seemed to sense as well as his earlier anxiety was restored and his gaze shifted back to the crowd of onlookers, including a man and woman who were grinning wide like proud parents of some sort. "Those two...they are your friends, yes?" Reina inquired, a question she already knew the answer to but anything to help him forget his worries and anxiety for the moment. He nodded, shaking his head subtly as amusement flashed across his features. "They are. I'm sure they're happy to see me not moping about as I would usually in these types of events. I find them exhausting but, then again, if I had not come to this one then I would not have met you..." He murmured the last part, his gaze alive with so much at once that it threatened to consume and devour a stunned and taken aback Reina. She did not expect what she saw in his eyes and his body language. Nothing could have prepared her for it but she cushioned the blow and expertly handled her reaction. Her training to become Queen came into full effect, shielding her from his gaze that seemed to be more perceptive than she gave him credit for. I need to finish this quickly...Danger still lurks and he doesn't know much of what is about to come... "You should not have come. You should have listened to your gut feeling. That was self-preservation speaking to you. It was the instincts that have been honed and trained within you that were warning you of impending danger. You may not remember it all but it is there, lurking beneath the shadows of your sub-conscious." Confusion crossed his features as he turned her, allowing her to maneuver her body all around him as the music reached a new crescendo. "What are you..." He began to inquire once she faced him again, but she did not allow him to finish his sentence, her hands wrapped around his neck as she moved to the beat of the song. "You can sense it. A weird kind of anxiety and worry that has nothing to do with the fact that you hate these events. Even that feeling in and of itself is a reflection of your true identity, but I digress. You need to come with me, to allow me to help you. You know deep down that you must. A part of you knows that this is the only way to assuage whatever it is that you feel deep down. Also, if you don't, then many of these mortals will die." She added the last part for urgency as William's figure appeared in the crowd of onlookers. His gaze spelt what she had already suspected. The creature was here and it was about to make its move on the man she was currently wrapped around. The man she came here today to save. If I had been too late then... "Wait...I don't want anyone to die..." "Then take my hand, Zero. Come with me and allow me to help you." The dance was over and claps resounded all around the room just as the MC announced the beginning of the night's auction. Zero was clearly hesitant, confused as to what exactly was happening, but his resolve was strong. He knew that she was right and he chose to believe in his gut feeling, a realization that had Reina releasing a small sigh of relief. Together, they made their way across the dance floor, ignoring all who approached them as they made a beeline for the empty corridor that William had directed his Master to. Across the ballroom was a sizeable meeting room that would be the perfect place for a showdown. Reina subtly watched and felt out the room, a grin stretching across her lips as she felt the sinister energy slowly follow them. Whoever it was had fallen for their trap...Good. It would be their downfall.... ***
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